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  1. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    jamie, my boy finally poo today...and at a shopping centre when i was out kai kai, and my it stinks more than usual! but i haven't tried other food yet other than rice. what's the order of food types than i can try? i remember there was a good website about it.
  2. J

    (2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

    Hi Mummies, I'm new here. My baby is 6 months, read all about your new food intro. I'm quite slow, my baby just started few spoons HT brown rice and DIY brown rice this week. But after that he didnt poo for 3 days! Am quite worried cause he's TBF and used to poo everyday. Is it cause heaty or...
  3. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    mummies, i'm looking for preggie or bf mummies who look for good trustable quality prenatal supplements to build a strong immune foundation for their baby even from their womb or through breast milk. please pm me, i can e mail studies
  4. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    GAP SOCKS LOBANG!!! (ONLY 100 PAIRS) Min order 5 pairs @ $3 each 1) Paula - 20 (gals only) 2-3yr 2) MTDT - 10 (boys only) 2-3yr; 5(boys only) 4yrs; 5(gals only) 2-3yrs 3) Cutie - 5 (Boys only) 5 (girls 4yr) 4) pawprint - 2 (FOC)/mspiggy - 3 (boys only) 2-3 yr 5) zzzcookiemonster -...
  5. J

    A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

    Hallo SAHMs, just stumble upon this thread, calling SAHMs of 2006, that's me! hallo everybody.....
  6. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    hallo ladies, so long i haven login till i had to scroll and read many many pages back! tinklebell, congrats!!!! wow, no. 3, so happy for you! rodeo, yup, our tod now more tricky when it comes to feeding time, esp they like to feed themselves now. try giving a bowl with spoon and...
  7. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Re: VitaMeal Sponsors ===================== Hi Mummies, I am participating in a program collecting donations to buy bags of lentil rice for malnourished chilren in 3rd world countries. See One bag cost S$37 and that can feed a child for a month. Let's do our part...
  8. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    mspiggy, u saw the website? amazing isnt it and we are reaching our 100 million bags soon. no, you can't purchase direct from website. i collect names and submit money manually at its office counter.
  9. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Hi Mummies, I am participating in a program collecting donations to buy bags of lentil rice for malnourished chilren in 3rd world countries. See One bag cost S$37 and that can feed a child for a month. Let's do our part for other children who are less...
  10. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Hi Mummies, I am participating in a program collecting donations to buy bags of lentil rice for malnourished chilren in 3rd world countries. See One bag cost S$37 and that can feed a child for a month. Let's do our part for other children who are less...
  11. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    anyone bakes for their kids? i like to but dont have an oven. Jz is starting to grow out of his cereal and like food which is round for breakfast eg. bun, cup cakes, tarts but the ones sold outside quite sweet. any breakfast suggestion? what do you all give for breakfast?
  12. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Children's Garden at Botanic Gardens is open already? is there an entrance fee? Do you all like it? i used to work with people who does the garden Tinklebell, Finally moving house warming? Spicegal, oh you are half msian. then what is Jerica? Joy, are you bringing baby to...
  13. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    paula, mich, spicegal, soh1dful, Facebook......wait for me, i'm joining real soon. saw all the great things it can do, but i gotta wait till wee hours at night when Jz sleep then can play with it. mich, lobang....hee hee...but you're in taiwan dont know if can lobang you. anyway its this...
  14. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    joy, my baby wash is also for the hair, made from indigenous ingredient hibiscus so no need separate for body or hair. you are from sabah right? it has many beautiful islands...... serene, ya monitor and see how it goes. angeline, let's go forum this thu or fri? anyone else wanna go...
  15. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    serene, when the dandruff start? when using the shampoo? maybe try not using the shampoo see if dandruff will also stop? steffi, good that your girl will open mouth. i try all sort tricks till 'pua si' mouth still dont want open. he want to do himself but also all wrong. many times after...
  16. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    steffi, after bottle feed at night (just the night light not totally dark out yet) i would still bring him out to kitchen to brush teeth. then only back to room again, this time total dark, no lights. just to let him have the transition. but hor....very difficult get him open mouth to brush...
  17. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    mummies, how does aquadoodle work?
  18. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Rodeo, why is GP prescribing ER multivit in the first place? any particular reason. i am a fan of food supplement from Pharmanex cause i take it since pregancy and it works for me. if you like a more palatable supplement for ER, you want to try g3 juice? The tablet kind of multivit is...
  19. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Mummies, i'm now in jb, going back to spore with Jz now. see you next time around or e mail me!
  20. J

    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Kissbb, My pleasure. Hope you like the video too
