(2006/06) June 2006 MTB

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">WALLABLES: Please verify ur orders</font></font>

1) Paula
2) Naomi
3) Soh
4) Jacque
5) Dal
6) Spicy
7) Kong


mspiggy, u still wanna order?
<font face="tahoma"> michele,
yes i want!! but havent decide which one... can i let you know later today.

thanks! will take note</font>
<font face="tahoma"> michele,
can help me order
1. Bright Night Moon
2. Fire truck & Fire Hydrant

mspiggy, u should go thru the link provide by Mich. I agreed with what they said. Is very fustrating to bring stroller around in HK. Have to carry up and down to stairs when u take MTR..
Hubby was making noise when we were there last year.
Re: VitaMeal Sponsors
Hi Mummies,
I am participating in a program collecting donations to buy bags of lentil rice for malnourished chilren in 3rd world countries. See www.nourishthechildren.com One bag cost S$37 and that can feed a child for a month. Let's do our part for other children who are less fortunate........Please add on the list below how many bags you would like to donate.

Nourish the Children

1. Fi - 4 bags $37 X 4 = $148
2. Kite - 1 bag $37
3. Panda - 1 bag $37
4. Tinklebell - 1 bag $37

I'm going back to Penang tmr with Jz till this weekend. Bring him see his granparents, ta ta....Enjoy your week everyone!
<font face="tahoma"> michele,
you can email me at tohval at gmail dot com

yeah lor... hubby still hasnt agree to go HK. he doesnt like the place very much
<font face="tahoma"><font size="+1">Counting down to KM hol program</font>

1st lesson on <font color="ff0000">18 Nov 07, Sunday (12 noon to 12.45pm)</font>

1. Mspiggy
2. Peng
4. MTDT's friend
5. Jacque
6. Celeste
7. Pauline</font>
Appletree playgroup
Does anyone know anything about this play group?

Did you hear anything on them before? They have around 6 centers in Tampines alone.
On logico

The new teacher is quite alright. She is not as good as the previous teacher but I am fine with her. Definitely much, much better than the inexperienced teacher.

The article is talking about a 6 yo girl got a "language/communication loss" syndrome. She started learning 4-5 languages since age of 1 and the doctor said she was really confused. One day, she just lost her communication skills and just cry like a baby to communicate her needs. But good thing it was diagnosed early and through some pychological treatment, she is ok. Something like that....
Mich ... to add on to Joy's translation

The little gals speaks English, Mandarin, French and Japanese. Often, these 4 languages will surface within a sentence in her conversation.

A month back, she lost her speech capability and the diagnosis at the clinic revealed this cause: she had been learning too many languages at too young an age, which led to her linguistic "infrastructure" or "network" to be confused, the result of which she could not even express in one simple, vanilla language.

According to doctors, speech loss syndrome is due to the "language membrane" [pardon the translation here] in the brain being damaged or changed in its nature.

Btw, u taiwan mama rite, how come can't read chinese leh? Boy, dunt i just luv digging at u :)
aishite, u ever met a literate cabbage?

and btw... did u actually READ the article? Thus me only know 1 language!

Thanks wen for the translation, u make me wanna go shanghai!!
Of cos I have seen a literate cabbages, and they are like the little gal in the story .... they have lost their "literacy" capability :))

I heard tat Taiwan cabbage is still v exp rite ... like ntd29? Tell u ah ... same here in spore .... my $2 mee rebus is now $2.40.
aishite, thx for the MSN
Ahgirl still low-grade fever for 3rd day today... will haul both kids to PD for look-see lor. Read ur gal hit Record Temp some time back, glad better liao!

Wah, learn too many lang can like that??? Gosh, so sad! But in SG even more langs wat. Dialects and Mandarin and English (and if have maid, maybe even Tagalog or Bahasa!).
Fi, can post ur payment acct number here, easier for me to transfer on the spot rather than add name to list and then forget. TIA!
<font face="tahoma"> Mich,
you have mail.

The article MTDT sent is really scary... pple here in Sin are encouraging kids to take alot of lot languages. </font>
joy, i never tried Ros' toddler class hor... only tried 3yo class which my girl is still continuing, but since trial is free and location convenient, no harm checking out? ;) I'd probably trial her toddler class for Irv next yr, see whether suits him... cos I have a feeling Irv will not like something too structured.
No problem, I will try first. If it is too structured, think G can't fit in too. haha. Worse come to worse, really have go JG or GUG liao..keke. The kidsloft looks good too..hm... thanks so much!

The holiday program you post earlier, you gals are going for the Nursery rhymes hol program with Kidsloft? Can I join? My contract ends in Nov so can do something in Dec...
Pawprint - Ros schhse in Pasir Ris rite? they accept toddler already? last I talk to Jen, she says min 3yrs old.

Joy - where u staying? u called Ros already?

Ur contract ending... then? SAHM?
Havent got Ros yet. Left a message. Yeap, their website shows that they have toddler program.

Not sure what to do next. SAHM for a while, maybe..
I was told that
1. Not all Montessori school is running full Montessori stuff...many have dilluted programs, you know what I mean.
2. For young toddlers, the Montessori skills incorporated in the class is not much. Can get the same exposure in other good playgroup. Such as self feed, put things back, clean up, wear clothes etc. So no point spending big money on "Montessori" yet, I was told. Especially this mommy here need to be more cost conscious..hehe..

Anyone else can share on Montessori for our kid's age. I would like to know more.
pawprint - thanks. Always find it fun when I read Jen's blog. but their toddler class is on weekdays... out for a FTWM. :p

Joy - so shiok!! another SAHM!
Maybe not for long (have yet to decide)...but sure look forward to SAH..hehe.

Who is Jen? Teacher of Ros School house?

The mantra of banking is not what's at hand, but what's to come. So the scary takeaway here is looming inflation, which is the #1 target that central banks are mindful and always ready to battle against. And boy oh boy, am I really hoping to be a SAHM !!!
Thinking to plan a weekend getaway just with hubby...want to go shopping. The last time we were there, I couldn't find anything to buy. Anyone here knows where to go for shopping for children clothings, house decor stuff?
From Organiser:
6pm @ Admiralty (Days depends on demand)
Weekends @ YCK MRT (Must depend on schedule)

From MTDT:
Somerset on weekdays
Punggol on weekends (deps on sch)
Toa Payoh on Sat morning

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Postage:
$0.25 for 2 - 5 boxes (local postage)
$0.50 for 10 - 20 boxes</font></font>

<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Payment:
POSB SAVINGS: 096-09685-2</font></font>

I'll remove the box for easy postage but don't worry the patch are all in sealed zip-lock bags...

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD>Nbr of Boxes</TD><TD>Amt</TD><TD>Remarks </TD></TR><TR><TD>kissbb</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>$50.00 </TD><TD>self-collect </TD></TR><TR><TD>panda</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>$25.00 </TD><TD>self-collect </TD></TR><TR><TD>jacque</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>$25.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>celeste</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>$100.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joy</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>$25.00 </TD><TD>self-collect </TD></TR><TR><TD>CutieZayn</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>$25.00 </TD><TD>self-collect </TD></TR><TR><TD>sunflower</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>$25.00 </TD><TD>self-collect </TD></TR><TR><TD>zzzcookiemonster</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>$25.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mspiggy</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>$25.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>vivi</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>$25.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pawprint</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>$50.00 </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carebear29</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>$25.00 </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
I am doing well. Just saw gynae yesterday. Babies are well, but was not in the mood to see them after waiting there for more than 2 hours. Almost wanna walk out of the clinic liao. kekeke...
Physically tired looking after Aloysius and tidying up his "innovative art work". All the squatting, bending and standing taking a toll on my legs these few days.
I will be in Bintan over the weekends
. Havent really plan what to get for the twins. Dunno whether they will have toddler's bed there hor? I wanna get a bed for A.
<font face="tahoma"> MTDT,
thanks. will transfer the money to you shortly. I'll collect from you at somerset.

glad to hear all's well. have a good break in Bintan. feedback how's the ferry ride... wanna bring wes there mid of Nov too, but worried abt the ferry ride. my sis went last mth, said that the sea is quite rough.</font>

You can request for a cot, I was in Bintan in june this year and we asked for one.

Depending on where you stay, if u r at Bintan Resort, u can let A sleep on this platform area, it's v big and v comfy. He can roll and roll, and chances of falling off are really slim.
