Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

汉语拼音走音,没有关系。不要执著是否有念错字。但可别错的太离谱。<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

另外提醒,我抄错字补救的做法是用pen-knife小心翼翼地把错字割出来,using tiny paper paste over with ulu glue。 <!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
糟糕。。。我把错字圈了起来,然后用纸贴住,再把对的字給写上。我的exercise book 是格子式的。


Jolyon,thank you once again for posting here. I wouldn't have known about 药师经 if I never come across this thread.感恩。
plainwater (plainwater) May 31, 2013 - 9:27 pm
糟糕。。。我把错字圈了起来,然后用纸贴住,再把对的字給写上。我的exercise book 是格子式的。
The method is acceptable. 重质重量。一笔一划,准著想/口念着佛号。如‘南无释迦摩尼佛’、‘南无观世音菩萨’、‘南无地藏王菩萨’、‘南无药师佛’、‘南无弥勒佛’、‘南无阿弥陀佛’、‘南无普贤菩萨’、‘南无大势至菩萨’。

plainwater (plainwater) May 31, 2013 - 9:27 pm
VERY GOOD! 做得很好!
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Hi Jolyon,

May I ask.. My baby boy at 11m old, has a line across his left palm (duan4 zhang3). Is this an indication of health or life?
Thank you.
I have been feeling very frustrated over many things in life eg career, family. Nothing seems to be smooth. I always have to put in more efforts than others. <u>My elder boy is very smart but we found out he has some learning difficulties.</u> Both the elder and younger boys are naughty and active.

understand its a continuous process which <u>I will try to continue for kids.

ricorn (ricorn) [I said:
email [/I]June 1, 2013]Another is you able to see if there is anything wrong with my elder son (5 yrs old). The school complain he has disturbing behavior and not able to focus on his work. The doc said he is not ADHD or autistic, but mentally exhausted, and kinda dyslexia. But the school said he is not dyslexia. I am confused.


一个读书星在地支。说明对方儿子思考问题,不会只是像普通孩子一样的。一样的东西,他会思考五六次,甚至更久。 (所以这个个性会造成教师们认为他上课不专心)。这种人,即使他玩玩具,也不会像其他小孩子那样,开开心心的玩。他开心不是从面目的表情可以看出来的。



丙辰整个大运(Until Year 2021),丙从官变食神加速了原局印食大交战威力。所以他睡房,切忌避免杂乱、玩具一堆堆。拿走那些公仔海报。换素色床单。

In Addition



1. 终身忌吃牛肉。得跟着父母初一、十五吃素。
2. 孩子有宗教缘。从此带他常常接近佛寺。家长花时间陪他看《弟子规》教育节目。DVD Repeat再repeat.
3. 陪他去参加佛教的教育节目。让他认识因果报应。在他耳朵/面前常常讲因果报应。即时他长大之后,还是要继续讲。他认识因果会约束自己。你等着看!
4. 父母陪他一起做善事。比如:有乞丐讨钱,拿钱给你儿子施舍乞丐。看到老ah-um/老ah-pek过马路,教他敢敢牵他/她。
5. 常常灌大悲咒的水给他喝。就是手握口对着水念‘大悲咒’。激活大悲咒水一共念5遍。明白吗?全家人可以喝的。
有对夫妇的女要开刀作大手术,我教妈妈灌99遍大悲咒水给女儿,还没入院之前就喝。在做手术当儿,在手术门外念到30多遍大悲咒就昏昏沉沉睡着了。半梦半醒的倦意,看到topless babarian man, 穿树叶草裙进入手术室。醒来之后,又gorng-gorng继续灌大悲咒水。说也奇怪,手术时间没预计那么长。妈妈call我的时候,形容隐隐约约看到的景象。I was so confused what she was saying. 妈妈还不死心要说服我,就叫她丈夫拿她画的drawing给我看。我一看drawing,我就按住嘴笑到飚泪说:“观音菩萨没空来,神农大帝亲自操刀”!
6. 《心经》每日念七遍给自己。让孩子跟着念也可以。这样一箭双雕。

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May I ask.. My baby boy at 11m old, has a line across his left palm (duan4 zhang3). Is this an indication of health or life?

1. Baby还小,不建议看掌纹。现在看baby的掌纹不准确。等到过运的时候,掌纹推论就可以拿捏的准。
2. 掌纹要实看才好。不然,photo-copy或者拍照看也可以。还有,你也别叫我看掌纹。自己花钱到外面给人批算。



See post number 255 / May 16, 2013 - 9:04 pm
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Hi Jolyon,

您说很对,他玩玩具和其他小孩不一样。for eg. He don't like to follow the design Thomas Train rails on the box, he would design his own rails. 非常有专心和耐心地设计。 完全不象ADHD.

或许我本身太过保护这他, 我会尝试放松。
He is not very sociable, hence don't really have friends of his age except his cousin and younger brother. 这算同辈吗?

我们也发现他是乎和佛祖有缘。最近带他去看我三跪一拜,他说要跪拜。 那个晚上特别乖。


Dear Jolyon

Does the marriage date affects relationships with the in laws?

It sounds ridiculous, but i remember when i was to get married with hubby, we got a shi fu to calculate an auspicious date. But because my MIL found the dates inconvenient, she looked up the tong-shu to find another date in the same month. (To me, if that date she chose was suitable, the shi-fu would have mentioned it to us!) But anyway, since the day we got married, my rls with MIL just got very bad, worse after my 1st child was born.

My in-laws are also divorced, both then remarried. My hubby stayed with his father's side all along. MIL remarried to another man. But when i got married and after i had my 1st child, she forced us to pray to the ancestors of this man whom does not even share the same surname as my husband. We even went to the man's elderly mother's home and did it in front of his family whom i knew none of them. Is this right? I really felt very unhappy to do it.
Sweetkiss (sweetkiss) June 03, 2013 - 2:20 pm
It sounds ridiculous, but i remember when i was to get married with hubby, we got a shi fu to calculate an auspicious date. But because my MIL found the dates inconvenient, she looked up the tong-shu to find another date in the same month. (To me, if that date she chose was suitable, the shi-fu would have mentioned it to us!) But anyway, since the day we got married, my rls with MIL just got very bad, worse after my 1st child was born.

你说的是‘择日娶嫁’。‘择日娶嫁’有三项:‘纳彩’、‘安床’、‘娶嫁’(Usually, 3-in-1)。‘娶嫁’做不好,会有反效果。‘娶嫁’有冲,有些人受不了红事冲,就有事。白事出殡也是一样,白事出殡的冲更大,这就是为什么有些人(大人/小孩)回到家不舒服,或者,家里发生种种不好的事情。




For example, 2 March 2013, Saturday (农历:癸巳年正月廿一). See picture above.



I've attended countless of wedding in United States. Ang-mo没有择日结婚,并不代表没事。撇开新婚人八字,也不要看合不合。单单冲日,够麻烦了。Saturday early morning is good day, 女方作主选择wedding ceremony to be held on sunday afternoon. 当日正冲岳母1949年(己丑)属牛。当晚车子挡风镜被砸破。不止这个,婚宴差不多要结束,岳母才哮喘病发作严重而紧急入院。


已故台湾富商王永庆先生(see his picture above)雇用的私人风水师择出的日子非常奇特。为什么呢?他选的日子超级凶,而且会死人的。起初,我还以为风水师是个傻子,kepala gila,应该头脑有问题。后来经我仔细看,择日法真的很厉害!日子看似超级无敌凶,却能给出精准时间化掉一切凶星!Marvellous!

一‘择日生产’要捉的准,有危险度。那是为宝宝造命。I have contributed a post about this. [click here]
二‘择日安葬’也有危险。作不好会害到很多人。I handled two such cases in United States throughout my stay. 只有一个亲人,坟场一个,Priest一个,抬棺的六个人。什么都没有!给了一个日子和时间就埋下去了。So simple.
三‘择日娶嫁’也有一定的风险。长辈和新婚人照做就行了!In Singapore, ROM(注册)and Big-Day(娶嫁) can be at the same day。

Sweetkiss (sweetkiss) June 03, 2013 - 2:20 pm
My in-laws are also divorced, both then remarried. My hubby stayed with his father's side all along. MIL remarried to another man. But when i got married and after i had my 1st child, she forced us to pray to the ancestors of this man whom does not even share the same surname as my husband. We even went to the man's elderly mother's home and did it in front of his family whom i knew none of them. Is this right? I really felt very unhappy to do it.

Your MIL remarried, thus assuming her new husband is your husband's 'new' father. Therefore, MIL thought that 'new father's' ancestors will bless kids or is a must. 我个人认为,是要讨好(新丈夫)男方那边的人还差不多。

If 'new' father passed away, 你们夫妇恐怕得要披麻戴孝了。你们自己做好心理准备。不拜还好,一拜就要戴孝。



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Can we stick back to the original thread?




拜托 拜托 别要求看孩子的八字,或者,提出其他与求子无关的问题。
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Hi Jolyon,

Me and my hubby are married for 3yrs and have been trying to have a kid since then. We have been trying all means from tcm to ivf and still do not see any results.
1. Is it due to our bazi/ characters that we can't have any kids?
2. Or is it that it is not the time yet? If it is not the time yet, if we chant or pray more often, will we have kids soon?
3. or is it due to environment factors? e.g working environment or house fengshui?

Sorry if i sound very ignorant. Would appreciate your help to answer my questions. Pls pm me for our birth dates if needed. Thanks.
Hi Joylyon,

Can also help me as I am desperate to have 2nd child..
We have tried for 2 years and still unable to conceive , also tried if once.
Kitty baby (kittybaby12) June 04, 2013 - 5:10 pm
Me and my hubby are married for 3yrs and have been trying to have a kid since then. We have been trying all means from tcm to ivf and still do not see any results.

Kitty baby (kittybaby12) June 04, 2013 - 5:10 pm
1. Is it due to our bazi/ characters that we can't have any kids?

Kitty baby (kittybaby12) June 04, 2013 - 5:10 pm
2. Or is it that it is not the time yet? If it is not the time yet, if we chant or pray more often, will we have kids soon?

Kitty baby (kittybaby12) June 04, 2013 - 5:10 pm
3. or is it due to environment factors? e.g working environment or house fengshui?

Kitty baby (kittybaby12) June 04, 2013 - 5:10 pm
Sorry if i sound very ignorant. Would appreciate your help to answer my questions. Pls pm me for our birth dates if needed. Thanks.
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jade (angelray) June 06, 2013 - 12:59 am
Can also help me as I am desperate to have 2nd child..
We have tried for 2 years and still unable to conceive , also tried if once.
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La mer (la_mer) June 06, 2013 - 8:58 pm
is it possible tovget pregnant again after an mc without doing chao du? What consequences?
Yes, possible.


1. 流产一次,怪自己粗心。流产二次,怪自己身体不好。流产三次,怪自己没照顾身体、流产四次,难道次次都那么凑巧?
2. 接受IVF第一次不顺利,怪自己没有调理身体。接受IVF第二次不顺利,怪自己紧张。接受IVF第三次不顺利,怪自己吃错东西。接受IVF第四次不顺利,是不是每次都得要找借口安慰自己呢?
3. 第一年婚后没有喜讯,是不是身体差?第二年婚后没有喜讯,是不是觉得压力大?第三年婚后没有喜讯,是不是怀疑老公生育有问题?第四年婚后没有喜讯,难道不觉得奇怪为什么其他人能怀孕,自己却不能怀孕呢?


‘忏悔’- 请求诸佛菩萨开恩。就很简单、虔诚、忏悔前世/今生以前知道/无心的错事。希望能暂时消业障怒气。
‘发愿’- 回向功德给业障。冤债大大减清,无后顾之忧。

比方说,开车无心撞了人,第一件事是低声下气说sorry, 然后才来compensate. 对方难消气,也是理所当然的,总不能跟着火冒三丈吧?让对方消气,然后补偿才是上策。‘忏悔’以及‘发愿’也是如此的道理。


在中国浙江义乌,我在下午骑着电动motor到图书馆,经过妇幼医院(全义乌就只有这么一家),赫然发现异常现象。Ah-girl-girl, ah-boy-boy, twins, 甚至triplets都有!他们遗留在那个空间,看了真心酸。于是,我用了人民币两百元(>S$40),买了两大袋的娃哈哈牛奶饮料、糖果、紫菜、酸梅。开了瓶盖,put in the straws,unwrapped the sweets,整齐排出来之后,个个害羞过来拿。At that time, my head was blank, 就一直在重复19个字观音圣号。

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Thanks jolyon, so if its possible to get pregnant n give birth smoothly to a bb afterwards, n it was a natural mc with no medical intervention, will there be any adverse effect on this new born or the family with no chao du? Mum n family did grieve n feel sad n go temple to tell the gods...
Hi Jolyon I like reading your posts and advices. I am a Buddhist so I can relate to most of your posts. I have not been able to conceive all these while and this is my fifth year of marriage. We have our fortune told at a temple and that both of us will have children (I will have many) but there must be an issue somewhere that's why we are still unsuccessful and I suspect it's related to how I feel and treat a close family member. I will heed your advice and copy the Medicine Buddha Scripture and really appreciate your advice on where I can get a copy of it (I googled for it but not sure if they are authentic as they seemed to be explaining its origins). Thank you.
so if its possible to get pregnant n give birth smoothly to a bb afterwards, n it was a natural mc with no medical intervention,
The answer is 'yes' to this question.

I have answer a smiliar question. See post 312. click here.

will there be any adverse effect on this new born or the family with no chao du?

Mum n family did grieve n feel sad n go temple to tell the gods.

Chao du can b done at temple during 7th mth only? Mc was actually in july 2011? Will it b too late?
你在2011年你刷credit card,用了$999买来Gucci手提袋。用不到1个月给人偷了。连本带利拖欠银行至2013年,是不是要跟银解释你的Gucci bag给人偷,希望银行能一笔勾销不用还账呢?



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Hi Jolyon,

I had 5 miscarriages from year 2007-2012. I am 38 this year and in a dilemma whether to go for IVF. Or maybe I am destined to be childless. Pls advise.
shir23 (shir23) June 08, 2013 - 6:30 pm
I had 5 miscarriages from year 2007-2012. I am 38 this year and in a dilemma whether to go for IVF.


你要搭MRT去Marina Bay Sands开会,ezlink card shows zero value. This first thing is to top-up ezlink card. No money for topping-up, you have to find a way. 先处理ezlink card就是找钱,top-up ezlink card 之后才能搭MRT train. 先处理流产,后怀孕才是上策。

shir23 (shir23) June 08, 2013 - 6:30 pm
Or maybe I am destined to be childless.
没有孩子命运可以颠覆。If couple is healthy (provided productive system perfectly alright), 吃素作善事才是唯一办法改变。


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Thanks for the reply.
I have been trying to conceive for 9 mths but still no news so that's why I am thinking maybe I can try ivf for better chance to get pregnant.
One thing is that my womb lining is thin after my last miscarriage. Maybe too much D&amp;C (scraping of the lining).

I am lost! Should try naturally or do ivf?
shir23 (shir23) June 09, 2013 - 1:02 pm
I have been trying to conceive for 9 mths but still no news so that's why I am thinking maybe I can try ivf for better chance to get pregnant.

shir23 (shir23) June 09, 2013 - 1:02 pm
One thing is that my womb lining is thin after my last miscarriage. Maybe too much D&amp;C (scraping of the lining).

shir23 (shir23) June 09, 2013 - 1:02 pm
I am lost! Should try naturally or do ivf?

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there must be an issue somewhere that's why we are still unsuccessful and I suspect it's related to how I feel and treat a close family member.

I will heed your advice and copy the Medicine Buddha Scripture and really appreciate your advice on where I can get a copy of it (I googled for it but not sure if they are authentic as they seemed to be explaining its origins).
《药师经》我邮寄给你。看你要哪一本。See pictures below:

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<font color="#000066">To Anonymous,



女命的grandfather grandmother(both father'side and mother's side)还在世吗?</font>
Windy (whitewindy) May 28, 2013 - 2:06 pm</font>


心经 Page 25-29.




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Jolyon 你好,

我的妹妹的孩子从满月开始就被她的老公的家人强行抱走。 自那天起她的老公就不让她单独和孩子见面。甚至还要求一定要在他大嫂,大哥和妈妈在场时才能够让她和孩子见面。 可是一旦和她的孩子见面,她们就会不断的冷嘲热讽。 所以我的妹妹挺抗拒求他的老公让她见孩子。

最近, 他们竟然要求她照顾孩子可是不想出一分一毫,而且要求我妹妹星期六,日必须让他们把孩子带回他们家。第二天, 又说要我的妹妹负责请女佣的钱。因为要照顾我妹妹的孩子。 可是背地里却叫女佣去服侍他老公的家人。我妹妹买给她孩子的衣服,却在网站上看到她的大嫂的孩子在穿。 她不是不愿意负责孩子的开支只是她看到的只是她花的钱好像没有用在他自己的儿子身上。

我的妹妹现在很彷徨不知道该怎么做。 她现在想继续深造,可是又怕她的老公那里会和他讨赡养费。她想知道她应该怎么做。 如果她继续深造, 就不会有钱给她的老公。而她的老公恐怕也不会让她见她的儿子。

1。 可是如果不深造,她以后将不会有经济能力和那一家人谈判。可不可以帮她看看究竟她和她的孩子究竟还有没有缘分?她下一步棋该怎么走?

2。 她现在还不能和她老公离婚因为结婚不满三年。他老公现在在他的妈妈家住。你觉得应该和她的老公在今年提离婚吗? 会不会影响她现在的工作?还是会越拖越惨? 她的老公已经很坚定的告诉她无法挽回。

Hi Jolyon,

Thank you for replying and seeking your understanding for helping. As I am already over 40 years old.
And this is my last year of trying.
I really hope to have just one more child.
Appreciate your kindness.
Hi jolyon,

I hv been married for 8 yrs, still trying very hard for baby. Can you please help to read our bazi to see if we are fated to be childless?

Please pm me. Thank you very much
jade (angelray) June 11, 2013 - 10:41 am
Thank you for replying and seeking your understanding for helping. As I am already over 40 years old.
And this is my last year of trying. I really hope to have just one more child.
是谁跟你说‘last year of trying’?


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Hi Jolyon,
My wife and I have been trying hard for a baby as well. We have been trying tcm, western medicine and praying sincerely everyday but still childless.

We hope you can give us some advice. Unable to pm you i think... could you pls pm me? thank you very much.
shir23 (shir23) June 10, 2013 - 9:52 am
Thank you. I already turn on my private messaging. You pm me something?



1. 有没有人说你风趣?
2. 做事还蛮有条不紊的人。

不过,以上不重要。 还是能生,怀孕机率减少了。明年甲午(2014)、后年乙未(2015),对你怀孕有点困难了。

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charles chua (charles2013) June 11, 2013 - 10:51 pm
My wife and I have been trying hard for a baby as well. We have been trying tcm, western medicine and <u>praying sincerely everyday</u> but still childless.

charles chua (charles2013) June 11, 2013 - 10:51 pm
We hope you can give us some advice. Unable to pm you i think... could you pls pm me? thank you very much.
Enable your private messaging function.
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Ching (mrs_ching) June 11, 2013 - 7:52 pm
I hv been married for 8 yrs, still trying very hard for baby. Can you please help to read our bazi to see if we are fated to be childless?
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shir23 (shir23) June 10, 2013 - 9:52 am
I already turn on my private messaging. You pm me something?





1. 注意风水上的坎流坤位之像。 (坎就是流通管道,坤就是阻塞。)明白吗?
2. 浴室漏水,厨房漏水滴水不补。大厅睡房内外的通道一堆杂物阻塞,床脚没有空间(怀孕见到,最会容易难产,这就是坎流坤位的卦)

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Hi Jolyon,

Thanks for the reply. Pray to 注生娘娘 many times.
So do you mean now until 2015 not suitable to get pregnant? From my bazi, can you tell me when I can hold my own baby? Thanks.
Jolyon 您好,

IVF也失败了两次 - 2007 和2012。





Hi Jolyon

I have had 3 miscarriages. The first 1 pair of twins at 12 weeks followed by 2 pregnancies which failed without seeing the Fetus (blighted ovum) at 6-8 weeks

I stopped trying after the third miscarriage and I did chao du for the miscarriages. Go to Zhu Sheng Niang niang regularly making offerings and simple praying. I am not too fancy but sometimes just going there to just let her know my desire and if she will to bless me to see a solution I will be very happy. I promise no return because I wasnt sure if I can fulfill them. I am not a religiously person given I am from a catholic environment and used to that. I was just willing to try all. I got a master to look at the feng shui of my house and we did some changes. All in the name for good health.

Somewhat after a few months I found a doctor who manage to diagnose my condition. Apparently I have a health condition and when I was blessed with the 4th pregnancy I had to undergo some treatment. I am very blessed with a 1 year old lovely girl today.

I went to thank zhu sheng niang niang regularly during my pregnancy and ask for her blessing and again I promise nothing.

I have also only visited Zhu sheng niang niang a few times to show her my baby. This thread reminds me to go to her more frequently to just go for a simple visit and prayer.

We dont do bad deeds and wonder at times why it happen to us but we blame no one for sure. Just why us at times...

Now I am concern reading from some of the postings maybe that if we have no children luck even if we strike the child life may not bode well. I was still looking forward to try again but now am not sure and a little worry to be frank.
