(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Hunniepot</font>, tat's good news! you found a job. Me still finding.... Also looking for a maid.

<font color="0000ff">Tracy</font>, Poor Enya.
I don't like the feeling too. Hope she is getting better.

<font color="ff6000">Rasins</font>

Riz also hv rasins as his snacks. Onece he went looking in my bag and found a pkt of open rasins. Quietly sitting dw, pour out the rasins on the flr and pick 1 by 1 to eat. I did not realise till I wonder why suddenly so quiet....

Riz has eaten Formage Frais, Yoghurts, lots of type of biscuits, cheese, mushrooms, eggs, pizza, scallops.

Was thinking of giving prawns. Maybe I shall wait till he is 18mths first.

Anybody read the newspaper yesterday:

In penang, a 18mths old gal legs were broken abd bruises on her face. Was taken care by the maid. Mother went out to buy food and came back still did not realise what had happen, The poor gal was crying more than 1hr+++. Poor child. I can't imagine anymore. So scary and so sad!

Hi Tracy, I m new in this thread, may i know how old is Enya? My son is 4 months old, he is having bronchitis too =( he was sick for almost a month liao =(
Hi Piggymummy,

Enya is 15 mth old. Her pd put her on neuberliser every 4 hourly. Now her phlegm is lesser. Pass out thru her poo poo. Do take care of your boy. He is so young to be sick for so long.

I will try to post Enya's pic later to show how the nurse bundle her hands so that she dun pull out her drip. But she is very ichy fingers. Pull out the drip yesterday even when they bundle her hands. Lost a bit of blood but she was crying like crazy.

Thank you ladies for the well wishes. Enya is definitely better now.
Hi Tracy,
Ya, i m very sad and worried abt my son. I went to see 2 PDs, and they said the same thing, coz of INFANT CARE!!...
I m a working mum... and my hb asked me to quit =( really headache... as we really heartpain to see my son on medication for almost 1 month =(
by the way, i m letting my son take western medication and go for chinese physiotherapy at Yu Guo. You heard about it?

I really can understand how you feel. I'm a FTWM too. But I left my girl with her nanny. So I guess the risk of getting sick is much lower than infant care. Actually Enya is about to go to child care in another 3 mths time. I'm now thinking twice. My mum also disapproved of her going to child care. I will probably let her nanny bring her to playgroup instead.

Re: Yu Guo
I have heard of it but never try before. I think a few of the ladies had brought their little one there. If I'm not wrong, Evon you brought your girl there before right?

Re: Physiotherapy
While Enya was in the hospital, a physiotherapist was assigned to her. She actually taught me to do it on Enya myself. It seems like Enya likes it to. I will continue to do until she is much better.

So Enya wif the nanny since 3 months old? I was thinking to stop going back to infant care, as i really scared he will get another bronchitis attack again, which is now nearly drive me crazy. This Yu Guo is not bad, coz, a chinese physician will examine my son before they start doing the pysiotherapy. I saw there are many mummies bring thier kids there (thier kids are having same problem - cough, cold and lots of phlegm), and i treat it as a supplementary for my son.
I went to Yu Guo since Monday till today, every session cost $17, if there is any chinese herb given, it will be $30++ in total.
My son 's cough is improving after taking western medicine n going thru the physiotherapy. But , he stil got lots of phlegm =( I am really very sad , as he never smile since 30/6 =( =( perhaps he is really suffer from the cough n phlegm, or he is unhappy with me n my hb. During this month, my hb n me kept on quarrelling, almost everyday =( most prob is i m really very worried abt my little one,and i m really too tired after taking care of him day n nite......

Think , if u do it continously for Enya, she will get well faster and can build up her immune system as well. =)
<font color="ff6000">chenoa</font>
thanks for the good wishes!!
actually i'm not far along at all, only about 13-14 wks at the moment. but this time the first trimester was much harder than last time, prob cos have to deal with an active toddler as well. don't know the sex of #2 yet, hopefully next visit to gynae we'll know...
<font color="0000ff">Re:Yu Guo</font>
yes. I do.

I am a strong believer in chinese medication as compared to western one.

Sorry to hear on your son's cough.

If u believe, try asking for the chinese medication powder from them as well.

Let the docs to advice the interval to take and be diligent.

Ur bb may struggle initially but after a couple of times he will not.. becoz he knows it soothes the cough.

That is at least what happened to my gal.

She used to struggle a lot when very young. But subsequently she didn't and when we told her that she needed to take this medication for her running nose/cough, she will let us.. though it is bitter.

Babies do understand... don't becoz we think that the medication is horrible to drink, we don't let them to drink..

Babies will know if the medication does help or not after taking.. =p

Just me and my husband's personal feelings. = )

my son was having cough few mths back for almost a mth. I let him take chinese cough powder and it is ok by 7 days. Maybe you can try and it is sold at a TCM at rocher center
Hi, mums


My boy is about 15.5 mths old now, i have yet to introduce him to rice for his everyday meals. How much should we give him?

At this stage, if the vege is not chop inot fine pieces, they can't possibly eat the vege like us right?

Any advice?

Addicted to Pacifier?

mums, anyway to help them quit? I must find a way?

Any help?


I tried the cough powder from Eu Yan Sang, it good but it takes time.

You must be persistent for the follow-up and you can purchase the different cough medicine from Eu Yan Sang.
Congratulation on bb#2!!!!

Raisin bread,
my girl will peel out raisin / peach from bread and eat, then leave the bread for us to eat.
The funny is...she will poo poo out the raisin / peach without digesting.

My girl is 15mths today,have been trying egg white on her since she was 14mths but I think she has allegy.
She is suppose to have her MMR on 06 Aug but I intend to delay to 18mths.
Any advice ?
<font color="ff6000">terrier</font>
really?? wow, when are you due? i think i'm due end jan 08. how are you feeling?

<font color="ff6000">mrs ho</font>
thanks for your kind wishes!

<font color="ff6000">sophia tan</font>
my girl was also very sensitive to egg, both the yolk and white part. the skin around her mouth would turn very red when we let her try it. it was only until she was abt 11-12 mths that she started getting better. even now, we notice that when she eats something where the egg is not cooked totally hard (like half-boiled egg), her mouth turns a little pink.

is there any reason why you want to delay her MMR jab? personally, i think it's best to take it when it's due, esp since it's not one of those optional jabs like pneumoccocal or chicken pox.
hi jolie,

mine also addicted to pacifier during nap time. now i m trying to stop it leh, not sucessful yet so no idea. now i m started to let him doze off sleep or use his blanket as alternative. Work at times only leh.

mummies, any ideas?
Hi Koalarie,
Thanks. I do hope my son can take chinese medicine. But, the sinseh asked not to mix. So, i just let him continue to take western medicine n doing chinese physiotherapy at the same time. He is much better now =) thanks for the concern =)But, he stil got a bit cough n phlegm, which i think the phlegm will take time to go off...
However, if he falls sick in future ( touchwood*** ) ( which i dun want it to be happened ) i will bring him to Yu Guo rite away, i dun really want him to take western medicine anymore .....

Hi Twinkle-Starry,

How old is your son? Which TCM that you mentioned? Maybe i may need it in future ( touchwood )......
Ya, I left Enya with the nanny when she is abt 2 1/2mth old. So far so good. Nothing to complain abt the nanny. I quite like her. She quite young, only 40 yr old.

Re: Pacificer
Enya is also addicted to her pacificer. Especially when she is sleepy. She go "Tu Where?" She will keep asking until you give it to her. Really no idea how to get her to quit tu tu.

Her pd recently just told me to let her quit the milk bottle. Try to get her to drink milk from cup. Has anyone of you tried?

How is Enay now? Better? Amanda has been drinking from the cup for some time now.. had to train her early cos she does not drink from anything but the breasts.. expect alot of mess at the beginning.. firstly let her play with the cup first.. and you drink a cup in front of her.. and let her imitate.. we also 'kang bei' (yum seng) with her and she likes it.. there is this cup that i bought, combi brand.. find it very good.. it had a lid over the cup, so it helps to minimise mess, but very ex though, about $20.90..


Thanks for the detailed explanation on how you managed to wean YY.. hope I can do the same.. I can super tired now.. she has been waking up no less than 5 times a night for several weeks already.. seems like their 'pattern' will change after everytime they fall ill..
Hi piggymummy,
He is 15mths now. i will sent u the address tonight.

Hi Hunni,
ya lor i started new work liao. so far so good.
hey the cup u bought for amanda is those with sprout?

Hi tracy,
hope Enya is getting better now. your gal so smart can say tu tu. my ds dun know how to say it and he will only fuss if he want to sleep and no tu tu . End up i pat him over my shoulder and eventually he will doze off. i m hoping i can use this way . still trying out diff method

Below are the pictures of the cup, its not those with spout.. but it is really handy in helping to train them to drink from the cup..


hi hi
Yu Guo
umm my daughter had cough three days ago i brought her to see doc from polclinic was prescibed the same cough mixture when i brought her to KK. I let her drink for two days but didnt improve. I was scared cos the last time she cough only for a day and she recovered. moreover this time she had some phelm. my maid then advised me to bring her to Yu Guo which i did previously. I brought her there the fouth day and by afternoon she is ok lia. I am a strong believer in Yu Guo lia. hahaha
Very effective i think so XIN TONG that my girl drank the mixture for two days cos i dont really like my girl to drink western medication. Just my thoughts
I'm looking for a similar cup like yours..cos those w sprouts required strong sucking & Ivec dun really know how to do so..but he can drink frm a cup..though he always spills..hee,..so where did u get urs from?
why need to wean off the bottle so fast meh? 'cos many kids actually still bottle until kindergarten yrs leh.

After I started on the FM, she can sleep through for 8-12 hrs. Before that, she still suck every like 4-6 hours. So I think my bm really not filling. It's really good I can sleep uninteruppted nowadays. hahaha I'm bf free for 3 days liao! When she nudge at my shirt, I prepare FM for her...although quite tempting to give bm leh....kinda miss it.

YY had her jab on Sunday, so far no symptoms yet. PD says 1% will get fever after 1 week, but low grade and not lasting more than 2 days, else it's not due to the jab.
Hi shylyn,

I got mine from toa payoh kiddy palace.. but saw it selling at other places such as tom&stephanie (west mall), BHG (SEIYU bishan), etc.. but think this cup is quite popular cos always see a few pieces left or out of stock..


Wah.. thats good for you! Does YY drink from the bottle readily now? I think my BM is still enough... think she is like that mainly cos she feels insecure after falling ill.. so everynight wakes up, wants to suck suck.. think I need to find her a comfort toy or object liao
Getting rid of phlegm
Hi mommies, long time no post liao... yea, good to see the thread coming back to live again. I want to share something which will help get rid of phlegm.

As you know, my Leo used to get cough very often, he also develops phlegm very easily. Whether this is due to infant care or due to the fact his daddy had childhood asthma, we don't know. But we know that we were spending too much time taking him to the pd, spending too much money on the same type of cough medicine. Even Yu Guo wasn't helping. Then one day, my mom told me to give him 'hou3 zao3 fen3' from the chinese medical hall. I was sceptical as can be, and resisted for as long as possible cos i didn't want to mix western and chinese medicine. Finally, i gave in one day and put some of the powder in his FM. His thick phlegm disappeared over the next 2 days! It is fast and effective. Ever since then, i will mix the powder in his milk at the first sign of phlegm, and he will always recover quickly, and not develop into serious cough or anything. To me, it's a miracle powder cos it's cheap and good and effective. You can get it at any chinese medical hall. I'm not saying that it will work for everyone, but it's worth giving a try. The one the EYS sells is overpriced, i get mine from normal chinese medical hall for about $12plus only. HTH
Will find the cup and let KJ try out.

KJ just developed a cough, some phlegm and a running nose. I just brought him to see his PD. The PD said that hopefully it will not get worst or bronchitis because he got that before. *really sian*
<font color="ff6000">hunniepot</font>
i also weaned my girl off BM recently. as i mentioned before, she only needs a 'suck suck' for afternoon naps sometimes. i was not as lucky as chenoa, my girl did not take to a bottle so easily. same as yours, she only liked the breast or a cup. after many days of wasted milk and diff methods (pigeon milk bottle rejected, gain iq FM rejected, FM from cup or straw rejected...), we finally found success! so what i did was to give her a bottle of FM (wyeth progress gold, it's vanilla flavoured) first thing in the morning when she's still a bit blur and also the minute she wakes from a nap. so far so good. i'm using her colourful avent magic cup with a avent #4 nipple fitted to it.

she has been able to sleep through the night for several months now, even before i decided i wanted to wean her. simply because i was just too tired (and lazy) to keep waking up, and also i knew she really didn't need to drink/suck, she was just used to the habit. i used the controlled crying method (also used it to train her to fall asleep at bedtime without me breastfeeding or hubby rocking her) and was expecting many painful nights of screaming but surprisingly, she got the message after 2-3 nights and stopped waking up and was able to sleep more or less on her own. hope this helps you
, i know how tiring it can be.
Hi ladies,

Enya is back to her usual self, running around in the house. Still a bit of cough but can hear that the phlegm is almost gone. Thank you all for your concern. Pd said she needs to take vitamins after she finishes her antibiotics this week. This is to "pu" back whatever she has lost when she is sick.

I like your cup. Looks very handy. Do you know whether there is a cheaper range? $20 is a bit ex.

Pd said to start weaning them off the bottle now so that it will not affect the development of their teeth. I actually dun know how to start. Enya now drinks water from her straw cup and milk in her bottle. I think I might start her with water. As for milk, she likes it bottle especially in the night. I try giving it to her in her straw cup before but she doesn't want.

You might want to keep your boy indoor under he is well. Pd told me not to bring Enya out for abt 2 weeks. He doesn't want her to catch any virus again. Meanwhile, you do take care.
congrats miu66 on your preggie...heehee..join the clubs..looks like quite a few mommies all preggie again. Heehee....

Well went for chk up last week and so funny when the gynae scanned. The bb legs open open and we actually see sth. Well, but she said better to wait detailed scan to confirm. Can see in my blog the scan babyship.blogspot.com

I asked PD if I shld give my gal vits coz she like every other mth fall sick. He said no need. If now dun fall sick and build resistance, next time also the same. Hmmm...

Hunni, you going back to work?

So you managed to get your girl to drink from the bottle too? Thats good! Cos it is alot less messy to drink from the bottle than the cup.. my girl will get bored after awhile and will decide to pour the contents out when she has had her fill.. so more mess for me to clean up.. you are a work from home mom right? So you will be taking care of your 2 kids once you given birth?


I would have gotten the cheaper version if there is one available.. so far this seems like the only cup of its kind available...


Yups, Im going back to work liao.. enough of staying at home, been 2 years!
<font color="ff6000">babe</font>
thanks so much for the congrats! congrats to you too
. checked out yr blog, that scan image is so funny with the legs open!! when are you due? you look nice and slim still, i'm ballooning rapidly!

<font color="ff6000">hunnie</font>
yah i managed to get her to drink from a bottle. it's actually a sippy cup, see pic here:

she's been drinking from this since she was abt 7mths but was not keen on taking milk from it (must suck quite hard from the spout). decided to try the same cup (since she's used to the handles and colours etc) with a teat fitted to it and surprisingly she didn't mind, but as i said maybe it's cos i "tricked" her by giving it to her when she was real blur in the early morning.

normal cup - she's able to manage a straw and/or adult cup but after a while, she always wants to put her hand in and play with the contents!!

yes, i'm a WFHM. prob have to scale back on work a bit next year and we also decided to hire a maid. need someone to help with cooking and chores, and also keep an eye on K sometimes. engaged a filipino maid with no local experience, she is supposed to arrive sometime this week, really keeping my fingers crossed, really hope she is ok, heard so many stories of maid headaches.
miu, ya ya me and hb was looking so shocked when the gynae showed us the scan..hahaa....EDD 11 Jan. Me nice and slim? You muz be joking..balloon so much faster than the first one. Now look like 5 mths preggie...stretchmarks starting to appear. Haha..muz be good camera tricks by my hb...
working moms with tots in IFC / CC, how to claim for subsidy or get subsidised rate? those working free-lance / part-time can qualify? me thinking about working part-time ...
Hi ladies
Long time since i posted an actual post..so how hv u ladies been?

RE: Sippy Cup
Just wondering, whether the teat is very diff to suck from for all of these sippy cups? Any particular brand which allow easy sucking? Cos the one Hunnie has is rather ex..hee

U managed to get the DVD already? I have another VCD on Yoga for Preggie mommies..u keen? Or any other mommy keen as well?

The childcare centre will apply the subsidy for you so long you provide them your employment letter. Yes, partime working mothers are eligble. If you can fulfill 40hrs work per month, you are still eligible for full subsidy

there is also subsidy for non working mum but the amt is half of working mum.

So far the CC only take employment letter and they dun care how long u hv been in the company.
There is one way. I don't know the details on how this works, but my hubby mention to me that can register as a company, then the mother as the employee/employer, considered as someone with job, then can eligible for the subsidy.

ya this is one way too. I actually plan B to do that when i am abt to leave the company and when i need the letter for his childcare since I m going to change his center. But now i hv a job liao so i may do that later if needs arise.
Hi Chenoa,

Have checked with CC that if one is a self-employed like full-time tutor, another alternative is to make a declaration/ vow with the lawyer, then bring the letter to the CC will do in order to enjoy the $150 subsidy. If not, SAHM will only get a $75 subsidy. Btw according to the PIC, it costed abt $20 last year. HTH

Ya, same sentiments as terrier. Looks like u are having a boy from your scan foto with something sticking out in between the legs.
heehee...look like a boy ya....just hopefully not the fingers...waiting the detailed scan next month to confirm.

shylyn, thanks. Got the dvd..

Hey gals, have you all taken your bb for some studio shoot? I saw www.thestudioloft.com.sg and find their shots not bad. Any of you keen? Heeehee...if enough number can get them do a better offer with BP.
Hi babe,
Saw your blog. Looks like a boy to me.

Re: Photo shoot
I have been wanting to bring Enya for a photo shoot but I'm always too busy. I dun mind to join the BP. Keep me updated ok.

Re:Childcare Centre
Looks like many of you are sending your little ones to the CC. For me, I will wait for awhile. Especially when Enya just recovered. My mum disagree Enya going to CC big time. I will probably sign her up in playgroups in the meantime.
Hey babe,

last time I shared the BP for studioloft on this thread, but not many people here responded or took park in the BP eventually. Hopefully you can have enough no. of people to take the shots.

Hey gals, I brought Shawn for the shoot 2 months ago, here are some of the pics... just sharing.


Hey Su,

How do you upload videos to your blog? Really like studioloft's pictures.. but have just taken one with fotou not too long ago..

BTW, FYI, ther eis a toy fair at taka going on now.. the stuffs are cheap.. and pple are grabbing the toys as if it is free... and they will be holding another baby fair on 16th august onwards.. for 2 weeks
