(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Hey gals, how do you know bb are sprouting molars? Noted my gal's gums at the back seems rather swollen but no white stuff coming out yet.

My girl is now into climbing chairs..headached watching out for her..

Morning mummies,
Xuanting is busy climbing up n down the sofa, attempting to sit on her little push-toy walker n the little stool.

She also refused to sit in the car seat at times n want to climb up and down the back of the car.

Nowadays she is so hard to handle n barely reaching the terrible twos yet! I wonder what would happen then.

MOOMOOKO, don't worry. My girl refuses to eat pooridge too at ard same age for quite a while. I guess it was teething. Her "scissors" teeth re out n so now she did take but not much again... guess is her first pair of molars coming out too. Just don't give up.

You can try giving bread with apple/bananas mashed or plain bread or rice.. my girl does take a bit once a while.
Hi all ,

i m looking for this doctor , Dr Lee Seow Lang , from CHYE CHILDREN CLINIC ... previous add of her clinic is at Toa payoh Blk 54 , but she moved already ... any one know where is she now ? pls email / PM me : [email protected]

for some strange reasons my girl oso decided she dun like porridge.. isn't porridge easier to swallow then rice??

in the car she wants to sit in the driver's seat...
i just realised this morning she can climb to her hi chair herself!!! amazing...
My gal also. Sometimes don't want to sit car seat, cry and wail. Worse now, she doesn't want to sit in her high chair. Really terrible when have to fit her. It's a struggle.

Hmm..my gal hasn't avoid porridge, just that mommy's bored with what she's eating. Heehee...

Strawberry, I think your gal juz want to be like adult - eat rice and dishes...
We actually brought a cheap, lots of compartment wallet, suff it with all our unuse name cards and give it to KJ when he start to fuss in the car. He will pull out the cards one by one and usually he cannot finish pulling them before we reach our destination. It give us peace while driving and we only let him play with the wallet when he fuss in the car.
Hi Tracy,
No, I don't mean to say that teething causes runny nose.. just so happened that he had flu then too.

Yes, it was tough man. V tiring. I took the MRT and forgot to alight at my stop and sat all the way to Harbourfront! I wasn't even sleeping! Just dazed I guess. Luckily the phase is over. Good also, get it over and done with! I had enough of his teething crankiness!

You will know the molars are out when you see the white stuff lor.

Actually I am really enjoying Shawn at this stage. I find him very funny, cute and sweet.
Of course lah, my own son mah. haha. Although he has a mind of his own, it really amuses me than anger me when I see him having tantrums/ fussy etc. They don't last long anyway.

Regarding carseat, on the contrary, Shawn is getting better now and will sit still. Last time when he was young, he would scream and cry. I think he finally know that it's standard practice lah, to get belted in. Will just play his fav music when he's cranky and he will quieten down. Maybe can do so for those of you with babies fussy in carseat.
I also play with him from where I am sitting in the front seat... will grab his feet and hide... and he will be v amused.
Today went over to my MIL house. While there, my SIL recieved a call from the childcare ctr that my niece got HFMD!

OH no... My boy is there when she comes back from the childcare ctr. Praying hard that he will be ok....
1. Bathroom / bathing pobia - checked. She's better in the bathroom now.
2. Feeding woes - still a headache. Really dunno what to cook for her, may as well don't cook anything at all ... But seeing her ribs (she really really skinny now), I keep thinking how to make her eat.
3. BF woes - duuno what happen...STRESS?...my supply plonked. That's why she keep on sucking and sucking but there's NOTHING? (my breast is now the size of A-- *boohoohoo*) Am trying to supplement FM, but she don't want leh.
4. Attachment - very very sticky to me. She wants me to carry when I do the dishes, cooking and even visiting the toilet.

Aiyoh....me burnt out already!

I TOTALLY understand!

1. Bathroom / bathing pobia - my girl hates to have her head washed.
2. Feeding woes - I have been facing this problem at least twice a day EVERY DAY till I lost count already

See last time so chubby, and now like this:


Really miss those times when she was so chubby, now so heart pain that I can feel her ribs so easily

3. BF woes - My breasts also pertually soft.. dont know whether got enough for her and she refuses formula, drink a few sips of water a day only
4. Attachment - SUPER sticky to me too.. cannot tahan.. luckily I;ve got nanny dvds to help me distract her

I also can feel my boy's ribs, very scary to me...

I finally started my boy with formula milk 2 weeks ago. He really gain quite some weight since then, can feel he's much heavier now. I also weaning him already, only like him suck suck before sleep at night. Initially he cried very hard for a few days when come to sleep / nap time when I never give in to him. But now he never ask for it anymore. It's me who want the suck suck feeling, that's why still let him have it at night.

So I gather my breast milk may not be enough for him since some time ago...

Read from the baby book that beyond 1 yr, breast milk got not much nutritional value to the toddler anymore.
My boy's ribs can be felt distinctly too. He's on the skinny side also. Thin arms and legs. My hb's colleague remarked how skinny our boy was.... sigh. But the only consolation is that he is healthy and very very active, so I guess it's fine.

WHO recommends BF till 2 yrs old leh. We read so many contradicting recommendations that we are confused.

Anyway, my breasts are perpetually soft even if my boy does not suck the whole day, so I guess I'm near the end of my BF career. But worst of all...... my breasts are down to their pre-pregnancy size of A-cup.... boo hoo hoo!
1. Bathroom / bathing pobia - KJ also hate to wash his hair. Sometime he do not want a bath, sometime, bathe until dun want to come out. If that happen, I just pour a few mug of water onto his head and he will want to be out of the tub immediately. Muahahaha.

2. Feeding woes - totally refuse porridge these few days. We bring him out to eat, order a bowl of noodle fpr him. He love it so much that we cannot keep up his speed of eating. I try to pour some soup into my rice and feed him today, he love it so much. I guess he is telling me that he want something more solid than porridge. *sign* I got to spend more time cooking for myself and him from tomorrow onwards. Anyone know how to look for a toddler and cook at the same time?

3. BF woes - Actually, my breast are soft too. I dunno if my supply is enough for him a not but he is an addict. I tried to pump out last month and I cannot get a single drop of milk out. I tried to hand squeeze and manage to squeeze out 20ml. I am sure he drink more than that because sometime he was so concentrate in sucking for 5 to 10 min, as if he was drinking from the bottle.

The only thing KJ drink are breastmilk, plain water and soup. I boiled some barley water, add only a bit of sugar (he dun like sweet stuff) and he only take 2 mouthful.

4. Attachment - Yes, he is still very sticky to me. Want me to carry him even though daddy is there. But when his cousin is around, he will forget about me.

How did you start your boy on FM? My girl doesnt mind drinking fresh milk from the cup, but she will make a hugh mess whenever that happens.. so I've got to shower her after every meal and after she drinks from the cup every time

I still think that breastmilk is still good for our babies at this stage.. and for me, I am reluctant to let go cos I am addicted to breastfeeding!
Re: Bathing
I no longer put matthias in a bath tub. I put him on standing position and give you a shower. But when i wash his hair, i will carry him and ask him to close his eyes. No complaints so far, think he likes the close proximity between his face and mine cause i will talk to him whilst his eyes are closed.

Re: Water
I stop giving biscuits because Matthias drinks very little water. He will only take it when we feed him using a cup and spoon. The only snacks he takes now is bread.

Re: Attachment
My boy is more attached to my mum as she is his main caregiver. But when my brother comes into the picture, Oh! Oh! my boy will stick to him like a leech. My brother's girlfriend sometimes complain jokingly whether is Matthias his son. *laughs*
daphne, so u get very wet when shower him ah?

Hunni, have you tried pedisure and yougart if your gal doesn't want fm? My gal though on fm shows a clear dislike of fresh milk when we gave her and we guessed it's coz it's not sweet as fm.
My boy also doesn't like to drink H2O. Always frown and use his hand to shove the cup away. But when I give him FM in the cup, he can drink non-stop. He can use his right hand fingers to hold the cup handle and the other hand to support the cup. But I also very scare he'll spill the cup, so I use one hand to support the base of the cup while he drinks. I guess at this stage, if your gal can't handle the cup independently, you got to help her and guide her first until she is capable to do it herself.

Ya, I know of WHO's recommendation of 2 years. I am reading the "What to Expect: The toddler years".

I extracted the main points from the book for everyone's reference. The authors stated the following factors to consider on breastfeeding beyond 1 yr:

1) Toddler's age: easier to wean now rather than waiting when she's older, when the terrible two's stage. Will be more difficult then as the toddler will be more stubborn.

2) Toddler's dietary needs: some studies indicate breast milk can no longer meet a child's nutrientional value, it should not be the main source of the diet.

3) Effect on teeth: risk of decay caused by breastmilk pooling in the mouth, esp if toddler fall asleep with breast in the mouth

4) Effect on appetite: Toddlers who feed at the breast or the bottle often drown their appetites for solid foods

5) Effect on mother-child interaction: sometimes mothers find breastfeeding so rewarding that they don't realize that they aren't spending enough time in other pleasurable mother-toddler pursuits

6) Health factors: Feeding (from bottle or breast) while lying down could possibly increase rish of ear infections

7) Possible overdependence: of toddler on mother, and/or of mother on toddler. Need to think about will prolonging nursing keep you and your toddler from 'letting go' of each other and moving forward?

8) Forestalled development of self-comforting skills: Toddler who always depend on mummy's breast for comfort may not learn how make himself feel better when mummy is not available.

9)Effect on your spousal relationsip: besides inconveniences in making sexual intimacy, it may subconscious level, satisfy both emotional & physical needs for closeness, diminish your interest in sex.

My breasts also shrink to back to A-cup... such a big difference as compared to 1 yr ago, when breast engorged until super big...haha....
Babe, aiyah! shower him no need to get wet. He's quite discipline cause i keep him busy with a bucket of water.

Maraquan, aiyoh! that's my glass lah. My parents would kill me if he takes as much as a sniff of the wine. My colleague made him hold on the glass for pix taking. *wink*
yes! yes!! me too!!! i'm so addicted to BF... its such a good feeling. for the first few months i felt such a pain every time she cries for milk... but now... its like OUR MOMENT!!! my boobs are oso no longer VICTORIA SECRET size...sigh...so happy when i got them... it was like wow!!! anyway honestly i found true meaning why my breasts are for.. haha... my BF career will soon have to stop cos will be going to HK for 6weeks. m contempletating on pumping out ( if there is any) so that i still have BM when i get back... my plan was to BF her till 2yrs!! now my plan is foiled!!!
Yah, I am addicted to breastfeed. My son is addicted to breastmilk. We enjoy each other, I like to smell him and I think he love to do that too. We give comfort to each other.

Since it is a thing so good, why stop doing it? I know that breastmilk cannot be a main meal now, but full cream milk also cannot right? I am trying to find reason not to stop because the thought of weaning him off scare me.
*wink* *wink* Hmmm, tink it's more approriate for Terrier herself to break the good news here. But u shld be able to guess it rite???
<font color="0000ff">Upgrade of Notebooks/ Laptops</font>
Does anyone has cheap and reliable contact to recommend for upgrading? Pls PM me. Also muz have basic softwares such as microsoft office, chinese words, acrobat, antivirus, etc for reinstallation. Thanks in advance.
You really "shen tong guang da"!

Chenoa, actually when I just started to stay at home, gradually found that my boy would cry and fuss after I nurse him. I didn't really bother about it initially. But this continues on, so I thought my ss has started to drop loh. Probablye due to the hormone changes. In my ex-company, I know of a mummy who actually continue to nurse her 1st gal while going thr her 2nd pregnancy though.

It has been 2 bf-free days for me! I feel good that my boy can let his daddy accompany him to sleep instead me. Today, we just move him out of our room, hopefully, we can train him to sleep by himself in the next room.

I need your help. If you have any good recommendations on confinement lady, can let me know? I headache now, EDD is just 1 week before CNY, the price is going to be high too
...*sob*sob*, I won't be able to enjoy CNY goodies but end up confined at home.
Hi terrier,

CONGRATS! So hoiw many mths preggie are you? So you have been bf your boy even as you conceived? Think you are the 1st mummy here who conceived while still breastfeeding... my menses are so irregular now, only got it 3 times since I gave birth.. so quite hard to try for a 2nd one if I want to too.. Most prob will try for the 2nd one next year
congrats... TERRIER...
hmmm.... not even thinking abt getting pregnant in the near future man... i'm even thinking one is good enuf!!! =)
OH wow... terrier, congrats.

I don't noe the quantity amt; but i give a bit by bit. my gal a little fussy, she doesn't excatly like cheese too. But no prob with plain ones or with kaya and peanut ones.

don't be stressed. I was too... but after some tots, think, maybe we ought not control and worry too much on what they re eating. My girl too doesn't like porridge, but takes bread... so long she is taking something and so long she is drinking plentiful water, hopefully tix would help her away from germs for a while.

For water, try feeding ur bbs with syringe, but try doing as much distraction as possible. We have been playing with xuanting when she drinks and so she kind of drinks without knowingly the amount. While she watches her disney playhouse channel, we also fed her with water when she is too engrossed. Also when she is playing her jia jia jiu.
Thank you ladies for your well wishes!

Actually I also never expect that I hit the jackpot. That's why this time, I only just realise my pregnancy 2wks ago. Now, I'm 2 mths preggy. My menses only came ONCE on my boy's b'day! Hahah...exactly at 1 yr.

I know it's going to be really tough, but I like to have the kids within close age gap, so they can play and relate to each other better.
Terrier, congrats on joining the mommies again..heeheee have you been on Jan 08 thread too? I have visiting on and off but not seen you wor..
Hi ladies,

Just want to check how you wash your little one's hair?

My Enya hates to have her hair washed. I think it's the water that always get into her eyes.
Sorry to MIA for so long. Riz is dw with High fever since last Sat. Now he is having throat infection. So pain that he does not want to eat and drink. My heart feels pain.

<font color="aa00aa">Congrats Terrier!!!</font>

<font color="ff6000">Wash Hair</font>

Riz still sit in the bath tub. When comes to rinse off the soap in his hair, I will ask him to put his face dw and I will pour H20 from the back to front. I will let him nod what I will be doing next. So far so good.
<font color="0000ff">Wash hair</font>
Hey Tracy,
XT too hates to ve her hair wash.

She used to hate... n still is though. But everytime I love to put my nose at her hair and smell and then i tell her how she smells.. n then if I am bathing her, I would tell her to let me know if she is uncomfortable as i place her head on my knees (just like those saloon chairs when you ve ur hair wash). She would see me while I wash and sing her song.

Then after wash, I would dry her up and she loves it when I dry her hair with huge towel n then I would tell her that she smells very nice.

It kind of work for now.
Thanks to Babe, Rach, Petite

Babe, no, I didn't join in that thread yet.

Rach, how are you coping so far at home? I am wondering when my tummy is going to get bigger, how I'm going to bath my boy.
Your EDD in Nov? Know the gender already? Have you plan how you going to cope when no. 2 arrives? Do you intend to send No. 1 to childcare?
Hair washing

Most toddlers will be scared of water running down their face. I bought specially designed shower cap for hair wash. works like a umbrella to shield water from his face with a hole in the centre for you to wash his hair. Found it quite good.

Hi ladies,

thanks for tips of hair washing. Will try it out on Enya this weekend.

Can tell me where you that shower cap from?
Just realise today that my company has restricted me from accessing the forum using the office pc. So I from now on, I can only log in when I'm free at night.
Hi Tracy,

i got it from kiddy palace Toa Payoh hub.I bought Farlin brand. think there are other brands too. Can ask the staff there to direct you to the section.

hey mummies, mia for so long... had just started new job after 3 months rest... hope u and ur babies are doing fine
Hi, terrier

Congrats. I have got a good CL to recommend. Can you accept PM?

I am going to engage her again for my 2nd pregnacy when it comes.

Hi, terrier

Congrats. I have got a good CL to recommend. Can you accept PM?

I am going to engage her again for my 2nd pregnacy when it comes.
