(2006/04) April 2006 MTB

Cheers, isaac has the same effect on yohurt too.. i lay off for awhile..then i try again another mth later. for yoghurt from 1/4 upgrade to 1/2 then to 3/4 then complete

For cheeze, from one small bite, to 1/2 slice, to melted cheeze.. i gradually do it.dont rush him, if not, it will get worst.

i have a tin of soy milk to standby each time he LS.. he goes into soy milk haha..touch wood so far so good.

Is the egg i have big prob now.. everytime he eats it.. he will scream in pain.. and no ls.. nothing.. just scream. very scary!

Atlantis is at Delta Sports Complex, beside Redhill Mrt Station.

J also poos alot of times per day leh, about 3-4 times. And he's super small size lor, currently about 8+kg nia. So more poos means poor digestive system ah? I thought is the opposite?

Thanks for the effort to do up the card and coordinate. Here's wishing YY a Happy Birthday

Congrats on your #2

Think I can guess who that is liao
If Im not wrong.. her name starts with R....


Yeah lor... Amanda also loves those adult things.. esp my handphone, remote controls etc.. and her cue to me when she is sick of them is throw them off the high chair... each meal time is like fighting a battle with her.. have to think of new strategies to make her eat her food
Lets make it on 4th April, so cheers you can join us liao?
Timing changed to 2 pm then.

RE: Atlantis City @ Delta
Dates: 3rd or 4th of May
Timing: 2 pm

1. hunniepot
2. Rach
3. Terrier
4. uniqueone
5. tanwawas (anytime is fine for me cos I live nearby)
6. cheers3344
1. Chenoa
2. Uniqueone
3. momyam (Jasmine)
4. fussiecat - Transaction
5. hunniepot - transferred, forgot to take down transaction no
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 Transaction Reference 1141310863
7. Tiffany - Trxn Ref: 1141762700
8. Mrs. Ho - Ref : 7004
9. Daphine
10. Rach - Transaction Reference 1141330584
11. Starry - trsfer ref: 1141882230
12. Tracy
13. miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB
14. Petite
15. Melanie
16. Draik
17. Cheers -Ref : 8699
18. Terrier - Ref: 1141791950
19. Strawberry
20. jumbo - Ref: 1141567790
21. Jolie
22. smurfy - Via ATM at 17:13 $5
23. Petals - Transaction Ref:1141524911
24. tanwawas - Transaction ref 1142411995
25. Des

Hi Chenoa
I've transferred. Btw, it's a really lovely card u've made. Thks for the effort!
it's true lor, i would prefer an active child than a quiet inactive one anytime. just be drop-dead tired each day lor. i slept at 930pm yesterday with my son, wanted to get up to tsf $ to chenoa, but did not wake up till 5am!

my son is sick of the 5 remote controls we've given him. and we have 2 old hp that we no longer use. it has entertained him for a while, now also sick liao. he's eyeing our current hp now....

i did not do anything special to make him sleep thru the night.... i think it progresses naturally in him lor. some babies do it at 3mths, some at 9mths, mine at 1yr, Dylan shd be slower in this, but just hang in there, one day he'll be able to sleep thru.

I do BF Aiden when he wakes up at 5am. I tot he hungry that's why he wake up, so better let him suck suck.
I presume it's u too ... or yamyam?


Have you heard about BLASSCH in town? It's SO EXCLUSIVE that tickets are limited. Quick, go and grab one NOW!

Oops! Just handed out the last ticket. Next time, guys.

Thanks for the well wishes to YY.


RE: Atlantis City
would love to go but the timing really is not right. She naps in the early afternoon, usu immediately after her lunch. If it's 4pm, it'll be great.
<font face="comic sans ms">
RE: 2nd bb
Wow... seems like several of u re having second one.

Pai fu ni meng. =p

Anyway, congrats to fussiecat, tiffany and the R mommy. =p

Re: Card
thanks. very nice card.

Happy birthday to your bb too.
1. Chenoa
2. Uniqueone
3. momyam (Jasmine)
4. fussiecat - Transaction
5. hunniepot - transferred, forgot to take down transaction no
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 Transaction Reference 1141310863
7. Tiffany - Trxn Ref: 1141762700
8. Mrs. Ho - Ref : 7004
9. Daphine
10. Rach - Transaction Reference 1141330584
11. Starry - trsfer ref: 1141882230
12. Tracy - Trans Ref: 1142660501
13. miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB
14. Petite
15. Melanie
16. Draik
17. Cheers -Ref : 8699
18. Terrier - Ref: 1141791950
19. Strawberry
20. jumbo - Ref: 1141567790
21. Jolie
22. smurfy - Via ATM at 17:13 $5
23. Petals - Transaction Ref:1141524911
24. tanwawas - Transaction ref 1142411995
25. Des
Hi ladies,

Not sure how you all felt of the loss of Sabie. I personally was quite affected by the news. Have been feeling quite down for the past few days. I almost cried in the office yesterday after reading Chenoa's card. Cannot imagine the kind of pain Sabie's parents are going thru now.

I really thank you God for keeping Enya safe and healthy all this while. I pray that this protection will go on forever. I just want to say that whatever that happens to Sabie, is not the act of God. I strongly believe that God will not let us lose a loved one to teach us a lesson. And I also believe that if Sabie's parents are going for another baby in future, they will be blessed hundred fold b'cos they loss one previously.

Forgive me for letting my emotions go here. Didn't talk to anyone regarding this and had been feeling quite down.

Need to cheer up a little as Enya is going for a contest tmr.
hi i've transfered the money. pls chec.

1. Chenoa
2. Uniqueone
3. momyam (Jasmine)
4. fussiecat - Transaction
5. hunniepot - transferred, forgot to take down transaction no
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 Transaction Reference 1141310863
7. Tiffany - Trxn Ref: 1141762700
8. Mrs. Ho - Ref : 7004
9. Daphine
10. Rach - Transaction Reference 1141330584
11. Starry - trsfer ref: 1141882230
12. Tracy - Trans Ref: 1142660501
13. miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB
14. Petite
15. Melanie
16. Draik
17. Cheers -Ref : 8699
18. Terrier - Ref: 1141791950
19. Strawberry - ATM 21/4/07 ghim moh 11.24 ref:7787
20. jumbo - Ref: 1141567790
21. Jolie
22. smurfy - Via ATM at 17:13 $5
23. Petals - Transaction Ref:1141524911
24. tanwawas - Transaction ref 1142411995
25. Des
wah... those moms who are pregnant... CONGRATULATIONS.. congratulations.... la..la...la... wah "leg hands" very fast hor!!! i can't imagine me pregnant again man... not in my agenda....good la... now suffer together next time will have good time liao... =)
hunnie, would love to join u all at Atlantis City @ Delta. But 3rd May is my hubby's bday.. dunno is he taking leave or not.. If he is then i wont be joining u all liao.. keep u inform again ok..

Those mummies and babies at Botanic garden, have a good time, ok..
Wow, congrats to mum having a second pregnancy.

I have been discussing with my hb, but he say NO NO NO, so scared, how har?

Really dun know how to persuade him...maybe i should spike his drink...wah hahaa...

but seriously, he dum wan it at all. Mums do u have this problem?

Mummmies and babies...have a great time at Botanic garden, pray for the gd weather for you all okie.

Cheona, i have yet to step out of the house, will definetly transfer the $5 to your by evening.

Anybody going to the PEC today?
Wow! another mummy ah??? I scare to hv another 1 at this time too. Can't cope aridi. My HB wants another 1 anytime, Me the ops of Jolie. Ha HA ha!

Happy Birtthday to YY & YJ!

Mummies, Still keen to meet up in 1st May Labour Day?
Wah, so many mummies going for seconds one now.....Congrats to you all!

I'm thinking but my husband is like ' over my dead body' kind. Last night, had such a terrible night. My son woke up at 11pm and after that every 20 min. Each time, have to carry and rock him till he falls asleep but he will sleep in the cot for 20 min and then woke up and screamed again. We have tried to let him cry in the cot and like Petite's baby, he will make himself cry till vomit (kena a few times, have to buy a new mattress coz could not stand the stench) or stand up and attempt to climb out of cot and slip his legs in the gap of cot in the process. Worried that he might twist his legs, so always have to rescue him by carrying him. controlled crying worked initially but he learns what he has to do to make us carry him now. MY husband and I took turns to carry him, bouncing on the spring mattress coz we were so tired. 3 nights in the row already but last night was the worst. His nose seemed blocked and other than giving him some allergy medicine and nose drops, we dunnno what else to do. Halfway through the night, My husband blew his top and scolded him, saying that he is already one year old, why is he still like this? Forbade me to rock him and wanted to fight him to see who can outlast. Just held him in his arms and let him cry.......I have to go to another room to sleep coz poor me stiil have class early next morning.And so, father and son battle continues till 7am in the morning, leaving them so dazed and tired.

So, mom yam, that's why we can't make it to the outing this afternoon. And mummies, that is why having a second one is out of the question, can't imagine having to go through this when pregnant. We have not slept on our own bed since his birth. so, can forget about convincing my husband for a second one soon, Dylan also 'bu zhen qi' which further made him think that one is enough. in the day time, we feel blessed to have him coz his is smiley, happy and cheeky but like what my husband said, he turns into a 'monster' at night. Nevertheless, we still have to count our blessings that he is healthy and generally a good kid.
Poor u and hubby

I don't blame your hubby for losing his temper. I lost my temper several times during Aiden's bad nights. Lack of good sleep can cause short fuse in everyone.

Dunno what to advise you, but looks like you definitely need some form of help. I read this book by Tracy Hogg (the Baby Whisperer), can't recall the actual title, but something like "The baby whisperer solves your problems....".

It has very good practical advice on how to cope with sleeping/feeding problems. It is available in the National Library.

Dunno if there is a person like Tracy Hogg in Singapore who can personally help out parents like yourself. Tracy Hogg visits parents in distress, and helps them solve their baby problems.... that's in the US. Maybe your PD may be able to direct u to somebody??

Botanic Gardens
Today's weather been real nice, cloudy, nice and cool, and no rain. Hope u all have enjoyed the outing.

It's me lar.. I'm the R mummy!! haha

Thank you for all the congrats..

It's fun @ the botanic garden though it rained..Great meeting up with you smurfy..apologise for not being abt to chat wf u much cos me got to handle many things lar..very busy..


any more outing?? pls organise leh

Thanks for your sympathy. I have actually read the baby whisperer. My concerned friends have lent me this book, Gina Ford's books and 'happiest baby on the block' all supposed to be very good guide to solve baby's sleeping problems. But the techniques usually works for a few nights but once he knows the tricks, he will outwit us. Maybe we are not firm enough or give in too easily coz sometimes really heartache.... Also I stayed with my mum, so she will always intervene if she feels that we are too cruel to let him cry for too long. Sigh! Very tricky problem........I told my hubby before if there is a Tracy Hogg here, we will surely engage her services but only if can sustain the good habits permanently. We have also consulted those registered nurses from UK in Mother and Baby Centre (think prob closest you can find in Spore to Tracy Hogg or Gina ford), they only pass us copies of extracts from books. Too bad, they dun come and stay with you to train your kids. I heard most people only need to train for a few days or a week and their babies will continue the good behaviour for good. That's like impossible for us!!!! He can be good for some time but will almost definitely revert back to old self. That's why we have been struggling with him for a year.

RE: Atlantis City
Count me in if confirmed on 4 May (Fri). Will find out how to drive there. Very bad with my directions.

RE: Poo many times

Yah, i also used to think that poo many times is better than constipation. i asked my PD before, he just said 'wah, abit too much but ok lah if he is not losing too much weight' That's the thing with western PDs. They base a lot on weight and as long as weight ok, assume no problem with baby at all. i asked a chinese Physician before and she interprets as poor digestive system, that he could not process the food and nutrients taken in properly such that they all come out as poo. I often see small pieces of vege in his poo. But I dunno how to improve his digestion leh. The physician recommends regular tui na but no time to bring him there so often and also he won't sit still to let them massage him. think he is abit like me coz I have a bit of irritable bowel syndrome. So sometimes heartache, fed him lots of good stuff but not sure can absorb or not.

Hahaa.. So U r the preggie mama is the cookie monster who stole the cookie fm the cookie jar! haha

cheers - no prob i fully understand i also cannot tahan isaac slpless nite he has given me for past few days. For yr hb's action is exactly the same as my hb. but he is not nice enough to help me to rock / pat / comfort isaac. he is only nice enough to blow his top. Is me recently getting lesser patient coz' isaac cries was so bad and he clings on me so hard that it hurts. at times, i give up i will just carry him and let him cry. is heartless but i've no choice coz' is very tiring and my wrist is getting bad to worst coz' i keep trying to catch hold of him.

As for hb's blowing to the tope.. he will always feel bad the next day and he will keep kissing isaac to apologise Hiazz

petite, really thank you for coming all the way to my place just to pass me the cake.. which all mommies enjoyed very much! u make it yrself?

Terrier! Is such a waste didnt manage to catch up with you today. really hope i can see you again.

Once again, thanks Smurfy, Rach, Tiff, Hunniepot and Terrier for making such a big effort to come by and is fun
i've enjoyed hope all of u did.

Next outing we shall do this earlier so we can see more parts of the B.G.

I am definately not into 2nd preggie.. i may not even wan no 2 haha.. but that will be a very selfish thot of mine. however, this child financially and emotionally has drain me out badly. if i really wan a no 2 it will most likely be 3 years onwards..hee hee

Tracy, abt sabie.. i shared the same thot.. *pat pat* i understand.
bb no 2
thanks for the well wishes and congrats to tiffany and Rach too! I believe Des is also expecting no .2? how far along are you guys? mine's due in Nov... haven't seen gynae yet, k! cos super bz with house moving. i can't believe i'm preggie and i'm moving house~! have been having terrible mood swings cos of bad MS, doesn't help when Leo is so whiny these days. i think i'll officially 'close shop' after bb no. 2~!

Chenoa, thanks once again for the arrangements for Sabie's wreath. Really appreciate it.

Tracy, it's okay to grieve. i was crying buckets when i found out Sabie had gone to heaven. Luckily i was on leave that day and hubby was by my side to comfort me. I think Sabie's mission on earth was to demonstrate the power of love, especially familial love. Take heart that she is with the Lord now, smiling down at us all. Good luck to Enya for tomorrow's contest!
hi chenoa. i've transfered the money. pls check. thxs

1. Chenoa
2. Uniqueone
3. momyam (Jasmine)
4. fussiecat - Transaction
5. hunniepot - transferred, forgot to take down transaction no
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 Transaction Reference 1141310863
7. Tiffany - Trxn Ref: 1141762700
8. Mrs. Ho - Ref : 7004
9. Daphine - transaction ref: 8889 on 21/04/07 @ 9.48am
10. Rach - Transaction Reference 1141330584
11. Starry - trsfer ref: 1141882230
12. Tracy - Trans Ref: 1142660501
13. miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB
14. Petite
15. Melanie
16. Draik
17. Cheers -Ref : 8699
18. Terrier - Ref: 1141791950
19. Strawberry - ATM 21/4/07 ghim moh 11.24 ref:7787
20. jumbo - Ref: 1141567790
21. Jolie
22. smurfy - Via ATM at 17:13 $5
23. Petals - Transaction Ref:1141524911
24. tanwawas - Transaction ref 1142411995
25. Des
Hi all,

Nice meeting yp with you ladies at botanical gardens earlier.. and sorry for turning up so long as I wanted to feed Amanda b4 I go out but it took a longer time than expected.. and sorry for troubling mom_yam for 'retrieving' Amanda, me and hubby from Ginger Gardens despite the rain!


Didnt get to talk to you today.. lets arrange coffee session in the west one of these days, just like the time at west makk b4 we popped


Let's meet up again soon! Are you going to be a SAHM after end April?

RE: No. 2

See so many of you having no.2, I also want! But my hubby is dead set against it... saying I got to prove to him that I dont get so stressed up over Amanda, and that I can have some free time to myself sometimes..
Dear all,

thanks for the yummy food today. sorry i had to go off earlier becos my hubby got stomachache :p and jarren wants his afternoon nap. He fall asleep in the car.

I feel very pai sey for not helping to clear up before i go.

ya, hunniepot, hope to catch up with you again. we will sure have a chance.

No worries, it was no problem clearing up at all

RE: Blogs

Am in the midst of updating my blog.. anyone care to share their blogs?
<font color="ff6000">cheers</font>
totally sympathise with you, yr hubby and the sleepless nights. i went through that a couple of weeks back and fortunately (*fingers crossed*), everything seems to be back to normal again last week. i used controlled crying (or "gentle ferberization") and it really worked for me, even though there were nights when K would really just srceam scream scream, and wouldn't allow hubby to carry which made him so mad (think he just felt helpless cos he was trying his best to help out
). i think you must persevere with whatever method you try out, most of teh stuff i've read says it can take weeks for the situation to improve. hang in there!!
hi chenoa. i've transfered the money. pls check. thxs

1. Chenoa
2. Uniqueone
3. momyam (Jasmine)
4. fussiecat - Transaction
5. hunniepot - transferred, forgot to take down transaction no
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 Transaction Reference 1141310863
7. Tiffany - Trxn Ref: 1141762700
8. Mrs. Ho - Ref : 7004
9. Daphine - transaction ref: 8889 on 21/04/07 @ 9.48am
10. Rach - Transaction Reference 1141330584
11. Starry - trsfer ref: 1141882230
12. Tracy - Trans Ref: 1142660501
13. miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB
14. Petite Ref: 9241
15. Melanie
16. Draik
17. Cheers -Ref : 8699
18. Terrier - Ref: 1141791950
19. Strawberry - ATM 21/4/07 ghim moh 11.24 ref:7787
20. jumbo - Ref: 1141567790
21. Jolie
22. smurfy - Via ATM at 17:13 $5
23. Petals - Transaction Ref:1141524911
24. tanwawas - Transaction ref 1142411995
25. Des
HI <font color="0000ff">Cheers</font>, Guess babies are like that. They can't talk well / yet and don't really understand what we are saying. We only nod that when they cries, They need us. Yap, for the past 2 nites & Days, I carried Riz to sleep. His block nose was so bad that When I put him dw, he wakes up. I battle with him most of the time.

Did you try this nose drop- llidane Merck 0.01% or place vicks on his chest? Now I lite up my Lampe Berger with Eucalyptus in my rm for him to inhale. It works. Do you want to try too?

<font color="0000ff">Tracy</font>, When I heard abt Sabie, I also broke into tears, Somemore I had my own prob at the same time. So I was also feeling v dw at that time.

Btw, GOOD Luck to Enya for tmr contest. Hope she gets it!

<font color="ff6000">Cheesecake</font>

<font color="0000ff">Mom_yam</font>, Yap I made the cheesecake myself. I hope it did not melt. Hope all of you like it. Was it too sweet or sour etc? Would like all bad & good feedback from those hav tried, ok?

Congrats Rach & Fussiecat too.
Did any one saw the news today? This Company allow mummies to bring their childrens to work everyday. So envy them.

Went for another interview last Mon. The interviewer asked me What Am I doing at the moment, I told her that I am not working and Is a SHAM. When she heard that, She like kind of give up on me, cos I am a mother!. My interview only takes 2 mins only!. Wonder do they read out Resume properly before calling us to come dw for interview. SO angry.
hey gals, think I have been out of the loop for a long time. Seeing how u all click together really made me feel so envy to have mommies who can share and talk together. Had wanted to go to Botanic gardens today but hb had some other plans. Heehee...hope U all dun mind including me the next time wor..

Just wan some help wif this:
Self feeding..
Aiyo dunno y my gal dun wan self feed. Give her food to put in her mouth she holds and bite once then after that push the food back to my hands and put her mouth down to feed from my hand...arghh...she simply refuses to self feed...

Have ur bb started talking? Mine only scream n babble..haven't started calling daddy and mummy...how come so slow one?

Oh yes, so happy for those into their 2nd pregnancy..heehee..me also wanna get no. 2 coz too fedup at work..haha...a way to escape work forwhile when on maternity..then again till now no sign..ke ke ke
Thanks mommies for the CONGRATS/blessings & CONGRATS to RACH mama too.

Fussiecat, do take care and dun over-exert urself during the shifting. Which part of sg are u moving to?? btw, baby will be due in Oct.

Smurfy, nice meeting up with u after sometime. If not wrong, the last time we met was at Hunniepot's place. aiyoh.. ur hb stomachache ar.. hopefully not due to the food. SO far i am fine, so, dun think is the food bah.. No worries, clearing up is so easy, each of us just clear our own and its done within minutes.

Hunniepot.. Ur hb really look young for his age lei. Someone mentioned ur hb good-looking wor... kekekeke

Ur cheese cake is fantastic! I love it. Was about to ask if u made or bought it. may i know wat is the crust made of & wat cheese u use?

Good luck to Enya's contest tomorrow. Keep us posted yay..

Dylan looks like a very cheerful boy lei, cant imagine he is like a "monster" as described. Try talking to him everyday telling him to be good and sleep thru the nite.. daddy and mommy need to work and need good sleep... blah blah blah.. somehow, i think they will understand and will improve gradually. This was taught in Shichid a when i attended the PEC. No harm trying. If it works, let me know.. dun ask for much.. just a cup of kopi will do... kekeke

I like the cake.. its simple and nice looking. Tats y i also chose fm RFD. Happy belated birthday to YY.
Fussiecat/ Tiffany/ Rach,
Congrats all on your 2nd pregnancies n take care!

Still vividly remember that you are 1 of the pioneers who started our Apr 06 thread. All seemed like yesterday when we were discussing our pregnancies. And now, you are on your way to your second one liao. How time flies!
Hey chenoa. i've transfered the money. pls check. Thanks alot for the effort. You are wonderful.

1. Chenoa
2. Uniqueone
3. momyam (Jasmine)
4. fussiecat - Transaction
5. hunniepot - transferred, forgot to take down transaction no
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 Transaction Reference 1141310863
7. Tiffany - Trxn Ref: 1141762700
8. Mrs. Ho - Ref : 7004
9. Daphine - transaction ref: 8889 on 21/04/07 @ 9.48am
10. Rach - Transaction Reference 1141330584
11. Starry - trsfer ref: 1141882230
12. Tracy - Trans Ref: 1142660501
13. miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB
14. Petite Ref: 9241
15. Melanie
16. Draik
17. Cheers -Ref : 8699
18. Terrier - Ref: 1141791950
19. Strawberry - ATM 21/4/07 ghim moh 11.24 ref:7787
20. jumbo - Ref: 1141567790
21. Jolie - ref 9519
22. smurfy - Via ATM at 17:13 $5
23. Petals - Transaction Ref:1141524911
24. tanwawas - Transaction ref 1142411995
25. Des
tanwanwas & Hunniepot - you have a message

Rach correction of my earlier post:-

So U r the cookie monster who stole the cookie fm the cookie jar! haha

Hunniepot, hey no worries at all! in fact, i was very worry that our little amanda will be caught in the rain.and we shoudl really meet at the lobby for everyone to turn up before proceeding to the pinic place - lesson learn again.

each outing, i learn to something hopefully i could be a better organiser. find that i'm a lousy organiser so most prob the botanic garden will be my last organise. anyone wants to take over .. i will turn up for any outing that is interesting

Smurfy! aiyo nothing to clear also lei!! dont worry abt that.. hopefully u hb is not tummy ache coz' of my food hahaa...

I sure has a lot of fun with Jareen, he is so forever happy bb!!! see i told u after u see isaac i'm sure yrs has become an angel immediately right :p

terrier, i really felt bad!! if you gals dont mind gog jurong east swimming please count me in.. pls try to do on weekend coz' it will be easier for me. but if it has to be a weekday - 2nd week of may would be good for me.

Petite, hey the cheeze cake didnt melt that much despite we ate it like 2 hrs later.. is like tiramisu cheezecake hahaa is nice la, not too sour not too sweet.. just nice. i do like the crust cruchy cruchy.

ya, that company is so nice and i'm very envy of that! but then again if isaac is allow to come to office, i'm very sure i wont be able to give 80% performance to the company. so on 2nd thot is better not to bring isaac to work haha..

I'm shared the same experience as you. Once my boss knew i was preggie, he freeze my promotion and he is super reluctant to promote me further. which i hate abt this company they always feel women after birth wont be able to perform at good as those that are not preggie.

bblim i like the two pigs and it suits the theme very well

cheona, YY look so happy!!! and is a very nice pic shot.

Good Luck ENYA!! jia you jia you!!
Alamark!! realise mine has been deleted
just in case Chenoa when u free liazo can chk got receive okie..

1. Chenoa
2. Uniqueone
3. momyam - Transaction Ref: 1141879851
4. fussiecat - Transaction
5. hunniepot - transferred, forgot to take down transaction no
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 Transaction Reference 1141310863
7. Tiffany - Trxn Ref: 1141762700
8. Mrs. Ho - Ref : 7004
9. Daphine - transaction ref: 8889 on 21/04/07 @ 9.48am
10. Rach - Transaction Reference 1141330584
11. Starry - trsfer ref: 1141882230
12. Tracy - Trans Ref: 1142660501
13. miu66 - trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB
14. Petite Ref: 9241
15. Melanie
16. Draik
17. Cheers -Ref : 8699
18. Terrier - Ref: 1141791950
19. Strawberry - ATM 21/4/07 ghim moh 11.24 ref:7787
20. jumbo - Ref: 1141567790
21. Jolie - ref 9519
22. smurfy - Via ATM at 17:13 $5
23. Petals - Transaction Ref:1141524911
24. tanwawas - Transaction ref 1142411995
25. Des
Tiffancy & Mom_yam,

Its definitely not our food!.. its just his usual habit of needing to poo after each meal :p
Had great fun there but the weather was really too hot for my tolerance level. Had to jump into shower immed after reaching home

Yup, we met once at HP's house when bbs are 6 months? congrats on your 2nd pregnancy
Thank you Tiff,Petite, BBLim,mom_yam n many other mummies for your confrtas n bleesings!
Tiff u gotta take good care of yourself too ya!!

Yar lor..me was 1 of the pioneers, many ofthe pioneers has disappeared..wonder how they're doing now..Waiting for u to join in the 2nd preggie mummy group leh..Am sure many are trying for #2 now...we'll be hearing more gud news soon..Time really flies, out little ones already 1 yr old liao..then they're still in our womb nia..now..haiz..so playful n mischievous already!

Mummies going for #2,do keep all fo us updated on the gud news ya!

Pls dun resign from your current post leh..tell you wat, we(all mummies) take turns to be your ssistance lor..Anyway nobody is taking over your post also! seems like you can't runaway frm being the ORGANISER!! haha Resignation NOT APPROVED!!
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO <font color="0000ff">"YANN YEN, YU JUN & SHERVIL"</font>!!!!!

CONGRATULATION TO TIFFANY & RACH (saw u in Dec 2007 thread)!!!!
Hi Mummies at the botanic garden yesterday

Guess it's fate, funny we started at the wrong gate and walking across each other's path, I ended up at the food court for shelter from the rain, but the rest already ended up at the ginger garden. By then I was already quite tired and having a headache, so told hunniepot that I'm going home. So sorry about that. Hope to meet u all in the next outing.

Re: Baby #2
Congrats to tiffany/Rach/Fussiecat.
I am hoping to get preggy too! Been waiting for my menses to come and funny thing my menses came exactly on my boy's birthday! My hubby and I wanted to finish the baby biz fast fast within these 2 years, then can move on to the next phrase. We feel that since we are already on the momentum now, no sleep blah blah....may as well do it again instead of waiting a few years later...By then, it would be more energy draining to restart the cycle again.

Rach, how are you coping with taking care of your son at home whole day while being preggy? Any morning sickness?

Hunniepot, yes, me serving my last month service now till end Apr. Abit uncertain whether I can tahan from May onwards or not.

Jumbo, are you coping better now with Nixon at home?

Guess what? I also think my hb good looking haha! *thick skinned* Trying to convince him to have a 2nd one soon so he wont waste his genes but didnt work leh.. ;p


No lar.. dont worry.. I think that you are a fantastic organiser! Sorry for my complaints yesterday when you found me.. I was just tired, grumpy, hungry and sticky from walking all over BG.. but had fun yesterday
My hb just mentioned that luckily we had the outing yesterday and not today.. look at the weather now, it is practically pouring cats and dogs!

You've got mail!

RE: Jurong East swimming pool

The place will be extremely crowded during weekends leh.. might not be such a good idea to bring the babies down on the weekends..


I am sure that you will do fine.. if I can handle Amanda ony my own, so can you!

2. Uniqueone - received
3. momyam - received
4. fussiecat - received
5. hunniepot - received
6. koalarie (Evon) - $10 received
7. Tiffany - received
8. Mrs. Ho - received
9. Daphine - <font color="0000ff">transaction ref: 8889 on 21/04/07 @ 9.48am</font>
10. Rach - received
11. Starry - received
12. Tracy - received
13. miu66 - <font color="0000ff">trans ref: 100000692936907 UOB</font>
14. Petite - <font color="0000ff">Ref: 9241</font>
15. <font color="ff0000">Melanie</font>
16. Draik - received
17. Cheers - <font color="0000ff">Ref : 8699</font>
18. Terrier - received
19. Strawberry - <font color="0000ff">ATM 21/4/07 ghim moh 11.24 ref:7787</font>
20. jumbo - received
21. Jolie - <font color="0000ff">ref 9519</font>
22. smurfy - <font color="0000ff">Via ATM at 17:13 $5</font>
23. Petals - received
24. tanwawas - received
25. <font color="ff0000">Des</font>

Pardon me, I cannot see the transaction ref. on the summary. Need to ascertain who is who for those ATR (atm) transfers. Pls let me go through the thread to make a head & tail out of the order of transfers. <font color="0000ff">Did any 2 mommies combined and made a single transfer of $10 via ATM?</font>

Sabie's Memorial Service
I went down earlier and passed the card (with a note on our monetary token) to Sarah. Pls be comforted that she's taking it well in her stride. The memorial area is a lovely garden for Sabie to play and rest in for these few days. She should be so delighted!

Here's our pink condolence stand in the centre, behind the white flower cross. Apologise that it's not well taken, as was taken (with permission from Sarah) with the hp and no flash.

Thank you, Apr mommies for your gracious heart. Couldn't have done it for Sabier and Sarh without your kind support. No trouble for me at all, don't mention it.
