Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)


During lunar 7th month, I did a chao du at 光明山。Now, I saw that there is another 拜送婴灵法会 will be held at another temple after mid autumn festival, can I do it again?

Hi Mrs Ching

I have a friend that wanted to do 超度灵应 but after lunar 7th month so a lot of places don't do already, can I have your info on the 拜送婴灵法会 after mid autumn.

Thank you in advance.


Regarding the 拜送婴灵法会, you can find the details on 11-Sept 晚报。 Let me know if u cant see the picture clearly and I can send to your email

Fyi, I have yet to check with them how is the charges like and I have never been to the temple before :)



Regarding 放生, we also wanted to do it for quite some time but dunno how to do. So coincident that this month is my hb birthday month, 佛牙寺 sent us a letter about their 庆生感恩会 where they will bring you on a short cruise to 放生。师父 guided us to 念经 & 把鱼放生到海里。Think they have this event every month. You can check with them if you are keen
Thanks mrs Ching for sharing :)
老师,請問mrs Ching post 的法会是ok的吗?
Regarding the 拜送婴灵法会, you can find the details on 11-Sept 晚报。 Let me know if u cant see the picture clearly and I can send to your email
Fyi, I have yet to check with them how is the charges like and I have never been to the temple before.




老师听朋友说,一个佛教团体订购鱼来放生。这个真的是要不得了!‘订购鱼’是不对的,因为这就是与鱼贩串通。One of the biggest mistakes.

比如说,阿狗明天要去放生,于是向鱼贩订100条鱼,明天来collect. 内心的出发点是好意,实际上是在造罪!因为,鱼贩知道顾客明天要100条鱼,就会特地安排进100鱼reserve给阿狗。鱼贩做买卖是赚钱嘛,普通日子卖20条鱼,结果为了做生意进120条鱼,这样就是鱼贩与顾客串谋。大错特错了!





还没放生前开始吃斋念经(把自己seal起来protect自己,同时为放生作针对性的忏悔)。当天去放还是吃斋念经。放生的时候还是念经(别人对你嘲笑念经,他100%会付因果),放完了之后,还是念经。念经的 entire process is 'before','during','after'.


To recite which 经 when we 放生?
To recite which 经 when we 放生?
老师将写出简单的instruction. 照着做。


放生前,主要是《八十八佛忏》,还有其他经/咒。《八十八佛忏》类似eraser. 用力用心念,擦得更用力。

放生当日别乱讲话。放生时是短咒。就还没去放前的当日,一直repeat。Continous for hours. 先讲好,会念到嘴麻酸。就念/轻微念出声,人家不会笑你的。对你傻笑你的人,会被arrow.





Thanks for your advice.



显宗大乘比较能“立竿见影”。自己吃斋念经,是最好最快。其实,《妙法莲华经》已经严重警告人要吃斋,不吃斋而作善事仍然有余漏。‘余漏’就是积德善业方面有点漏。若不吃斋、讲骗话、gossip, 就算念了100遍《阿弥陀经》,恐怕只有1-5遍《阿弥陀经》算数罢了。





老师常看到纹身像左手青龙、右腿白虎... 看起是来很“saak-kee”,但实际生活并不如意。

thank you for your advise.
are you able to share what are the 经 that cannot be chant at night.




Thank you for the advice, will check on the charges carefully before deciding.

For everyone info, I have managed to check online 光明山普觉禅寺 have a event on 6th dec 法界圣凡冥阳两利水陆普度大斋胜会 for 1 week, the info can be found in http://ch.kmspks.org charges are reasonable, u don't need to be there if you are not around, just go beforehand to register.

Lao shi, is this event good for joining as I am thinking of doing for my passed away dad too.
Hi ladies,

I am returning red eggs at toa payoh shuang lin shi this sat 21sep 12noon.

I conceived after taking red eggs fr a returning couple. Hence I am doing the same to bless more couples.

If u r interested, see you on sat.
Thanks acid for

Thank you for the advice, will check on the charges carefully before deciding.

For everyone info, I have managed to check online 光明山普觉禅寺 have a event on 6th dec 法界圣凡冥阳两利水陆普度大斋胜会 for 1 week, the info can be found in http://ch.kmspks.org charges are reasonable, u don't need to be there if you are not around, just go beforehand to register.

Lao shi, is this event good for joining as I am thinking of doing for my passed away dad too.
Thanks acid for sharing.
老师,请问acid share 的水陆普度大会就是您之前提过的是吗?我看了光明山的价钱表,可是不确定应该sign up那一个?可否指点一下?
Hi ladies,

I am returning red eggs at toa payoh shuang lin shi this sat 21sep 12noon.

I conceived after taking red eggs fr a returning couple. Hence I am doing the same to bless more couples.

If u r interested, see you on sat.
Thanks Xiao wanzi, congrats on ur new born. Just to check, do I need to pray first before I can take the red eggs? How to pray for zhu Sheng niang niang?
hi Ladies,

I understand how you all feel when come to conceiving.
After trying for a year I decided to seek a fortune teller.

I have recently consulted a fortune teller (using通灵)
Not sure if it is accurate or not but time will tell....

If you are anxious to know whether you are going to have children or not
you may try her tel : 96881213 (Zhang Caifong) or her husband Ken 8688 1815
She is a Thai lady in her early 30. Her charges is $30.00 per session.

I am not advertising for her but I feel rather calm after seeing her.
She is able to "see" if there is anything "block" that prevent you from
conceiving. She is a nice lady and give good advices.

You can read up the forum :
The Hall of Fame, Fortune Teller -Woodlands
(They have now move to No 101 Kallang Ave #02-09, Lavender MRT station)

Hope this help. Wish everyone Good luck.
Thanks acid for

Thanks acid for sharing.
老师,请问acid share 的水陆普度大会就是您之前提过的是吗?我看了光明山的价钱表,可是不确定应该sign up那一个?可否指点一下?
Lao shi can I ask for this 光明山大会 there is 超度 冤清宰主 和 可以 写 拜 消 灾 的 is it good to write for all Living family members including kids and babies? Or we shouldn't write for young babies and kids or parents who are old? ? only write in our name?
Thank you Lao shi for your time and advices.
Dear 老师,

We receive this during Vesak day this year. It was given to everyone who bathe the Buddha at get bright hill temple.

Can we recite this? Thank you very much.

Dear 老师,
We receive this during Vesak day this year. It was given to everyone who bathe the Buddha at get bright hill temple.
Can we recite this?
Lao shi can I ask for this 光明山大会 there is 超度 冤清宰主 和 可以 写 拜 消 灾 的 is it good to write for all Living family members including kids and babies? Or we shouldn't write for young babies and kids or parents who are old? ? only write in our name?
Thank you Lao shi for your time and advices.
光明山的负责人会教你。They should have fixed format of how it should be written/addressed.


Yah. By the time I 念 完, 可能换身份证了。:p

Can I just recite the words 阿弥陀佛 many times? My mandarin is half past six so i need a simple one. Basically I recite to bring peace in the family.

Btw, I sign my daughter up for dharma lessons at bright hill and they require the parents to undergo workshop as well. So i hope to gain more knowledge on buddhism. My next challenge is to get my little one to be on the vegetarian path as me so that she has good 因果。

Yah. By the time I 念 完, 可能换身份证了。:p
不用换身份证,家人会还给ICA. 新加坡老一辈的人都会明白什么是“交登记”。:D


Can I just recite the words 阿弥陀佛 many times? My mandarin is half past six so i need a simple one. Basically I recite to bring peace in the family.


老师previous postings提到佛教经典组合。就像以下图片。


其实,根本不需要明白经典的内容,照着念就ok! 佛教经典是免费的,到处都有!超好用!善心人印了一大堆《阿弥陀经》,可就是没人拿起来念。看似毫不起眼呐,但是用起来实在妙。

《地藏经》(not for beginners)适合吃长斋念经多的和尚/尼姑/居士,而他们诵起来很有power!寺庙内在诵经,寺庙外的孤魂野鬼是服服贴贴,乖得像老鼠看到猫一样(只是普通的人的眼睛看不到罢了)。那些爱吃KFC, 活海鲜的,念不到几句就想要吐,甚至念不到半篇就maboh倒下去了。
单靠一样经文会很累,消也消不好,求也求不动。吃了大鱼大肉才来念经,统统都打折扣,merely 0.1%。这就是为什么很多人念经没有效,念到surrender or give up, 或者,越念越problematic. 理由很简单,好像每次都开支票给人家,可是每次都不兑现。前世今生的,都找上门了,拿到空头支票一定不客气给你颜色看。

Btw, I sign my daughter up for dharma lessons at bright hill and they require the parents to undergo workshop as well. So i hope to gain more knowledge on buddhism. My next challenge is to get my little one to be on the vegetarian path as me so that she has good 因果。
光明山有和尚/师傅讲课。现在的佛教classes很白话,easy to understand. 那些站在台上/课堂上讲课是积德,巴不得在台上讲多几句。实际上,讲课是在消他/她的业。

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Besides miscarriage/abortion and my 祖先有没有杀业,what else you need? I PM you my answers?

Thanks so much.
谢谢老师 的 指点 分
光明山的负责人会教你。They should have fixed format of how it should be written/addressed.




Besides miscarriage/abortion and my 祖先有没有杀业,what else you need? I PM you my answers?

Thanks so much.

1. 自己流产(abortion/miscarriage(意外/包括IVF))
2. 自己的妈妈是否有流产(abortion/miscarriage)
3. 祖上有杀业(作小贩,屠宰牲畜等等)
4. Year and month of birth.

前面三个比较headache。不只是牵涉怀孕,还有婚姻、健康、事业等等。业报很快,有机会逮到谁就拉谁,因为要是业障不赶快动手,不知道要等到什么时候了。Year and month of birth是另外要关注,因为有alarm. >50%会发生一些关/劫。若关/劫过不了,哪还能顾得了怀孕呢?


Thank you for the reply. I will go chao du for the abortion one. What other thing I can do to atone for it. Please advice as I'm gg for another ivf in oct
Hi shifu, I have already go chao du for the abortion one and what other things that need to do as I'm going for my third time et in coming one week or one week plus. Please advice. Really need your help. I go pray to senkang temple to pray to zhu sheng niang niang and give her my promise and even go to Shuang Lin temple to take the red egg from our friend here. Please advice. Thank you
Hi Laoshi, I have asked a question about a 签 that I have received. It is no. 89 from the Bencoolen Guan Yin temple. May I know if it is a gd lot as I have asked for children. Thank you.

1. 自己流产(abortion/miscarriage(意外/包括IVF))
2. 自己的妈妈是否有流产(abortion/miscarriage)
3. 祖上有杀业(作小贩,屠宰牲畜等等)
4. Year and month of birth.

前面三个比较headache。不只是牵涉怀孕,还有婚姻、健康、事业等等。业报很快,有机会逮到谁就拉谁,因为要是业障不赶快动手,不知道要等到什么时候了。Year and month of birth是另外要关注,因为有alarm. >50%会发生一些关/劫。若关/劫过不了,哪还能顾得了怀孕呢?



How do I reach you privately? I tried to PM but can't.  

hi laoshi, i would like to know whether is there any way to salvage the relationship between father/son and brother/sister through念经 ?This is becos recently my son(16 yrs) old) is not in good/talking term with his father and younger sister (14 yrs old). My son has been giving us alot of headache (hit his elder sister (18 yrs old), was very rude to me and even threatened to hit his father) so I actually went to 问 神 and i was told that we 欠 祖先 的三世因果. I was told to 做 超度 and i have already signed up and am waiting for it to be done next month.
I know that my son did 念经 and once did it in the middle of the night which I was so shocked when he told me that. He told me he 念 om mani padme hom. Can i know is it ok for him to do that?
Hi Laoshi, I have asked a question about a 签 that I have received. It is no. 89 from the Bencoolen Guan Yin temple. May I know if it is a gd lot as I have asked for children. Thank you.

hi laoshi, i would like to know whether is there any way to salvage the relationship between father/son and brother/sister through念经 ?This is becos recently my son(16 yrs) old) is not in good/talking term with his father and younger sister (14 yrs old). My son has been giving us alot of headache (hit his elder sister (18 yrs old), was very rude to me and even threatened to hit his father) so I actually went to 问 神 and i was told that we 欠 祖先 的三世因果. I was told to 做 超度 and i have already signed up and am waiting for it to be done next month.
I know that my son did 念经 and once did it in the middle of the night which I was so shocked when he told me that. He told me he 念 om mani padme hom. Can i know is it ok for him to do that?

How do I reach you privately? I tried to PM but can't.

Thank you in advance. Hope to hear from you. 谢谢。
Hi shifu, I have already go chao du for the abortion one and what other things that need to do as I'm going for my third time et in coming one week or one week plus. Please advice. Really need your help. I go pray to senkang temple to pray to zhu sheng niang niang and give her my promise and even go to Shuang Lin temple to take the red egg from our friend here. Please advice. Thank you


1. 流产(abortion/miscarriage(意外/包括IVF))
2. 自己的妈妈是否有流产(abortion/miscarriage)
3. 祖上(包括爸妈)犯杀业

(abortion plus two unsuccessful ET)一共是三次了。


你的third time可不可以等一等,不要那么着急?
Hi Laoshi, I have asked a question about a 签 that I have received. It is no. 89 from the Bencoolen Guan Yin temple. May I know if it is a gd lot as I have asked for children. Thank you.

问求子的话,看似上签嘛,其实... 不求没关系,求了不是有压力吗?

【古人】大看琼花[qióng huā]


‘琼花’ 'Viburnum Macrocephalum'​

在中国古代,琼花[Viburnum]是罕见的花。有一段时间,消失密集,后来又长出来。历代君主很欣赏,于是派人去摘取,或者,筑建特别的琼花台赏花。隋朝第二代皇帝,特别迷恋这种花,结果特别开了一条河,南下去扬州。Who knows, 琼花还没有看到,隋帝就这样mati了。大看琼花的意思就是指‘隋帝赏琼花’的典故。

这签挺有意思的,辛酉月抽到的签!The season for琼花盛开是在April/May,end-September花已经凋零了。可否说一说,你家的经济条件是不是比一般人好很多?还有,你家里几张嘴吃饭呢?

hi laoshi, i would like to know whether is there any way to salvage the relationship between father/son and brother/sister through念经 ?This is becos recently my son(16 yrs) old) is not in good/talking term with his father and younger sister (14 yrs old). My son has been giving us alot of headache (hit his elder sister (18 yrs old), was very rude to me and even threatened to hit his father) so I actually went to 问 神 and i was told that we 欠 祖先 的三世因果. I was told to 做 超度 and i have already signed up and am waiting for it to be done next month.


1. 妈妈流产(abortion/miscarriage(意外/包括IVF))后的首尾
2. 爸爸曾经有逼/劝女性(老婆/朋友)堕胎
3. 祖上(包括爸妈)犯杀业
4. 死去的亲人来搞孩子
5. 孩子自己外面惹来的,或者,孩子身上有灵性
6. 家里有灵性

如果,以上point 1, 2 & 3不成立,就剩下point 4, 5 & 6. 很多跳童的不一定有那个本事detect. 还不如那些有天眼/鬼眼的。会通灵有天眼/鬼眼的,不太要理/跟人说。

I know that my son did 念经 and once did it in the middle of the night which I was so shocked when he told me that. He told me he 念 om mani padme hom. Can i know is it ok for him to do that?
To answer your question, if not ok, 你想怎么处置你儿子?If ok的话,也不会跟爸爸、妈妈、妹妹、姐姐不合了。你说呢?
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1. 流产(abortion/miscarriage(意外/包括IVF))
2. 自己的妈妈是否有流产(abortion/miscarriage)
3. 祖上(包括爸妈)犯杀业

(abortion plus two unsuccessful ET)一共是三次了。


你的third time可不可以等一等,不要那么着急?
Sorry then I shall address you as toblerone. It is one abortion plus one etopic prgrancy and two unsuccessful et and I Zhao du is only the first two and not the two unsuccessful pregnancy as I thought no need? My fet procedure already started now taking medicine to build up the thick lining and wed will be the scanning date and then if everything smooth then following week will be the et. Please help to advice. Please
Sorry then I shall address you as toblerone. It is one abortion plus one etopic prgrancy and two unsuccessful et and I Zhao du is only the first two and not the two unsuccessful pregnancy as I thought no need? My fet procedure already started now taking medicine to build up the thick lining and wed will be the scanning date and then if everything smooth then following week will be the et. Please help to advice. Please

老师的previous posts mentioned, 凡是流产(人工/自然(包括IVF))都算。


还有,about a week plus,就只有天天夜夜磕头忏悔认错,什么都别求。求得太过厉害,会有反效果。就像拉弓箭,弦拉到极限的时候会断。

邮寄给你都来不及了,你从你的computer print。


老师的previous posts mentioned, 凡是流产(人工/自然(包括IVF))都算。


还有,about a week plus,就只有天天夜夜磕头忏悔认错,什么都别求。求得太过厉害,会有反效果。就像拉弓箭,弦拉到极限的时候会断。

邮寄给你都来不及了,你从你的computer print。

Yes. I'm willing to do so with your proper guidance. Please email me at [email protected]. I got buy the song cd which has three song. One is chan hui wen, da ji Xiang tian nu Zhou & xin Jin. I play it every morning while having breakfast, taking ivf medicine.


1. 妈妈流产(abortion/miscarriage(意外/包括IVF))后的首尾
2. 祖上(包括爸妈)犯杀业
3. 死去的亲人来搞孩子
4. 孩子自己外面惹来的,或者,孩子身上有灵性
5. 家里有灵性

如果,以上point 1 & 2不成立,就剩下point 3, 4 & 5. 很多跳童的不一定有那个本事detect point 3, 4 & 5,还不如那些有天眼/鬼眼的。会通灵有天眼/鬼眼的,不太要理/跟人说。

To answer your question, if not ok, 你想怎么处置你儿子?If ok的话,也不会跟爸爸、妈妈、妹妹、姐姐不合了。你说呢?
laoshi, thank you for your reply. Recently then I realised that there is this website. Here's the answer for the points you
have mentioned:

1. 不成立
2. 我和我先生 - 不成立
祖上 - not too sure
3. did mention that this affected him also (something was written wrongly on the ancestral tablet) 所以来搞孩子
4. 什么是灵性? he mentioned that there is a guardian angel in him, but because
of our 三世因果 problem this guardian angel is going against us.
5. according to him, we did not cleanse/pray our house properly and what we did was actually driving the"thing" out of the house
thus this contributed to our problem too.

As for my son, I really find his behaviour very weird. He likes to stay in his room with all windows/door closed and sometimes will switch on the radio loudly and I realised that his behaviour is almost the same as my eldest brother (already passed away). He hated us so much (especially my father).

I wonder how should I tell him to stop chanting.

Laoshi, can you please enlighten me on the above. Thank you谢谢您。
Hi Laoshi thanks for interpreting the divine lot for me. Nope we are not a rich couple. My hubby is a normal engineer but his parents are well to do but they do not really splurge on us. In fact, I am taking 2 mths no pay leave to rest my body after 2 failed IUIs. So financial wise, we are pretty lean. We really want children so we are feeling very lost now .. And my father in law kept on saying he has no 后 making us feel very pressurised and sad.... Can Laoshi give us some guidance ? Thank you.

3. did mention that this affected him also (something was written wrongly on the ancestral tablet) 所以来搞孩子
4. 什么是灵性? he mentioned that there is a guardian angel in him, but because
of our 三世因果 problem this guardian angel is going against us.
Some posts mentioned before. 灵性/灵体就是‘鬼’。In fact, 老师提过不少灵异故事,有空你可以搜索读一读。

"he mentioned that there is" - 是指‘乩童’说的吗?
"according to him..." - 是指‘乩童’说的吗?

5. according to him, we did not cleanse/pray our house properly and what we did was actually driving the"thing" out of the house
thus this contributed to our problem too.

As for my son, I really find his behaviour very weird. He likes to stay in his room with all windows/door closed and sometimes will switch on the radio loudly and I realised that his behaviour is almost the same as my eldest brother (already passed away). He hated us so much (especially my father).
你说儿子行为像过世的舅舅,乩童又说家里有东西。那么,若无祖上犯杀业(做小贩),可能是point 3 and/or 4 and/or 5 or all 3, 4 & 5.

1. 家里常闹到鸡犬不宁,家人(包括夫妻/儿女)经常吵架,身体不舒服,晚上睡不着觉等等不排除家里有‘灵性’。不太容易送走。
2. 三更半夜不睡觉,魂魄会不齐。人的魂魄不齐,灵性会来干扰,甚至会上身。灵性在上身的时候,looks normal and ordinary people can't tell. 也不容易送走。


I wonder how should I tell him to stop chanting.
To answer your question,


Hi Laoshi thanks for interpreting the divine lot for me. Nope we are not a rich couple. My hubby is a normal engineer but his parents are well to do but they do not really splurge on us. In fact, I am taking 2 mths no pay leave to rest my body after 2 failed IUIs. So financial wise, we are pretty lean. We really want children so we are feeling very lost now .. And my father in law kept on saying he has no 后 making us feel very pressurised and sad.... Can Laoshi give us some guidance ? Thank you.
Your parents-in-law, 已经抱内/外孙了吗?Your husband's got any married siblings gave birth?


Yes. I'm willing to do so with your proper guidance. Please email me at [email protected]. I got buy the song cd which has three song. One is chan hui wen, da ji Xiang tian nu Zhou & xin Jin. I play it every morning while having breakfast, taking ivf medicine.
Check your email.
1. 经/咒不能乱念。
2. 照着做就没事。
laoshi thank you v much for your kindness and helpfulness here. I happen to bump into thia thread by chance amd I wished I had read this earlier.

I have been thru ivf and I have 1 ET that wasn't successful and 1 ET that succeed with one girl and not the other embroyo.. Now im gg thru another ET again which I dunno the outcome yet. means im waiting for pregnancy result tomorrow. I read yr posts that we need to do something for them. They are not abortion or miscarriage but are embroyos that did not develop further. So got to chao du all of them is it? Must say how many I need to do? So basicallu its 2 times not considering the current one as Im waiting for results.

And if really positive pregnant, someone wan to pass me a single bed. should I accept it even though I stay away from my home when the bed is moved in to the guest room. or its better not to accept it?

Am I able to pm u? My hubby has a sibling who died by committibg sucide. Will thia have an impact of us not conceiving?
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Hi Laoshi, thank you for your reply. My parents in law have 4 children - 3 sons and a daughter. My husband is the youngest and the others are not married. My father in law is very traditional so he wants to have a grandson so he is putting all the hope on us. I feel so pressurised and lost. My father in law's parents are Christians so my father in law does not have special prayers to pay respects to his parents. He just keep their 大头照 at home and bow to them everyday. I had an ectopic pregnancy in mar this year so I went to 光明山 for 超度 during the seventh month. I nearly wanted to commit suicide after the ectopic pregnancy as I could not take the pain of the loss. I rested for a month after the loss. Now I am feeling much better but still I am so lost. I just tell myself to do gd deeds and volunteer more then one day I will have my child. By the way, can Laoshi please guide me on which sutra to chant for erasing my bad karma ? Thank you.
Hi Laoshi, I was wondering if I can trouble you to take a look at my husband and my bazi? I am really lost and really want to find out the true cause of our plight. Would be very grateful if you can help us ... I have spent so much money on fertility treatments, acupuncture, reiki healing, learning reiki, crystals, fortune telling and going to temple 3 times a week .... Until my husband think I am obsessed ....
I have been thru ivf and I have 1 ET that wasn't successful and 1 ET that succeed with one girl and not the other embroyo.. Now im gg thru another ET again which I dunno the outcome yet. means im waiting for pregnancy result tomorrow. I read yr posts that we need to do something for them. They are not abortion or miscarriage but are embroyos that did not develop further. So got to chao du all of them is it? Must say how many I need to do? So basicallu its 2 times not considering the current one as Im waiting for results.


家庭不合、丈夫事业不顺、欠债累累、身体欠佳、丈夫/妻子搞外遇、没办法怀孕等等是有导火线引起的。很多人不信,是因为没有看到或者no scientific evidence.

And if really positive pregnant, someone wan to pass me a single bed. should I accept it even though I stay away from my home when the bed is moved in to the guest room. or its better not to accept it?

如果是新床,大可搬进来(in dismantled condition)放住好了。原有的家具位置最好不要去移动。家人打扫房间是可以的。怎么说人都要,保持、清洁、干净、卫生。要是是旧床,觉得妥当(没有人"kong-kiang"在那张床)的话,可以搬进客房。

要安张床,民俗上是得看胎神位置,还有看一下日子,就可从set-up the bed.

Am I able to pm u? My hubby has a sibling who died by committibg sucide. Will thia have an impact of us not conceiving?



对这照片痛苦、一直想念他、一直播放他生前的video等等。尤其是那些整天播放/唱张国荣、邓丽君、Micheal Jackson的歌,会把这些魂吊上来的。凡是听/唱死去歌手的歌,是自找麻烦。居然那么爱听/唱“他”的歌,魂魄会高兴陪他回家睡觉。

Anyway, 老公跟他亲密的话,不排除他的亡魂会回来。有怨恨,他也会回来。生前没有怨恨,但死后有怨恨不是不可能的。有怨恨就会来缠。比如,婆媳关系不好,家婆死后,媳妇常梦见家婆,那就不好了。像这种情况,媳妇不会生的话,跟家婆有关了。

To answer your question, 要是你老公或者你常常梦见“他”,而且有特别感觉的话,那么不能怀孕的原因有可能是他的灵性存在你们夫妇的周围。

Hi Laoshi, thank you for your reply. My parents in law have 4 children - 3 sons and a daughter. My husband is the youngest and the others are not married. My father in law is very traditional so he wants to have a grandson so he is putting all the hope on us. I feel so pressurised and lost. My father in law's parents are Christians so my father in law does not have special prayers to pay respects to his parents. He just keep their 大头照 at home and bow to them everyday. I had an ectopic pregnancy in mar this year so I went to 光明山 for 超度 during the seventh month. I nearly wanted to commit suicide after the ectopic pregnancy as I could not take the pain of the loss. I rested for a month after the loss. Now I am feeling much better but still I am so lost. I just tell myself to do gd deeds and volunteer more then one day I will have my child.
好放不放,去放‘大头照’? 若你跟他们住在一起的话,老师提议把照片拿下来。要求拿下来的理由,可以说你害怕。这点你自己想办法摘下来,别叫老师给你出主意。

你不和in laws住的话,你就别管那照片了。反正,是你家翁自己找麻烦。凡家里挂人的照片/乱摆像,都会problematic.


By the way, can Laoshi please guide me on which sutra to chant for erasing my bad karma ?

Hi Laoshi, I was wondering if I can trouble you to take a look at my husband and my bazi? I am really lost and really want to find out the true cause of our plight. Would be very grateful if you can help us ... I have spent so much money on fertility treatments, acupuncture, reiki healing, learning reiki, crystals, fortune telling and going to temple 3 times a week .... Until my husband think I am obsessed ....

老师遇过那Middle Road开店的Reiki Master. 他的energy一般罢了。呵呵...


要是灵性病用reiki来医治是永远不会痊愈的,因为灵性病是业障引起。业障没有除,灵性病绝对不会愈。Reiki Masters不懂什么是灵性/业障病,因为他们没接触汉传显宗大乘正统佛法。

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