(2006/04) April 2006 MTB


U asked abt swelling from pneuccomcol vaccine a few days ago?

Just brought my son to his 4th jab today. PD confirmed this is normal, and may take a few weeks, even up to months for the hard lump to disappear. This happened to my boy during his 3rd jab.

It's okie. Yesterday was the first time I took my boy on a long trip alone with him. Was glad that I manage to handle him well, although he start to get cranky on the return trip, b'coz it hit his afternoon nap time. So serves as an training experience for me...

Leereiner, I also in same situation as you. Missed period a few days back and tried testing. Only a faint line. Guess will wait a few weeks more then go see gynae.

Chenoa, Interested in the waterfun stuff. However, it's only at NTU alumni that is at buona vista. Quite far ya...How you going to go down?

Fresh milk
Do you just give the fresh milk cold to babies? Hmmm...wonder if it's good for them. For me now, I've put her on gain IQ.
Paisey..didn't back track..cant really rem who post what unless i scroll back..either thread move fast or i forgetful..hee

Fresh Milk
Think its better to warm up..not advisable to give bb to drink cold milk..hmm..any idea when is it ok to let them start taking cold stuffs?
Re: Fresh milk
How do you warm the fresh milk? About what temperature? My husband said meiji milk must put in fridge and drink then would be nice.

So how to feed to our bb?

Re: pneuccomcol vaccine
Just fyi.

Xuanting took this jab on 30 April and got some weird rashes breakout on Tuesday and Wednesday. PD said it is normal and theortically it should appear only in some toddlers around 2yrs old.

Also, diahorrea is normal too.

I hv a problem. Not too sure if anyone hv experience this b4.

My menses use to be regular for the mth and last abt 7days b4 pregnant.

Now after giving birth, my menses with last for 10 days.( last few days like spotting)

Last mth menses came aroung 20Apr, stop around on 30Apr. But recently yesterday came back spotting again.

Any ideas what wrong or is it normal?
petite, i am opposite from you. Last time is avg of 5 days. Now complete in 3 days. I also dunno is it normal or not but in a way, i am glad it is so short.

giving cold food to bb
I have to confess that i've given him ice-cream, cold water, cold milk, col juices. Bad mummy.

But if it is milk for bfast, then maybe instead of warming up, can give at room temperature too. For bfast, too early to give cold stuff.
hooo hooo.... my period is here... yeah!!! phew..

is it those that stated "FRESH MILK" then can give? any brand will do? how about chocolate flavour? wanna try to give new thing to my girl, hope to bring back her appetite...
hi there ladies....
so am i right to say if give fresh milk then no need to give FM? cos i'm thinking if i wean GAb off BF wat kind of milk should i give. my aunt says milk is a still a must at this age as they need calcium for growth...
so those DHA aah haa??? not impt in bb's diet? just wondering.. cos thats the reason why FM is so expensive right?
Hi mommies,

how's ur day?

Me counting down now.. one more day to go.

<font color="0000ff">Fresh milk</font>
I was telling that to my husband too. Probably, pour out a cup and place it outside and till the temperature is at room temperature, then give bb to drink.

<font color="0000ff">Menses</font>
Mine used to be 3 days finished already. But after pregnancy it takes at least 7~10 days to clear.

We went to see a chinese physician and was told that maybe I have some yi xue left and so got to take chinese medication to regulate a bit. Kind of help. Maybe worth to try.
Tks mummies for yr advive on the meneses. I felt relieve after hearing is kind of normal.

<font color="ff6000">Milk</font>

To to share my pt of view: To wat I nod, milk is still important for the growth of bbs and children. It helps to give calcium and build strong bones.

As for the FM, there are added proteins, DHA, AA etc.... Is actually for the brain. Of course we can give Fresh milk as alternative if bb don't wnat to drink FM. Is still better to drink other milk than not to drink.
You must be kidding.


Me joining another company on Wednesday.

So counting down the day.

<font color="0000ff">Mother's day celebration</font>
How did you mummies celebrate Mother's day?

Last weekend was a little busy for us as both sides held the mother's day celebration on both weekends.
i am not kidding lar.. alot of them become SAHM, really admire their courage

Are you on in-between-jobs break now then?

me also joining another coy beg of jun.
Ya. I really admire the courage. Wish I could do so too. But truly being a SAHM's not easy. I must admit my husband's thinking would be:

So, a bit of scared.

Imagine the 3 months maternity leave. Lack of sleep.. see house messy and wanted to housework but don't dare to leave bb alone.

Congrats to you.

Sorry, but i remember correctly, u FTWM too hor... So, tender just then lo. =p
What is on in-between-jobs breaks?

I basically don't ve to do much now with present job; just waiting for the guys to perform and then let them ask if they are in doubts.
UPDATE: Sunday 3pm
1. Chenoa
2. Smurfy
3. Twinkle (TBC)
4. HappyFatLady
5. Cheers
6. Babe

We can form a class of 5, need 4 more to start 2nd class. For the 1st class date and timing, mommies above have PM. Thanks!

I'm a April Mummy too. I have been following the thread closely since I was pregnant. The thread is one of my source of "support" ;).

I am interested in the waterfun times (trial). Can include me?
Fresh milk

I also bad mommy, sometimes will give Shawn cold milk and yoghurt. Though my friend has recommended that I put them on the table till they are less cold. Koalarie, maybe dun need to wait till milk reach room temp... cos I feel maybe less fresh already and got bacteria already!?! :p

I was ready Baby's First Foods on the train this morning, and it's written that there's no need to give FM if they baby takes fresh milk. For DHA, flakseed oil (or some other vege) will have. Can also get from Fish. As long as baby has a balance diet, there's no need for the 'extras' in FM... but still must take calcium from milk, yoghurt, cheese etc.

Mother's Day

Mother's Day is this coming sun right, not last sun?! Anyway, I very 'kiam' told my hubby to celebrate the day the sunday after mother's day when meals are not hike up in prices.

Going to the Four Seasons Hotel for sunday brunch.. cos I very gian sashimi, fois gras (especially!), souffles, etc... :p
Can I know if our babies now can take those yoghurt for kids (I forgot this brand nanme)...got especially for babies and for kids.... or still got to buy the one especially for babies?

Su, but remember our breastmilk can also put outside at room temperature for up to 4 hours if not consumed? So think it's still okie to leave the cold milk to room temp for a short while.
u referring to petite_miam.

I haven't let YY try yogurt or cheese yet. No intention to start on dairy products so early.

Even if not SAHM, we are still the so call
Employee = supervisor = subordinate = co-worker

so you are still working and will starts immed with new job on wed? if so, you won't have in-between-jobs breaks. I will have a short break before my new job starts in june. Thinking of a short trip but really can't trust to leave my boy behind for fear that my mom cannot handle him alone.

Ya lo..

that is the case le.. so I outsource some chores to housekeeping agency.

You so lucky... got breaks in between...

I also wanna go overseas. But the new company's HR guy asked me when is my last day here and told me to start work next day le... damn desperate.

Sian.. anyway, wait till after 3 months probabtion, then go for a short trip.

My sis and her husband be flying to States this Sunday and thinking, probably save my $ and leave too to visit them next yr.

outsource chores to housekeeping agency? meaning part-time maid ah? me also have one.. make life slightly better.. but still a maid during weekend to my king and prince at home

ai ya, tell u hor... all this HR pple lie one lar.. you should tell them u no leave to offset notice period.. then drag for one more week to start.... at least can rest a bit.. kkekeekke

wow, go states so good..

my hb got enough milage to go hawaii and he suggested going before i start my new job but i really can't let go of my bb. I think i will not enjoy lor... hai... mommies are the greatest .. i think i deserve a big gift this coming mother's day :p

Can elaborate more on this Sesame Street Live like where, when and how much? The link you have is a email address. My son loves Elmo.

Smurfy, so pissed with that HR guy... anyway, doesn't matter. My current job here is making me bored to nuts at times. Looking forward to a more challenging ones.

By the way, any mommies' bbs still taking Healthy times jar food? I have quite a handful to let go as a bit KS and ordered quite a lot and then Xuanting does not like it and so .... got to let go .. else sitting in the shelf to rot not too good.


Pls help if you are interested.= )
I have been thinking about the Elmo show too, but I scare halfway through my boy cried then I am going to &^$##^ for paying the tickets.

I think the meet and greet session is free at downtown east on 16 to 21 June, 2:30pm & 6pm at foyer
Gals, my gal has been down with cough and flu again. A lot of phelgm. Seems like happening every other month when someone in the family got it. Now just letting her take her previous medication and it's been a week. Sometimes better sometimes worse. Wonder if the power of the earlier breastfeeding has gone to waste. Any remedies to help baby stay healthier?
think it is the weather. Quite a lot of bbs are down with flu at this time.

My PD once told me, it is easier for us to catch flu from our bbs then we passing the diseases to our bbs. So don't worry too much, k?
RE: Elmo Show
Thanks Chenoa for providing the link.
I also worried that Matthias cannot watch thru the show, but i would like to expose him to such programs so that i can go for movies with him soon. hee! So I made HB pay for our tickets and son goes in FOC. (children below 2 is FOC)
You are really brave. I feel like going too, but I scare before even the show start, he start crying first.

Maybe I should get the cheapest seat and try out. I really have to think about it first.

Can ask whoever is sick in the family to stay away from your gal. And also, can give more fruits, vege, milk, water etc... and let her sleep more if she is willing to. Why is someone falling sick every month at home? Maybe can also try to get everyone in the family to be healthier.
Of course, can wash her hands more often too.
Daphne and Draik,

Thought of bringing my son too but it's a full 70 min musical. My husband said my son prob can't even last for 10 min, sure waste money unless he and myself are Elmo fans (which of course we are not). He got super short concentration span. I suppose if get the cheapest tickets, will be very far away from stage. In that case, even harder to get his attention coz not glaring right into his face. Maybe the free session more feasible. Where did you find out about that?

RE: Elmo Live
Actually me think it's not suitable for 1 yr old. The tickets not cheap leh....will be throwing money away as they cannot appreciate.
my girl's also down with a major flu. Think, is definitely the weather. She has stuffy nose, and now got phlegm and coughing and running fevers.


Re: Elmo Live
I pretty agree with chenoa on that as well. The attention span is not there yet for our little ones. Imagine, my girl can't sit still for 1.5 hour Parent & Tot class; let alone a 70 minute show.
BTW anyone here been to Kidslink at Jurong East St31 and see Dr Heng for your baby?

Just want to know how good is he...

We brought Xuanting there today since coming back and fro from Jurong to Sengkang isn't a good idea for long run.

He seemed a little serious on saying my girl would have a series of health problems by a look of her nose.

I don't know if I should be happy that he is good or should I worry as he said my girl is highly sensitive to dust and would ve series of enzema, blocked/stuffy nose, whizzling when breathing and may even go to have asthma!
<font color="0000ff">Koalarie</font>,

In nod rivervale there is a Kidlinks. Maybe you also can check with the doc if he does work in other clinic. Then you need not go so far to see him. If you hv info on him, share with us ok?

<font color="ff6000">Sensitive nose</font>,

To play save, keep yr house clean. Keep bb clean. Lots of types of food don't give them yet. Eg. Peanuts, choc, dairy products, etc.... Myself & HB is suffering sensitive nose, so I am on a look out sign incase my boy have.

Try Lampe Berger. Is help to relieve the 'sensitive nose'.

<font color="0000ff">Cheers</font>, How is yr little boy doing. Did you went to buy the lampe berger?

<font color="ff6000">Elmo show</font>,

Same thing, Riz cannot sit still. So won't be going too.
Xuanting's current PD is Dr Allyson Tan at Kidsclinic at Riverview mall. But just that, at times when she gets sick when she's under my mom's care, my mom don't have to bring her back up from Teban and so, tried the one at Jurong today.
What is Lampe Berger?

Dr Heng told us to keep all teddy bears away from her and make sure house is clean. My girl is super sensitive to dust mite.

Tomorrow is first day at work at new place.. don't know if this is a bad sign to come.
koalarie, i have brought Nix to Jurong East Kidslink before, Dr Heng not bad leh.. quite patience with our questions
So how's ur new day at work? Hmm..must be really excited. I hv been with my current company for near 2 6yrs? Growing roots liao..hahah..

RE:Elmo Show
Yeah..not wise to bring our hyperactive & diff to concentrate bbs there..waste of $..hee..btw, how much are the tickets? Maybe can recommend to my sil to bring my niece there instead.

where to get this Lampe Berger? Ivec also got sensitive nose..so get flu easily as well..so better take some precautions..
Bee Lee, not too sure If I am allow, if cannot post here, pls delete it ok? Tks.

Anybody still wants to have the SWISS ROLLS. Collection at Punggol. <font color="ff0000">Will need another 15 rolls for FOC delivery this Sun 13May 07</font>

P\s: Heard that the price will go up in June.

Durain Cream- petite x 5

Mango- petite x 5


Cinnamon Apple


Durian Fudge

Choc Fudge

Corn Fudge

Pandan Fudge

<font color="0000ff">Koalaire</font>, will send you the link abt Lampe Berger tonite, k. Tks
Su, aiya off an on got people sick loh. Coz she's cared by my mum, recently my sister stress till sick, march my mum sick. Heehee, don't know if it's whether or what coz my mum usually cook very healthy. Heehee...

Prob also coz we sleep in air con room. Hb can't stand to do without aircon.

Kolarie, thanks for the information. My gal though cough and sometimes abit running nose but still as active as usual.
RE: Waterfun Time
Class has been arranged for the following participating mommies.

1. Chenoa
2. Smurfy
3. HappyFatLady
4. Cheers
5. Babe

<font color="ff6000">Pls understand that I will not be organising a 2nd class.</font>

<font color="0000ff">LC(tarztarz)</font> Sorry

Hi, Tiffany

My boy is taking 120ml - 180ml of milk intake for nite feed.

L must be hungry that is why he is taking more milk. Maybe, you can give him more light, healthy snacks during tea-time.

If he has a early dinner, like 5pm, then at about 7plus, he will be hungry again, so i will give him bread.

And at about 9plus, he will drink about 120mL to 180mL.

You see they are toddler now, naturally they burned more calories as compared to last time.
Hope this helps
