Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

(i) 端午节前和端午节是不能送粽子呢?写出原因。

哈哈老师有粉丝不奇怪啦,因为从中学到很多东西,不管是佛学还是玄学等,就喜欢看咯 :):)

见鬼十 - 就是十个方法可以看到阿飘那部吗? 印象中看过了。现在不敢看 hantu 片了 lol. 。从小老妈就一直讲七月不可如何,怀孕不可如何,找替身也是她告诉我的,所以现在很pantang 呵呵。再一次验证老人家讲的话要听,不要铁齿 :p

我看过一部综艺节目讲怀孕 pantang 的事。有位嘉宾叙述说她有位朋友很喜欢洋娃娃,要未出生的宝宝象洋娃娃,就每天看,每天讲。宝宝生出来后,的确长得象娃娃,非常漂亮。一天娃娃从摆设位子掉下来,小孩也同时从床上掉下来。这故事听得让我毛骨悚然。希望孕妇能宁可信其有。

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(i) Cannot. According to customs, when one's family is mourning, the family cannot celebrate festivals for 1 year. Therefore, also cannot make festive goodies like rice dumplings. Rice dumplings are gifted to the mourning family. I.e. rice dumplings are only received by families who are mourning. Thus, it's a taboo to gift rice dumplings during 端午节 as it signifies death in the family of the recipient.

(ii) Cannot. Because it rhymes with 送终。不吉利。

If gifted rice dumplings by well meaning friends/ relatives who are ignorant of these customs, we will give a token sum to signify that we "bought" the dumplings to break the significance of the gifting act.

(i) 端午节前和端午节是不能送粽子呢?写出原因。
Wah! 我还不知道dumplings 的 tradition & meaning! Gluttony 好有墨水! :)

Last time when I used to live in Circuit rd area 1st floor, cats always sneak in & sit on our chair. Relaxing away.. But will auto run out whenever we opened our gate. And there was once a little cute cat followed me home after I rescued it from a big drain. I loved the cat & we slept together that night. But my mum found out & forbid it in our house so I couldn't keep it as pet. But it stayed outside my unit for days, refusing to leave. I left a towel for the cat to lie on outside my gate till it just disappeared few days after.. Missed the kitten so much..
Hi toblerone

想请问您,my friend was told by a 通灵that there is
a shadow following her.
She told her it is because her luck is low.
Is this her 冤亲债主 or her long aborted child?

Is that 婴灵or black shadow? You mentioned
you saw ang mo lady got a few婴灵behind her back
queuing to buy drink on your previous thread.
What is 婴灵 look like?

(i) Cannot. According to customs, when one's family is mourning, the family cannot celebrate festivals for 1 year. Therefore, also cannot make festive goodies like rice dumplings. Rice dumplings are gifted to the mourning family. I.e. rice dumplings are only received by families who are mourning. Thus, it's a taboo to gift rice dumplings during 端午节 as it signifies death in the family of the recipient.

(ii) Cannot. Because it rhymes with 送终。不吉利。

If gifted rice dumplings by well meaning friends/ relatives who are ignorant of these customs, we will give a token sum to signify that we "bought" the dumplings to break the significance of the gifting act.

ooooh.... word sound similar also can't... next time will say "给粽子 " then..lol
We practice this in the family.

Wah! 我还不知道dumplings 的 tradition & meaning! Gluttony 好有墨水! :)

Last time when I used to live in Circuit rd area 1st floor, cats always sneak in & sit on our chair. Relaxing away.. But will auto run out whenever we opened our gate. And there was once a little cute cat followed me home after I rescued it from a big drain. I loved the cat & we slept together that night. But my mum found out & forbid it in our house so I couldn't keep it as pet. But it stayed outside my unit for days, refusing to leave. I left a towel for the cat to lie on outside my gate till it just disappeared few days after.. Missed the kitten so much..

Please do not do that.. Why will you want to curse your recipient and make them feel uncomfortable (assuming they know of this)?

ooooh.... word sound similar also can't... next time will say "给粽子 " then..lol
We practice this in the family.

Please do not do that.. Why will you want to curse your recipient and make them feel uncomfortable (assuming they know of this)?

Actually we don't practice this in our family and usually my mum and relative will wrapped and passed quite a few to us every year. To us, it's more like sharing rather than cursing. I believe this is very similar to why people don't like to receive clock for birthday/ gift. I believe it's really up to individual to decide. Cheers!
For mummies interested, there is a 超度法会 at 光明山 during the lunar 7th month. Registration starts on the 12th of June.

老师,想请问你心经,大悲咒,药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经,这三部经可以一起念吗? 通常我会用早上去上班路上在地铁里念,当然声音是很soft 的,这样子可以吗? 念之前可以许愿,那么念完后应该回向还是静静就好了? 因为看到老师有提到不要乱乱回向,请老师enlighten me.
还有一个问题,在Bangkok 四面佛外有人卖鸟,让我们买来放生,这样算是放生吗?

传统华人习俗,在家绑粽子是大吉致庆之事,只有丧家不绑(不论籍贯 - 客家、福建、广东、海南、潮州、兴化)。

送粽子给丧家是可以也是有用意的。可以简单的送,也可以稍微讲究一点点送粽的方式。懂得人或许会surprise,不懂得人treat it nothing.


人间的节如端午节、中元节、七夕节、中秋节、新春、冬至,是天上地下同意。五月初五地府放假,just like our one day public holiday,很多鬼会上来。任何节气,多念经,多磕头,总是好的,效果比平时来得佳。

通常我会用早上去上班路上在地铁里念,当然声音是很soft 的,这样子可以吗?

念之前可以许愿,那么念完后应该回向还是静静就好了? 因为看到老师有提到不要乱乱回向,请老师enlighten me.
‘回向’ - 其他的人做'回向'是他的事。

还有一个问题,在Bangkok 四面佛外有人卖鸟,让我们买来放生,这样算是放生吗?

第一. 畜牲道不一样。
第二. 体积越大,畜牲罪较“轻”。投胎做蟑螂的罪比投胎做猪的罪来得严重。
第三. 体积越小(比如蟋蟀),灵越散。

(ii) 固定(经常放生)
(iii) 念经
(iv) 祈求
(v) 生物
(vi) 发愿
有做到(i) to (vi) ,效果以及应验度比抄经来得显著。

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Hi 老师你好,

我的华文不是很好 对不起。I'm 28 this year been trying to hv a baby for almost 3yrs but recent in dec 13 went pray to Zhu sheng niang niang cos heard from my friend so really hope to hv a healthy baby that's all. But unfortunately around jan I had ectopic pregnancy and it was very depressing as I lost one of my tube.

Recently I went to pray Zhu Sheng niang niang again n to thank her for giving me a chance but I guess maybe I over stress my body n that's why not lucky enough. Currently I still trying n also taking tcm n acupuncture hopefully will have it.
But 老师,2mths ago I went to see a feng shui master she countered my ba zi say no gd n said these 2 yrs I will not hv any baby even hv also my child won't listen to me.

Any advice from u? I always envy ppl around me can give birth easily but I cannot.

Hope to hear from u

I took these books from the temple and have finished reading them. Pls let me know if you want and I will send to you :):)

Book 1 (left) - 47 pages in chinese
Book 2 (right) - 248 pages in chinese (basic Buddhism for beginners)

老师,thanks so much for your reply and explanation. 自己也有难怀孕的问题,你觉得三部经文,药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经是不是比较合适?


老师,想请问老人院如果需要cooking oil,我们买过去后会用来煮一些肉的食物,这样我们的布施会不会有反效果?



老师,想请问老人院如果需要cooking oil,我们买过去后会用来煮一些肉的食物,这样我们的布施会不会有反效果?
No problem.
Recently I went to pray Zhu Sheng niang niang again n to thank her for giving me a chance but I guess maybe I over stress my body n that's why not lucky enough. Currently I still trying n also taking tcm n acupuncture hopefully will have it.

But 老师,2mths ago I went to see a feng shui master she countered my ba zi say no gd n said these 2 yrs I will not hv any baby even hv also my child won't listen to me.

老师常常看到不怎么好命格 - 老公被老婆克(迟早先走)、老公有小三、老公生育能力差、老婆/老公活不久、夫妇快离婚、铁扫克子、妻子爱花钱不疼小孩、老婆严重妇科病、老公败家等等。老师看了简直头疼,都不知道要怎么讲骗话。哪敢鼓励夫妇生啊?

老师吃长素,不敛财也不需要赚这钱,更加不想打击人家的心里。所以,不再帮夫妇看“子女命”。有空给宝宝命名字而已。老师的private message inbox爆满的,很多来不及回复。From the message subject, I can tell what sender wants.


Any advice from u? I always envy ppl around me can give birth easily but I cannot.
有人很多人想中Toto,看别人中很lucky似乎容易呀!老师也希望是Ho Ching的亲戚,更巴不得是Temasek Holdings的CEO。呵呵...




真的-真的-真的要生的,是可以的。Mentioned in post #630. 前提是妻子妇科ok,男性没有问题。
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Oh siao liao. 老师没教正确念经方法。sekali 我这几个月方法都错了不就白念了? :(:(就顶礼,忏悔,发愿,告诉菩萨问题,开始念香攒,开经偈然后<<普门品>>。念完就告诉菩萨我要回家了。念时都会小声但听得到自己声音。在家没神台,就忏悔,发愿等。



I chanced upon this thread and saw your posts and replies.. I have also pm you...



应该不会啦!applegreen not pantang.. hahaha

Actually we don't practice this in our family and usually my mum and relative will wrapped and passed quite a few to us every year. To us, it's more like sharing rather than cursing. I believe this is very similar to why people don't like to receive clock for birthday/ gift. I believe it's really up to individual to decide. Cheers!
你这样回复, @judy_lsk, 不敢上来。她或许以为你在骂她。 :D
Toblerone老师,指的是我吧! 不会啦! 小事一桩,我有时是百无禁忌,百毒不侵的。心无挂碍,无挂碍故!哈哈。
老师, I wanna ask if it's ok for me to join the 放生 activities that are organised overseas? I.e. I will not be doing the 放生 myself. Donate for the monk/ temple staffs to buy cattles in Thailand to 放生 on my behalf overseas? The cattles will be given to villagers to work on the farm and will not be slaughtered for food.

If can, can I use my dad's name and put 合家。 And also use my hubby's name and put 合家? Or do I need to list the names individually? My hubby is an oncologist. Can I 放生 in the name of his patients, i.e. "cancer patients of xxxxxxx clinic/ hospital"?

Thank you :)
I am currently in my 5th month of pregnancy with a 10x10x10cm fibroid. Is there anything I can do to ensure smooth delivery.
My relationship with my in laws are not that great either. Will love to find out if there are ways to improve.
Thank you:)
Please read from page 1 onwards.





而且收费不便宜,at least 4 figures ($X,XXX). No need medication, no pain.

老师, I wanna ask if it's ok for me to join the 放生 activities that are organised overseas?
可以。要小心一点。指的不是人身安全问题。Related post #394 #451

I will not be doing the 放生 myself. Donate for the monk/ temple staffs to buy cattles in Thailand to 放生 on my behalf overseas? The cattles will be given to villagers to work on the farm and will not be slaughtered for food.

自己亲手放生 - 买鱼、找地点、念经(简化的三归一)、亲手放等等,是非常圆满。但是,放生不容易。日晒、雨淋、流汗、口渴、肚子饿、念经、手酸、腿麻、喂蚊子等等。


If can, can I use my dad's name and put 合家。 And also use my hubby's name and put 合家? Or do I need to list the names individually?
首先,放生最好是一个名字for particular subject/matter. 比如,放二十只螃蟹,要一家大小平安,很难的。因为,功德散开了。(target is random and “at mass”)

比如,向菩萨发愿放十头牛,祈求菩萨开恩,希望ICU的母亲度过手术难关。这样做就集中了呀!(target is specific for a purpose and "at particular")You see the difference?


My hubby is an oncologist. Can I 放生 in the name of his patients, i.e. "cancer patients of xxxxxxx clinic/ hospital"?
吓死人了。Tidak boleh. 惹麻烦的。还好你问。

第一. 除非对方相信‘放生’。
第二. 病人亲口要求你代替放。
第三. 病人必须自己出钱。


切记:千万别为cancer patients放生!
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老师谢谢你!after reading your post I felt more enlightened and better. :)
Come to this forum often.


老师跟她(B)层次不同。Just like lawyers, they are specially trained in their respective discipline. criminal lawyer, property lawyer, immigration lawyer and etc.
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I am currently in my 5th month of pregnancy with a 10x10x10cm fibroid. Is there anything I can do to ensure smooth delivery.
My goodness.

老师给你两个方法选择。Choose either one or do both.

(1) 吃肉边菜,同时念经消业
Eg 不能偷懒。No excuse.
从轻然后看情况加重。轻<10遍; 重>20遍

(2) 固定一个日子做放生
Eg. 每个星期 or 每两个星期 or 每个月放一次,数量(10 or 20 or 100)自己拿捏。在还没开始前放生前,向菩萨发愿你要放生,告知,为什么要放生,要何时开始放生、要放生到什么时候、要放生什么水产,要祈求什么。

你要的话,可以考虑。Step-by-step guidance. 不收费。要挨骂。

My relationship with my in laws are not that great either. Will love to find out if there are ways to improve.


Related post. Click -> #607 #843
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老师,之前看见你和其他的 sister说难怀孕可以念"药师琉璃光如来本愿功德经",可是你advise 我别念先,concentrate 在心经和大悲咒。想请问老师有什么不一样吗?有一点confuse.我念心经和大悲咒会念七遍,ok 吗?

那天朋友去泰国,有tumpang她施棺因为她刚好有去,朋友告诉我有一张收据(written our name)会粘在棺,然后会有师父念经,过后会拿掉。想问老师施棺程序是这样?可以不放名字的吗?有分别吗?
A very nice TV series to recommend http://tinyurl.com/lcrr44j

Option 2 and chanting seems good to me:) as for going vegetarian it is a bit hard for me
Hi Hi Xyachen, just share with you my experience, it's not that hard to be a vegetarian, you can start from not eating those big animals like cow, pig, goat, chicken, duck..etc first and move on to not eating seafood or you can also start from just eating the non-meat ingredient in the dishes. There are actually a lot of nice vegetarian stalls around. Nowadays, it's much more convenient to be a vegetarian in Singapore. You can also visit this thread for more info on being a vegetarian. Cheers!
For me the most difficult part of becoming vegetarian is not to stop eating meat, it is the constant nagging from parents that becoming a vegetarian is not healthy. Initially, Its a dilemma between to listen to parents who scared u lack nutrition, a hubby who is awed n keep saying today is not 初一十五, no need to be vegan lol or u continue with the journey. Praying to buddha for guidance to clear obstacles, i have overcome them and become a vegan :). With determination, slowly but surely buddha will help :):) jia you jia you!!!
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Lol.. For me, nobody cares if I m a vegetarian or meat eater. Though friends may tell me - 初一十五 吃素就可以了。 Relative commented 平时不害人就可以了。 I always kept quiet, don't wish to debate with them. But to attend special occasion family dinners every other month is a headache. Seeing a whole table of big fish big meat.. I got to order separately for my own. Wish that my husband is with me but he still couldn't give up meat. :( feel that I m on my own without support.
