Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

Snoopy (snoopy77), May 06, 2013 - 11:06 pm</font>
i also pray at Erawan temple Bangkok last dec, to pray for a baby, but fail in Mar FET.... is this bcos not sincere enough? i also always pray at bugis guan yin temple....
i will hav FET again in jun, really hope will success..... btw, how can i know whether i hav 孩子命?


Suggestion (optional)





夫妇俩(丈夫姓名YYY、妻子姓名XXX)求子心切,一直盼望生儿育女。今年阳历三月X日,信女‘冷冻胚胎移植’手术失败,心情(怎么样... ...有什么心事可以倾诉)。今年阳历六月X日将接受另一次‘冷冻胚胎移植’手术。因事态告急,真心恳请准提菩萨、达摩祖师华佗仙师开恩,并祈求与我夫妇俩有缘众仙菩萨扶持帮忙,愿这次的‘冷冻胚胎移植’手术一帆风顺以及成功怀孕。





1. 中文不会讲英文。
2. 认真不要笑。
3. 想清楚要怎么立愿。到时候真的实现了,要去还愿。No excuse.

你的情况是期望FET procedure顺利,并且希望成功怀孕生子,那么就无需求签请示。在迫不得已的情况下,才采取求签方式请示神明/仙佛菩萨。

1. 限于家中的神祖排位。
2. 祖先安置在骨灰塔或坟地不便去。

The entire FET is time consuming and costly,自己要懂得如何调养,注意健康和饮食。请求神明祖先固然重要,还是得过如常生活的。

至于,有没有孩子的命,无需理会。I encourage you to look forward to the month of June. Go exercise, watch movie, shopping, celebrate mother's day with MIL or your mum and also, less computer usage less radiation.

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sunbelle (sunbelle), May 07, 2013 - 5:11 am
I have two miscarriages before having a baby successfully last year. But like what you say, after Zhao du, u feel much better. I only pay for one year Zhao du. Now intending to try for second one by found cyst to be the hurdle. yeah question is whether do we need the Zhao du service every year huh? Or we jus need to do one time.
To answer your question, if it is for purpose of miscarriages,

1. 看自己的经济能力。
2. 你觉得知否心安理得?



又或者是,严重到寝室难安,不寻常的话,不妨考虑超度。一年一、两次办超度法会(清明节、中元节),花费钱并不多。除非,选择的是first class 牌位。不然,economic class 的超度一般不会超过五十元。Business class 会比economic class价格贵上一倍。


An example, a careless driver forgotten to slot cash-card in the vehicle IU and driven through the ERP gantry. How to covince LTA to waive-off summon?

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sunbelle (sunbelle), May 07, 2013 - 5:28 am
Jus to consult you further is that zhu Sheng niang niang also located in Joo Chiat Guang yin Miao at trembling road right ?
click-> 如切观音堂内有注生娘娘。

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dreamer (mybabydream), May 07, 2013 - 9:01 am
and if i want to know whether i would ever have a boy in my life or not, i can ask professional to calculate couple's (八字)? am i right?


dreamer (mybabydream), May 07, 2013 - 8:56 am
and what does 福报 mean?
广义言之,我们目前所居住之生活环境(食、衣、住、行 …等)就是我们的福报,乃是宿世至今生积功累德,辛苦播种所得之成果,由于过去辛勤努力之程度不同,所以造成日后每个人生活环境之千差万别。

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renewal (renewal), May 07, 2013 - 2:46 pm
.it was also buddha's arrangement back then, that my office near buddha tooth relic temple. I went there to <u>chant dabeizhou</u> daily at lunchtime,throughout my ectopic pregnancy treatment and finally my natural pregnancy at 39.

Catfitz (catfitz), May 07, 2013 - 1:31 pm
I understand what you are going through. I believe I have been blessed and 积德 does help in having extra blessings.Till today, I <u>印经and 施药 and 放生 regularly to accumulate merits</u> for all of them and not forgetting my daily chanting and dedication of merits. It has helped me in strenghtening me in my faith.



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Mrs Ong (pyng), May 07, 2013 - 3:48 pm
I want to share my experience too. My lst child was blessed by Si Ma Lu Guan Yin Niang Niang. I was very lucky as my lst pregnancy was smooth and healthy. Till then, i will always make it a point to visit bugis temple.


Mrs Ong (pyng), May 07, 2013 - 3:48 pm
<u>Another impt note to tell mummies that whatever we pray or promise, we must return our thanks and keep our promise.</u> I have bad experience for not keeping my promise and i regretted strongly. And i also strongly believe in retribution and karma.

Mrs Ong (pyng), May 07, 2013 - 3:48 pm
I thought of chanting but duno how to start and btw can share &amp; explain how to 印经,施药 and 放生?



听我朋友说,住他家楼下(三楼)的邻居,一位60岁的阿嫂每天每晚大门敞开播这个念佛机。就在农历七月的一个傍晚,我搭电梯上楼,经过三楼时,viewing through the glass panel, within that 1.5 secs,亲眼目睹好兄弟成群结队统统蹲在阿嫂家门外听“music”。I told my friend's family about this, and they were terrified. Not only that, news spread among 5th floor neighbours. Even Malay family door also closed throughout the Lunar 7th month.

至于‘印经 施药 放生’ - 就由楼上的(Catfitz (catfitz))跟大家分享。
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Bbliss (bbliss), May 07, 2013 - 4:27 pm
1) 以佛学角度来看, 人是否犯错一次就罪不可似?



Bbliss (bbliss), May 07, 2013 - 4:27 pm
2) 求神拜佛时,许愿时,揪杯第一次是两杯朝下, 第二次才是胜杯。这代表什么意思?
You have asked a good question. See below post.
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双手轻握签筒,抱在胸前,大约50°。念白(作为参考) “请众仙佛赐信女(姓名)一签,签诗好坏一律接纳。”

1. 摇签筒的时候,膝盖着地,跪直挺胸,眼看佛像(不是看其他人,也不是看地上)。
2. 若同时摇出多签,就不算。把签放回签筒,重新摇过。

1. 一个问题,只限一支签。
2. 想清楚再问。Must make sense and logic.

一般求了签,需要抛杯("pao bei" in Hanyu Pinyin)/("buah buay" in Hokkien)。而且,抛杯一定要三个[胜杯]/[圣杯]/[信杯],才算。如果没有三个[胜杯],得重新求过。

Example 1
第一次[胜杯]、第二次[胜杯]、第三次[陰杯] 或者 [笑杯]
Remarks: 不算! 把签放回签筒,重新求过。

Example 2
第一次[胜杯]、第二次[笑杯] 或者 [陰杯]
Remarks: 不算! 把签放回签筒,重新求过。

Example 3
第一次[笑杯] 或者 [陰杯]
Remarks: 不算! 把签放回签筒,重新求过。

Example 4
Remarks: 算! 在还没把签放回签筒之前,记住号码。若看不懂号码,拿给负责人。

1. 在还没抛杯时,口念“信女现得此签(记号),若签属于信女,请赐三个胜杯明示”。</font>
2. 双手轻握,在面前由下往上抛。(无需用力)
3. 杯落到人家的脚、手、背、鞋等等都算!甚至,飞到很远都算。只要一丢就算!
4. 若求到签,次次抛杯得 [笑杯],必须重新求过。问的方式,需要简单化。
5. 自己看书解签,解不来的话,可找有经验解签的。因为签诗有含义,暗藏玄机。

二杯的內切面都向上,称「笑杯」或「阳杯」。See below picture

二杯的外表面都向上,称「阴杯」。See below picture

一杯內切面一杯外表面向上,称「胜杯」或「圣杯」或「信杯」。See below picture
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Hi Jolyon,

Thank you so much for your enlightenment. Is so useful after reading what you have written.
If I can find out if my next one is a son...I may try to comceive. Or if I noe I dun hv or not so soon..I will give up n not hope for one. I Juz wan to find a closure as I hv been bothered by it...
Hi Jolyon,

Thanks for giving answers to our problems!

I have a question here. When my dad was critically ill in 2011, during the 7th lunar month, he had a few nights of related dreams. He would hear the sound of chanting in the background in his dream. He met a boy (looked about 7-8 years old) who called him 'grandpa'. On the first and second night, my dad told him that they belong to two different worlds and not to call him that and even brought him to chant in his dream.The boy could actually chant!

On the third night, my dad dreamt of the boy again and this time, the boy brought along a few friends and asked my dad to buy a few things for him. He claimed that he was hungry and was dressed in rags. He asked for toys, biscuits, soft drinks, fruits, clothes and shoes. He wanted my dad to offer these things in prayers to him. My dad even brought him to a 法会 and asked helped them fend off some 'bigger spirits' in his dream so that they could have the food offered there.

The next day, my parents went and bought the stuff and did the prayers, burned the clothes,shoes etc. The boy never appeared again.
My dad passed away about two months later.

My questions are:
1)I do not think it was only a dream as my father whose mandarin was very bad could acutally ask me what is 饮料。This phrase was never in his vocabulary. The boy actually said this phrase to my dad. I was wondering if this boy could be the spirit of the baby I miscarried in 2003 Feb (I went on to conceive my no. 1 in 2003 June).

2) I do 超度for him since I miscarried that year faithfully every year and 回向to him regularly whenever I accumulate merits. Why is he still around?

3) My mother did a 水陆法会 in 2012 in China for all the ancestors including him. How would I know if he is still around?

hi jolyon, thx so much for the infor....
now really pray hard everyday...

btw,what do u think about 抄经? i bought from 佛光山...&amp; i heard from some ppl after finish must return to temple to burn it....
thx in advance...
We, at one of the years started to know into buddhism was earnestly listen to dizhangwangpusha chant at home. That year,we experienced door bell chimed everyday. My mum when at home,seems to have illusion or not sure,true sightings of beings,web three-feet passing by our altar table, black shadow, sounds,etc,..that year,my health was not good (fibroids removal,then ectopic pregnancy)...now, i stop learning to chant dizhangwangpusha at home, are you able to explain was it our self-created fear or was there something? Can we actually chant dizhangwangpusha at home daily?

补充 抛杯

在民俗信仰 - ‘抛杯’,抛一次不代表做法不正确。



补充 杯的意思



补充 求签须知


A given senerio below:

Example 1
... ...仙佛菩萨慈悲,我们夫妇要申请榜儿区B.T.O.政府组屋不知道会不会成功,也很想拿到房子才生孩子,不知道是否会顺利吗?请仙佛菩萨赐签给于指示。
<font color="#FF3333">[不成立]</font> 句子模糊,同时问了两个问题。

Example 2
... ...仙佛菩萨慈悲,我们夫妇要申请榜儿区B.T.O.政府组屋应该会成功,也很想拿到房子才生,不知道这样行吗?请仙佛菩萨赐签给于指示。
<font color="#FF3333">[不成立]</font> 自己猜测会成功拿到B.T.O.政府组屋,然后才会生。何必要多此一举求问?

Example 3
... ...仙佛菩萨慈悲,我们夫妇要申请榜儿区B.T.O.政府组屋,不知道可不可以申请?请仙佛菩萨赐签给于指示。
[不成立] Does not make sense. 若能符合HDB条件,为什么不可以申请?夫妇已经决定要申请榜儿区B.T.O.政府组屋又何必多问呢?有机会申请,尽管去作,把握时间。

Example 4
... ...仙佛菩萨慈悲,我们夫妇将申请榜儿区B.T.O.政府组屋,可否拿到房子才计划生育?请仙佛菩萨赐签给于指示。
[成立] 句子完整。只有一个问题。

Note: 替人代问求签,可以接受,但须知道故事的来龙去脉为妙。不然,对方自己来求是最好的。
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Catfitz (catfitz),May 08, 2013 - 10:12 am
When my dad was critically ill in 2011, during the 7th lunar month, he had a few nights of related dreams. He would hear the sound of chanting in the background in his dream. He met a boy (looked about 7-8 years old) who called him 'grandpa'. On the first and second night, my dad told him that they belong to two different worlds and not to call him that and even brought him to chant in his dream.The boy could actually chant!

On the third night, my dad dreamt of the boy again and this time, the boy brought along a few friends and asked my dad to buy a few things for him. He claimed that he was hungry and was dressed in rags. He asked for toys, biscuits, soft drinks, fruits, clothes and shoes. He wanted my dad to offer these things in prayers to him. My dad even brought him to a 法会 and asked helped them fend off some 'bigger spirits' in his dream so that they could have the food offered there.

(一) 不排除是流产的小孩 - 令尊梦见小孩,正好是女儿在7-8年前流产的经历。
(二) 回光反照 - 人要往生之前,往往有异常幻想或反常的行为举止。
(三) 梦不一定是凶兆 - 何况是梦见小男孩。

Catfitz (catfitz),May 08, 2013 - 10:12 am
The next day, my parents went and bought the stuff and did the prayers, burned the clothes,shoes etc. The boy never appeared again. My dad passed away about two months later.

冤魂可以是前几世追到今世。追讨的不是香烛、元宝、金银纸、纸扎的Mercedes Benz\iPhone 5\Samsung S4那么简单。没公德,索命抵债。




'Chinese Lunar 7th month' discussion threads
[1] [2]

Catfitz (catfitz),May 08, 2013 - 10:12 am
2) I do 超度for him since I miscarried that year faithfully every year and 回向to him regularly whenever I accumulate merits. Why is he still around?
Are you referring to your dad or the boy? 有两种可能,一.是依依不舍,因亲人牵肠挂肚。二.公德未足够应到。



Catfitz (catfitz),May 08, 2013 - 10:12 am</font>
3) My mother did a 水陆法会 in 2012 in China for all the ancestors including <u>him</u>. How would I know if he is still around?



I have "entertained" lots of hitch-hikers in United States。载过乞丐、疯子、流浪汉,遇过不少奇怪的人。偏僻荒野,或者,鸟不生蛋的地方有人要拦车,我也敢载。只有不顺路就不载。Here was the problem.
My car broke down along county road in the end-fall season. 真的是好死不死,车子偏偏在晚上死火抛锚。
 叫天天不应,叫地地不灵。Pitch darkness and no cellphone signal coverage. I walked miserably for nearly two miles before finding a gas station. Freaking cold with frost bite on ears and mucus dripping. 冷到我“buay-tahan”.

Out of the blue, an ang-moh drove a GMC pick-up truck into gas station, and surprsingly offered me to tow my car to his home garage off ten miles from gas station! At that moment, I was thinking "uu yar boh?" 我真的是求之不得。我没开口问,就主动要帮我拖车。上了他车之后,才说远处看到车子停在路旁,猜测我一定是要求救。更好的事,拖进他车库里,还免费帮我修车!真的是谢谢他都来不及。I never expect someone is kind enough to lend a hand.


《善不积,不足以成名,惡不积,不足以灭身。》 - 出自易經,孔子係辤。解释:品行不好的人认为,一般的好事对自己来说没有多大益处而不去做,一般的坏事对自己来说没有多大损害而不去改正。所以坏事多了而无法回避责任,罪恶大了也无法得到宽恕。
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Snoopy (snoopy77),May 08, 2013 - 11:02 pm
now really pray hard everyday.

Snoopy (snoopy77),May 08, 2013 - 11:02 pm
btw,what do u think about 抄经? i bought from 佛光山...i heard from some ppl after finish must return to temple to burn it.... thx in advance...
‘Brought’ or ‘bought’? 经书一向来是免费的。


在许多佛经中都有提到:「书写经典有无量无边的功德。」可是,我们要知道,书写经典为什么有那么大的功德呢? 那是因为以前印刷术不发达,要流通佛经一定要以人工去书写才行,而流通佛经的目的,是要让有心学佛的佛子们能够常常读诵受持佛经,然后再进一步深入的去体悟与实践佛陀讲的真理。




可抄经前许愿,许愿(期望什么),抄完才回向。Housewife/homemaker 在家,好好地利用时间。要抄几本/几遍随心。3天内抄完1本、30天抄10本,1年内超过100本哦!到任何庙并且恳求诸位佛菩萨作证,发誓立愿诵念此经回向给有缘的孩子快来报到。每天念1遍, 30天念30遍!我就不相信,365天以内,会忙到不能完成300遍。搞不好诵近299遍,感应药师佛来摸肚子。

Snoopy (snoopy77),May 08, 2013 - 11:02 pm
btw,what do u think about 抄经? i bought from 佛光山...; i heard from some ppl after finish must return to temple to burn it....
建议将抄写完妥善收藏起来为佳。抄完之后,用plastics sheet/bag包美,放在神台/佛桌也可以。在寺院里,法师们会把写过经文、字句之纸张,集中起来处理(不能确定是否焚化),然而这处理定有其仪轨,所以不宜自己焚烧。至于,我所写抄的经,没拿去焚化。
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Isabelle (singhomer),May 09, 2013 - 5:01 pm
1) can we bring back the food &amp; fruits offering meant for ancestors/ deities after praying ?

Isabelle (singhomer),May 09, 2013 - 5:01 pm
2) can anyone place a Di Zhang Wang statue home and pray? What is the power of this deity ?
In the younger generation of Singaporeans, 家庭没设神位相当普遍了。年轻夫妇新居有摆神台是非常难得了。



家里供奉地藏王菩萨利益多。除了效法地藏古佛的孝道,也要学习五戒,去掉心中的三毒。没有人是做得到百分百,没有学到50%, 最起码也要做到25%. 哪怕是5%已经了不起了。

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renewal (renewal), May 09, 2013 - 9:52 pm
We, at one of the years started to know into buddhism was earnestly listen to dizhangwangpusha chant at home. That year,we experienced door bell chimed everyday. My mum when at home,seems to have illusion or not sure,true sightings of beings,web three-feet passing by our altar table, black shadow, sounds,etc,..that year,my health was not good (fibroids removal,then ectopic pregnancy)...


Isabelle (singhomer),May 09, 2013 - 9:52 pm
now, i stop learning to chant dizhangwangpusha at home, are you able to explain was it our self-created fear or was there something?



>Isabelle (singhomer),May 09, 2013 - 9:52 pm
Can we actually chant dizhangwangpusha at home daily?

总好过,那些天天胡思乱想,整天玩Iphone Candy Crush。心里有事求,菩萨暗中帮忙。只怕菩萨帮了之后,不知道还越贪心。


我本人是不太建议在家中播放《地藏菩萨本愿经》CD, full blast on speaker volume. 真的要这样做,有什么事情不要说我没提醒。对《地藏菩萨本愿经》情有独钟又爱不释手,大可关在房间默念。有朝一日,若能倒背如流诵出《地藏经》,肯定跟地藏菩萨有缘份。百益无害!

Isabelle (singhomer), May 10, 2013 - 11:10 pm
I heard the older generation mention Di Zhang Wang deity is the guard to the gateway of hell?
呵呵... 什么时候地藏王菩萨成了看门使者了?

幽冥教主 - 地藏古佛的宏誓大愿救度鬼道众生,还有不少佛曾向地藏王地藏古佛讨教过。地府不只是有地藏王菩萨在讲经说法,有部大乘经专门记载观音下地府救度鬼魂。这里我就不多说了。
Eh...are we off topic discussion?
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Hi Jolyon (toblerone)
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

Does it mean anything when a person dream of 观音 and 哪吒?
Thank jolyon for ur sharing..learn and understand a lot from this thread..

I heard pple saying can go temple to 换花 to bless for a baby..can advice how shd I go abt it..can I buy a flower to bugis guan yin temple and exchange a flower at the front altar? And do I need to ask permission from guan yin before I exchange? Lastly what shd I do with the exchange flower after that?
Star (star1105) May 11, 2013 - 3:10 pm
Does it mean anything when a person dream of 观音 and 哪吒?

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faith (bbfaith) May 11, 2013 - 2:16 am
I heard pple saying can go temple to 换花 to bless for a baby..can advice how shd I go abt it..can I buy a flower to bugis guan yin temple and exchange a flower at the front altar? And do I need to ask permission from guan yin before I exchange?

Lastly what shd I do with the exchange flower after that?

I've mentioned it on a post dated 'Monday, April 15, 2013 - 7:49 pm' click here 新加坡拜注生娘娘不需要换花。

For your case, 你想要到四马路观音堂求子换花。这个方式嘛,我倒没听说过。


There are two issues,希望你明白。
1. 准你换花,并不代表准包生孩子的意思。
2. 众仙菩萨得到请求,能帮的有定限。
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Actually I thought should be good too... Or maybe watch too much tv and日有所思,夜有所梦 ..

But as 观音 appeared few times in dream and 哪吒 once, i think, was wondering if one need to go temple to pray or not...

During that period of time, there was also a temple which was located at a cloudy place. One need to travel a long bridge to go to that temple.

Anyway, that happened quite long ago, but was wondering if there is something that maybe one supposed to do.
Star (star1105) May 11, 2013 - 10:27 pm
Actually I thought should be good too... Or maybe watch too much tv and日有所思,夜有所梦 ..

Star (star1105) May 11, 2013 - 10:27 pm
But as 观音 appeared few times in dream and 哪吒 once, i think, was wondering if one need to go temple to pray or not...
看你的心。If you are in Afghanistan, 给你梦到观音的话,岂不是得要特地找庙去拜吗?


Star (star1105) May 11, 2013 - 10:27 pm</font>
During that period of time, there was also a temple which was located at a cloudy place. One need to travel a long bridge to go to that temple. Anyway, that happened quite long ago, but was wondering if there is something that maybe one supposed to do.
1. 长桥、寺庙、云雾都可以组成你将会遇到什么吉事。
2. 除非,神明有暗示你去等人,或做什么,或者交待什么。那得要认真去思考一下了。
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Jolyon (toblerone)
Yes, it was really good feeling when神明appeared in the dreams...

Reason why I said 日有所思,夜有所梦 was cos I was watching Journey to the West.

For the temple, it sort of have a continuation. First appeared few months ago. Totally forgotten about it, till it appeared in the dream again. And I did went in that temple and there were statues of the gods in there.

Side track abit... if a person see spirits, shall one pretend that nothing was seen? If it get closer... how?
Jolyon, thanks for replying..I know when praying,we are always told to pray with 诚心诚意..how do I know that I am praying with 诚心诚意? normally I will just kneel in front of the God and introduce myself then say my feelings and wishes and hope that God will 实现我的心愿..
Hi Jolyon,

Thanks for your advice!

I used to only recite 心经and 大悲咒。I have been reciting 阿弥陀经 and 往生咒 lately on top of the other two mentioned above before I start work every morning then I 回向。I realised that I have been having more dreams of spirits. The spirits do not seem to be asking for help. Some of them are kind but a few are not very friendly though they do not seem to be after me. What should I do???
Star (star1105),May 12, 2013 - 10:43 pm
Reason why I said 日有所思,夜有所梦 was cos I was watching Journey to the West.

Star (star1105),May 12, 2013 - 10:43 pm
For the temple, it sort of have a continuation. First appeared few months ago. Totally forgotten about it, till it appeared in the dream again. And I did went in that temple and there were statues of the gods in there.
‘续梦’- 少数人才有。有的是常常,有的像你隔一段时间。

Star (star1105),May 12, 2013 - 10:43 pm
Side track abit... if a person see spirits, shall one pretend that nothing was seen? If it get closer... how?


比如,你在巴士内看到bus-stop有‘阿飘’,你可以假装没看到,顶多瞪着你或不理你,用不着怕会飘上来kiss你。要是,你在坐巴士的lower deck, 倒霉看到‘阿飘’上车,或许会选择坐在你的旁边。即时周围有人,‘阿飘’会选择坐/站在靠近你的地方。


幼小小孩子来投胎出世后,眼睛没有受污染,看得到‘阿飘’的几率比成人高。小孩子晚上出门莫名其妙被吓到哭,或者,突然间发高烧,准出了问题。小孩子晚上就该在家睡觉,实在不应该和父母养成习惯,晚上逛expo, shopping malls, beach & etc.
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faith (bbfaith),May 13, 2013 - 6:49 am
I know when praying,we are always told to pray with 诚心诚意..how do I know that I am praying with 诚心诚意?
呵呵... 只有你当时才知道。



此外,我看过不少人,手握香的pattern很多,多过像打badminton. 不信的话,下次你留意一下。有没有诚心,我不知道。有特别的道教庙宇,传授的徒弟才有他们独特的握香方式。而且只是限制在他们的庙宇或者进行特别仪式,否则不可用在其他地方。

faith (bbfaith),May 13, 2013 - 6:49 am
normally I will just kneel in front of the God and introduce myself then say my feelings and wishes and hope that God will 实现我的心愿.

要跟神明玩猜灯谜打哑谜吗? 让神明猜姓名、何时出生、住哪里,可以试一试,到时不要怪罪神明没应验。

好比方说,你在1 December邮寄了张Christams card到Australia给你的朋友。Recipient's name, address没写,只填写postal code。圣诞节过了,你朋友仍然没有收到Christams card,难道要blame Australia Post吗?


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Catfitz (catfitz),May 13, 2013 - 12:14 pm
I used to only recite 心经and 大悲咒。I have been reciting 阿弥陀经 and 往生咒 lately on top of the other two mentioned above before I start work every morning then I 回向。
1. 心经、大悲咒那么好,为何不继续?我反倒鼓励你念心经、大悲咒哦。
2. 我建议往生咒不可单一念。‘往生咒’和其他经文组合起来就有效。
3. ‘回向’要有目标。最好大德和尚/尼姑/诵经团比较适合回向十方法界一切众生(目标是永无止境)。自己 不建议try.

Catfitz (catfitz),May 13, 2013 - 12:14 pm
I realised that I have been having more dreams of spirits. The spirits do not seem to be asking for help. Some of them are kind but a few are not very friendly though they do not seem to be after me. What should I do?
Giving you straight forward pointers:
1. 念完心经、再加大悲咒。其他的经就暂时不碰。
2. 惊梦扰人想必要在你身上要得好处。小事罢了。吃素念经给你的冤亲债主。


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Jolyon (toblerone)
I had to smile when u describe as 阿飘. I always thought one is unlucky if sighted... but was told that luck might be good if can felt the presence, then can avoid. So which is true? Personally thought both no good.

I ever sighted 阿飘 from my old house's kitchen window, first time nite and 2nd time early morning before 6am. Though at that point of time, I was not scared, cos I was at home, and I felt being protected by神明.

But I would not have feel so if I am outside... And anything one can do to protect ourself?

《西游记》Erm... actually I did dream of 美猴王 too... But only 观音 appeared in my dreams more than once.

For 握香的pattern, is there a right way? I used to hold as if we are saying Gong Xi. But now, it is like 双手合十.


Before i saw yr post on e different 杯, I had went to toa payoh shuang Lin temple couple of weeks ago to pray to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang. Brought flowers, sweets, oranges as offerings to pray.

When pray to ZSNN, the 1st 杯 I got was 阴杯. Does that mean my wish for bb was rejected by Niang Niang ? After getting e 阴杯, I repeat my praying n wish den 2nd 杯,got 胜杯. After getting that, I repeatedly said thank you, 添油and went off. Did I get e whole praying procedure 乱了?

Hw to 䃼救?

For yr kind enlightenment...
Jolyon, for 1st timer/ beginner who wan to 抄经,what would u recommend ? N when one start to 抄经, one has to be a vegetarian rite ?

Is there any rules that once u start 抄经, u must complete within certain days ?

Thx once more for e sharing.
Star (star1105),May 14, 2013 - 1:18 am
I had to smile when u describe as 阿飘. I always thought one is unlucky if sighted... but was told that luck might be good if can felt the presence, then can avoid. So which is true? Personally thought both no good.

Star (star1105),May 14, 2013 - 1:18 am
But I would not have feel so if I am outside... And anything one can do to protect ourself?


Star (star1105), May 14, 2013 - 1:18 am</font>For 握香的pattern, is there a right way? I used to hold as if we are saying Gong Xi. But now, it is like 双手合十.
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Bbliss (bbliss), May 14, 2013 - 8:22 am
When pray to ZSNN, the 1st 杯 I got was 阴杯. Does that mean my wish for bb was rejected by Niang Niang ? After getting e 阴杯, I repeat my praying n wish den 2nd 杯,got 胜杯. After getting that, I repeatedly said thank you, 添油and went off. Did I get e whole praying procedure 乱了? Hw to 䃼救?



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Bbliss (bbliss), May 14, 2013 - 8:22 am
for 1st timer/ beginner who wan to 抄经,what would u recommend ? N when one start to 抄经, one has to be a vegetarian rite ?


‘抄经’- 能吃素最好。可以白天吃素然后抄,或者,晚餐吃素再抄。


Bbliss (bbliss), May 14, 2013 - 8:22 am
Is there any rules that once u start 抄经, u must complete within certain days ?


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joylon, i buy the 抄经书,not free de... is 般若波羅蜜多经. so should i finish it first &amp; only can start (药师琉璃经)? or i can go to buy &amp; write at the same time?
thx in adv!
Hi Jolyon,

I just want to share this. I believe in 胎教。For every pregnancy of mine, I chant 大悲咒 and 观世音菩萨佛号. I also chant om mani padme hom and 孔雀名王咒. I realised that my children take to buddhism very easily. They are able to 礼佛 from young and able to remember 心经 and other chants very quickly.They find 大悲咒 very familiar and like it. My two older ones can even pick up a sutra and chant during a 法会。

Just want to share this with the rest of the buddhist mums or mums-to-be. Do teach from young especially when you are pregnant. It helps to plant some 慧根 in them. Dharma is something invaluable that we can give them as their mums.

Actually,I should also thank them. They are the ones who have motivated me to 深入经藏 and strive to be a better person through doing good deeds and 修身。
Snoopy (snoopy77), May 14, 2013 - 9:28 pm
i buy the 抄经书,not free de... is 般若波羅蜜多经. so should i finish it first & only can start (药师琉璃经)? or i can go to buy & write at the same time?
1. 多数的经书免费的。
2. 手抄本经书也是免费。
3. Cost of an exercise book is less than a dollar。


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Catfitz (catfitz), May 15, 2013 - 10:40 am
I just want to share this. I believe in 胎教。For every pregnancy of mine, I chant 大悲咒 and 观世音菩萨佛号. I also chant om mani padme hom and 孔雀名王咒. I realised that my children take to buddhism very easily. They are able to 礼佛 from young and able to remember 心经 and other chants very quickly.They find 大悲咒 very familiar and like it. My two older ones can even pick up a sutra and chant during a 法会。


Tampines有一家佛教办的幼儿所,专教导小孩诵经念佛。No need to send kids to a Chinese learning centre, automatic pick by themselves.

Catfitz (catfitz), May 15, 2013 - 10:40 am
Just want to share this with the rest of the buddhist mums or mums-to-be. Do teach from young especially when you are pregnant. It helps to plant some 慧根 in them. Dharma is something invaluable that we can give them as their mums.

Actually,I should also thank them. They are the ones who have motivated me to 深入经藏 and strive to be a better person through doing good deeds and 修身。



老师在Circuit road hawker centre吃晚饭,同桌认识了一对穿着朴素夫妇(age 40),妻子挺着大肚子,看似快足月临盆的样子。不知不觉聊了起来,后来得知夫妇吃长斋。妻子从没怀孕开始就念经,而先生就有习惯常念经。

平时我少与人搭讪,那天不知为何我的话特别多,接着我毛坠自荐提议给即将出世的孩子命名。Both stared at me. 丈夫说:“我们今天一整天在想名字的事,现在坐我们面前竟有人提起。真是巧!”三个人的话,于是变得越来越投机。

过不久,接到消息的时候。孩子未足40周,自然分娩。宝宝的八字一亮出来,毫无瑕疵,fantastic! 名字排出来之后,亲自到KK Ward C递交给爸爸。要走之前,慎重留了一句话“孩子将来自己找钱上大学。你们下半辈子不用愁没人养”。

父母/祖德没有那么好的根基或者佛缘,孩子出世后的人生多少会坎坷。包括花钱医不好的病(autism/asperger's syndrome, anemia, down's syndrome, leukemia, meningitis, congenital heart disease and etc.)。

An uncle had been selling "char-kway-diao" at Pek Kio for many years and his wife helped to crack cockle (蚶) and chopping sotong. Unfortunately, their only precious grandson, 体弱多病,父母因此忙到团团转...

It was so hard for me to break the truth.

我对着孩子的父母说,“你孩子有难了。不如赶快去你家附近的庙,向神明忏悔,请求原谅。然后再‘buah-bpuay’看看神明愿意做主否。Parents persistently kept asking why. 我依然坚守原则,没有说出命理真相。夫妇半信半疑,始终没把话进去,也没有去做。Less than two years, parents sent their beloved son to Mandai Crematorium. 其实,不要怪我说的准,而是不信因果者,天意安排。
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Hi Jolyon,
Thanks for giving me the motivation and endorsement to continue doing whatever I am doing.

Although I am not trained but I like looking at 紫微斗数。I don't really known how to look in depth(流年/对宫), I think I know how to look at the different 宫 and look at the 主星 and briefly interpret. (I hope I am correct).

My question is:

1) Is it correct to say that the 命盘 is what you are destined at birth but your life can be changed? Is it the same with 八字?

If you look at 了凡四训 and the teachings of buddha, when we do good deeds or 消灾 and 消业章 we improve our lives.
Hi Jolyon, you have mentioned that there is a 佛教办的幼儿园in Tampines. May i knw the name of the childcare centre or address? Thk you very much.
Isabelle (singhomer), May 15, 2013 - 11:37 pm
need your help to see my child ba zi.



我记得很多年前本地报章的一则新闻讲述一个人,生病不看医生,竟然去喝了七七四十九天的符水。没病喝到有病!Image drinking 49 days of paper ash mixed with water, while these harmful chemical composites (kaolin, calcium carbonate, titanium dioxide &amp; etc) gets into the human stomach. :eek:
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Catfitz (catfitz), May 16, 2013 - 8:20 am
Although I am not trained but I like looking at 紫微斗数。I don't really known how to look in depth(流年/对宫), I think I know how to look at the different 宫 and look at the 主星 and briefly interpret. (I hope I am correct).



有位妇女(not from this forum),要跟她丈夫离婚。理由是,家里常常起争执,老公又欠银行一身大债。我暗地里翻开她丈夫的紫微命盘之后,给她的建议是无需离婚,常吃斋拜佛,痛苦熬过那几年,老公会翻身的一天。后来,真的没离婚不过分开住。现在,夫妇和好如初了,也变得诚心。


要是开门见山,直话直说,此人年尾躲在不出门也不行。有两种可能,第一. 因泄露天机,凶灾弹回给命理师。第二. 此人仍然难逃劫数,何止会断两条腿那么简单。

Catfitz (catfitz), May 16, 2013 - 8:20 am
My question is: 1) Is it correct to say that the 命盘 is what you are destined at birth but your life can be changed? Is it the same with 八字?


Catfitz (catfitz), May 16, 2013 - 8:20 am
If you look at 了凡四训 and the teachings of buddha, when we do good deeds or 消灾 and 消业章 we improve our lives.

一位年轻的女性朋友参加了本地放生仪式,把鱼放生了。谁知道,晚上她和朋友去吃fish-&-chips. 连续一个星期吃Long John Silver. In my heart, 有放生等于没放生嘛。徒劳无功,业力不散。
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Abbiebaby#3 (abbiebaby), May 16, 2013 - 9:01 am
there is a 佛教办的幼儿园in Tampines. May i knw the name of the childcare centre or address? Thk you very much
The centres provide character development, cognitive, social, creative and physical programmes.

愿行幼儿托管中心 (附属:福海禅寺)
Address: Blk 871 Tampines St. 84, #01-47, S(520871)
Tel: 6783 1337
click here
Remarks: 弟子规 for K1, K2

Address: Blk 878 Tampinese Ave. 8 #01-308, S(520878)
Tel: 6785 8586
click here
Remarks: 播放佛经。

Bedok有一家 ¯

马林百列愿行幼儿托管中心 (附属:福海禅寺)
Address: Blk 201 Bedok North St 1 #01-545, S(460201)
Tel: 6441 1086
click here
Remarks: 早上作小早课,合掌念佛号等等。

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