Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)


Question: Can I know what do we need to provide you to look into the kid's life?
Answer: 用不着看小孩的命盘。不知道比知道来得好。


Question: Actually for my children, their name was given by us (the parents) without seeking help to get names from professionals. I wonder is it good or not..</font>
Answer: 小孩子的名已经在birth certificate,就继续用好了。



Sometimes it makes me wonder, how could it be possible for a cardiologist prescribing medicine for psychiatric patient?


Question: years back, i was at 光明山 to arrange 超度 for my daughter. The staff in the admin office gave me a copy of 地藏经。She taught me to chant n 回响 to my daughter. I made at attempt to 抄经 as well but didnt complete. The sutra was since kept in my bed room after i read through once.
Answer: 既然,光明山有人提议你念《地藏经》回向给你的至亲,为何不做呢?难道你要菩萨跳出来指点你念《地藏经》吗?仙佛当然找你有缘的人,借他/她的口说出来。




Question: I am keen to explore going vegetarian but it's very tough since i cook for my family as well. Can i cook normal food for my family.
Answer: 总不能跟你家人/丈夫为信仰/抄经而吵架吧?家人要照顾,三餐要煮。你还是可以吃你的肉边菜,或者,你准备自己的那份。吃素念佛,不该搞到家庭不合。家庭要美满、夫妇要恩爱。

Question: what is your recommendation if i want to learn chanting and also 抄经?how do i do 回响 if i do not complete the chant in 1 day?
Answer: ‘抄经’或者‘诵经’两个可同时兼做。你可以先念‘心经’为基础,等你再熟悉了之后,再换另一部经。

Question: i would like to start small and get it right and be consistent, rather then rush and drop it after.
Answer: 很好!

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Isabelle...{{{{hugs}}}}}...Take care. Will pray for your son!

Thanks Jolyon for advice!

My experience is that timing is very important when it comes to getting familiar with a sutra.

When I was pregnant with my no 3 in 2009, my friend asked me to recite 地藏经。At that moment, I could not understand what was in the sutra. I gave up and concentrated on reciting 大悲咒 and 佛号。

When my father was very ill in 2011 and I was at my wits' end and depressed, out of the blue one day, I met my husband's uncle who is an ordained monk and he just spontaneously passed me a copy of 地藏经 and told me about all the benefits that got me interested (He did not know that my father was ill). It was as if he had been sent to answer my prayers.

The funny thing is the moment I opened the sutra, it all made sense. I could understand everything! It was as if I was suddenly given the wisdom to understand and appreciate it! I diligently recited every night. If I was tired, I only recited one chapter. The first time I recited and went to sleep, I heard in my semi-conscious state, the laughter of a kid. My mum recited and slept and she had the same experience. She heard a child's laughter and someone jumping on her bed.

At the same time,my dad, who was never into religion but only ancestral worship, suddenly got interested in 地藏王菩萨。One afternoon, he suddenly called me and wanted me to 请 a portrait of 地藏王菩萨 for him. He pasted it on his wall and recited 地藏王菩萨佛号 faithfully daily. He has a lot of 障碍 and had difficulty remembering the name. He even wrote down beside the portrait to read it. When he was very ill, one afternoon after a nap, he woke up and saw 地藏王菩萨 walking in his room with his staff (He only saw the back view) but he was sure it was the buddha.

We also turned on 地藏经 at night as we believe that only good spirits would come into the house to listen to dharma.

I diligently recited the sutra all the way till the last 49th day of my dad's passing on. I hope it has helped him get a better rebirth. So far, every year, we have been arranging for the chanting of 地藏经 on his death anniversary by the 师父 at 居士林.
Jolyon, wat exactly is 回向? Hw it is done and reason of doing ?

I chanted "十字经文" for years previously and then changed to "nan mo wu liang kuang 尊佛". So chanting everyday really make a diff to BBs born ?
Isabelle (singhomer), May 16, 2013 - 11:33 pm
I'm anxious because of the story that u mentioned the child can't live pass 5 yrs after u seen his ba zi. my child has leukemia when he's only 19 mths.


人家读了,岂不是lagi sad.

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Catfitz (catfitz), May 17, 2013 - 7:40 am
The first time I recited and went to sleep, I heard in my semi-conscious state, the laughter of a kid. My mum recited and slept and she had the same experience. She heard a child's laughter and someone jumping on her bed.

... ...When he was very ill, one afternoon after a nap, he woke up and saw 地藏王菩萨 walking in his room with his staff (He only saw the back view) but he was sure it was the buddha.


I have contributed posts on
'Need Advice about 7th month' thread.

Catfitz (catfitz), May 17, 2013 - 7:40 am
We also turned on 地藏经 at night as <u>we believe that only good spirits would come into the house to listen to dharma.

See posts on:
May 07, 2013 - 11:09 pm
May 11, 2013 - 12:10 am


Catfitz (catfitz), May 17, 2013 - 7:40 am
I diligently recited the sutra all the way till the last 49th day of my dad's passing on. I hope it has helped him get a better rebirth.

Catfitz (catfitz), May 17, 2013 - 7:40 am
So far, every year, we have been arranging for the chanting of 地藏经 on his death anniversary by the 师父 at 居士林.
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Bbliss (bbliss), May 17, 2013 - 11:45 am
I chanted "十字经文" for years previously and then changed to "nan mo wu liang kuang 尊佛". So chanting everyday really make a diff to BBs born ?

吃了十年的McDonald's apple pie,换杯vanilla sundae来解暑,为何不行呢?

要是你讲的是这本《药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经》- 'Yao Shi Liu Li Guang Ru Lai Ben Yuan Gong De Jing' (in Hanyu Pinyin),适合未孕/已孕妇女。

Read post May 10, 2013 - 10:40 pm

Bbliss (bbliss), May 17, 2013 - 11:45 am
So chanting everyday really make a diff to BBs born ?

Pregnancy for 40 weeks, 每天念上一千遍佛号很划算!若加上吃素诵经和抄经回向,回报率超高! 孩子出世后,无后顾之忧,省一大堆麻烦了!孩子少业一生轻,将来人生旅途的绊脚石都搬开了。你说好不好?要孩子将来的路好不好走,是由父母做决定。
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I have come across this tread accidentally and I have read all postings with high interest.

I am amazed with Jolyon's and few of your high profound buddhist knowledge which is very rarely come across.

I have no one to tell or share my personal experiences with as mostly do not believed around me.

Sorry in my workpl pc, I can only use English Keyboard.

I have been chanting "Di Zhang Wang Pu Sa fo hao" or Earth Store Sutra in my house before my child is born as I have more than once heard from my buddhist friends that this sutra is very good for mothers to chant and pass merits to their unborn child. This has proven helpful for my case. I have extended to put a radio which play "DI Zhang Wang Pu Sa Sutra" &amp; "Amitofo Sutra" &amp; also "fo hao" in my house to benefit all the "Zhong Yin Sheng" whom my husband and I believed they are good and wish to borrow our place for listening and reduce their bad karmas accumulated during their lifetime. Ater seeing yr post, I have discussed with my hsb whether we should continue to play at home but my hsb say we are trying to help them so it's alright.

Before my 1st child is born 2 yrs back, I heard a man's voice during my sleep but I didn't see anything or dreamt nor do I open my eyes....he say he will grant my wish and I will have a child very soon. I am very happy and tell only my hsb about the good new as I have experienced 2 miscarriage before this pregnancy during then.

And before this, when I have a bad fall in my life during my late twenties....I have 5 nights of similar dreams to prepare for what is going to happen and I am very thankful to Guan Yin Pu Sa as I am very well prepared when it really happened not too long after. I don't wish to elaborate what was that, but it really marked my life for another new chapter.

I believed if we are sincere in our praying to the bodhisattva, our wishes really will come true irregardless whether we hoped to have a son or a daughter.
Hi ladies,

I stumble this thread while going through and find very meaningful and all the advices Jolyon all other ladies shared.

I have been praying to Zun Sheng Niang Niang to bless me for a baby but not every month type only go and pray as n when.
A little info about myself: im married for 10 yrs and been trying baby since then but no news no sound.Have tried IVF once but had a chemical pregnancy.. im lost cos i feel my hubby is not ready for the 2nd round this time..
My mother-in-law has been chanting all sorts of scriptures since she move in one month ago. She also wish that i can get pregnant but sad to say i disappoint her.
I wonder if i will never had a chance to hold a baby in my arms

Jolyon: How can you help me to calculate if i will have a baby. What you need? birth dates &amp; time?
Can we chant in the night before sleep and chant nanmoanituofo will do?

Thanks in advance!
Wondersss (wondersss) May 22, 2013 - 2:54 pm
im married for 10 yrs and been trying baby since then but no news no sound.Have tried IVF once but had a chemical pregnancy.. im lost cos i feel my hubby is not ready for the 2nd round this time..
I understood. Time consuming and expensive.

Wondersss (wondersss) May 22, 2013 - 2:54 pm
My mother-in-law has been chanting all sorts of scriptures since she move in one month ago.



Wondersss (wondersss) May 22, 2013 - 2:54 pm
She also wish that i can get pregnant but sad to say i disappoint her. I wonder if i will never had a chance to hold a baby in my arms

Wondersss (wondersss) May 22, 2013 - 2:54 pm
Jolyon: How can you help me to calculate if i will have a baby. What you need? birth dates & time?
可以。需要夫妇的出生日期以及大概的出生时间。Please,no need to disclose here. I will send private message when I am ready.</font>

Wondersss (wondersss) May 22, 2013 - 2:54 pm
Can we chant in the night before sleep and chant nanmoanituofo will do?
每晚诵经(before 12am)念很好!



Option 1 每晚念一遍《陀罗尼经》,(初学者)大约超过一个半小时。念完立即回向,不可偷懒。若念到不一年,有怀孕就让我知道。这本经书大多数的佛寺可以找得到(免费),或者,我免费邮寄给你。

Option 2 一套经文组合,念不完可以休息改日再继续。一个月内念完四张,立即回向,不可怠慢。两个星期以内念完四张更好,到时再加重。若念到不一年,有怀孕才通知我。经文我可以免费邮寄给你。

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Hi everyone,

Thank you all for sharing the postings. I've been reading this thread and the advices are very valuable to me. After all the reading, I've started to 吃素 on 初一十五, a small step for me.

Jolyon: Out of curiosity, I went to google the video for 药师经. I clicked on one video that chants 南无药师琉璃光如来 repeatedly and started tearing once I heard it. The feeling is indescribable and the tears gradually stopped after a few mins. 是我太多愁善感了吗? 

Can I chant 南无药师琉璃光如来 before sleep every night?
Dear Madam Heng,



男命:没有问题(男孩女孩一样多)。他上半身开过刀,是一位硬汉子! 生育方面无大碍。


人在咳嗽时,一下子喝掉整瓶cough syrup, 不咳死才怪,这样永远不会好。
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Dear Madam DL,



身弱盤 - 盤子五行枯毀,故身子亦弱 為金水所害!
No.1 水为血、为肾 - 血最容易不清洁。
No.2 喉咙屬金有问题,忌金体。

(ii) 小孩一生忌吃牛肉! 牛肉最害人不浅。别人吃牛肉没事是他的事,是他福报未消。
(iii) 食物以下两点(金属肉类有关):

1.海鲜味道鲜美而且富含营养物质,但海鲜的安全问题不容忽视。贝类和海鱼已经成为重金属汞(mercury)、砷(arsenic) 的最大来源,如果常食用海鲜会导致重金属等有毒有害物质在体内积累而危害健康。体积大的海鲜体内富集的污染物。不能吃鱼头、鱼皮、油脂、内脏、鱼卵、鱼翅。

2.忌吃动物内脏。 动物内脏尽管有着独特的营养成分,但更有重金属沉积的危险。比如动物所吃的饲料,喝的水含重金属,都要靠内脏来代谢,重金属等有害物质就会沉积在内脏里,那些残留在内脏中的重金属,将会成为健康杀手。

癸巳年(今年2013),Around April 2013, 是否有出状况?

癸合八字兩个戊。喜神被合又不化。 小孩9至18岁之间,健康犹如从新加坡骑punctured motor到吉隆坡。现在吃斋念经有得缓解,大事化小利于家人。

你不必去问乩童让孩子喝符水,或花钱去看ENT specialist。我教了你双面夹攻:
第一夹. 孩子该怎么调整(吃、环境)上面已经说了。
第二夹. 父/母/父母吃素念佛,代孩子消业最好不过了。
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plainwater (plainwater) May 23, 2013 - 5:00 pm
After all the reading, I've started to 吃素 on 初一十五, a small step for me.

Out of curiosity, I went to google the video for 药师经. I clicked on one video that chants 南无药师琉璃光如来 repeatedly and started tearing once I heard it. The feeling is indescribable and the tears gradually stopped after a few mins. 是我太多愁善感了吗? 



I know somebody who went to Thailand Kanchanaburi for military training. When he was at Kanchanaburi railway (参观‘死亡铁路’), he cried so miserably. Imagine, a hunky man cried until like a sissy! He said he does not why he behave like that. Unbelievably, he dreamt 7 nights continously and about how, where and when he died repeatedly. 从此之后,深信因果与轮回。


plainwater (plainwater) May 23, 2013 - 5:00 pm
Can I chant 南无药师琉璃光如来 before sleep every night?
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Hi Jolyn,

I have read a few of your threads and find your explanation very meaningful. Personally I believe in 轮回,因果报因 and 业障。
I have been feeling very frustrated over many things in life eg career, family. Nothing seems to be smooth. I always have to put in more efforts than others. My elder boy is very smart but we found out he has some learning difficulties. Both the elder and younger boys are naughty and active.

Some people told me 念经and抄经文helps to make your mind at peace. This helps to reduce业障for前世今生。
Can you advise me which scriptures is suitable. I like to do not only for myself, but also for my kids.

My friends recommend 无量受经。 is this suitable?

Hi ,

In addition, I have encountered a Thai nun who came to Singapore. She said I have caused harm to a woman in my previous life. She asked me to release a turtle to redemn my sin. She even caution if my first borne is a girl, I have not done enough. Well, I have done what she said.. And luckily my first borne is a boy. I have been thinking if my sin could be redemn this way? Or my frustration in life is due to my previous sin. Tt is also another reason why I like to start on 诵经to whom I have owed in my last and current life.
Dear Jolyon,

Sorry for this late reply. Appreciate all your advice..These are my reply.

My MIL chant 大悲咒,nanmoanituofo &amp; 往生咒 every morning alternately.

I will PM u my details later... can u send the details through email..

For the chanting, must we sit in front of the altar and chant or can sit on the bed and chant then go sleep if tired...? As for 回响, is after chanting then must pray infront of the altar &amp; tell the deity? Sorry.. my qtns sound silly but i want to be clear before i start chanting in order not to offend the deities.
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

有心念可以。想要怀孕,经文能念完更好,然后再回向。你跟《药师琉璃光如来本愿经》有缘,说不定自然上手,短时间内溜溜顺口。初学刚上手,需要一个多小时。若要此经书,我免费邮寄给你。<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
Hi Jolyon,

Thank you for your advice and offer to send me a copy.
I happened to pick up a copy of 《药师琉璃光如来本愿经》 when I was at people's park center last sat, totally didn't expect to see it there.

就如你所说,我从12.30am开始念,2am才结束。要自然上手,短时间内溜溜顺口,对我来说恐怕很难了。因为有些字的读音并不是照着字念的。我有一些疑问。。。请问念经和抄经是从<香赞>还是<开经偈>开始呢?如果分几天抄完一遍经文,是在最后回向吗?能不能在一本exercise book 里抄写多过一遍呢?竖着抄还是横着抄?
Sorry for all these questions.
ricorn (ricorn) May 25, 2013 - 3:53 pm
My elder boy is very smart but we found out he has some learning difficulties.

ricorn (ricorn) May 25, 2013 - 3:53 pm
Some people told me 念经and抄经文helps to make your mind at peace. This helps to reduce业障for前世今生。
没错。确实如此。Bank loan利滚利,也是慢慢还。



ricorn (ricorn) May 25, 2013 - 3:53 pm
Can you advise me which scriptures is suitable. I like to do not only for myself, but also for my kids. My friends recommend 无量受经。 is this suitable?



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ricorn (ricorn) May 25, 2013 - 5:13 pm
In addition, I have encountered a Thai nun who came to Singapore. She said I have caused harm to a woman in my previous life. She asked me to release a turtle to redemn my sin. She even caution if my first borne is a girl, I have not done enough. Well, I have done what she said.. And luckily my first borne is a boy. I have been thinking if my sin could be redemn this way?




另两个方式得知前世过去 - ‘观落阴’、‘催眠’。
‘催眠’- 一般用在治疗心理病,或者,揭开心中的死结。
‘观落阴’- 到地府探花树、访元辰宫等等。特别针对自己的问题找出真相。</font>


ricorn (ricorn) May 25, 2013 - 5:13 pm
Or my frustration in life is due to my previous sin. Tt is also another reason why I like to start on 诵经to whom I have owed in my last and current life.


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Wondersss (wondersss) May 27, 2013 - 9:40 am
My MIL chant 大悲咒,nanmoanituofo &; 往生咒 every morning alternately.
没有什么不妥 。单念《大悲咒》已经足够了。得要报出名字先才念。

Wondersss (wondersss) May 27, 2013 - 9:40 am
I will PM u my details later... can u send the details through email..
I shall contact you when I am ready. 我工作忙,朝九晚五,傍晚才回到家。

Wondersss (wondersss) May 27, 2013 - 9:40 am
For the chanting, must we sit in front of the altar and chant or can sit on the bed and chant then go sleep if tired...?

Wondersss (wondersss) May 27, 2013 - 9:40 am
As for 回响, is after chanting then must pray infront of the altar & tell the deity?
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plainwater (plainwater) May 27, 2013 - 4:30 pm
Thank you for your advice and offer to send me a copy.
我也有邮寄给SMH Forum网友们。

plainwater (plainwater) May 27, 2013 - 4:30 pm
I happened to pick up a copy of 《药师琉璃光如来本愿经》 when I was at people's park center last sat, totally didn't expect to see it there.

plainwater (plainwater) May 27, 2013 - 4:30 pm

plainwater (plainwater) May 27, 2013 - 4:30 pm

plainwater (plainwater) May 27, 2013 - 4:30 pm

plainwater (plainwater) May 27, 2013 - 4:30 pm
能不能在一本exercise book 里抄写多过一遍呢?

另外提醒,我抄错字补救的做法是用pen-knife小心翼翼地把错字割出来,using tiny paper paste over with ulu glue。

plainwater (plainwater) May 27, 2013 - 4:30 pm
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Dear Jolyn,

Thank you for your enlightenment . I have lost the 无量寿经when I shift my house. Can you advise which other 经文 I can start to recite or 抄经? In fact I have started 施棺and contribute to the 7th month prayer for 冤亲債主。 understand its a continuous process which I will try to continue for kids.
Hi Jolyn,

So many books to read and chant, which is for which and where can we get?

Can provide us a summary for the above. Your help is very much appreciated.

Also, always hear people say cannot eat beef, can advise on this?
ricorn (ricorn) Monday, May 27, 2013 - 9:14 pm
Thank you for your enlightenment . I have lost the 无量寿经when I shift my house. Can you advise which other 经文 I can start to recite or 抄经?
抄经 - 《无量寿经》此经跟你有缘,就照旧好了。或许,当时上天是要借此经,为你挡灾避难,可惜你没用上。
诵经 - 《心经》入门其一。字数最少、含义最深、传奇最多、影响最大。

ricorn (ricorn) Monday, May 27, 2013 - 9:14 pm
In fact I have started 施棺and contribute to the 7th month prayer for 冤亲債主。 understand its a continuous process which I will try to continue for kids.

我在Phuket旅游时,目击一场毛骨悚然的车祸而。一场恐怖motorcycle意外,造成ang-mo的身体断成两半!It caused a massive jam. 义工团队两个小时后,才把尸体抬走后,可怜ang-mo的魂魄依然没离开事发现场。


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Lisa (sugarsweet) May 28, 2013 - 12:40 pm
So many books to read and chant, which is for which

拜对神、诵对经、抄对经就有ok. 乱乱拜 (post 182; click here)、乱乱念,(post 287; click here),恐怕得不偿失。


Lisa (sugarsweet) May 28, 2013 - 12:40 pm
where can we get?
Did you see the blue house in the photo below ? 每逢初一、十五的四马路观音堂外,在那个位置有帐篷(blue and white canvas tentage) 。该处有免费经书可取。Posters, bookmarks, stickers, dvds, books &amp; etc. 不合意,不用拿。不怕不好意思。


Lisa (sugarsweet) May 28, 2013 - 12:40 pm
Also, always hear people say cannot eat beef, can advise on this?

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Windy (whitewindy) May 28, 2013 - 2:06 pm
1)请问如果想要内心平静,应该念什么经? 能不能邮寄给我.

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Hi Jolyon,

I tried to send private message to you but i cant. Did you turn on?

From your message to me, given Option 1 &amp; 2, i will opt for Option 2. As normally weekends, i will not be home early so is hard to chant. Just one question, issit a MUST to chant every night? As mentioned, my weekends are always late nights out. If you feel ok, Please send the Option 2 (一套经文组合,念不完可以休息改日再继续。一个月内念完四张,立即回向,不可怠慢。)
Appreciate your help.
I am currently pregnant but may not be able to keep the baby. Doc advised to terminate the pregnancy latest by next week.

As much reluntance and heartpain i am facing now, can you advise is there anything I can or need to do for the unborn baby after the procedure?

Will you be able to help me calculate in my life, will I have a boy? I can send u the details.

Many thanks in advance.
Wondersss (wondersss) Wondersss (wondersss) May 22, 2013 - 2:54 p名
im married for 10 yrs and been trying baby since then but no news no sound.Have tried IVF once but had a chemical pregnancy.. im lost cos i feel my hubby is not ready for the 2nd round this time.





1. 我真的怀疑,夫妇俩关系那么融洽吗?还是两个打工,连相聚的时间都没有?
2. 若你能你拍张你丈夫的上半脸给我看看就好。我觉得似乎有点不大对。




Wondersss (wondersss) May 29, 2013 - 8:56 am
As normally weekends, i will not be home early so is hard to chant. Just one question, issit a MUST to chant every night? As mentioned, my weekends are always late nights out.

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Darbebe (darbebe) May 29, 2013 - 4:39 pm</font>
I am currently pregnant but may not be able to keep the baby. Doc advised to terminate the pregnancy latest by next week.

As much reluntance and heartpain i am facing now, can you advise is there anything I can or need to do for the unborn baby after the procedure?


抄一遍《地藏经》(overwrite on the book itself),以及49天内完成一次(5张)的经文组合回向未出世的孩子。若有托梦,才让我知道。



Darbebe (darbebe) May 29, 2013 - 4:39 pm</font>
Will you be able to help me calculate in my life, will I have a boy?
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Hi Jolyon, after how many weeks of pregnancy then natural miscarriage do we need to do chao du? cuz I read some people say in first trimester, there is no form so no need?
skinneybeenie (skinneybeenie) May 29, 2013 - 9:55 pm</font>
after how many weeks of pregnancy then natural miscarriage do we need to do chao du? cuz I read some people say in first trimester, there is no form so no need?
1. Read,
post number 233. Date: May 10, 2013 - 9:43 pm (somewhere in the middle post)
post number 192. Date: April 29, 2013 - 11:36 pm (see archive thread)

2. 你听人说,这个罪由那位说者承担。选择道听途说者,他/她自己负责。
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Hi Jolyon,

After reading your explainations, i dont quite understand.

1. 唯独47运过后,才有机会老来得子. what is the 47 运过后?

2. 我真的怀疑,夫妇俩关系那么融​​洽吗?还是两个打工,连相聚的时间都没有?
Meaning our relationshiop too good or not good?

3.他是无法得子的。这是取象。取财,化七杀被食神制住。要强补生财之道。Meanign he has to change his lifestyle &amp; what 这是取象。取财,化七杀被食神制住。要强补生财之道?

Sorry as i dont really understand the meaning of all these is good or not good? Im now more worry about him than worry having a baby. It seems his 命盘 is quite bad.


懂得命理的师傅/老师都知道怎么算该怎么做! 问者无需也没有必要提供农历出生日期/时辰!

Please write in one of the formats:

See example :
阳历/公历:30 May 2013 12.00pm (in English alpha-numeric format)
阳历/公历:May 30, 2013 12.00pm (in American English alpha-numeric format)
阳历/公历:30/5/2013 1200 (in English numerical numbers)
阳历/公历:30日5月2013年 中午12点 (阿拉伯数字与中文)
阳历/公历:2013年5月30日 中午12点 (阿拉伯数字与中文)
阳历/公历:二零一三年五月三十日 中午十二点 (in Chinese)
阳历/公历:三十日五月二零一三年 中午十二点 (in Chinese)
国历:民国2002年5月30日 中午12点 (in Chinese;commonly for Taiwanese )
农历:癸巳年四月廿一日 午时 (in Chinese)
农历:癸巳年四月二十一日 午时 (in Chinese)
农历:癸巳年四月二十一日 中午十二点 (in Chinese)

These are not acceptable and confusing.
1. This is suppose to be Chinese lunar calendar date, 5月30日2013年 1200, I will take it as 阳历/公历.
2. This is suppose to be Chinese lunar calendar date, snake year 5月30日, I will take it as 阳历/公历.
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Hi jolyon,

Im soo sorry about the confusion and your time.
Cos last time i went to see fortune.. The fortune teller always ask us about chinese lunar date..

Can i re-send you my dates if you don't mind?
hi jolyn

if i wana pray for d well being of others n myself which book do u recommend? any procedure to follow while chanting? e.g muz chant d name...

I have been reading your threads &amp; need some advise.

How can you help me to calculate if i will have a baby. What you need? birth dates &amp; time from both of us?

Wondersss (wondersss) May 30, 2013 - 11:26 am</font>
Cos last time i went to see fortune.. The fortune teller always ask us about chinese lunar date.
第一. 懒惰算。方便他自己。
第二. 不会算。出来骗吃。

Wondersss (wondersss) May 30, 2013 - 11:26 am
Can i re-send you my dates if you don't mind?

[Husband Birth Date: 02 July 19XX]

[Wife Birth Date: 05 August 19XX]

1. 你老公非常忙!时常不在家,到处往外跑对吗?
2. 多陪家里的加倍长辈。
3. 你家里是不是有打算装修、还是搬家呢?有的话,床位别乱安。


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Lisa (sugarsweet) May 30, 2013 - 1:00 pm
Thats y your earlier explanation find it weired.

Lisa (sugarsweet) May 30, 2013 - 6:49 pm
if i wana pray for d well being of others n myself which book do u recommend? any procedure to follow while chanting? e.g muz chant d name...

Lisa (sugarsweet) May 30, 2013 - 6:52 pm
d day for chanting i cannot take meat or any special diet?hw abt if da yi mah cm?
1. 能吃素最好。肉边菜也行。吃KFC后念经,你觉得如何呢?呵呵...
2. 女人‘月事’没有关系。没有忌讳。可以照念。

Lisa (sugarsweet) email May 31, 2013
This morning I search for Xin Jing in youtube. Found the version by Faye Wong. Alamak! the moment I start listening, I cried. I must be very sinful? Care to explain. Negative one I dun mind cos I need to reflect on myself.
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Thanks for your reply!! Im so touched!!! 十分感谢!!

1. 你老公非常忙!时常不在家,到处往外跑对吗?
He busy at work &amp; only reach home about 8+. Like to go out is true.. esp weekends, like small kids always want to go out and walk.

2. 多陪家里的加倍长辈。
加倍 meaning elders issit? His parents just shifted in with us but he don't like to stay at home.
3. 你家里是不是有打算装修、还是搬家呢?有的话,床位别乱安。
打算装修 - nope cos we bought the flat few years ago but just additional alot of stuffs cos his parents move in with us and alot of barang barang. Should not affect right since we never move the bed. Just add-on his parents bed.

Lastly, i like to thank you again for your kindness.. 我会好好做好功课 :)
Hi Jolyon,

So juz chant. But if chant for others or ownself how to differenciate?

So cry no negative effect ah? I thought something is wrong with me.
Anna (capital) May 31, 2013 - 12:12 pm
I have been reading your threads &amp; need some advise.
How can you help me to calculate if i will have a baby. What you need? birth dates &amp; time from both of us?
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Lisa (sugarsweet) email May 31, 2013
U hv simplied chinese version for Xin Jing? Good if got han yu ping ying. Can email me?

Lisa (sugarsweet) email May 31, 2013
Need to <u>do home work</u> and understand the meaning. Thanks.



Lisa (sugarsweet) email May 31, 2013
So juz chant. But if chant for others or ownself how to differenciate?


有一位老ah-sou, 为她子女的婚姻头痛。她没吃素又自动念《地藏经》回向给子女,结果越念身体越觉得不舒服。不是地藏古佛没有保佑,而是自己没有解决自己的问题。小学没念完,跑去读PhD.

Lisa (sugarsweet) email May 31, 2013
So cry no negative effect ah? I thought something is wrong with me.
See post number 292; May 23, 2013 - 9:16 pm 你跟她的情况相似。</font>


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