(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

customs in australia
once, hb and I tried to bring some tasmanian peaches (bought in tasmania) into melbourne cos we wanted to enjoy the delicious peaches as we embark on our 2nd half of the holiday in melbourne.... and the customs officer refused to allow us to enter with the peaches no matter how much we tried to explain to him. in the end, we stuffed ourselves silly with the peaches, and got them safely in our stomaches before crossing the customs gantry. it was such a pity to throw them away.

so the moral of the story is, aussies are very very strict abt wat u bring into their country. even boots are checked for soil particles. so best to bring only the necessities (like fm for babies), and get the rest in their supermkts.

what koalarie advised is very true. let reyes roll around the mattress, while u lie down pretending to be asleep. after a while, he'll get bored and follow suit to go to sleep. i managed to rid aiden of his habit of being nursed to sleep, by adopting this "follow me to sleep" method.

being sahm
it's no mean feat being a sahm, as some mummies have aptly described above. i was going "yah yah yah" as i read, and especially agree with the stinking rat part

who doesn't smell like one, running after our babies in this humid weather and not getting any time to shower???
yes i totally agree.. sometimes after BF GAB is still awake so i turn off the lights, switch off the TV and wa la... within 10mins she's aslp. during the 10 mins she'l self entertain herself till she gets tired and no reaction from me...then... oink.... oinkk... oinkkk....
<font color="ff6000">Follow to me to sleep method</font>

Tried and still doesn't work. Even How much I tried not to turn or make nosie, it still doesn't work. UNLESS, he is so tired, maybe. But an hour or 30mins later, he wakes up again and make noise. He nods we are on our bed, he will make noise and call us to carry him. As for turn to a side to sleep, he usually will turn himself to a side when I put him dw. Unless he is too tired and he just lie flat.

Guess got to try out in the Infant care and see how he can manage it. Must try to let go...

<font color="ff6000">HMFMD</font>

This thing never ending. Even How careful we are, there will still be other kids be affected and spread to others. Sigh!
Follow to me to sleep method
it does and does not ... if she's not tired, she'll just jump up and climb here and there, roll here and there, flip and flop until she is tired out and is happy with a nice cosy position. cannot force one ... Can lie down beside her for 1 hour and she's still not sleeping even though I have already doze on and off. but if she's tired, very fast, within 10 minutes she's zzzzz. better still, after a full lunch, don't even need to lie beside her.

My son like yours! We have to carry and rock him to sleep since 2 months old. I had really bad wrist because of that for about 8 months, only getting much better after I stopped breastfeeding. Know its a bad habit and tried many methods upon advices from people. Its always like a vicious cycle. The first week we tried a new method, we will be very determined and really go for it, tiring ourselves out and the effect is quite good but as the time goes, thinking that his new habits will stay and also no more energy to battle, we will not be so strict and slowly, his old habits will come back. We tried the rolling around method too, off lights and just lie on bed, ignoring him. He used to just babble to himself nd roll around and fell asleep. but now, the moment I put him in the cot to play by himself, he will yell and scream, cry till nose leaking, tears streaming down......

So now, we are on another quest. We decided that he will not stop crying till we carry him if he knows that we are around in the room. For the past 3 nights, we carry him and put him down when fast asleep and we will leave the room. He will wake up and cry several times in the middle of nights. We will stand outside the room, occassionally peeking. The poor guy will cry for 10-15 min each time and my husband and i will be trying to be tough though I'm sure very heartache. He cried down in most instances unless he fell down and knocked his head or pooed so far.
I'm not sure if we are doing the right thing but we just feel that we need to try and not simply give in to his demands. Hope that this will help and very soon, he can go back to sleep without fuss at night coz I don't think we can stand it much longer. We were constantly on our toes and could not sleep well, worrying how our son is in another room. Will consider getting a CCTV so that can monitor him in our room.
Do you think it is very cruel to leave a young kid on his own and when wakes up, faces darkness and no one around to comfort him? screams till voice hoarse and still no one comes to rescue him? will leave negative psychological effects on them or not? I am so gulity, constantly asking myself.....


Strawberry, you mentioned you will send Gabrielle to Learning vision. Have you toured the place yet? can share with me the costs? I am thinking of sending my son to childcare twice a week. liked pat's schoolhouse and brighton Montesorri but too expensive. I am not FTWM, so cost is an issue but hope to get him out of the house for more activities rather than staying at home all day.

Hunniepot, is this confirmed?

for those mummies who are joining, can you make it earlier say 1 or 130pm instead of 2pm? Thought can have more time to play before the little ones get tired for their afternoon nap but of course, diff babies have diff routines. Let's see the majority's preferences then and decide on a time best for most people.

Managed to pull out the last post on the outing for easier reference.

RE: Atlantis City @ Delta
Dates: 4th of May
Timing: 1pm or 130pm or 2 pm

1. hunniepot
2. Rach
3. Terrier
4. uniqueone
5. tanwawas (anytime is fine for me cos I live nearby)
6. cheers3344 (1pm)
Hi cheers3344,

Let's have another vote to see which day you ladies prefer?

RE: Atlantis City @ Delta
Dates: 3rd of May OR 4th of May
Timing: 1pm or 130pm or 2 pm

1. hunniepot (both days are fine with me; 2pm)
2. Rach
3. Terrier
4. uniqueone
5. tanwawas (anytime is fine for me cos I live nearby)
6. cheers3344 (1pm)

I wont be able to make it at 1 pm cos I need quite some time to feed Amanda her lunch and dont want to mess up the place by letting her eat outside.. you ladies can go ahead first and I join you all later?
yes i've checked the place out. its abt $600+/per mth. i think its reasonable compared to ETON which is $1200/month for full time but $900 after subsidy. still very expensive. but of cos the environment at ETON is much better...
well its definately not cheap to raise a child now...
i think its better to send them to "school" then to stay at home walking ard and learn nothing and be a tyrant!!!!! haha...
RE: Atlantis City @ Delta
Dates: 3rd of May OR 4th of May
Timing: 1pm or 130pm or 2 pm

1. hunniepot (both days are fine with me; 2pm)
2. Rach
3. Terrier
4. uniqueone
5. tanwawas (either day is ok; 1.30 or 2 pm better cos I need to clean up after Aiden finishes lunch at 1pm)
6. cheers3344 (1pm)
<font color="0000ff">Cheers</font>,

Try this Sterimar (hope I spell correctly) nose spray. Is abt $15.00.

As for Infant care, Most of them are full day and they don't hv like 2-4 days, flexi type of program. Does anybody nods any of these flexi, half day program around east or punggol area?

As for leaving bb alone, I read something like if bb wakes up and cry, you can go and see him for a while, like telling him you are there. Is like comforting him. But don't stay in the rm. But do check on him now and then.

As for Riz, he is sleeping in my rm. He so clever. He nods when I am around and not.

I visited Star Learners. http://www.starlearners.com.sg/ Walking distant from our place. Environment not too bad but I feel too many kids around. For 18mths and above, they have 15 kids and 3 teachers. The person in charge there told me the full ratio is 1:8. So they are not consider full yet. But compare to the one at Blk 17, this one is so much better.

Which infant care is your son in now? Need to take MRT?
<font color="ff6000">cheers</font>
i think what you're describing is similar to the "controlled crying" method (see here: http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/baby/babysleep/teachsleep/1497112.html). this really worked for me, of course at first, listening to my girl cry was super painful for me and hubby, after just 1 min we both wanted to go and pick her up but we persevered and she sleeps quite well now. only took about 3 days of training. this is only for night sleeping, as i mentioned b4, i still have to figure out how to get her to nap by herself!

<font color="ff6000">babies inc childcare</font>
was considering this a couple of months back so i went to check it out (the bt timah branch). was quite impressed with the carers there. i asked a lot of questions, like how they get the babies to nap etc and was pretty satisfied with their response. the day i went, there seemed to be as many carers as babies (almost like 1:1 ratio). my cousin had her son there from 4mths to 2.5yrs and was very happy with them, says that if she has another baby, she's def gonna put him/her there. i think the only thing some ppl said they dun like abt the place is that it's a bit old, not very modern, but it does seem very clean and safe to me.
<font color="0000ff">Twinkle_starry</font>, You mean for Infant care?

<font color="0000ff">strawberry</font>, Good luck for yr interview tmr.
hi petite ,

yes infant care but that is 2 yrs back. you can call to check it out. Not sure the current price and structure though

Hi tracy,
I saw the brochures for the Starlearner and din went for their open house. I guess the Blk 17 is old and u know lah cannot meet the std. currently my son is in adventure land near to kembangan. Infant care is ok but i feel their childcare so-so only.
Child Care
Seems like we are planning for a new phase already with a few mummies looking out for child care. And that incls me.

However, I have to admit that I am clueless on what to look out for/ask when shortlisting the choices.

Should we start a list of potential questions to ask?

Let me start the ball rolling:
1. Student/Teacher ratio
2. Curriculum
3. Fee
4. Timing eg flexi, full, 1/2
5. Uniform or own clothing
1. Student/Teacher ratio
2. Curriculum
3. Fee
4. Timing eg flexi, full, 1/2
5. Uniform or own clothing
6. Max no of kids per class/session
7. Type of food provided
8. Policy on discipline
I am also nuring KJ to sleep at night and sometime in the day. If we are at my mom's place, we will rock KJ to sleep in the carseat. If Daddy do it, he will rock him in the carseat too.
1. Student/Teacher ratio
2. Curriculum
3. monthly Fee, Working Parent Subsidy? GST? Registration Fee?
4. Timing eg flexi, full, 1/2
5. Uniform or own clothing
6. Max no of kids per class/session
7. Type of food provided
8. Policy on discipline
9. Do we have to pay for the uniform? How many set require?
10. Do we have to bring/buy our own mattress/cover? If not, how much?
11. Do you provide milk? Do we need to bring our own bottle/milk powder? Ds do not drink from bottle, any problem with that?
12. Closure of Centre, Teacher's Day? Children's Day? Sat half day/full day?

Reading what your boy is going through make me feel heart pain. I cant imagine how the little boy feels so alone in his room at night. Although I had been planning when I get move my boy out of my room, but I still does not have the heart to do that yet. Maybe when he's much older.

My boy oso hates his cot very much. The moment I try to carry him over into the cot, he'll start to wail n wail. So now I let him sleep on the floor. At times when he did not immediately sleep after nursing at night, I would use the follow me to sleep method as what Evon said. I would tell him that it's night time when he's suppose to sleep. Than I'll lie by his side n pretend to sleep. But if he still try to play around and refuse to try to sleep after 5 mins despite my warning, I would execute my warning, that is I put him into the cot that he hates, and I get out of the room. I let him cry for a minute or 2 then go back and fetch him down to the mattress to sleep. Then if he still continue to play, I would repeat the procedure and let him cry longer this time. Initially, it take 3 times in and out before he become tired and fall asleep. Nowadays, he know I mean it, and it takes 1 time, and he would really go asleep.

Maybe the cot gives the babies feeling of being caged, and that gives them insecurity. Now that they are older, they start to acquire good and bad feelings towards things. Do you consider changing his bed at what age?

U managed to get rid of nursing to sleep habit? Then do you still nurse your baby before that or give FM?

RE: Atlantis City @ Delta
Dates: 3rd of May OR 4th of May
Timing: 1pm or 130pm or 2 pm

1. hunniepot (both days are fine with me; 2pm)
2. Rach
3. Terrier (1.30 or 2pm)
4. uniqueone
5. tanwawas (either day is ok; 1.30 or 2 pm better cos I need to clean up after Aiden finishes lunch at 1pm)
6. cheers3344 (1pm)
1. Student/Teacher ratio
2. Curriculum
3. monthly Fee, Working Parent Subsidy? GST? Registration Fee?
4. Timing eg flexi, full, 1/2
5. Uniform or own clothing
6. Max no of kids per class/session
7. Type of food provided
8. Policy on discipline
9. Do we have to pay for the uniform? How many set require?
10. Do we have to bring/buy our own mattress/cover? If not, how much?
11. Do you provide milk? Do we need to bring our own bottle/milk powder? Ds do not drink from bottle, any problem with that?
12. Closure of Centre, Teacher's Day? Children's Day? Sat half day/full day?
13. Toilet training?
14. What measures in case when child gets sick?
15. How many naps per day?
1. Student/Teacher ratio
2. Curriculum
3. monthly Fee, Working Parent Subsidy? GST? Registration Fee?
4. Timing eg flexi, full, 1/2
5. Uniform or own clothing
6. Max no of kids per class/session
7. Type of food provided
8. Policy on discipline
9. Do we have to pay for the uniform? How many set require?
10. Do we have to bring/buy our own mattress/cover? If not, how much?
11. Do you provide milk? Do we need to bring our own bottle/milk powder? Ds do not drink from bottle, any problem with that?
12. Closure of Centre, Teacher's Day? Children's Day? Sat half day/full day?
13. Toilet training?
14. What measures in case when child gets sick?
15. How many naps per day?
16. contract policy? like if wanna withdrawn from school, what'll be the refund policy like?
16. dining room, separate from the usu actiivty room?
17. how they shower/bath our kids? (heard from ex-colleague that her kids gotta undress fully and wait outside the bathroom for her turn. and the teacher jus splash water on her.... horrible..)
18. what'll they do if our kids reject the food they prepare? (fussy eater?)
me went to "survery suvery" learning vision @ arthur road, cherie hearts when my girl aro 8th mth old... kaisu right? hee... like the learning vision very much... although direct bus to there (aro 5-6 stops away)... hubby didnt favour this cause need to take transport... but we both like the pl...
1. a big field...
2. meals are at another room - i.e dinning pl
3. bathrooms at another location...
4. the designated room for toddlers are big, divide into 3 sections (if me can rem correctly) for diff actitives...
5. cooking pl is far away from the rooms
6. NO AIR-CON...
RE: Child care centres

You guys can check out the Little Skool at AMK Hub, it is brand new.. and I like the layout too.. think it is about $800+ for full day, think for working mothers it is $600+

I asked the Little Skool the same qns as well.. told the person my girl doesnt drink from the bottle at all, and has to be spoon fed (I didnt tell her that my girl doesnt want to be spoon fed either.. but will train her) and she said they will act accordingly to parents' instructions..

As for fussy eaters, we will have to ask the CC to report to us whether they are eating their meals right

One of my friends place her girl at learning vision at 18 mths old.. and she was amazed that she was able to drink from the cup and feed herself with the spoon all within 2 weeks! Cos every child there is doing it that way.. so they learn thru imitation
I feel that no matter how detailed we can ask the CC all these questions, the most important of all is to see for yourself when you are there, whether you feel good about the caregivers and the environment, surrounding.

Last year when I was selecting IFC, my estate actually has one withing a walking distance, however, I ended with the current one that I need to travel some distance via transport. It was the above critical points that actually led me to the decision. You must feel comfortable with the caregivers, that they truly love children. You may attempt to ask them what's their turnover rate of the caregivers, whether they work full-time or part-time. Next, observe if the environment is roomy for you kids to play, and is bright, clean and hygenic.

As for the different child's habit, I do not think that the CC will take too great efforts to meet each child's need. They would try to apply the same method on every child. For example, no matter how u put your child to sleep at home, in CC, the caregivers would use the same method to put all the children to sleep at the same time. They would all be given same proportion of food, and wouldn't be given additional serving unless the child knows how to ask for it. Remember that now is 1 caregiver to take care of a few kids, it would be very difficult if need to personalise individually.

So, u REALLY need to LET GO should u finally put ur child to CC.
another thing to ask is how much is the penalty charges for being late. Some centers give allowances of 5 mins while others can be 10 mins or not at all.

In case raining trapped in traffice jam fm work etc...

since you stay in the west, are you interested to put your bb in Modern Montessori at Ten Mile Junction?

I quite like the place there and also heard good comments from colleague. But I have never asked those questions that were posted above.

Any west mummies have any comments on that cc?

yes, all cc got penalty charges for picking up your child late. Thats why it also quite stressful if your job require you to work late.
Hi gals,now that we on childcare issue, may I know if any live near thomson/novena area and have looked at the childcare centres around that area...do let me know your opinions. Might consider that so she can learn more..
Hi, smufy

I have got a colleague whom sent his daughter there. Besides the price , he feedback that his little gal enjoyed the class and started to talk more to the parents.

Reason being, she is always keeping to herself at home especially.

No complaints from him so far.

I staying in Bukit Batok, what about you? any consideration for the Learning Vision

My neighblour told me that the cambridge childcare centre is quite good.. located near the novena mrt station.. i wil be checking that out
can consider GUG at united square.

I signed XT on weekend lessons and noticed that they ve childcare services at 3 times a week also.
My colleague just feedback on the Learning Vision at Kent Vale. She said very good. She said they learn alot of stuff, like the different types of dinosaurs :)P), microscopic views of different items (eg, hair etc). I find their syallabus quite interesting. And they also add in alot of additional activities (with additional cost of cos).

I stay in bt panjang so would prefer a cc in this area as my auntie can help to pick him up before 7pm.
re: BB's appetite not good

Any of ur bbs like that?

Porridge/cereals don't want to eat... Try the chawamusi method, oso dun want.

Milk intake has gone from 5oz to probably ard 2.5oz?

Yet, if give her bread with kaya and cheese, she wants.
i'll be moving to Balestier soon so i'll put bb ard that area too... there is one LEARNING VISION at GENTLE lane.. but it's like 5 mins walk away from my ILS so i'm looking out for alternatives..

when you have checked out the cambridge childcare pls let me knw can? thnks.. btw where exactly is it?

i've to look for one infant/child care really soon cos went for an interview today and i got thru to 2nd rd and if every thing goes well will have to go to Hong Kong for 6 WEEKS!!!... i donno how man....???? feel like bring bb along with me ...
yes my bb is the same too... give her rice dun want. but bread ok.. funny thing is feed her with spoon reject but feed her with hand ok....
ON a seperate topic of CC.. chenoa thk it will be good for u ;)

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Closing date
April 29, 2007

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mom_yam...i where got many stories to tell? somemore must write about Superkids leh.....me dunno got time to watch TV or not leh...why not you try? :)P issit u already submit registration liao ley?)
strawberry, I didn't know there's a learning vision in the area. Anyway Cambridge is just next to novena church..very near the MRT. Must find out if it's good coz actually it's very near my place but I have heard frens say it's very worksheet based. Not sure if that is true.

Actually around here got alot of CC. Montesorri, Eton House, Preschool of multiple intelligence but think their rates are steep and dunno worth the price or not..

Mom, never watch tv so guess can't join liao...

Any of your babies started calling Mama and papa? Mine still can't....slow or not...
Thanks BABE... ok ok.. i know which one liao.. but that one 18 months then can send rite?
yes bb gab has started calling mama quite some time ago... recently she learned papa... made her dad so happy...
dun worrie abt it... when your bb learns how to talk bb will talk non stop!!!!
Today I also went to Wincester childcare/ infant care @ Apollo Ctr there to take alook.

Also v ex- $1100 after sub.

They only takes in 10 infants and they stay in a different rm from the older kids.

Need not pay for mattress and cover but they will ask you to bring hm the cover to wash every week.

Pros: *They teaches Japanese songs too
*The principle is a trained ex-nurse. (she always around)
*They hav half-day program and you can choose both of the time slots esp if you are working shift work type. ($750/-)
*They cater to yr needs, like if yr bb need to be carry to sleep. They will carry them. etc...
*They cater dinner too.
*Not late charges for late mummies
*Very few children in the childcare.

Cons: *Most of the teachers there are 'study-mummies'- china ladies
*Price ex. Rather choose babies Inc but out of the way...
*The principle abit ya ya papaya.
*The china teachers always speak chinese and english is ok only.

But If I work around there, I think I hv no choice to put him there. Thinking of learning vision infant care but there isn't any round the corner. Unless KK hospital. But if rain, I'm dead!

Another 1- Cherie Hearts in Harbourft. Will check and post here tmr.

This infant care is very strict on discipline- no carry. sleep on yr own. The most they pat bb to sleep.

Will also call babies Inc tmr. Saw their website, they hv pick up and send bb hm services. Hm....
they have pick up and send bb home service but have to pay lor...!! got money anything is possible mah...
you not going back to the big bird?
