(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

aiyoh.. sunflower's direction always make me go blur! hahhhaha :p

Dor - hungry huh?
ya lah.. dunno why he whine and cry when i video him! hhahaha :p

sunflower - ha ha ha.. ya loh!!!
I am fated to be "driven"... hahhaa

if i go and got lost - I call u for help ok! :p

better not... you call me for help, make you more blur then you get more lost, then you can star in the series 'Lost' kekeke...

hmmm is the series call 'lost'? you know the one the plane crash in an island, till now season dunno what liao still lost in that island. wahahah.. can't recall
haha actually at 1st season, I still watch occassionally... but then it drag and drag until I sian liao... then got season 2 etc
aiyo, so many days liao sure got pp find them right? somemore add more 'residents' to the show!! gosh...
i really dunno leh. I never login.
but if login, can see the other "activities" level - then can see if they were active there or not. hahhha :p

but i also dun find the kick. hhaha
<font face="tahoma"> didnt really start facebook coz cant use in office.. at home no time to login.

sunflower, wes still doesnt want milk. but this morning, managed to feed him 180ml while he's sleeping!!!! am praying his love for milk is back soon!

going back now. bye....</font>

again!!! aiyo just went in see the thread,
the LP books looks sooo nice...

don't know yet.. keke must go back and see.
which are you getting?
aiyoh....self-confession...I am addicted to facebook...you must have quite a number of active friends in there so that there is interaction before you find it addictive.
sunflower - wat is LP?

SPicegal - hahaha... one confession! :p
hmm.. i hv active frens lah. keep "poking" me, "giving me booze" etc. but i din entertain them! hahhaa
sunflower - wat is LP?

SPicegal - hahaha... one confession! :p
hmm.. i hv active frens lah. keep "poking" me, "giving me booze" etc. but i din entertain them! hahhaa
Children's Garden at Botanic Gardens is open already? is there an entrance fee? Do you all like it? i used to work with people who does the garden

Finally moving huh...got house warming?

oh you are half msian. then what is Jerica?

are you bringing baby to Shanghai. i've a friend who has 2 small kids used to work there.

can view only some video? aiya..ok i send again. or you have any other e mail address?

Jz most probably in jb next week can't join u all then for monday outing.

i pm you, u saw?
anyone bakes for their kids? i like to but dont have an oven. Jz is starting to grow out of his cereal and like food which is round for breakfast eg. bun, cup cakes, tarts but the ones sold outside quite sweet. any breakfast suggestion? what do you all give for breakfast?
Hi all,

Need urgent advice. Can anyone advise which website to rent car for a trip to New Zealand? For 4 adults for about 2 weeks. Thanks.

I got the WOL Emergent. So far G likes about 50% of them, especially those with ppe in it. Those with just animals or nature, she is not very keen. But I would read to her anyway.

Yeap, bring G there. Hopefully can cope.
Fi: Yup, saw your PM. Will reply you soon. Can't provide any info on baking cos me also no oven at home & I've never baked anything b4 :p

Joyfulmum: Thanks. May be getting WOL-Emergent, WOL-Maths and the Chinese books series. Still thinking.....cos that'll cost almost $500 8(

Re: Facebook
Have joined and added some of you as friends. BUT, duno how to use ley *blur*
Poohy, MTDT, Wen, Rodeo,

Paiseh ... just sent you another email regarding that series of book. Entitled to further discount on the price stated in the price list ... check your mails!
Hihi, i so long never log in, seems like a lot of shopping to catch up.

Hi MTDT, i also order the superfine face towel hehe. May i have the price list of the NG WOL emergent and maths, Ridgy rocket and chinese series pls? My email addy is [email protected] Thanks. SM homework, yes i also recvd the A to Z book last week, u just reminded me that we haven't do our homework and our class is on tomorrow....

Hi Paula,
What's are the books in your price list? Can pm me also?
sunflower - ooh LP uh. I wld refer them as FP. haha ya those books look cute.

paula - send u email

stella - send u email.
Good morning ladies!

Regarding buns, tarts, cakes, and other sweet food, I might need to start exploring baking again for A. I read from Prof Shichida's book that we better bake our own with fructose to replace the white sugar. Fructose is very expensive!

I am looking for Kumon books. Thank you

MY sis also addicted to facebook. I got no time to sign up.

Ok later all... Gotta get off my chair
I hardly got chance to sit in front of laptop now. A wanna play with it and ask me to carry
<font face="tahoma"> good morning ladies

i wanted to buy this cheese from NTUC the other day too. but feedback from my mum, wes hates cheese... he gave her those "puke face" when she gave him a small pcs.

anyone giving yoghurt? beside the mini yoliat (not sure correct spelling) any other brands suitable for our toddlers age?</font>

heard there's another brand at cold storage, but can't recall name liao. you go check out :p think it will state for kids. a lady told me its very nice (& more ex), her girl prefers this to yoplait.

nope, the one and only time I gave him,
was some B*** brand, can't recall spelling.
I mixed with cutup apricots, he took a little mouth, threw up everything! including his
milk feed.

so no more yoghurt from then on....
<font face="tahoma"> forum finally up and running again.

initially wes also showed those puke face at 1st go. why dont you try giving those plain ones first?

now wes loves it so much.. whenever i ask him, do you want yoghurt? he will run to me and sit on the floor waiting for his dessert. hehehe</font>
