For those seeking 注生娘娘 blessing, typical those "dying" to have child, and/or wishing for child, there are three pointers below:
1. 抛杯。
2. 换花。
3. 不只是去一次就能了事。
Very often, I see couples doing wrong things. However, 拜对神,it should works.
Nonetheless, there are two common reasons for childless couples (either miscarriage or hard to conceive and etc).
Reason No.1:
命中注无子女 - I have seen countless of married couple (some of them in this forum) 命中无子女 in their 八字(。It is always hard for me to break the truth and I usually brush it through in an indirect way so as not to hurt these poor couples (both husband and wife) feelings.
Reason No.2:
冤债 - 夫妇身体健康,命中注定享子孙福, but difficulties in getting pregnant, then something must be wrong. The cause for unsuccessful pregnancy could be either 堕胎(abortion) or 杀业(killing).
I have encountered few abortion cases which were so serious and obvious that the unrest spirit (aborted child) followed the woman everywhere. Unfortunately, ordinary human naked eyes unable to see.
曾经堕胎或者祖上犯杀业的妇女 were lucky to get pregnant but may born with physically disabled child (down syndrome, autistic, handicapped and etc).