Catfitz (catfitz),May 08, 2013 - 10:12 am
When my dad was critically ill in 2011, during the 7th lunar month, he had a few nights of related dreams. He would hear the sound of chanting in the background in his dream. He met a boy (looked about 7-8 years old) who called him 'grandpa'. On the first and second night, my dad told him that they belong to two different worlds and not to call him that and even brought him to chant in his dream.The boy could actually chant!
On the third night, my dad dreamt of the boy again and this time, the boy brought along a few friends and asked my dad to buy a few things for him. He claimed that he was hungry and was dressed in rags. He asked for toys, biscuits, soft drinks, fruits, clothes and shoes. He wanted my dad to offer these things in prayers to him. My dad even brought him to a 法会 and asked helped them fend off some 'bigger spirits' in his dream so that they could have the food offered there.
(一) 不排除是流产的小孩 - 令尊梦见小孩,正好是女儿在7-8年前流产的经历。
(二) 回光反照 - 人要往生之前,往往有异常幻想或反常的行为举止。
(三) 梦不一定是凶兆 - 何况是梦见小男孩。
Catfitz (catfitz),May 08, 2013 - 10:12 am
The next day, my parents went and bought the stuff and did the prayers, burned the clothes,shoes etc. The boy never appeared again. My dad passed away about two months later.
冤魂可以是前几世追到今世。追讨的不是香烛、元宝、金银纸、纸扎的Mercedes Benz\iPhone 5\Samsung S4那么简单。没公德,索命抵债。
'Chinese Lunar 7th month' discussion threads [1] [2]
Catfitz (catfitz),May 08, 2013 - 10:12 am
2) I do 超度for him since I miscarried that year faithfully every year and 回向to him regularly whenever I accumulate merits. Why is he still around?
Are you referring to your dad or the boy? 有两种可能,一.是依依不舍,因亲人牵肠挂肚。二.公德未足够应到。
Catfitz (catfitz),May 08, 2013 - 10:12 am</font>
3) My mother did a 水陆法会 in 2012 in China for all the ancestors including <u>him</u>. How would I know if he is still around?
I have "entertained" lots of hitch-hikers in United States。载过乞丐、疯子、流浪汉,遇过不少奇怪的人。偏僻荒野,或者,鸟不生蛋的地方有人要拦车,我也敢载。只有不顺路就不载。Here was the problem.
My car broke down along county road in the end-fall season. 真的是好死不死,车子偏偏在晚上死火抛锚。
叫天天不应,叫地地不灵。Pitch darkness and no cellphone signal coverage. I walked miserably for nearly two miles before finding a gas station. Freaking cold with frost bite on ears and mucus dripping. 冷到我“buay-tahan”.
Out of the blue, an ang-moh drove a GMC pick-up truck into gas station, and surprsingly offered me to tow my car to his home garage off ten miles from gas station! At that moment, I was thinking "
uu yar boh?" 我真的是求之不得。我没开口问,就主动要帮我拖车。上了他车之后,才说远处看到车子停在路旁,猜测我一定是要求救。更好的事,拖进他车库里,还免费帮我修车!真的是谢谢他都来不及。I never expect someone is kind enough to lend a hand.
《善不积,不足以成名,惡不积,不足以灭身。》 - 出自易經,孔子係辤。解释:品行不好的人认为,一般的好事对自己来说没有多大益处而不去做,一般的坏事对自己来说没有多大损害而不去改正。所以坏事多了而无法回避责任,罪恶大了也无法得到宽恕。