Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)


阳历计算岁数最准确 - 实岁。活人庆祝生日应当以阳历生日庆祝(阳寿)。


要是是身体不舒的老阿嫲庆祝农历生日,birthday cake大大块,蜡烛插到满满,老师保证阿嫲的家人提早给阿嫲交登记。

老师十多年前常去NUH paediatric ward看cancer的小孩。有一对父母为孩子庆祝生日,晚上买birthday cake要给孩子surprise。当时Ward的整个Sister, RN, Houseman, children patients都一起庆祝。不到半年年,小病人突然病发,cancer fight不过mati了。



To answer your question, 庆寿是可以的。以阳历(ang-mo calendar)出生日庆祝。可以选择和家人聚餐,一起makan. 吃蛋糕不插蜡烛等等。

Additional Info:
阴历本来依照宇宙月亮转动计算(eg. Muslim canlendar是阴历)。华人的日历,称之农历(农夫用的alamac),实际上也是根据宇宙行星月亮,计算出来的。

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Yes totally agree with apple green. Have iq yet does not have good character = zero. I will let my kid attend 佛学班 when he is of the right age. I attended when i was very young and I am glad my parents send me. Its a good learning experience :).
Me too!! I'm 11 weeks pregnant now. But my hubby and I alrd tot of letting my child attend 佛学班next time. Must cultivate them the right values and more 同情心since young. Some Kids nowadays really.. disappointing..
Teacher.. no wonder last time old ppl don't like to celebrate birthdays. When my dad was in the cancer ward, we somehow know it could be his last birthday, so bought him a very small cake just enough for him to eat only. Let him happy, 要吃什么就给他吃.. He ended up 8 mths passed away.


若需要多了解日常家中要怎么拜观音菩萨 ,可以跟私下问问 @judy_lsk .:)
谢谢老师的解说。我很好奇身体为什么会颤抖, 老师您能提点一下吗?
Thank you for the reply. :)

A lot of people say that it is a must to celebrate the 六十大寿 for elders. So this is according to the ang mo calender?


阳历计算岁数最准确 - 实岁。活人庆祝生日应当以阳历生日庆祝(阳寿)。


要是是身体不舒的老阿嫲庆祝农历生日,birthday cake大大块,蜡烛插到满满,老师保证阿嫲的家人提早给阿嫲交登记。

老师十多年前常去NUH paediatric ward看cancer的小孩。有一对父母为孩子庆祝生日,晚上买birthday cake要给孩子surprise。当时Ward的整个Sister, RN, Houseman, children patients都一起庆祝。不到半年年,小病人突然病发,cancer fight不过mati了。



To answer your question, 庆寿是可以的。以阳历(ang-mo calendar)出生日庆祝。可以选择和家人聚餐,一起makan. 吃蛋糕不插蜡烛等等。

Additional Info:
阴历本来依照宇宙月亮转动计算(eg. Muslim canlendar是阴历)。华人的日历,称之农历(农夫用的alamac),实际上也是根据宇宙行星月亮,计算出来的。
A lot of people say that it is a must to celebrate the 六十大寿 for elders.

So this is according to the ang mo calender?

现在的人 庆寿提早。农历阳历出生日一起庆祝。省麻烦、省时间、省金钱。

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Yah I also heard before about celebrating 60th birthday but I never did for my parents even though I m their only child. They doesn't want to celebrate at all. My father is always telling me he has 'no birthday'.. Never celebrate once in his life..

Applegreen had said so well.. It is so true.. During my volunteering, i was attached to an elderly woman for weekly house visit. She is 80 over years old, a stroke patient, wheelchair bound. She had 9 children. (7 sons & 2 daughters) One daughter is disabled and is in home care centre. None of her children is living with her & seldom visit her at all. Only 3 sons are sharing the 'maid salary'. She stays alone with a helper(maid) but she couldn't get along with the helper) Every single week, she will be telling me on how heartless her children were to her. She misses her children every single night. :( At times I too bring my kids along with me to visit her, wanted my kids to learn 'helping others' since young.. Nowadays many ppl are just too self-centered. Thank you Applegreen & all others here for sharing so much with us.. :) I learnt alot from all of you, esp. Lao shi..
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Hi all,

I have returned 100 eggs to 注生娘娘 @ TPY today (1 June) at 1pm.

Please feel free to go and take them.

Good Luck to all! :)
Just to share about a good real example of Karma that I learnt today from my cousin. He posted in his FB status today -

Never do evil and never think that nobody knows what you are doing. An old friend of mine suddenly called me up just now and after we chatted, only one word came to my mind and that word is Karma . Here how the story goes: 25 yrs ago, this friend of mine assaulted a guy and this poor guy ended up in hospital, almost pass away as he was hit several time on the head with hammer by my friend. Today, 25 yrs later, my friend call n tell me that his son is being assaulted by a group of YP. He went to police station only to find out that one of the boys that assaulted his son, the father was actually the one that he himself assaulted 25 yrs ago. HOW sad can this be and wat can my friend say? But I tell straight to his face that this is karma. Lolx
老师,受五戒的人为了补身喝养命酒,或做月用就来煮事物,是破戒吗?老师说过念经完要静静不要骂人,什么时候才可以骂人?不是说我故意骂,但有时我孩子一天下来总皮皮,温和语气讲了又讲还是唱反调。我们又不鼓励用藤条,所以有时就会语气过凶。这样他会不会被磁场所伤?谢谢老师的回答 :)
I have answer your query here. (click)







Dear Mdm Anonymous Pegxx,

Reply: You are not the first case. I have seen too many. Forum board有members像你这样的case. 每当老师看到有离婚的八字,要问婚姻状况,要是老师知道到不好的,真的很难讲骗话。所以,老师干脆就不给人看了。(there is a thread for discussion)。索性留给那些收费的命理师去做坏人顺便背业。

Reply: 现在的情况老师不管怀孕年龄。目前是子宫小瘤 becareful!

Reply: Surprisingly, this is not uncommon. Nothing to worry.

我很感恩老天爷赐给我一个女娃,都怪我没好好保住我那五个月的女宝宝。我有depression n panic disorder的病史。
Reply: 怀孕妇女为了口福之欲,为了什么为胎儿营养blah blah blah...胡说八道,找借口不吃。等到出事了之后,才来问老师。

除了外面不算在内,in the entire forum, only two members 念保胎经。她们之前很难怀孕,怀孕了之后,乖乖不再“铁齿”了,吃素念保胎经,念到生了!还是老师给baby命名的。根本没赚本分的。

Reply: 那是很好。不能三天打鱼、五天晒网。前不前、后不后、进不进、退不退。有心承诺要吃就吃。吃素有决心给人佩服。没吃的人,会讲风凉话。呵呵...

Reply: Still early to say.

Reply: 治疗子宫小瘤先。怀孕以后才讲。





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Dear Mdm Anonymous Pegxx,

Reply: You are not the first case. I have seen too many. Forum board有members像你这样的case. 每当老师看到有离婚的八字,要问婚姻状况,要是老师知道到不好的,真的很难讲骗话。所以,老师干脆就不给人看了。(there is a thread for discussion)。索性留给那些收费的命理师去做坏人顺便背业。

Reply: 现在的情况老师不管怀孕年龄。目前是子宫小瘤 becareful!

Reply: Surprisingly, this is not uncommon. Nothing to worry.

我很感恩老天爷赐给我一个女娃,都怪我没好好保住我那五个月的女宝宝。我有depression n panic disorder的病史。
Reply: 怀孕妇女为了口福之欲,为了什么为胎儿营养blah blah blah...胡说八道,找借口不吃。等到出事了之后,才来问老师。

除了外面不算在内,in the entire forum, only two members 念保胎经。她们之前很难怀孕,怀孕了之后,乖乖不再“铁齿”了,吃素念保胎经,念到生了!还是老师给baby命名的。根本没赚本分的。

Reply: 那是很好。不能三天打鱼、五天晒网。前不前、后不后、进不进、退不退。有心承诺要吃就吃。吃素有决心给人佩服。没吃的人,会讲风凉话。呵呵...

Reply: Still early to say.

Reply: 治疗子宫小瘤先。怀孕以后才讲。






老师谢谢您的回复 :). 念完经后我就静静 :):) 那请问我需要给孩子念什么经呢?普门品 okay 吗?谢谢老师的帮忙 :):)
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What is 人道和博爱?

I read through the past threads and but do not quite understand the chinese. :p

If I understand correctly, prior to copying, I must not consume meat and after copying the sutras, there is no need to burn it. Just wrap it in plastic and place on the altar? But I do not have an altar at home. What do I do to the copied sutras?

Also, how many times do I need to copy the sutras?

Thank you :)





Mentioned in the past. 应该不难search. 老师不想你三分钟热度,抄到siian, 然后就cqin-caai. :-(
Hello 老师

I'm under the impression that the goal of 放生 is to save and protect lives. But a lot of people are doing it incorrectly, like buying marine lives (fish, turtles, crabs, etc) to release into the ponds and reservoirs. Specifically in Singapore, we have no "protected areas" which prohibit fishing, native habitat of marines, etc. Often, this may mean that a high probability of marine lives that we release may be caught and become a dish at a restaurant or that the marine life‘s native habitat that we release them in may not be suitable for them. For instance, I remember reading that Buddhist Centres release crabs and pomfrets deep waters, which contradict the natural habitat of the animals. This would mean that these animals will die due to unsuitable living conditions. In such a case, wouldn't the person who 放生 be 杀生instead?

If we 放生, how to ensure we are doing it correctly?

Will donating to animals shelters with no kill policy or sponsoring a child in rural areas be a better way to attain the goal of 放生?

Reply: 要是谁说出这番歪理的人,用不着与他争辩。这种人没学佛,不必浪费唇舌。





Reply: 咸水鱼放进淡水里肯定mati. 淡水鱼放进大海,你说鱼活得了吗?
If I understand correctly, prior to copying, I must not consume meat and after copying the sutras, there is no need to burn it. Just wrap it in plastic and place on the altar? But I do not have an altar at home. What do I do to the copied sutras?
老师没那么本领没神通把瘤变不见。呵呵... 要靠自己。

1. 先别求子。把瘤去了才重要。良性瘤久了之后就变恶性。
2. 别到处去问。神棍骗财骗色的很多。
3. 有药就要吃。



你等等。回头提醒老师。Everyday, I have to work like a cow and horse 做牛做马... Busy到没时间reply.
I'm under the impression that the goal of 放生 is to save and protect lives. But a lot of people are doing it incorrectly, like buying marine lives (fish, turtles, crabs, etc) to release into the ponds and reservoirs.
Excuse me. 新加坡是不能乱放生的。In Singapore, animal liberation in to reservior and ponds/lakes are illegal. 会被捉的。PUB and NParks很严厉的。难道你不知道?

Specifically in Singapore, we have no "protected areas" which prohibit fishing, native habitat of marines, etc. Often, this may mean that a high probability of marine lives that we release may be caught and become a dish at a restaurant
1. PUB and NParks have designated place for fishing. Usually, these designated spots have signages for fishing.
2. 你放你的,他钓他的。老师跟你担保,钓鱼者要付出惨痛代价。Click and read carefully (1)(2)(3)(4). “轰动”新加坡新闻,点击率很高的。

or that the marine life‘s native habitat that we release them in may not be suitable for them. For instance, I remember reading that Buddhist Centres release crabs and pomfrets deep waters, which contradict the natural habitat of the animals. This would mean that these animals will die due to unsuitable living conditions. In such a case, wouldn't the person who 放生 be 杀生instead?
Please click -> #383 #879 (mentioned in the past)

If we 放生, how to ensure we are doing it correctly?
Will donating to animals shelters with no kill policy or sponsoring a child in rural areas be a better way to attain the goal of 放生?

If we 放生, how to ensure we are doing it correctly?
Will donating to animals shelters with no kill policy or sponsoring a child in rural areas be a better way to attain the goal of 放生?


老师放生N次,只见到韦驮尊者两次。记忆最深刻是一次天快亮的时候,乌漆抹黑(大概6.30am)在丛林里。因为有蚂蚁蚊子,所以就用手扇来扇去。Just 5 meteres away, 尊者就站在viewing platform,眼睛睁大大。当时,老师吓到脚软手冰。经没念就直接把装满鱼的桶整个扫下水里。Trolley丢后面,没回头捡。连拖鞋大腿都是mud.
Hello Anonymous Yan,



孕妇的磁场波动频繁。若怀女胎,母体就偏阴,需要指定遍数的的《大悲咒》(阳)作调和。要是怀男胎,母体就偏阳,最好配合规定的《心经》遍数调整阴阳。妈妈的身体会健康、身心愉快,胎儿在体内也会happy. 气色也才会好看。

气色难看,臭脸一副去面试,employer哪要请啊?在新加坡的private sector (in any industry),怀孕妇女求职多少是会碰钉子。做不到半年就拿产假,雇主会headache.

产后妇女得留医至少两、三天,还要坐月,难受的要命,哪还会红光满面呀?那些c-section的妇女, 肚子挨一刀,脸色会好看到什么程度?雇主看到这些面试求职的人准摇头。那些天天叹气的,永远没希望。生产后,保持身心愉快才对。

In addition to your related question:
有些夫妇生了孩子之后,带旺父母的例子是有的。如:生意起色、拿到BTO flat、爸爸上升值加薪等等!相反的,有些夫妇没那么幸运了。

老师漏掉帖子了, 谢谢! :)


老师谢谢您的回复 :). 念完经后我就静静 :):) 那请问我需要给孩子念什么经呢?普门品 okay 吗?谢谢老师的帮忙 :):)
Excuse me. 新加坡是不能乱放生的。In Singapore, animal liberation in to reservior and ponds/lakes are illegal. 会被捉的。PUB and NParks很严厉的。难道你不知道?

Thanks for the reply. Nope, I had seen many people bring fishes to 放生 at the reservoirs, ponds in the parks, etc.


玄学aspect of affecting pregnancy, I'm not sure. However, I'm aware that if you contract toxoplasmosis shortly before or after pregnancy, it can result in birth defects and miscarriage. Make sure the cat litter is changed on a daily basis as toxoplasmosis (in the feces of cat IF the cat is infected. NOTE: not all cats have toxoplasmosis cysts in their feces) takes 48 hours to become infective. Best is to avoid changing cat litter. But if you must, make sure you take precautions like wearing gloves and washing you hands thoroughly.
上一次我怀孕我有换cat litter.然后流产。医生有说不要在动cat litter.所以我也不喂她。只是sayang她。

I'm not expert in that.. Just sharing what I know..

You can ask your doctor to do a blood test to check for antibodies on toxoplasma. If you have the antibodies, this means you have been infected before and have immunity against it and fetus will be protected by the immunity. But if you are newly infected and becomes pregnant or become infected while pregnant, it may result in birth defects or miscarriage.

Sorry if I'm going to offend cats lovers, but IMHO, it's best to avoid touching the cat and allowing it on your bed and sofa, as I've seen cats owners not practicing good hygiene and do not clean the butt of their cat after it defecate. And when planning or is currently pregnant, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Also, I was also told that to reduce toxoplasma exposure, we should avoid touching and eating raw food. Meat should be cooked thoroughly. After cooking, rest the meat for at least 3 minutes before cutting or eating. Fruits and vegetables should also be peeled or washed thoroughly before consumption as the soil may be contaminated.
I am new in this forum and happy to come across all the sharing. Would like to ask laoshi or anyone who can advise me 念心经后可以接着念大悲咒吗?because I saw laoshi state 1 is 阴 and 1 is 阳, so not sure if both can chant continuously. Another question is if used to chant in the morning during the journey to mrt with very soft chanting as won't disturb others, can chanting be done in mrt or must at home?

Bubblegum shark, this is what i got from a temple for the handling of sutras after writing. I am not sure whether this is the correct procedure. Maybe teacher can advise :). Hope this helps. And yes no eating meat pls. :). There is no limit to the number of copies For sutra writing :). Must use heart to write not write for the sake of writing :). I am also learning from teacher, jia you! :):)
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Wah! 老师遇见自己的守护神了? Love to hear of your many interesting & supernatural experiences.. Thanks for sharing.. :)


记得有一次,9pm plus在BKE,阿飘突然出现在extreme left lane. 老师要闪避阿飘根本来不及。因为right lane有车不敢change lane,要是突然zam brake后面的车子会撞上车尾。于是,手忙脚乱之下就敢敢踩油门往前冲。这么一撞,bing-pang两个轻声。第一声'bing',阿飘撞上windscreen的声音, steering wheel晃了一下。第二声'pang'是阿飘从车顶滚到car boot的声音。Looking at the rear mirror,阿飘重重滚在地上,接着被后面的taxi斩过。阿飘的整个头颅都goor出来了。

Nope, I had seen many people bring fishes to 放生 at the reservoirs, ponds in the parks, etc.

1. Monkey see monkey do. 很多人不知道呀!
2. 何不打去佛教生命协会(facebook)(Tel: 6836 9088)问一问为什么不在蓄水池/湖畔搞放生活动?
3. Perhaps, you may verify with PUB and NParks to enquire too.
4. Lastly, please click the link (here). The last 4 pictures tell a thousands words.
2010年搬去自己和老公买的resale flat.
政府的房屋政策,害惨了很多人。很多夫妇新屋拿不到,被迫去选resale flat.

不是每个flat能住人的。以后,要选新购租屋,找个靠得住略懂风水的朋友给你点意见。有钱的话,找风水师级的选单位 (not really recommended). 对主人/女主人有帮助。现在的年轻夫妇,grab BTO flat like crazy,不信风水这套。

2013年,有slip disc也在背后开了个刀。医生说一年后才可做ivf.
2014年,四月医生发现輸卵管发炎,也吃了antibotic,没有很大的好转,所以医生建仪去夹输卵管,五月底,我去做了。医生也发现 血瘤,但是说没问题。因为很小,不像上两次很大。医生说八月可以做ivf.我还有两个forzen embyro.
一下有瘤、一下子开刀、一下子输卵管阻塞、一下子slip disc等等。实在是多灾多难。


Just like Noise Induced Deafness (NID),耳膜所损,丧失听力。人不会死因此而死,但是,有心理上构成负面影响。

8 years old for a cat is old。猫的寿命不长,就养到老死吧。以后,家里不要养猫了。


普遍上,命理的算命功夫练到家的话,可以算得出。Mentioned in the past.

多布施,消业啊!说了很多了。Mentioned in the past.

5)我有去双林寺和sin ming road 的一间寺庙拜注生娘娘,要每一个月去拜吗?
任何寺庙的菩萨可以拜。没有规定每个月要去拜注生娘娘。要是你家是one stone throw away from the temple, why not?

老师家附近有间道教联合宫,less than 10mins walk. 三不五时,进去献香磕头。That's about it. 什么都没求,平常心的心态。




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糟糕了,我家有很多Hello Kitties!! 没有嘴巴的。 是不是就没事? 呵呵。。现在我才知道猫属阴的。半夜三更听到猫叫到好像婴儿还挺吓人的。

老师说的那一场阿飘意外,老师肯定不是人吗? 或者是晚上刚拍完恐怖片来不及卸妆呢?呵呵,开玩笑啦。好久没有开开玩笑了。说说笑可以reduce stress. Life is full of stress & suffering lah.. 呵呵。我还以为如果车撞到它们,它们也不会有事,像电影那样,擦身而过吧了。

Share more pls when 老师有空.. I everyday look forward for your postings.. :)
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老師謝謝您咯!下回再 ka jiao 您教我念下部经 :p

我也喜欢看老师发表的故事 :D :D 如果阿飘是被车 long,他们是不是每天要重复被 long 直到找到替身?我老妈讲尤其是七月不要出去,更不要游泳,很多阿飘找替身容易闹出人命。我是宁可信其有哦。

分享笑话, 虽然端午节过了 Judy and everyone, hope it makes ur day and have a wonderful weekend! :D
I gave a dumpling to an Ang mo, and asked the Ang mo how's the dumpling. Ang mo happily said oh the meat, ingredients are fantastic and taste good, but the vegetable is undercooked. Guess what? He ate up the dumpling leaf. Lol. :D:p
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老師謝謝您咯!下回再 ka jiao 您教我念下部经 :p

我也喜欢看老师发表的故事 :D :D 如果阿飘是被车 long,他们是不是每天要重复被 long 直到找到替身?我老妈讲尤其是七月不要出去,更不要游泳,很多阿飘找替身容易闹出人命。我是宁可信其有哦。

分享笑话, 虽然端午节过了 Judy and everyone, hope it makes ur day and have a wonderful weekend! :D
I gave a dumpling to an Ang mo, and asked the Ang mo how's the dumpling. Ang mo happily said oh the meat, ingredients are fantastic and taste good, but the vegetable is undercooked. Guess what? He ate up the dumpling leaf. Lol. :D:p

Lol! 笑到。。。。。:D At first before I read to the end, i really thought you give 'Ang Mo' eat dumpling.. lol! Thank you Rubilite.. U too.. Have a blessed weekend ahead.. :)
谢谢你。finally understand.我本人当护士的 会有影响怀孕吗?


老师有个朋友以前是EN. Initially, 跟死人洗澡。后来,一直发梦。老师跟她说没事,亡魂要尝试跟她说thank you,不是故意要吓人。老师劝她继续做,她折腾了一番之后,好不容易放下。现在是RN,出来跟specialist打工。经常陪她的老板到人家里给人看病。
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Hello Anonymous Yan,

... ...怀孕; 之间都没有停止过发resume 找工作; 怀孕4个月之前,肚子还看不太出来,我只有去过两个面试; 这些面试都没有成功,之后就都在家待产了。宝宝4个月后,我就开始发resume 找工作了,但是至今只有两个面试,而且都不成功。我已经找工作超过1年了,发出的resume 应该不少过100封。... ....


有很多时候,是god decide what you can do and which job you are suitable for. 工作看了觉得适合你,但是偏偏得不到。这种失望的心情,老师可以理解的。I have posted a similar post here #1001 (click).

July有个职业展在MBS。到时可以去look see look see. 新加坡求职,跟国外不一样。

穿着轻便不要随便,No need to be formal. 人事部/雇主多半会在场。你觉得你对这份工作有兴趣,见面打招呼聊聊一下,然后拿namecard. Talk abit of joke,人事部/雇主会觉得你亲切友善谦虚。People will have an impression of you when you send in your resume.

Who knows the lady/man manning the booth can be the recruiter of the company? Who knows a 'ci-kho-pek' is your 贵人? 心态是“今日去求职,不是给人老公送绿帽”. 认真考虑之后才apply. 先做两年拿experience, 以后有更好的工作lobang就换工作嘛。

还有,薪水不要要求高。Below average salary is alright.

1. 还没去求职前,到任何寺庙充充电、求一求菩萨神明你会这段时间做什么,以后得到工作之后会做什么等等。拿出点信心,证明你真的会去做。
2. No need to subscribe CV/resume online on the spot immediately.
3. 反正exhibition 2 days. 今日没收获,明日再去。Detail:

ST Career Fair 2014
  • Date: 12 & 13 July 2014
  • Time: 1000 - 1900hrs
  • Venue: Marina Bay Sands, Halls D & E
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糟糕了,我家有很多Hello Kitties!! 没有嘴巴的。 是不是就没事? 呵呵。。现在我才知道猫属阴的。半夜三更听到猫叫到好像婴儿还挺吓人的。
猫养在家就‘聚阴’。Soft toy cats (eg Hello Kitties),没那么严重。Hello Kitties要是是collector's items的话,可以包装然后收藏起来。

除此之外,家里有像Victor Khoo(click)这样的人形木偶,要赶快处理掉。十之八九有问题。

Yes. It sounds like baby crying.

老师说的那一场阿飘意外,老师肯定不是人吗? 或者是晚上刚拍完恐怖片来不及卸妆呢?呵呵,开玩笑啦。好久没有开开玩笑了。说说笑可以reduce stress. Life is full of stress & suffering lah.. 呵呵。我还以为如果车撞到它们,它们也不会有事,像电影那样,擦身而过吧了.
有些鬼眼只能看鬼,其他的看不到。这个percentage又分很多层次/不同类型。有些是看得到轮廓(shape) 、or blur image等等。

给老师撞见的阿飘是实体 - 看得清清楚楚。眼睛、鼻子、嘴巴、衣服颜色看得见。要碰的话,是可以捉得住。阿飘跟人一样会生气、挣扎、吐口水、骂脏话、哭喊等等。老师跟阿飘沟通(two way communication),根本不会像在电视/电影里那样人与鬼口讲话。而且,老师不太要跟阿飘浪费时间。

鬼是另类空间,普通人与阿飘在路上or shopping mall是shoulder rub shoulder。

电影的(click ->) 《见鬼十》看了没?故事改编过了,要不然真的会有人去test try. 有些scene确实神通/鬼眼看得到。甚至比电影恐怖的情节也有。

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如果阿飘是被车 long,他们是不是每天要重复被 long 直到找到替身?

马路旁捉交替(找替身)是存在的。十字路口捉交替,就像当普遍。Mentioned before see post #6 in this thread (click). 而且‘捉交替’是不分白天黑夜的。


完全正确!不是迷信。被淹死在lagoons in Sentosa已经好几个了。Not because of current, good swimmers and some with life-jackets also mati.

分享笑话, 虽然端午节过了I gave a dumpling to an Ang mo, and asked the Ang mo how's the dumpling. Ang mo happily said oh the meat, ingredients are fantastic and taste good, but the vegetable is undercooked. Guess what? He ate up the dumpling leaf. Lol. :D:p

See next post.
