Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

For me, I eat 1/2 day vegetarian every 初一十五. But recently, I'm trying to eat 1/2 day vegetarian everyday and do not eat live seafood like live prawns, lobsters, fish, oysters, etc.

View attachment 308579
I took these books from the temple and have finished reading them. Pls let me know if you want and I will send to you :):)

Book 1 (left) - 47 pages in chinese
Book 2 (right) - 248 pages in chinese (basic Buddhism for beginners)

Hi Rubilite,

Do you know where to get "Xin Jin" writing sutra with Hanyu Pinyin? My mandarin is getting back to worse so need Hanyu Pinyin to aid me with the chanting. Appreciate your advice on this! Thank you.... thank you .....thank you.
老师, regarding 放生, if we are not vegetarians and do not chant regularly, can we just join the http://www.btrts.org.sg/index_birthday_celebration 放生 event, but 交由佛寺的人代替放生?
You may. 财施托人代放。

Side note:


For example,
你出20元,拿到5条(5cm)小鱼,可是,这些鱼不值$20. Say, may be $10. The rest of money goes to the temple. 寺庙为了维持开销和运作成本,难免会抬高价钱。

Can I join the above event and 放生 on behalf of my parents?
1. May I ask you what is your objective?
2. 你跟着去能做什么呢?
老师,之前看见你和其他的 sister说难怀孕可以念"药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经",可是你advise 我别念先,concentrate 在心经和大悲咒。想请问老师有什么不一样吗?有一点confuse.我念心经和大悲咒会念七遍,ok 吗?


《药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经》 - 抄ok. Related post #1081 #118. 当然,你有心要念也可以。

念《地藏经》= not recommended and not ok. (danger) Mentioned in the past.
念《药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经》= ok.
念《大悲咒》+《心经》= ok.
念《大悲咒》+《心经》+《药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经》= not ok. (cautious)

Can't read a post and make a conclusion. One post may link or continue with another post.

那天朋友去泰国,有tumpang她施棺因为她刚好有去,朋友告诉我有一张收据(written our name)会粘在棺,然后会有师父念经,过后会拿掉。想问老师施棺程序是这样?可以不放名字的吗?有分别吗?

钱捐了之后,柜台的人会开收据。那张收据(有捐款人的名字),拿到佛前向菩萨禀报一声然后直接烧掉了。最便宜的一副棺木是3500THB。一个人捐2000THB的话,交由慈善堂的人来负责筹整数。Hatyai的慈善堂有收US dollars, Singapore dollars, Malaysian Ringgit and Thai Baht. 你要财施捐官,可以请朋友代做。嫌麻烦换钱的话,可以给Singapore dollars。

在泰国,有很多流浪街头,得艾滋病,穷人,发生意外,客死异乡的人。慈善堂的人截获通知之后,便去收尸了。Authority联络不到家属领尸,慈善堂就办法式然后处理大体。Related post #175.

‘施棺’- 是有功德。舍财施棺不求功德,也不需要祈求什么。善报交由是上天决定。
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Hello lkb, all major temples should have the heart sutra :). Please seek advise from the teacher b4 embarking on any sutra chanting :):)
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肚子痛吃一瓶保济丸ok. 天天吃保济丸哪行啊?


Related post #962






I meant to join the event by 让庙的工作人员代放生。No intention to be present at the event.:D

Actually, I've got no real objectives. But of course, if need to make a wish, I would wish for good health and luck for my parents like 大事化小小事化无。平安,健康,快乐。:)
Can I join the above event and 放生 on behalf of my parents?

1. May I ask you what is your objective?
2. 你跟着去能做什么呢?

我二十多年前拿掉过两个孩子. 因为当时我已有三个孩子政府又不鼓励多生育. 经济上不一定负担得起孩子日后的费用.


有些人说婴灵超度后, 就得放下. 别再去执著、想它.

但有些人又说婴灵超度法会得每年都做. 也得每年做个水陆法会.

(1) 哪一种说法正确?
(2) 超度法会可以这样每年都做吗?
(3) 水陆法会可以也是可以每年都做吗?
(4) 如果#2 和#3 需要每年都做, 当我以后走了以后, 需要吩咐孩子继续办吗?
(5) 做超度法会时, 是否能跟过世的祖先写在同个牌?


请问我们可以开始报名参加超度法ŕ会了吗? Do you more have information on that? Etc... where and when is the registration date ?
Normally for 超度法会, what are we suppose to do? How long do we have to stay there? Can we buy baby clothing and some baby accessories to 供奉?

Please advise. Thanks

I have relatives in Thailand :). My intention is to give them the funds and ask them to help me do the 放生。:p

But in Singapore, you can approach Buddhist Life Mission and Compassion Life Society. Both organise animals liberation overseas monthly (if I'm not mistaken) and works with 海涛法师 from Taiwan, who will chant and bless the animals during the event (in Sri Lanka). The animals (usually cattle), will be given to farmers, who had agreed never to slaughter the cattles for food and will care for it till the end of its life. Majority of Sri Lakans are Buddhists. Consistent with the teachings of Buddhism, they do not consume beef. So, in a sense, I personally feel that it is kinda assuring that the farmers will keep their promise of not slaughtering the cattle food, should the going gets tough.

Buddhist Life Mission - they charge between $50 to about $700 per animal if I'm not wrong. They offer different cattle breeds and offer sheeps too.
Address: 19-B Lorong Bachok Singapore 387788
Contact: 6836-9088
Website: http://buddhistlife2006.blogspot.sg (rarely updated). Visit their FACEBOOK for more frequent updates.

Compassion Life Society - they charge $350 for each cattle.
Address: 60A Pagoda Street Singapore 059219
Contact: 6222-1223
Website: No website that I know of. But they have a FACEBOOK ACCOUNT

Hi gluttony, can share where do u get info of such activities overseas??

Initially, I was thinking, we can probably organise a monthly animal liberation and aim to liberate at least 1 animal by pooling resources together, as a few hundreds dollars per month (to liberate one animal) may be too costly for some and will be deterred by the high costs. Because by pooling resources, we can help more animals escape the gallows and also the poor to be become self sustainable. But so seemed that it's not a good idea. But so seemed that it's not a good idea?

老师, if I 放生 on behalf of my parents (I wish for health for my parents. My parents are not ill, but like most elderly, they have the 3 highs), can I do it remotely, like what tigsong mentioned? Or join the Buddhist Life Mission or Compassion Life Society animal liberation in Sri Lanka, where we donate for the animal liberation? If ok, do my parents need to pay for the 放生 themselves or can I do it without asking them to pay?

可以。要小心一点。指的不是人身安全问题。Related post #394 #451


自己亲手放生 - 买鱼、找地点、念经(简化的三归一)、亲手放等等,是非常圆满。但是,放生不容易。日晒、雨淋、流汗、口渴、肚子饿、念经、手酸、腿麻、喂蚊子等等。


首先,放生最好是一个名字for particular subject/matter. 比如,放二十只螃蟹,要一家大小平安,很难的。因为,功德散开了。(target is random and “at mass”)

比如,向菩萨发愿放十头牛,祈求菩萨开恩,希望ICU的母亲度过手术难关。这样做就集中了呀!(target is specific for a purpose and "at particular")You see the difference?


吓死人了。Tidak boleh. 惹麻烦的。还好你问。

第一. 除非对方相信‘放生’。
第二. 病人亲口要求你代替放。
第三. 病人必须自己出钱。


切记:千万别为cancer patients放生!

I know of someone who used to go Thailand to 施棺 very frequently. But after that their luck will be down for a while. Is it because there are some things that they have done wrongly when they 施棺? Singapore also have 施棺. Other than costs, are there any other differences doing 施棺 in Singapore or Thailand? I heard lots of people going all the way to 施棺 in Thailand, but they do not 施棺 in Singapore.


钱捐了之后,柜台的人会开收据。那张收据(有捐款人的名字),拿到佛前向菩萨禀报一声然后直接烧掉了。最便宜的一副棺木是3500THB。一个人捐2000THB的话,交由慈善堂的人来负责筹整数。Hatyai的慈善堂有收US dollars, Singapore dollars, Malaysian Ringgit and Thai Baht. 你要财施捐官,可以请朋友代做。嫌麻烦换钱的话,可以给Singapore dollars。

在泰国,有很多流浪街头,得艾滋病,穷人,发生意外,客死异乡的人。慈善堂的人截获通知之后,便去收尸了。Authority联络不到家属领尸,慈善堂就办法式然后处理大体。Related post #175.

‘施棺’- 是有功德。舍财施棺不求功德,也不需要祈求什么。善报交由是上天决定。
老师, 请问什么是卡阴?从小,我的母亲具不让我参加满月,白事。变得我是很避忌的人。 是不是一定不可以参加?Now that I am a mother of one early 30s le, my mum still tell me cannot go including my boy. Now it becomes like I dont have any close friend or even close colleague to talk to around. I recalled that's how I lost my childhood friend as her father passed away when we were around 8-9yo and back then, my grandma refused to let me attend his father wake or even console my friend. Now I faced the same thing. Seldom attend friends' kids birthday parties, full month bb shower parties blah blah. I feel so alone at times and feel bad to my friends all.
Here's 老师's post on "卡阴" - 有关卡阴

I personally think it's right not to allow young kids, especially children under the age of 12 to attend 丧事 because their 天门 is not closed and is still very sensitive and vulnerable at this age. Even adults can get into trouble, not to mention kids. It's a different story if it's the immediate family members that pass away.

As for your childhood friend, at age of 8 or 9, you are still very young and so is your friend. All of you are probably still too young to decide if you should continue to friend or unfriend someone. A good pal will respect your religious beliefs and decisions. And all these are 小事。Not significant enough to make you friendless. Anyway, as we grow older, the once best pal may become your nemesis due to various reasons. Friends may come and go, but family ties are something for a lifetime.

老师, 请问什么是卡阴?从小,我的母亲具不让我参加满月,白事。变得我是很避忌的人。 是不是一定不可以参加?Now that I am a mother of one early 30s le, my mum still tell me cannot go including my boy. Now it becomes like I dont have any close friend or even close colleague to talk to around. I recalled that's how I lost my childhood friend as her father passed away when we were around 8-9yo and back then, my grandma refused to let me attend his father wake or even console my friend. Now I faced the same thing. Seldom attend friends' kids birthday parties, full month bb shower parties blah blah. I feel so alone at times and feel bad to my friends all.
Here's 老师's post on "卡阴" - 有关卡阴
I personally think it's right not to allow young kids, especially children under the age of 12 to attend 丧事 because their 天门 is not closed and is still very sensitive and vulnerable at this age. Even adults can get into trouble, not to mention kids. It's a different story if it's the immediate family members that pass away.

I am delighted that you have referred to past post.
老师, 请问什么是卡阴?从小,我的母亲具不让我参加满月,白事。变得我是很避忌的人。 是不是一定不可以参加?

Now that I am a mother of one early 30s le, my mum still tell me cannot go including my boy. Now it becomes like I dont have any close friend or even close colleague to talk to around. I recalled that's how I lost my childhood friend as her father passed away when we were around 8-9yo and back then, my grandma refused to let me attend his father wake or even console my friend. Now I faced the same thing. Seldom attend friends' kids birthday parties, full month bb shower parties blah blah. I feel so alone at times and feel bad to my friends all.

有些人的运是不适合参加红白事。It differs yearly. 而每个人的流年运不一样。要是老师不小心看到对方的八字,会稍微提醒不会讲多。而对方要不要听是他的事,因为老师有开口说了,算对得起他了。不会强迫人家相信。
Initially, I was thinking, we can probably organise a monthly animal liberation and aim to liberate at least 1 animal by pooling resources together, as a few hundreds dollars per month (to liberate one animal) may be too costly for some and will be deterred by the high costs. Because by pooling resources, we can help more animals escape the gallows and also the poor to be become self sustainable. But so seemed that it's not a good idea. But so seemed that it's not a good idea?

筹数放生是可以,但功德会散开,恐怕效果不明显。一头牛sayS$400, 七凑八凑5个人出钱。一个求身体健康、一个求手术成功、一个求永远长寿等等。到最后,功德就散开了。如此一来,看不到效果。举个例子,10个人各自出S$2,公私买1 bowl of S$20 Häagen-Dazs ice cream. Everybody takes one teaspoon scoop, in less than 10 teaspoon scoops就吃完了。吃不够呀。放生也是一样。

一头牛sayS$400, 兄弟姐妹凑钱买牛,共同祈求父亲,心脏绕道手术成功。这样就perfectly good!
  • 一头牛;共同祈求 (1 wish) ,
  • 父亲(1 target),
  • 心脏绕道手术(1 purpose),
  • 成功(1 objective)
放生祈求‘消灾延寿’(specific) 是最好不过了。祈求中Toto/4D/大彩,是不可能实现的。一次过祈求生意兴隆、财源广进、一家大小平安、孩子读书聪明。这个反而变‘贪’,功德散了。

放生是的发愿是这样祈求的:“恭请南无大慈大悲救苦救难广大灵感观世音菩萨摩诃萨x3。信女XXX诚心跪在观世音菩萨祈求妈妈XXX病情好转。母亲XXX仍然躺在SGH ICU,未渡过危险。今日信女XXX发愿在一年内为妈妈放生1000条鱼。恳求观世音菩萨为我妈妈XXX延寿”。
  • 1000条鱼,为母亲祈求(1 wish)
  • 一年内 (1 time frame)
  • 妈妈(1 target)
  • 渡过危险 (1 purpose)
  • 延寿(1 specific objective)
老师, if I 放生 on behalf of my parents (I wish for health for my parents. My parents are not ill, but like most elderly, they have the 3 highs), can I do it remotely, like what tigsong mentioned?

Or join the Buddhist Life Mission or Compassion Life Society animal liberation in Sri Lanka, where we donate for the animal liberation? If ok, do my parents need to pay for the 放生 themselves or can I do it without asking them to pay?

I know of someone who used to go Thailand to 施棺 very frequently. But after that their luck will be down for a while. Is it because there are some things that they have done wrongly when they 施棺? Singapore also have 施棺. Other than costs, are there any other differences doing 施棺 in Singapore or Thailand? I heard lots of people going all the way to 施棺 in Thailand, but they do not 施棺 in Singapore.


再说一次哦...筹集的数目是S$300.00(兑换成Thai Baht),就是要捐整数7,764.43泰铢。一分都不能少。
See related post, click -> #423 #524

Singapore also have 施棺. Other than costs, are there any other differences doing 施棺 in Singapore or Thailand? I heard lots of people going all the way to 施棺 in Thailand, but they do not 施棺 in Singapore.


新加坡人施棺,通常找靠近的地区 - 马来西亚或者泰国。
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要是选择光明山。It is written. Read post #1070 <-click.

Do you more have information on that? Etc... where and when is the registration date ? Normally for 超度法会, what are we suppose to do? How long do we have to stay there? Can we buy baby clothing and some baby accessories to 供奉?
Call. Read post #1070 <-click.

where and when is the registration date ?
要是选择光明山。It is written. Read post #1070 <-click.

Normally for 超度法会, what are we suppose to do?
I think I have mentioned in the past. 抽出时间去拜。

How long do we have to stay there?
I think I have mentioned in the past. 拜完就离开。

Can we buy baby clothing and some baby accessories to 供奉?

(“贵”牌位)有独自专用桌子,家属可以带东西去。Private use.


我二十多年前拿掉过两个孩子. 因为当时我已有三个孩子政府又不鼓励多生育. 经济上不一定负担得起孩子日后的费用.


有些人说婴灵超度后, 就得放下. 别再去执著、想它.

但有些人又说婴灵超度法会得每年都做. 也得每年做个水陆法会.

(1) 哪一种说法正确?


有法力的法师,不一样了。基本上,一次超度就走。有法力的法师没几个给老师遇上。此外,跳童(tiao tong)/扶乩(fu ji)就最好不要去问。

(2) 超度法会可以这样每年都做吗?

(3) 水陆法会可以也是可以每年都做吗?

(4) 如果#2 和#3 需要每年都做, 当我以后走了以后, 需要吩咐孩子继续办吗?


很多居士走了之后往上飘。穿黑色海清没事做的老auntie老uncle,天天嘴巴一直念。念老死了之后,魂魄轻松的。生活平平凡凡的人一mati, 到地府去report。缺德事多,关进地狱。




爸爸疼爱女儿也是一样的。前世女儿是爸爸的爱人。所以,今世爸爸非常保护女儿呀!妈妈打骂女儿,爸爸过来sayang and protect. 爸爸前世的爱人(今世的女儿)被欺负,心疼嘛!不甘愿就大打出手或者吵架咯!

明白老师讲的因果吧?今世不只是简单心要好,还要做得更加好做到perfect. 做好事积德,在日常生活中,功德会漏的。

(5) 做超度法会时, 是否能跟过世的祖先写在同个牌?
Office admin懂得怎么做。
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我想請教一下我現在有一個10月大的女兒。。她在我肚裡時去照超音波發現我有子宮肌瘤。。三個月時去動手術。。懷孕後有順利產下。。可是嬰兒三個月大時去動了腸道手術。。說是birthdefect。。我有向觀音菩薩發誓說寶寶手術成功就戒掉我喜歡吃的牛肉,也有做到。。現在尚算健康 我家裡父親有心臟病動過幾次手術還裝了pacemaker


下次,叫‘老师’ 或者 ‘Toblerone’行了。

Will answer you.
I have finished reading all the books, if anyone wants, pls pm me and i will send to you.

1) left (stories of refraining from killing & liberating lives) - 78 pages (eng and Chinese)
2) middle (现代因果报应绿) - 321 (traditional chinese) - a very good read
3) right (水陆法会) - 42 pages (eng and Chinese) - to understand more about the 法会
Here's 老师's post on "卡阴" - 有关卡阴

I personally think it's right not to allow young kids, especially children under the age of 12 to attend 丧事 because their 天门 is not closed and is still very sensitive and vulnerable at this age. Even adults can get into trouble, not to mention kids. It's a different story if it's the immediate family members that pass away.

As for your childhood friend, at age of 8 or 9, you are still very young and so is your friend. All of you are probably still too young to decide if you should continue to friend or unfriend someone. A good pal will respect your religious beliefs and decisions. And all these are 小事。Not significant enough to make you friendless. Anyway, as we grow older, the once best pal may become your nemesis due to various reasons. Friends may come and go, but family ties are something for a lifetime.

Hi gluttony, thanks for your reply! The thread is getting longer and I get lost easily. I can't help but feel "lonely" cos everyday come to office, never talk to anyone, never join any khakis, go lunch alone, finish work go home le. Kinda of 悲哀。 Pple just give me that kind of attitude & used to lunch khakis slowly dont talk to me. Initially I was like ok fine, I will just leave with it. As time goes by, I keep asking myself is it I got problem that others avoid me? This is not the first time it happened. It can happen which place I go to. How do I keep myself more positive & cheerful?


有些人的运是不适合参加红白事。It differs yearly. 而每个人的流年运不一样。要是老师不小心看到对方的八字,会稍微提醒不会讲多。而对方要不要听是他的事,因为老师有开口说了,算对得起他了。不会强迫人家相信。

谢谢, 老师。 我看得懂你的意思。 我想问比如我真的是要避忌红白事的人(其使我每年看运,都是这句话),会移传吗? 因为我的儿子也是很这样. 只要childcare centre 有人生日一起庆祝,he will start nonsense "patterns" for a few days. 我能不能做什么to help reduce his frustration?
Hugs bubble blue... Jia you!! 人生短短几十年,看开,放下 :):)

老师,因果的故事,讲都讲不完. :)
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Hi bubbleblue1,

If you feel lonely, just come in here to chat with us... :) We are more than happy to make frds with you & your child.. :) I m a sahm staying in the east. My elder boy is 7 & my younger girl is 3.. We can even arrange to meet up & let the kids mingle around if you are comfy.. Nowadays office colleagues mostly can be only colleagues, hard to be true frds.. I worked in both factory & office before.. Sad to say I made lots of true frds from factory but not more than 2 in office.. U know rite.. (Office politics)

Cheer up k.. Everything happens for a reason.. As a sahm, also not much ppl to interact at home.. Only kids & husband.. Occasionally meet up with friends, etc.. every other days i will chat online with other sahm whom I know thru FB groups. And we became fast & gd frds! Sharing everything under the sun, parenting, our kids, etc.. :)

Can PM me anytime if you need a listening ear ok.. :)

Have a blessed week ahead.. :)
Judy, u SAHM? Me too. We can meet up heeee. U east, i west, meet central. Time, date, place muahaha :):) bubble blue, come talk to us, we two gila moms here sure make u happy lol :D:D
Hi gluttony, thanks for your reply! The thread is getting longer and I get lost easily. I can't help but feel "lonely" cos everyday come to office, never talk to anyone, never join any khakis, go lunch alone, finish work go home le. Kinda of 悲哀。 Pple just give me that kind of attitude & used to lunch khakis slowly dont talk to me. Initially I was like ok fine, I will just leave with it. As time goes by, I keep asking myself is it I got problem that others avoid me? This is not the first time it happened. It can happen which place I go to. How do I keep myself more positive & cheerful?

Are you competitive? I used to be like that in secondary school too. Coz my grades were pretty average in primary school. So, in secondary school, my parents offered me cash/ vacation incentives for good grades and my life is usually about nothing but tuition and school work. I wouldn't join friends shopping, ktv, etc, coz I do not want to waste time doing these "nonsense".

It doesn't help that I got a tutor who influenced me so much that I studied beyond what is required of me at that time. E.g. I will be reading and practising work that are at least 6 months ahead of my classmates. The top students sees me as their enemy. When they can't beat me with grades, they gang up and outcast me. Teachers didn't like me to mix with students with lousier grades for fear of the bad influence. Yes, I always top the class and standard, but I got no real friends to go out with and to confine in. I dine alone during break time (for the years of my secondary school life).

My dog became my best friend. Always there for me no matter what happens. I also got to know a lot of dogs owners online and we have a similar topic to chat about. Although we seldom meet up, but we chat regularly online and via whatsapp. We can talk about almost anything under the sun. You can make virtual friends too. :)
Judy, ur idea jin swee lah but i think 老师 will 吓到 and run away lol. Onz, Let's arrange Makan vegetarian :). Meet where? Bugis? Central enough, or anywhere with yummy veg :):) Time and date.
Ask 老师 to join us.. Hehe.. Then we can ask 老师 all our qns directly..Lol! Great idea right?
Judy, ur idea jin swee lah but i think 老师 will 吓到 and run away lol.


其实,也没啥时间上来forum board。Can consolidate all questions in one private message/board and then I will try to answer. Now, inbox is more than 40 private messages. 没时间看,应付不来。
我想问比如我真的是要避忌红白事的人(其使我每年看运,都是这句话),会移传吗? 因为我的儿子也是很这样.

只要childcare centre 有人生日一起庆祝,he will start nonsense "patterns" for a few days. 我能不能做什么to help reduce his frustration?
Oops... 没得避。除非你不让他上childcare. 或许有其他的因素导致。

有些大人/小孩连参加baby弥月party、大寿、婚宴要忌。人人看似好事嘛,其实并非如此。现在很多不管,happy just go 迷信什么. 即使有发生事,也会怪别人。实际上,他们的八字/流年是忌红事,自己不知道也不信这套。

Side discussion for child celebration
自己的小孩若忌红事又想要为自己的小孩庆祝生日,是有个办法哄小孩。可以在孩子生日前,提早买个蛋糕,不唱生日歌不吹蜡烛,分给大家吃就ok. Cake是有的吃又可以拍照,kid will be happy.
老师看到您的 inbox 那么多的邮件,我很 paiseh 因为我也有发 PM 给您过。我代表这里每一位笔者 (包括我在内)对您诚心送上十二分的谢意。谢谢您不厌其烦的回复我们的问题并与我们分享知识。感恩感恩。合十:)
Last edited:


其实,也没啥时间上来forum board。Can consolidate all questions in one private message/board and then I will try to answer. Now, inbox is more than 40 private messages. 没时间看,应付不来。
Toblerone 老师需要一个FAQ session 把所有问题整合起来,这样能不能帮你省略一些回答重复问题的时间?毕竟搜索也要知道关键字。有了FAQ比较好找,您也可以考虑日后把它印刷成一本书。

Thank you for the enlightenment :)

Uncle Roland and his wife are forever so kind and willing to help the less fortunate, whenever contacted by the media.


新加坡人施棺,通常找靠近的地区 - 马来西亚或者泰国。

有这么一个人住在马来西亚,他祖先在中国是当官的。判死很多条人命。拖了很多代,轮到他这代,业报没有罢休。他的兄弟姐妹每个都遭殃。This man started to believe.

歹势。。老师。。谢谢 期待您的答覆。。

Reply: 前世今生造的业只有菩萨神明才知道。

Reply:可以!另加放生。效果是慢,不过,总比守株待兔来的好。不try, 永远没有希望。

除此之外,在玄学界确实是有奇人可以治癌。就是很多人不信。因为developed city like in Singapore, everybody too educated and abolished all this.


Hi Oln, beside what above Teacher Toblerone suggests, perhaps you would like to consider taking herbs at the same time. My dad has a tumor too and due to old age and health condition, we decided to opt out from the surgery and chemo. This is the blog that you can learn more about the herb. If you stay in the west, I know of a cheaper and nearer place to get the herb. Hope it helps for you and your grandma.

Oops... 没得避。除非你不让他上childcare. 或许有其他的因素导致。

有些大人/小孩连参加baby弥月party、大寿、婚宴要忌。人人看似好事嘛,其实并非如此。现在很多不管,happy just go 迷信什么. 即使有发生事,也会怪别人。实际上,他们的八字/流年是忌红事,自己不知道也不信这套。

Side discussion for child celebration
自己的小孩若忌红事又想要为自己的小孩庆祝生日,是有个办法哄小孩。可以在孩子生日前,提早买个蛋糕,不唱生日歌不吹蜡烛,分给大家吃就ok. Cake是有的吃又可以拍照,kid will be happy.

老师, 谢谢您指点!
Rubilite & Judy, thank u for lending me listening ears!!! It's so nice to know nice friends ;). I must come into this thread more often & disturb you both kekeke.

Bubblegumshark, I believe my colleagues in my dept felt that I am very competitive. Some of my colleagues love to call me & discuss work issues. So maybe that's why..... I have more years of work experience but I never try to be yaya acting like a senior. Instead my ex-partner tried to yell at me in office & gossip behind my back :mad:. I am only interested to work and go home on time everyday as I have a boy to pick up after office hours at the childcare centre near my office. The rest, I am not interested. Anyway I cannot help how pple think about me. So I leave it as it be. I also have a dog!! Adopted her before I conceived becos I believe she is my lucky star!!! She is getting old but I still love my doggie very much while I have to manage my boy attention. hehe...
Bubble blue, where i was working last time, i am also very lonely cause i am new to the trade and yet when i enter the company my title was senior. U can imagine how many people buay song n feel i am a threat lol. But i try to mingle with them loh no matter what 出外靠朋友. Regardless they like me or single me out, i still thick skin try to enter the group until one day they accept me cause they know i meant no harm to them mah. office politics everywhere also have, my work place drama many many lol. we cannot control other's mouth but we can control our own thinking, mouth and behavior :) slowly but surely time will tell. jia you!!!
I guess it's just different phases in our life, changing jobs, going to new environment, meeting new ppl and accepting new challenges. I also believe tt we shld always be humble and respectful to others. Sometimes it's hard but that's how we earn respect from others too. Gossip is everywhere, I don't bother as long as I never harm others.
Hi Oln, beside what above Teacher Toblerone suggests, perhaps you would like to consider taking herbs at the same time. My dad has a tumor too and due to old age and health condition, we decided to opt out from the surgery and chemo. This is the blog that you can learn more about the herb. If you stay in the west, I know of a cheaper and nearer place to get the herb. Hope it helps for you and your grandma.

Hi Oln, just to share with you, my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer, on report wise doctor consider stage 2 to 3 and she had op, and as usual doctor suggest radiotherapy, chemo, one treatment after one. We are very sad and worried as if she go through this treatment, her body might not take it as well due to her age of 70.
We had tried to ask around n study everything, end up and we choose to let her have a natural treatment ie go through a proper detox program, stop all the meat include fish, start juicing and blend a lot a lot of green leaf vege fruit to clean the body, taking some herbs, taking only wholemeal food, try to take organic food, no GMO food, change way of cooking is very important as well.
Actually there are many thing we learn from throughout this journey with mum and she herself have to be very determine too, is not an easy journey to get the changes in a very short time. Sick is mum own karma that she has to face by herself, we glad that we meet kind people to lead her and give her confident. Maybe you can start slowly to change the diet of your grandma and see if she can accept it.. Jia you!
My older gal is going to celebrate her birthday soon.
last yr, we had 2 cakes for her.
One cake, a few days earlier on the weekend juz before the actual birthday to celebrate within the family and
another one on her actual day (english calendar) for her to celebrate in cc with her teachers and frens
We did e same for our younger gal too.
老师, is it ok to have 2 cakes for 1 birthday?? Bad to have candles on the cake? Cannot sing birthday song?
I read this being mentioned in some past threads but am not sure if its relating to all kids or only specific cases
非常希望老师能帮我。因为我很担心, 真是万份感激。
Thanks 老师, applegreen and purplerainbow for all the advice.
Will try to talk to my grandma and see if she can accept.



小孩喜欢吃cake. ok. 一个人庆祝两次,比LKY更好命。哈哈...

其实,孩子不太会记住自己的生日。还不是大人的主意帮孩子办party celebrate嘛。

大肆铺张庆祝肯定要花大钱,请的人多,sing birthday song, blow candles, cut birthday cake.
低调庆祝,一家人带孩子出去吃。吃cake又能和parents拍照。吃cake之后,带孩子去amusement playground与其他陌生小孩快乐地玩一天。

1. 别点蜡烛。
2. 提早吃cake ok.
3. 别吃弥月红鸡蛋、弥月蛋糕。要去探访出生宝宝/刚生完产的妇女,起码得等弥月后(40天)才去探访。

