(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

Min order 5 pairs @ $3 each

1) Paula - 20 (gals only) 2-3yr
2) MTDT - 10 (boys only) 2-3yr
3) Cutie - 5 (Boys only) 5 (girls 4yr)
4) pawprint - 2 (FOC)/mspiggy - 3 (boys only) 2-3 yr
5) zzzcookiemonster - 10 (boys only)
<font color="0000ff">6) spicegal - 5 (gals 2/3yr) &amp; 5 (gals 4 yr)</font>
7) poohy - 20 (10 gals - 2/3yr and 10 boys - 4yr)
8) soh1dful - 10 (boys) 2-3yr
9) kite - 5 (gals only) 2-3yr
10)Angeline - 5 (gals only) 4yrs

Min order 5 pairs @ $3 each

1) Paula - 20 (gals only) 2-3yr
2) MTDT - 10 (boys only) 2-3yr; 5(boys only) 4yrs; 5(gals only) 2-3yrs
3) Cutie - 5 (Boys only) 5 (girls 4yr)
4) pawprint - 2 (FOC)/mspiggy - 3 (boys only) 2-3 yr
5) zzzcookiemonster - 10 (boys only)
6) spicegal - 5 (gals 2/3yr) &amp; 5 (gals 4 yr)
7) poohy - 20 (10 gals - 2/3yr and 10 boys - 4yr)
8) soh1dful - 10 (boys) 2-3yr
9) kite - 5 (gals only) 2-3yr
10)Angeline - 5 (gals only) 4yrs
Min order 5 pairs @ $3 each

1) Paula - 20 (gals only) 2-3yr
2) MTDT - 10 (boys only) 2-3yr; 5(boys only) 4yrs; 5(gals only) 2-3yrs
3) Cutie - 5 (Boys only) 5 (girls 4yr)
4) pawprint - 2 (FOC)/mspiggy - 3 (boys only) 2-3 yr
5) zzzcookiemonster - 10 (boys only)
6) spicegal - 5 (gals 2/3yr) &amp; 5 (gals 4 yr)
7) poohy - 20 (10 gals - 2/3yr and 10 boys - 4yr)
8) soh1dful - 10 (boys) 2-3yr
9) kite - 5 (gals only) 2-3yr
10)Angeline - 5 (gals only) 4yrs
11) Fi - 5 (boys only) 2-3 yrs

can update me on the above gap socks on how to pay, where to collect etc by e mail? cause i'm not on thread often enough so can't locate me. thanks! by the way, how you organize this, from taiwan?

anyone has car seat for sale? i'm looking for one. second hand or brand new 0-4 yrs old. pls pm me
i'm looking for preggie or bf mummies who look for good trustable quality prenatal supplements to build a strong immune foundation for their baby even from their womb or through breast milk. please pm me, i can e mail studies
Hey.. Am lost

<font color="ff0000">Angeline</font>,
U preg ar? why everyone congrats u??

As for photoshoot... Chelsia moody.. David super good... spent lots of time playing with her.. and chelsia starts to like him alot but jus that she dun wanna smile... so David say no smile no nice pics... we stayed there for full 2hrs... and davis ask us to go back again when she turn 24mths.. easier... so yesterday only took 30 pics... will post later
Thats all.. HAHA...

She got little hair infront... can someone please tell me how to make her hair infront grow faster nad thicker.. haha
<font face="tahoma">Celeste,
nice pics! cant tell Chelsia is moody leh. i also wanna know how to make hair grow thicker! Wes's hair soooo little too.
Nice pix.
I also need the formulae...G front hair still thin too (in fact, overall thin)..keke. Want to bring her to Junior League but feel simtia coz so little hair...keke.
Min order 5 pairs @ $3 each

1) Paula - 20 (gals only) 2-3yr
2) MTDT - 10 (boys only) 2-3yr; 5(boys only) 4yrs; 5(gals only) 2-3yrs
3) Cutie - 5 (Boys only) 5 (girls 4yr)
4) pawprint - 2 (FOC)/mspiggy - 3 (boys only) 2-3 yr
5) zzzcookiemonster - 10 (boys only)
6) spicegal - 5 (gals 2/3yr) &amp; 5 (gals 4 yr)
7) poohy - 20 (10 gals - 2/3yr and 10 boys - 4yr)
8) soh1dful - 10 (boys) 2-3yr
9) kite - 5 (gals only) 2-3yr
10)Angeline - 5 (gals only) 4yrs
11) Fi - 5 (boys only) 2-3 yrs

I think u all better pay 1st... easier for me cos i dun wanna be stuck with all the socks!

DBS Savings 065-90-17175

Fi, i will leave my number here and i'll be bac Jan 24th, u can collect from me anytime after then or at trials if u re going. i won't be able to email each and everyone. if u like u can include postage and i'll mail them out when am back. transfer extra $2 for postage and i'll refund any extra as concelaed cash BUT pls dun held me responsible for any lost articles!
kissbb - me not on MSN in the afternoon - went to pick Jake up. tomorrow my turn to monitor Jake. today he did really well - took school bus by himself. he sat with the auntie in front. at school, he was simply busy, walking around, swinging his hands... having fun... till sandplay... disaster again....

Poohy - Jake is not sleepy - I make him nap at 11am for one hour, so he is all charged up at school. He tends to doze off during dinner, so I have to quickly feed him and put him to bed by 8pm. So far, i think he is adjusting well, to my surprise.
Soh, ur bath books are with cel... i pass u during trial with ur kumon or?

Nao, ur kumon with cel... pls make arrangement to collect FROM her or she will KILL me if i make her dhl...
i also have a something for KOng, pls pass to her... thanks! *muacks*
Cel, my supper buddy... must start thinking of supper places!! here i am eating supper everyday in tw!! CHUM... become AH PUI!! go bac to sg eat even more... how on earth can i ever get bac my 'model' figure?
mich, can still add in my order??

Min order 5 pairs @ $3 each

1) Paula - 20 (gals only) 2-3yr
2) MTDT - 10 (boys only) 2-3yr; 5(boys only) 4yrs; 5(gals only) 2-3yrs
3) Cutie - 5 (Boys only) 5 (girls 4yr)
4) pawprint - 2 (FOC)/mspiggy - 3 (boys only) 2-3 yr
5) zzzcookiemonster - 10 (boys only)
6) spicegal - 5 (gals 2/3yr) &amp; 5 (gals 4 yr)
7) poohy - 20 (10 gals - 2/3yr and 10 boys - 4yr)
8) soh1dful - 10 (boys) 2-3yr
9) kite - 5 (gals only) 2-3yr
10)Angeline - 5 (gals only) 4yrs
11) Fi - 5 (boys only) 2-3 yrs
12) duffy - 5 (boys only) 2-3yrs
hey ladies!! today is Friday yippee

wow few days didn't come in so many posts..




thanks for offer. its ok
don't wanna bother you with so many books.
wow you got Gap socks lobang... any more??


so learning ladder, learning vision, cherie hearts are good? tell me more

anyone knows whats good in the east?
YES MTDT!! wanna give me ang pow ah...
ya lor.. no festive mood here, now everyone go on hols or play MJ!! we play MJ in sg ok...

sunflower... add on! why u never sign up for trials?
hahaha.. i wan to "siam CNY" in Sin n go TW!
hahaha no festive mood - but all shops/nite market etc open?
Based on what I heard, these schools are good ... but I must go and see see and interview first ... will let you know more when I come back. There is a Carpe Diem resort in Punggol, you might want to take a look at that...
zoophonics email to me!
The following are the timings at Thomson:
Wed 9:00-11:00am (2hrs) with mandarin
Fri 9:00-11:00am (2hrs) with mandarin
Sun 9:45am (1hr) without mandarin

(FAINTZ!!! i thot 11am!! WHY SO EARLY!!! I'll email to ask for later class

Kindly let me know which timing is suitable for him.When would you like to have the trial for your goup of 8, weekdays or weekendsso that I can let the teacher know.

Did not recieve them at all! My ON order placed on 11 December ... only processed them this week! And most of the items OOS. Then two missing parcels. Wrote them many emails but no response. Then no updates on the rest. Can die!
<font color="119911">from zoophonics...

If you can form a class of 3-4, we can start a class at 11am.

paula - u try the live chat... it's much better. and u can press for an answer. :p

so far i always use live chat... ok for me.
never send them email.

I used to work in a call centre.. incharge of 4-5teams. so i noe - EMAILS - means not urgent. CAN WAIT! hahhahha :p

how's your trip? Must be fun. I heard that it snows the following day I left korea... so u must have gotten the snow

it snows when we are at everland and the ski resort. Not those heavy ones just light ones. Think my boy take it as bubbles.

Super cold at -15 to -20 deg c..

mostly stayed indoors. I cannot take it.

So sad! my boy fell flat on his face and hit his mouth on the 1st day! Whole mouth filled with blood. Front tooth chip off.
he couldn walk steadily with his full geared on. too heavy so walked sideways, slanted and finally fell off.

boy a bit petty dun wanna me to hold and dun wanna tok to me after that.

How abt urs?

oh no... how's he now? Poor boy... must be so painful for him. you bringing him to dentist to check?

Mine also... throw tantrum when I try to wear their jackets for them... always gotta take 30min to struggle with them over the jacket before they can settle and see the beautiful surrounding around them. They took to the cold weather very well... I remembered the night at the ski resort was vvvv cold. abt -15 deg and S still wanna play the tobaggan... J was smiling at me when I carried her to the resort ... but that nite, S was the one who wanted me to wear glove for him cos its really vvv painful for the fingers to be even exposed for less than a minute. I cant take it also.. gotta wear my ski gloves.
Dear Vivi,

Poor Davian! It must be very painful! U careless mama again! :p
My boy also petty sometimes! Esp when he hit himself, he fussed and refuses to talk to me or let me carry him also.

When did u go korea? My cousin went on 23-28 Dec, she didn't get to see snowing and she told me weather warm than expect, 9-10 degrees.
<font face="tahoma"> vivi, ouch! must be really painful for D!

you confirm your perth trip this mar? </font>

he is better now just that it has develop into a super BIG ulcer.

My boi also dislike wearing the jackets. He only wears it when he feel cold else he will fuss.

He likes to wear gloves but once in the bus, he will wanna take off jacket, gloves, socks n shoes.

when he is cold, he will keep quiet else he will yak away.

not too sure if he enjoy but can sense that he is feeling much happier when in sg cos can play with toys and cousin.



ya lor...
Vivi, oh dear, *sayang* but chipped tooth no need see dentist? Maybe can file it such that no sharp edges to aggravate the ulcer? Just thinking out here, no idea either.
so bored! where is everyone? I so bored tat i went to adopt a pet in facebook! ahahhaa

facebook frens - pls go pet pet and feed my pet!hahahah

<font face="tahoma"> everyone starts to be busy with work already.

Hubby also wants to postpone to Apr/May but weather turning cold already. Last year I went ard May, weather is quite cold.</font>
