(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

poohy - I send direct to ur yahoo. resend this morning. if still dun hv, maybe u check ur spam box. :p

paula - hmmm.... realise tat u r a shisedo fan huh. :p
MTDT: Received your pricelist email, thanks.

Toto: By when should we submit the orders? I'll need to take a look at the books b4 deciding....earliest is go down to showroom next weekend. It's difficult to make out the differences between the various series just from their website.

joyfulmum: Went for the new SM class at HDB this morning. In comparison, ER is now the most active in class. The remaining students just sat down quietly almost throughout the whole class. Frankly, I had a bit of difficulty adjusting to it. Our class last sem was definitly more dynamic and parents seem more friendly. The other parents don't seem to be talking to each other after a semester together, unlike our class, if u get what i mean.
Dor & Aishite,
wow thanks for the advice. Intend to go ToyrRus later to take a look at the stroller. J is still mainly on porridge..but can take semi-solid food as well. Will be staying at Hotel in Perth & apartments at Albany & M.River so i guess i can cook some porridge.

dor, so nice travel again in nov.

aishite, can send the itinery to [email protected] thanks.

MMR: looks like many of us went for MMR on the same day..cos next sat holiday? Got to distract them & dun let them see the needle lor..

oki: wow..C is tall too!

kissbb: welcome back. You must have enjoyed the trip.

Joyfulmom: i was surprised he didn't cry too cos he teared for all the previous jabs. Must be painful to take both jabs together
Pls update me

Dermalife Anti-Mosquito Patch ($5)
Carebear29 5
kissbb 10 (Confirm)
panda 5 (Confirm)
jacque 5 (Confirm)
pawprint 10
celeste 20 (Confirm)
Joy 5 (Confirm)
CutieZayn 5 (Confirm)
sunflower 5 (Confirm)
finally finished reading the 6pgs of posting.. wow seems like a lot of buying going onz.... so qiao... i also bought the aquadoodle in taiwan... but i think i get must more expensive
... jun mummies lobang is still the best..

can send me the pricelist of the books?? I'm interested in the NG series... hmmm.. paiseh can help to summarise which is best for our kids now... a bit blur reading so many posting..

To all mummies with sick bbs,
hope that they are fine now... pls take care...
<font face="tahoma"> MTDT,
wes is now only 10.5kg...didnt measure the height then. lost so much over the period
Yea, american facial products don't work for me ... so Shisedo is the only brand that worked for me ... have been their faithful supporter for years! Haha.
Hallo mummies,
long time i haven't login, comb through so many pages..so many going ons...

thanks for looking through my recipe.next time i will want to use better looking crockeries plus assessories so that the pictures look even more professional like from those recipe books! hee...hee...

thanks for your comments. you asked if can put omega fish oil into food directly like this..it depends what kind of fish oil you are using. i use Marine Omega from fish and krill oil, which comes in liquid in a gel capsule. As our child is too young to swallow, I would cut open the capsule and squeeze it into his porridge, as long as its not boiling temperature the contents would still remain. Jz like the taste cause it doesnt smell fishy, so i am free to mix it in a creative way into his food, hence i came up with the recipes. do you use fish oil too? how do you use them?

Kite and Joyfulmom,
SAHM is very fun and fulfilling. its a most wonderful feeling that each time i wake up and i dont have to go to work!

heart still itch itch to be SAHM?
dont worry its a process that you go through before deciding what we want to do.

did you recently change nick? are you wen or kissbb? sorry *confulsed*
Have you got your make up remover yet? Creamy Cleansing Lotion from Nuskin is a good one. Cause its actually a facial cleanser but because its so mild, it has a dual purpose as a make up remover even for eyes. won't irritate if it gets into your eyes.

Facial wash? Let me do a facial spa for you next time we meet ok, then you can feel what Nuskin can do

here's my data boy Jae Zen, weight 9.2 kg (but that was a month ago), height i can't remember leh... thanks for compiling

how did the demo go? heard you all went to zoo? i'm planning to go too......
Joyfulmom = wen...
btw, thanks for the link to yr web photo album!!

pls update brayden = 10.1kg... height haven't measure yet...
Joyfulmum: Wow, the class sounds disastrous. Hands shake throughout the class is really bad ley....really need an experienced teacher to handle a class of active toddlers. Yeah, agreed that Gabby really connected with Susie towards the end of the semester. Really hope you get a better teacher for the remaining term. ER adapted to the new class quite well. He was enjoying the songs and got restless for a while here & there. For my class, the teacher's hand is injured so she isn't doing any flashcards for the 1st 3 weeks. Subsequently, another teacher will come in to do the flashcard portion. Doubt we can do anything about that either. Hmmm, for my current class, the mgt said she won't be continuing with the class this term but in the end, she still continue. So sounds like the mgt a bit luan.

Fi: I have only given ER cod liver oil so far. If the fish oil is consumable then your method is really great! Mixing with food is the easiest way to let them eat it. I got my son the multivit from Usana (Usanimals)....need to dissolve it in water cos the tablet is too hard/huge for him to chew. Sometimes he takes it, sometimes not, so I run the risk of wasting the tablet. Then I also have the multivit liquid which the GP prescribe. Again, ER don't like it and it's always difficult to get him to take 5ml.
rodeo - Edventure only open on weekday leh. How are you going to see on weekend?

Joy & Rodeo - oh, sad to hear the bad ex. Z also change class as I change his timing. New teacher is ok... flashcards abit slower but less mistake. Overall is ok... he just abit shy to the new teacher/frens at first.

vivi - collection huh... can be meetup or mail. Meetup - I noe u r a "westie" maybe can tongpang someone from either Jun/Jul thread to pass to u.
mtdt: huh, they only open weekday ah.... hmmm.... 1 of my fren has WOL Maths and Literacy, Joy Readers and Sunshine. Will prob take a look at her WOL series. Otherwise, will see if can take leave on Fri aft.

Someone mentioned about pelangi books. What's the website?

neutrogena? haha.nv try that brand b4.can keep in consideration.


u really shisedo fan lei. i like their energising perfume..u got try tt b4? smell v nice.i used their softening lotion etc b4.. aiyah,now i nv put anything on my face liao.too tired n lazy now. my skin condition quite bad now..


thanks for the link to photos..envy lei.can go sabah.the waters so clear..doubt my hb will like this kind of holiday. he like cruise only.

ok.next time we meet up then u show me.but no promise i will buy hor.sahm no $.haha.btw,u got sample for those face wash? mayb thats beter for me to try.

for WOL, I will take the emergent level. thanx


your experience with SM mgmt sounds bad. I would be vv upset if I were u too. S and J had a change of classroom. Same teacher. For S, half the classmates are different.
why is GP prescribing ER multivit in the first place? any particular reason. i am a fan of food supplement from Pharmanex cause i take it since pregancy and it works for me. if you like a more palatable supplement for ER, you want to try g3 juice? The tablet kind of multivit is recomended for 2 years above even then its a chewable type. younger than that, g3 is good cause its just a fruit juice but it has all the antioxidant and other good ingredient for immune system, children growth etc. Jz likes it, can mix with water drink from cup or various ways like in my recipe blog

ya holiday there very good, we even took boat out to sea to snorkle, imagine my scare with Jz without a life jacket.

hey, no problem just show you no need buy i understand SAHM $ very tight. i give you try mine first. but hor what type of skin are you? oily, dry or combination or normal? then the next question is do you want something just to maintain the health and look of your skin, or you want to reverse/improve wrinkles sagging and aging signs or want to reverse/improve on discolouration and pigmentation or a medical set for acne skin (but your skin not that kind la). sorry ah...i go on and on but got many things to say
we mothers need to pamper and be pretty mah
i will like to get 5boxes of the mosquito patch as well.

Dermalife Anti-Mosquito Patch ($5)
Carebear29 5
kissbb 10 (Confirm)
panda 5 (Confirm)
jacque 5 (Confirm)
pawprint 10
celeste 20 (Confirm)
Joy 5 (Confirm)
CutieZayn 5 (Confirm)
sunflower 5 (Confirm)
zzzcookiemonster (Confirm)

Pls kindly let me know payment method.
Many thanks in advance.

its 2 packs in 1 box and 6 pieces in each pack.
So total 12 pcs in 1 box.

heehee.. I asked zuoer to email me when Bp up,
so just checked my email and realised lor.
I quick hand place order liao lo.
Pelangi books have very similar topics and way of presentation to Sunshine books. They don't sell Sunshine books.

They are more appalling details that I am not ready to share here yet. I am waiting to see what kind of solutions they are providing us with.
One mom said it is the worst SM nightmare coming true...
Don't know laugh or cry..keke.

ya lor. i just received mine. Haven use yet. Ordered 2. gave 1 to my mIL. So thinking of ordering for my sis n mother
<font face="tahoma"> sunflower,
thanks for the info

I want to order too, thanks!

Dermalife Anti-Mosquito Patch ($5)
Carebear29 5
kissbb 10 (Confirm)
panda 5 (Confirm)
jacque 5 (Confirm)
pawprint 10
celeste 20 (Confirm)
Joy 5 (Confirm)
CutieZayn 5 (Confirm)
sunflower 5 (Confirm)
zzzcookiemonster 5 (Confirm)
mspiggy 5 (confirm)

Pls kindly let me know payment method.
Many thanks in advance.</font>

oh dear.. sounds terrible.. hope the mgt comes up with a better solution for you.
They can't replace the sensei? your previous sensei no longer with SM?
re: pelangi
heard its cheaper to order online direct from Msia. last time got BP, think their postage cost not very ex, it still work out to be cheaper than
getting locally.
Has anyone used the facial towelyet? Is it effective? ........same as joyfulmom, wanna make myself less haggard ...keekek
wow.... all buying the magic cloth huh!
disclaimer - results subject to individual skin type. hahahah :p

but rem - use lightly... and beginning dun use everyday. skin can get raw and painful.:p

*i see all jun mummies inside. i wan to laugh! hahah*

Sunflower, thank u for ye posting on the facial cloth, I hv place my order liao.


Can u PM yr account so that I can do the transfer.
good morn

ur lobang so good hor.. so many june mummies inside the magic cloth BP.. hahaha.. I wan to buy too. Btw, the cloth can use for how long?

Btw, how is Z adaptin into her new nanny place? Does you give her a list wat he shld eat. Though my new nanny is good, but i dun seem to know in much details of wat mandy eats everyday as compared to my previous one who did a daily diary for me on wat she had eaten for the day.

Now mandy dun wan porridge when i cook for her during wkend. If i cook soft rice, she dun even finish half bowl. keep askin for milk only. Sigh.. I kinda lost on wat does she really want to eat now. she dun even take cereal now. always bread n cheese. she seem to hv a western appetite... wans all the bread and not rice. LOL

If u stay in hotel, mayb u wan to get a slow cooker over. How long is your trip?

i gv M Pura on sat n sun during one of her milk time... she seem to take it well. I think fresh milk is fuller rite, she cant finish her usual 200ml. keke. But tis time, hubby thinkin not to bring stroller lei, he say he want to get one ther. still deciding. I told him, dun expect me to carry all her barang barang w my "extra luggage" rite in front of me. LOL

dor - Zav is doing well with nanny.
huh... i also din ask for details on wat he do/eat/sleep. we do chat like once/twice a week when I stay back n chit chat for a while. tat's it.

but i see his habit din change much, so i din bother also. only recently this week, his intake of milk decrease by half. but solid food, sleep still normal.

he seems to be bored of sucking... maybe i shd try to change him to cup drinking. :p

ur nanny - if tat's the case, ask her to give u a diary loh.
