(2006/06) June 2006 MTB


Z look v at ease lei..haha..btw, u haven add me lei to ur blog..i always got read them..tks

[email protected]


hmm..mayb next time i bring a bigger tee for her to wear over..but hor, tink her GUG class nobody do tt lei..wow...N is enjoying herself...my nitemare is when C has paints on her legs/hands & she went round the house....*faint*...scare scare to start her on paints...


i tinking of going to ikea to get her tables & chairs..
hallo ladies,

so long i haven login till i had to scroll and read many many pages back!

congrats!!!! wow, no. 3, so happy for you!

yup, our tod now more tricky when it comes to feeding time, esp they like to feed themselves now. try giving a bowl with spoon and just a little food inside for them to self feed, while they're busy at it, quickly feed them the real thing!

contract end? what do you do that is on contract?

i read your post long time back about posting my payment account here. is this about the Nourish the Children donation? good timing, cause recently the company has decide to contribute 1 to 1, means will donate a bag for every bag that is donated by the public. e mail me if you interested, can't pm as you dont allow assess.

emjpy your trip. i've been to osaka and kyoto, its in my baby blog, great places!!! esp. now autumn beautiful scenery!! falling colourful leaves.....

cutie zayn,
you know about Joirubi Aloe Vera? i personally know the guy who brings it into spore, other pharmacies gets from him in bulk and repackage and sometimes rename it to be sold in pharmacies. i've heard very good testimonials on this gels too. how much do you have to pay at the pharmacies? i get it from him direct, you interested?
Hi Fi, I am interested, I use alot. I use it as a moisturize and pimper cream also.
The lowest I can get is from People's park around $14.90 or $15.90.
HI Mt & Cheri, yr little one look more like a little artist huh, so cute.

Spicegal, I also don dare to let Zach try on painting, scare of the mess.
angeline, clothes dirty can wash... or wear those clothes she has outgrown?

cheri, Bren will take the dot paint and dot his mouth... does it to every color guess to 'taste' the diff. u let N use the paintbrush? under supervision or... can be dangerous without.

enjoy ur trials...
go buy the art paper from ikea...mahjong paper is so ex! ikea's is $6 plus per roll n it's really a v thick roll...when i used it for her foot painting in the 2nd pic, just need to roll it out like a red carpet hahah..she loves seeing me do that

can i tompang u to buy the leapfrog 5-pack dvds? do u think they will arrive in time for xmas?

u can oso consider getting the chubby crayons from elc..non toxic n washable...i always look out for these 2 things when i buy any art materials for her...

no, i'm not, i think the mummy who works in Montessori is Aileen aka Mrs Chng...or is there someone else in this thread too?

spicegal, cutiezayn & angeline
i was initially afraid to let N try painting at home too cos scared of the mess n worried that she will eat etc but after seeing my fren's 5 year old daughter n how she loves artwork, i decided to follow wat my fren did n try to give N time to do art...my fren's girl is v active, running ard everywhere type but the only 2 things that can get her sitting down quietly n concentrating is when she's being read to & doing artwork...she will ignore all other noise or kids playing n concentrate on her masterpiece...amazing! Of course, i must say if u have a helper to clean up the mess after the paint session, things r definitely xxx times easier...so those mummies wif helpers, go full steam ahead! hahah

re fox clothes
yes, i oso feel their sizing is so so small...i usually wun buy their zipped shorts as she outgrows them so fast! so wasted...

yes, i'm always wif her when she does any painting, crayons or stickers...lest i turn ard n she ends up wif a bloody mouth (red paint or melted crayons!) haha...stickers cos i dun wan her pasting anywhere else but the paper or sticker album. I will always redirect her to draw or stick in the appropriate place so far so good...
wat is dot paint? so cute...B will taste the different colours..u should get him those scented markers..i'm sure he'll get a kick out of smelling the different ones...but not sure if they r non toxic though...we used to use this brand of scented markers for our facilitation work...brand is Mr Sketch..has cinnamon, strawberry smell etc...hahah
cheri - hahaha... ur gal sooo cute with the faceart.:p must be very fun!!

ikea paper huh.. ok ok noted. cheong down to buy haha
hahah..painted by her teacher...super easy to wash n the colours r really nice...would be nice to buy for them huh? maybe i should go check wif her teacher where she got hers from hahah

ikea paper a lot, no need to rush...if really oos hor, means smf really rocks...so long as mentioned or raved abt in threads, will oos next day hahah
iya, not so nice to post pics of other kids here..but there was this boy in her class..the teacher painted him like Harry Potter...super duper cute! hhaha...

still up so early ah? hhaah thot u ftwm rite?

thanks for including my order though i've not paid u yet...actually i wanted to order 2 sets hhaha..nvm...

gimme ur account number so i can transfer the $ to u..let me know how much oso thanks!
Fi, let me know if you are helping other mummies get the Joirubi aloe vera, interested to get 2 to try out. Thanks! I also let Jerica play with a bit of food in her own bowl during feeding time. Then feed her the actual thing when she is engrossed with playing the food.

Cheri, aiyoh, butterfly and mouse...haha so cute!!
Good morning!

The tables and chairs at Ikea looks good. Love the bright colours. Gabby is still using her lil' table and chairs her daddy bought from neighbourhood shop. But it seems like she will outgrow it soon. Keke...

Contract to fill in temporary work demand of this company. Just a short term one for about 4 months.

So, it is Mrs. Chng. Haven't seen her her for a while. Your gal is very cute with face paints on..keke.
cheri - ooh! so sorry.... as I wan to order my stuff and only promo until last nite. so i quickly place order liao. :p

payment - wait for shipping then transfer at one shot lah.
Has anyone experienced a lift upgrading before? Why does it take as long as 3 years? And because of it we are thinking of a renovation. Is it advisable to do one before or during the upgrade? Need to add aircond to the living room...else can't imagine the dust and noise! I am beginning to wonder how we (or my parents and G) can last through the whole noisy/messy period. Any local website to see/compare contractors? Any websites to see nice home decor/renovation stuff?
Any advice, all welcome! TIA, all!
mich - ooh.. the dot paint is sooo interesting.
so it's much cleaner with this dot thingy rite? :p

btw i have finally updated my blog... so u gals can go read abt bb there.
wonder where to get in Sing - the dot paints..Anyone knows? Or have to order from US directly...keke.

Yeah....SMH rocks...see how Busybuddies are overwhelmed? And things run out of stocks...keke...now maybe dot paints..
RE : Busybuddies trial


tink i can't go liao. Celest is sick.brought her to kk las nite as she got breathing difficulties..v labor..can help me find 1 to take over my slots? wat a pity...
doc diagnois as CROUP...now i vvv sleepy..back home only 5am+...
joy - alex toys a few places sells lah... u can try mygym at GWC.. the selection there not bad.

or ask mich to buy loh!!! hahahha :p

angeline - aiyoh.. croup huh... sayang celest...
Angeline, sorry to hear about Celeste. Hope she recover soon. Take care.

Duffy, any more slots for next weekend's busybuddies? Can I still join?
To be confirmed Busybuddies Trial Next Saturday, 24/11/07

Interested Parties : (Sorry, if i have missed out any names here)
1) Duffy
2) Spicegal
3) Jacque

Hi, just add on, but may i know who is the organizer? Duffy? Im quite "eng" these 2 days, let me know if you need any help.
i am using the Joirubi Aloe Vera too..It cost about $19 at watsons. Wil be glad to join in if you are helping us to get it direct.

my mum house ( where xavier is at for the day time) is under going liftupgrading). They also told us that it need about 2-3 years to complete. Actually, the time frame is for the whole estate. If your blk is the 1st one to be started on, then not so long lah. And also i think HDB gave allowance in case the contractor go bust.
The hecking of the wall time is very very noisy and DUSTY. I had to call the contractor in charge and get their schedule of hecking and them move my mum and son back to my house for that few days. After that, the noise is bearable but the DUST is still unbearable! Sigh...
It been 3 mths since they started work and i can see that they have done 2 levels of the new lift shaft already. Hope they can complete before CNY for our blk, else it will be a DUSTY CNY for us..spring cleaning will be a big headache.
To be confirmed Busybuddies Trial Next Saturday, 24/11/07

Interested Parties : (Sorry, if i have missed out any names here)
1) Duffy
2) Spicegal
3) Jacque
4) Cutiezayn

Hi, just add on, but may i know who is the organizer? Duffy? Im quite "eng" these 2 days, let me know if you need any help.
MTDT and anyone else interested,
the non-spill paint pots that Z was using at Busybuddies pic... can get similar from Artfriend Bras Basah, very cheap compared to Alextoys. Cheaper than at the little art shop next to Kids Pictures at Forum basement. But I forgot how much, cos I bought mine already.

ok sure, no prob you take on angeline's space.

not received your PM yet, but I have your number from months back, any change??

thanks for info on non-spill paint pots.

I saw at ELC and Giants too though forgot the price liao, so not sure cheaper or same same.
re: Dots paint

JG using this brand Dotart

ELC carries it but their own brand la,
at $19 for around 5-6 colours

use empty glue bottles, wash and dry,
fill with your current washable paint your little one is using.
achieve same effect.


I use crayola brand. They have washable type for paints, finger paints, crayons, markers, water colours.

btw, any mummies?
anyone can tell me difference between finger paint and paint??
sunflower, PMed already leh, maybe forum lag, but number unchanged, thanks! Will bring Irv this Sat, and let HB handle Ahgirl for her classes!

DOTPAINT- I have a brandless set *given* to me, so I think generic aren't expensive. If particular, like what Sunflower said, just dump contents and replace with desired.

Finger paint consistency is thicker, less runny, so that easier to, err, finger paint :D . I usually buy finger paint and then add water if putting in non-spill pots. My non-spill pots are from the little craft store next to Kids Pictures at Forum basement... it comes with a STOPPER, so I usually stopper it SECURELY and run the whole pot under the tap to wash the outsides.

Later I post pic... then u will understand why must WASH OUTSIDE of the pot, LOL. The stopper prevents too much water from going inside the pot, and u can save the paint in it for next use! :D
I also want to know leh...I only know that finger paints normally feels more gluey vs water colors.

Btw, can let our kids use poster colours? Which brand to buy? I have never use them myself...any website to learn...haha
Yes, yes, please post pics. I am an art-idiot. So far, only let G use one brush at one time. She dip in color palett using same brush...pix ended up mostly in one color - the strongest one prevails - after all the mixing..:p

thanks for answer muacks...
the crayola finger paint I got is gluey texture which is different from what JG used.
The artfriend selling also got stopper? urm so the paint won't dry up if store in the pot?
I usually use wet cloth to wipe the outside of bottles cos washable so very easy to wipe off.
Do you know any other brands that carries washable paints besides crayola.

will sms you later

not sure if popular sells Crayola.
I got from JL and IMM kiddy palace.

actually you can get those washable paints from Crayola for G to paint with her paintbrush. As non toxi and washable so no worries, sure can use and very easy to clean up.
once my boy painted my floor, door & wall with his paint, easily wipe off with wet cloth.

Sharing this, can get the kid to lie down on mahjong paper and u draw outline. Both parent and child can paint in details together after that. If particularly educational, can even add words to body parts- eyes, nose etc.
We did this in one of Ahgirl's classes.

Below Inspired by CHERI.. hehe, if I dun hav helper, I will think a million times before doing so! :p


I find Ahboy not interested in "painting" per se, he will stick the paintbrush into the pot to get the paint out, then squish the paintbrush bristles between his hands. He's more "tactile", enjoys squishing paint between his fingers, rather than APPLYING paint onto paper. He was also more keen to stack up the pots...

Probably personality, cos same thing with self-feeding, he prefers to squish his fingers into his porridge than to hold the spoon. More tactile lor (am consoling myself, hahaha). At this age, I will not be letting him use my wall-mounted Alextoy easel... cos I can bet he will paint the whole wall, LOL!
So it depends on which flat starts first. What I am worry is, they will hack all the flats in the estate in one go and will fix them one by one..in batch. So if mine is hack first, it will be left there for the longest time before everything is patched up.

I guess it is sensible to say that renovation should start after the major hacking job is done? Else what if reno done but start to have cracks because of all the hacking? But the dust...how? We need to instal air cond....and thought could do the reno together, in one package....
Washable paints- I'm interested to know which is the most pocket-friendly in price, in maybe those big bottle sizes. But not mega-big like art schools lah, hehe. Am outta paints! :p

Sunflower, I thought I saw a cover at the paintbrush hole. I din check carefully cos I was like, "drats, so cheap but I have already!". Some covers are not STOPPER type, but turning-flap type. Stopper type more airtight... but quite a pain to keep track of where the stopper is (gets lost easily!). Turning-flap type will never get lost, but not airtight!

I opt out disneyland for this trip and instead having 1 day F&E in tokyo.

I will check out the biscuit you mentioned. thanks.

I'm leaving tonite.

Will check out the chocolate biscuit at airport. thanks!


Catch up with u gals again when i'm back. Have a good weekend. Ciao.
