(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Gie, you can try giving your baby papaya and more water. If the poo is not hard, it is ok (this is what the PD says - but my qn is if he haven't poo - I won't know whether it is soft or not). You can bring your baby to see PD if you are still worried, which is what I had done, they will give some inserts (baby size).

Morning mummies

Talking about swim diaper, I have not get one yet.. must go and buy already. My #1 never wear swim diaper before, so far no accident for her hehehe.. but for my boy I think better let him wear coz his poo poo time is not regular yet :p

Re: avocado
Yesterday after a few mouthful my boy doesn’t want to eat the avocado, he kept spitting it out, so I just stop feeding him.. I mixed the avocado with chocolate fudge for my girl instead hehe, and she loves it..

I think for those babies who kept on crying while being fed, perhaps they are not ready for solids yet, or alternatively just give them whatever that they like.. in this way, it will make both mummy and baby’s lives easier.. for me, if my boy doesn’t want to eat, I will just stop feeding him.. and let him latch instead..
Shers, I dun tink I will b getting e barley cereal frm u. Cuz ah, I travel here n thr it's lk ma fun n end of e day my cost is added on. So no pt lor. Wanted to gt the cereal frm another mommy cuz more convenient bt I guess nw lk dun seem so. Lols! Any mommy wanna take over? The cereal is nw at bukit batok.
hi morn mummies...

decided to monitor my bb 1st coz he seem fine yesterday.. no vomit durin poo poo oso..happy n playin. urine color oso back to normal. i was tinkin it could reali b he gek until vomit hope it wun b a habit.. *sweat*

re avocado
shers, like u i oso dun dare taste avocado but for bb sake bobian.. gotta try hehe. taste quite raw n bland. when preparin the fruit puree.. real oily :p mix with milk n let bb try he no prob.. can eat.

re fruit puree
my bb dislike apple sob sob! i try givin him 3 times oredi on diff occasion n he vomit out..! so sad.. an apple a day keeps the doc away.. hope he can accept apple in time to come coz such a nutritious fruit!!
Joyce, he doesn't have the Gek sai face at all. Will try more water and 2 more days before i go to pd.

BabyMay 09, i will try to give him papaya today and see how. Thks

No poo can eat avocado ? is it heaty?
once i receive the consolidated orders from HT, i will list out the stuff some mums cancel.. see anyone wan to take over.. keep a lookout for my list end of this week or early next week..

its ok.. i will ask my mum to bring back to my place tml. i can always pass back to mikojade.. afterall, this cereal is hers.

if u staying near me or want to order lots of HT stuff, then tag in together with my orders.. else its not cost saving to just order 2-3 cereal and 2-3 jars..
ling lim,
how abt adding puree into cereal? Kayden likes? no need to really feed puree directly.. can always add in cereal since he likes cereals..
have u try giving Kayden banana? this is all time favourite, he shld be able to eat it..
i also didnt let Shermay eat baby bites alot.. each day only 1-2 pcs only..

noted yr cancellation.

Re: gerber puff
u can try to give puff to yr bbs since this melts in the mouth also.. they have 4 favours if i rem correctly.. now buy 1 and free gerber apple juice!! i saw at NTUC.. not sure cold storage still has this promotion ornot..
Gie - why don't you stop solid food for a while until he poos? let him empty his bowels before add on to it? have you tried the "bicycle exercise" and tummy massage?
ling, the baby bites at hougang blk 683 selling $1.90 i bgt original and carrot flavour..my boy can finish 4pcs in 1 day...

joyce, i knw tat one is teething biscuits...but my boy dont like to bite how to rub his itchy gums ? he just grab in his hands and refuse to put into his mouth ! but the baby bites he will auto put into his mouth leh..hahaha
same as Shermay.. she refused to eat HT teething biscuit.. but for baby bites, she will grab it and put in her mouth..
shers: gerber puffs also melts in mouth? r they v tiny? im rather paranoid abt choking..

re: barley cereal
can take whether or nt bowel movements are regular rite? cuz hailey nw poo ok.. everyday maybe twice sometimes 3 times a day..
i miss u also! whahhahaa...

yes.. gerber puff also melts in mouth.. its not very tiny.. its the same version as honey star just that it is for bb above 6mths..
hi mummies,

need some advice....

recently, my gal is on anti-biotics. just now she cied until a lot of small red patches appearing on her forehead and eye areas.

Is this the side effect of anti-biotics or caused by other factors? Cos the bottle stated it might cause rash.

Tried calling my PD at 12.50pm, but the clinic off at 12.30pm. afternoon no consultation, hav to wait till tonite.

Any mummies know such experience?
hi twinke sp;
I suggest you observe you girl for a few hours.
If the rashes becomes more severe (rashes too big that interupts with eyesight or visions), or she seems difficulty breathing...
Send her to the nearest clinic or hospital immediately.

Drug allergy can be dangerous.
hi Twinkle Sp;
I do suggest you stop feeding your girl with the prescribed medicine for the time being.
As long as allergies, the respective drug should be stopped.

Consult the doctor/ pd who prescribe this drug, and confirm with him/ her if this drug may cause allergies or not.
If the doctor/ pd says that the mentioned drug may incur allergy to some, then you should inform him/ her that your child has the above symptoms.
The doctor/ pd will normally advise you to stop THAT drug.

If the mentioned drug will not cause any allergy, then, maybe your girl is a one-off case.
Maybe dust or ….

So, call your doctor/ pd tonight…
twinkle, wat antibiotics is ur bb taking? Its important to observe the spread of the rash. Sometimes it can also be the bb rub the med on face n cause momentary rash.
may mum,
my boy oso dun like apple puree.. tried few times.. no no no..

i havent tried adding into cereal coz my HT cereal dun noe y got weird smell.. i threw again.. bgt the happy bellies oatmeal yest.. yet to try.. ;p
the banana must be those small short one rite? must get super ripe one rite?

that blk only got one shop selling?
apple puree
I bot the cherry apple n steam it before feeding my boy. While its still tangy, its really sweet n my boy likes it. Didn't offer more than 1 day cos its really sweet. Scared he grow to like sweet things

So far he likes carrot, banana, apple, pear, spinach, ht brown rice cereal n ht maple teether.
hi muffintop

MA's rashes have improved since i stopped giving her the teething biscuits from heinz. my girl has super sensitive skin! so poor thing to see her whole face peeling with dry skin from the eczema triggered by the biscuits.
my elder one so far has no such allergies!

re: Privacy
someone i knew from another forum posted my real name and company name in another thread, asking if anybody else knew me. i guess since she and i are friends, its natural for her to be curious about others who might know me.

but due to the nature of my job, i am very sensitive about my real name/ company being disclosed here in a public forum.

since we discuss our kids, some personal issues, etc, using our nicks is a safe way to discuss in a "safe" environment. which is why i never like to be referred to by my real name or discuss my job or other more personal details ie company name, home address here.

i have since requested her to write to the admin to remover her post.

i would also like to request that none of the mummies here openly post my name/company in this forum.

if u would like to find out anything bout me from others here, pls send a PM, etc.

since all of us already know each other on FB, i guess there's a certain level of trust between us. so i really hope what ever info u have of me is used discreetly.

you can definitely have my word that i am very discreet about discussing other's personal details here. infact, i don't do it at all since i am so particular about it myself.

hope its ok with everyone here
noted. can understand ur concerns.
we use nicks in forums for a reason, esp when we hv kid(s)
hope this person remove her post asap!
ling lim,
what weird smell u experience? so far, my cereals r quite ok le.. and Shermay finishes 1 box of cereal i think less than 3weeks.. did u seal it after opening?
u can try adding to the cereal rather than feeding direct.. will make the cereal more attractive and Kayden can accept the taste.

i hope the posts that she wrote have been deleted. sure! we will keep it confidential!

Shermay have this rash at mouth after each meal. and depending on weather, she has this enzema look alike at her neck, near ears.. i'm going to raise this up to her PD to see whether is it because of food or weather or what..

Shermin doesnt have this problem at all.. she can eat all sorts of things but for Shermay, seems that she is more sensitive..
juju, shers,

i haven't taken photos of MA, esp close up for a long time because of the RASH! its bright red when its fresh and then the skin will start to peel.

i'm gonna ask the PD too if it keeps coming back.so far it has improved once we stopped the biscuits. i suspect she's allergic to wheat based food.

RA and shermin same, can eat anything. but RA is fussy eater
keep me updated on RA after seeing doctor ok? i'm bringing Shermay for vaccine this sat so hope that PD can clear my doubt also. Its so sad to see her skin turning reddish though she appears ok.

at least u suspect RA might be allergic to wheat based food.. but i have no idea at all.. if its weather that trigger the reddish, worse for Shermay..

i'm starting to wonder is it because of what i ate during my preggie stage that causes her skin to be more sensitive than Shermin
the smell like spoilt .. so i just threw away.. i put it in the lock lock container.. maybe not tight.. my boy also hv this enzema rash at his mouth that day.. for two days.. thereafter disappear.. he had some on his back of body oso... my mum helped me bring him to pd.. she said is skin sensitive ... nothing to worry.. given tis rashes cream to apply... then disappeared..
my boy finally poo yesterday afternoon. Not hard, and he seems ok when poo dun have gek sai face. So is it still consider constipation? Can continue to feed cereal?

My boy also got rash around his cheek, gone and come back afew times already. Think he is allergic to his own salive.
gie - i dun tink it's constipation then. when bb is constipated, the stool will be very hard and in pellet form. since you are still bfg, not likely for bb to get constipated. cereal shd be fine.
Feb mum,

We forgot to take group photo. Also forgot to take the classic pics of all babies lie down together...cos now they all cant sit or lie still le.. But your gal very guai. Lol
good morning mummies

finally back 2 work 2day -- after staying home to take care of yuan2 for the past few days... gosh, like maternity days -- bathe, feed, sleep and play the whole day... more tiring than working :p

she is so happy to be back @ IFC -- smiling n playing happily and forget abt her tutu... at home, she v yang orh -- wanna mummy to carry n always cry for tutu...

ling, i use a clip to seal the cereal and put in airtight box... no weird smell... maybe u can try this way...

re: rashes
notice red patches behind yuan2's ear after milk feed... think brought on by heat as she perspires when drinking milk...

cheekz, hope MA's rashes will recover soon!

re: poo
gie, if no pain when she poo, then not constipation... yuan2 had constipation once -- she cried so hard when poo and the stool very hard! since then, i give her lotsa fluid... or u can try to give sweet potato with rice cereal... yuan2 had sweet potota with avocado puree yesterday and poo-ed twice

re: gathering @ feb_mum's place
haiz, miss the gathering as yuan2 is still coughing -- dun wanna spread to other babies... saw the pics @ FB -- the babies r so cute
u mummies must hv a great time till forget to take gp pic...
firefly - ya lor, after everyone left then i realised we didn't take a group pic. tink we were all so bz entertaing the kiddos. my gal started crying after everyone left. she loves company so when she realised she's alone with mummy again, she got upset. haha...
Any babies taking Nan Pro 2 here? I attended a weaning talk at TMC about a month ago. Nestle is the sponsor and gave me 2 tins of Nan Pro 2. I just realised that the expiry date is next year Jan 09. I will just exchange the 2 tins of Nan Pro 2 for 1 tin of Similac or let go cheaply. Pls let me know, yeah.
re gathering,

i suggest next time we paste a sticker on us n bb with our nick n name of bb on it so that we know who is who. Kind of confusing to know who is who. i always forget. i saw other forum mummies gathering they do that. maybe we can try next time round. use those tape also can.
Hi Mummies,

I'm new here. My baby is 6 months, read all about your new food intro. I'm quite slow, my baby just started few spoons HT brown rice and DIY brown rice this week. But after that he didnt poo for 3 days! Am quite worried cause he's TBF and used to poo everyday. Is it cause heaty or not enough water, what should I do?
I see u talking Abt constipation n my bb poo like 4 times a day w solid intro n formula intro..

Cheekz, understand ur frustration on privacy.. That's why we use our nicks!

febmum, adv sport,
now... i switch to happy bellies (oatmeal). it comes with container like fm.. so shld be fine..
btw, is it ok to feed bb oatmeal daily???
