Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

true lor ethan's first baby shower crowds and crowds of people amke the whole home so messy le...haha scared liaoz hee and anyway the little one also dun know how to enjoy the crowd yet so keeping it within people who really care and want to celebrate for him lor....

haha yeah BF at work not easy le alot of barang to bring and if your work does not have an area for nursing mothers some pump in depends on how PRO bf u r lor.... but if can of course good lah BM good for baby mah

wow ur son bring u luck ah good good may u be prosperous even more with his birth...hee hee

shylyn...learn from mum, aunt and grand. I do not use cook book,just lots of trial and error and also exchange recipes with friends....

May...should bfd as long as you can, bfd is still very nurtrious to bb even after 6months. I read some articles on it, I bfd until 18 months when ds wean off on his own.
caleb's exact bday is on 17th jan.
Hmm..actually for us we figured we should not be having any big celebration after his 1 year old birthday, hence we decided to throw a medium-big party for him.
If i was able to get a chalat, it would be ideal cos no need to clean up after tat lor. At home, abit ley cheh cos still need to clean up.
hi May, don't stop BF, u still can express when back to work. With my twins, i BF them till 7 months. Even thought it's very tiring and not enough for both of them, but it's good for them to have BM. max i can pump about 1.2L per day at peak...u can latch austin before u go to work, then pump one or two times at work, and go home lacth him again. Get yourself a good pump and benefit both of you!
hi shylyn,

thanks. is apex (jurong west 91) a PD or GP?

Also, i wonder where to bring my kid for vacination cum development assessment? PD or GP or Polyclinic?

regards/ little P (jurong west)
hi may may,

i latch on directly. my boy likes to bite, at first very difficult. nipples sore like nobody business.

now better.

at first, when i do not have enough milk, i fed him formula through cup.

regrds. little p (jurong west)
I didnt work so it make me easier to breastfeed as long as i could. But my girl always woke up for comfort feed at night so i stop breastfeeding.
As the book recommend, it good to breastfeed at least until 6 mth. Though it may be difficult to express at work but the benefit of it is definately worth it.
Little P,
I brought my girl to poly for vacin and pd for sickness. My recent pd is kidslink at chinese garden and in the past i brought her to anne and baby clinic. Anyway for vacinnation, you can choose gp if you don't intend to go to poly. Heard from my friends that the pd do charge consultation fee but gp won't.
For Kai, he goes to Dr Ong E. K. from Singapore Baby and Child Clinic for vacin, assessment and sickness.

In fact, we are still using Dr Ong's medication even in Vancouver and whenever we are back for holiday, we will pick up medicine from him at SBCC clinic in Thomas Medical Centre and also I get my bro to send to us. We still seek Dr Ong's advise through email as well.

Though Kai goes to the Paed at our family doc clinic here, they do not believe in prescribing medication but natural healing and sometime the illness became worst, like lots of kids here developed bronchitis from a simple cold and cough if not treated. And in Singapore, we practise prevention.

The benefits for breastfed baby:
1) Mother's milk is more nurtrious than formulae and there is no problem for intolerance.
2) they recover faster when they fall ill
3) as bb grows, the proprtion of milk from milk also changes to meet the required need of bb.
Will be MIA for sometime, very busy as Dh's counterparts from Japan are here, lots of entertaining as we are hosting them for dinners as well as going out with them during weekend.

Also Kai is in preschool cum we are also into full swing of our homeschooling. Will drop by when time permit now and then.
Thanks Jenie,

Since you bought ur kids to poly for vacination, so i suppose the development assessment is also done by poly together with the vacination?

cos the booklet given by kkh shows the development assessment with the vacination.

regards/ little p (jurong west)
hi all,

i have two more questions:

1) my baby breathing will somtimes go very fast like panting. is it normal?

2) my baby is very diff to burp. sometimes pat for 10 minutes also nothing. how?

kindly advise.

regards/ little p(jurong west)
My bb breathing oso goes very fast leh, especially when drinking milk...Sometimes after milk, he dun even burp leh...Your boy still wans to latch on ah, my son dun even wan to latch on, dunno issit my position not right or wat leh...

Ya lor, strike abit...hehe...too bad u nv buy urs tat time, if not u strike oso...Yesterday I brought him for 2nd check up, it drop from 165 to 114, however, gp say best is to drop to 100. Don worry, I will continue to bring him under the sun for few more least he is better now...
Wah, u pump at work ah, then how u store the milk at ur work place?

If I really were to continue to pump out when back at work, I only can pump at toilet oso lor...No place to pump le leh...

Sept 03 bride/Prisc Neo/Jenie/Chris
Haiz, but the problem is, my work is very busy, then somemore I paisei to pump at work leh..
hi may may,

haiz... but still must pump at work right, despite how busy you are? some singapore offices are not meant for breastfeeding moms. haiz.

luckily recently more sun, you can sun ur boy more often

regards/ little p (jurong west)
Little P,
There will be development assessment when you bring your baby for vaccination. The first development assessment at 3mth is done by the doctor, the 2nd development assessment at 9mth is done by the nurse and the last one at 18mth is done by the doctor. During fionne's time, only 5 in 1 is available and i heard that 6 in 1 is now available at polyclinic but not sure about the rate. You may like to check the rate at polyclinic or gp or pd to make a comparison. If you intend to bring your baby to polyclinic, you may like to bring him to bukit batok instead as it is less crowded there. Another thing to note is injection is given by nurse at poly whereas the jab is given by doctor at gp and pd.
Hope baby austin will be ok soon. Do sun him more so that his jaundice level will drop. For fionne, her jaundice take 3 or 4 weeks to clear.
Guess some companies not really pro-family. Anyway dont give urself too much stress. If you cant pump at work, no choice can still drink fm though bm the best.
just do what u can for now. As for breastfeeding, think its a personal decision bah. No1 can fault u for not persisting with BFeeding.
Dun feel bad if u are planning to stop breastfeeding.
i was very guilt stricken when i decide to stop breast feeding. Guess there is simply too much pressure on mums for breastfeeding!
Yeah..i agree w u..cos hes the star of the day & yet dunno whats happening around him..but at least I can b sure he wouldnt b scared of the expected crowd should we decided to throw him a b/d party. Hmm..& I tot there would b stranger anxiety when a bb reaches 8/9mths..doesnt apply to Ivec leh. Anyone also can one!

Yaloh..tts what holding me back, thinking of the mess after e party..but getting a chalet means having to book & bringing all the barang barang to such a far another concern loh. Seems like our area here dun hv a nearby public chalet available leh..

Well..luckily, theres still a mini fridge in the conference room so beside the cooler bag with ice pack to store my ebm, I also put it in the freezer compartment of the mini fridge. Provided I need not travel outside for long, the ebm should b ok provided the ice pack did not melt completely.
Btw, just curious, how do u settle ur meals? Cos never hear any cooking sounds from ur kitchen leh. Or u catered?

Little P
Apex is a GP but according to my mil who interviewed the patients there while waiting, Dr Ling is very gd with treating coughs..i brought my bb there last fri as he was having a flu & running nose but he still hv not fully recover now I guess it depends on individual.
Regarding assessment, I brought my bb to polyclinic & signed up for their 5 in 1 jab & they will also do the assessment for me . depending on the nurse, some are v thorough whereas some depend on ur luck.
yeah the mess is something dreadful ha ha imagine have to wash up after that tired liaoz just mentioning it...anyway recently my fil said ah should throw a big celebration cuz its 1st birthday...sianz...nto sure if i wnt to go along with it....
Prisc (little_p)
Ya lor, I think most of the office r not meant for breast feeding mums...I think I will not pump at work ba...Too bad today no sun...everyday on n off have sun and no sun, jia lat one leh...

Oh fionne takes 3-4weeks to recover ah...I hope my Austin recovers soon, but not everyday have sun in the morning leh...

Sept 03
Ya lor, just have tat kind of guilt feeling to stop breast feed...haiz...

Actually my conference room oso have a mini fridge. But like very paisei to store my milk there...hehe...Oh, my mum cooks in the noon for my lunch n dinner at one shot...tat's y u nv hear cooking sound in the evening....hehe...cater very exp leh, I very poor one leh...haha
sometimes hor, if wanna post abt breastfeeding very stressful hor cos every1 will urge u to continue. But then again, i guess its realli individual's choice. No hard and fast rule lor. But breast feeding is good leh.. can save quite abit of $$$
its alright lah...if u want to BF BF dun like feel stress or pressure lor....nowdays ah once u said dun want to BF like committing a crime everyone around u like keep harping at you...just be cool and do what you want and think its best decision for ur family lor...saving money i soooooo true. My friend is still Bf her son whose going 12 mths...she total BF she save tons of dollars le.
hi sep03bride,

i agreed with you. the pressure to breastfeed is very high. as though it is a sin if we do not breastfeed.

regards/ little p (jurong west)
Thanks Jenie and Shylyn for the advice.
yah, guess it is our luck if the nurse at polyclinic is not thorough.
i tried calling the pd at jurong point (alpha) for checking the prices. but no one picks up the phone for 2 days. do you happen to have the tel number with you?
hi all mommies,

have you read the mind your body today? looks like it is good to take up vaccination against rotavirus and pneumococal, wow, so many vaccinations. so expensive.

regards/ little p
little prisc
my son took the rota virus vaccine and i am so glad he did. My friends babies of same age have diarhhoea frequently due to touching dirty things that put fingers into their mouth. It's inevitable for baby to put their hands into the mouth so taking the rota virus vaccine puts your heart betetr at ease..

i be letting him take the pnuemococcal when he turn 12 mths too advise of pd as my son is taken care by me in home environment so can defer to take. For those going infant care or where in contact with other children most of the time better take earlier...
hi little prisc,
yalor so much pressure to breastfeed leh..somemore will kanna snubb by ppl if we do not breastfeed.. stress stress...

Ohh, we took the pnuemococcal jab.. will be going for the booster jab when caleb is ard 13mos. We did not took the rotavirus jab though.
haha so agree with u about nto BF...i mean everyone will ask u are u BF then when u say no they will ask why dun want then blah blah blah. For me i only partial BF for 1 month....din try hard enough....then alot of comments from people around...sigh...
Heheh..i was also paisey 2 store my ebm in e fridge but at least its a cooler bag so not so obvious loh..cant imagine a packet of milk in e fridge ..wait pple tot its what & use it or even worse, throw away..hee
Ic..heheh, btw, Im not the one who observed that theres no activity in ur kitchen but my mil..heheh..yeah, catering is indeed expensive, I read abt the reports of catering & at least $1500 for 2 meals 7 days a week for a mth!! come to think of it, I saved up on this $ during my confinement.

Being his mother, Im sure u can make the decision whether to throw a big party for ur boy ^_^ need not listen to fil..heheh..but then again, dun say Im e one who said so hor..hee..

RE: Bfing
Yeah, I agree that theres too much focus on bfing..such tt those mothers, for some reasons or another, unable to continue bfing, feel guilty of doing so. I hv a friend, whom I think falls for this, cos she was soo determined to bf her gal solely & refused to use fm at all despite having a lot of troubles w bfing. I even pointed to her tt its alright to supplement w fm so tt at least her gal can get used to it even shes not around. Luckily she came to her senses & is supplementing w fm now..

Tts really mean of ur colleague!! Then how did u react?

Little P
Sorry..dun hv the no w me..u can throw yellow pages?? Hee..think they r closed at certain hrs..usually open in the late evenings to night..i think
yeah we have the final say but sometimes you just dun want to end things in a sour note lor....anyway final decision is home party keep it small hee :p

haha ur colleague bad hor....but sometimes mouth is people they want to talk let them lor on our hand we can choose whether to listen or not lor.
hi etelle and bride and shylyn,

yah yah, it is like a sin not to breastfeed. cos breastfeed is the 'in' thing nowadays...

also, we are thinking of not holding the full month party. cos his full-month is 9th feb, too near chinese new year. kekee. but my father-in-law wants to bring him to his sister and brother places. a bit troublesome, so small must bring him out to here and there.

regards/ little p (jurong west)

my boy was awake almost the whole of last night. he was tired, kept on yawning but could not sleep. he was so agitated. sigh... how to make him sleep?
Sept/Etelle/Prisc (Littlt_P)
Ya lor, everyone have different opinion on bf...think have to make my decision firmly n not to let other things affect my emotion...But likewise u all have said, it really save alot if bf. Etelle, u say ur frd is still bf whose going 12mths, is she a SAHM or FTWM?

Oh, haha, so it's ur mil concerning abt my meals...hehe...I can't even think to cater sia, really damn expensive one lor, own self cook save much more...U say wait ur collg tot ur bf is wat and worst will throw it away, who knows someone is blur enough to drink it leh...hahahahaha...

Huh, y dun hold, not really too near cny ma, still can make it on 4 Feb for the full mth celebration ma. For me, I hold on 4 Feb, although Austin was born on 12 Jan, but I can't hold on 11 feb, which is also a sun, cos it was already the 31st day liao. In chinese, we cannot hold full mth celebration on the exact day or later, must hold early.
my friend is a working mother. She is very diligent in pumping and BF
hee so she hasn't touch formulae yet le..imagine the amt of money she has saved

Little Pris
okie lah 9th feb not really near CNY can still celebrate sweetie actual day is 8th feb but me celebrating on the 3rd feb....with immediate family also.....
I really save alot of money when i breastfeeding fionne. Now my hubby complained have to spend so much money on milk powder and diapers liao. Sometimes with baby not able to latch on, it also difficult to breastfeed too. Guess in our country, it not really pro-family for alot of companies so quite difficult to breastfeed. If im working, i dont think i can breastfeed for so long.
Little P,
I think alpha only open in the morn and evening(around 6.30pm).I don't have the no too.Btw you can also try calling the jurong medical centre. They have a children department there and they also offer package for vaccination when i visit their open house but im not sure how much it cost. Fionne didnt have pnuemoccal vaccination but i will let her take when she is 2 years. She is now 19mth so not worth to take it now coz need to take 2 jabs. When she's 2 years, she only need to take 1 jab.
Oh u cook yourself or your hubby cook for you? So how's baby austin doing now. Able to cope with him now?
Yeah..tis always e case, if we were to go against their wishes, theres bound to b unhappiness even though not stated out. But I guess if they know the reasons for your choice, then they wouldnt b unhappy.

Yeah..i understand ur situation, now can save must save..u know what, I very heart pain, cos kenna summon of $100..sob sob..hopefully can appeal cos really so suay.
So how r u coping w ur bb? Getting used to the life w a little one around? Do u need to get up often to feed him? If so, how often? Who did he sleep with at nights? Urself or ur mum?
Anyway, regarding e ebm, doubt any of them so stupid..heheh..cos Im using milk bags to store them should b clear tt its ebm..not normal fresh milk..heheh..

Little P
Hmm..think sometimes bb are so excited with everything tt they r reluctant to fall asleep. Ivec sometimes also like fact, we will try not to wake him up for his feed at 10pm..the drowsier he is the better..else he wont want to fall asleep in his cot & even putting him in between us, he will try to crawl, shuffle around sometimes even scream & shout b4 he is satisfied to fall asleep.

RE: Bfing
Its indeed cost saving cos Ivec normally finish a tin a week!! Given tt the fm cost abt $30..its abt another $120 per mth! Not to mention diapers hub was commenting that now he realized how much I saved for him in e initial mths :p Yeah..& also the time spent trying to express e bm..
Ya lor, can imagine how much she has saved...

Oh my mum cook for me, hub working, no time to cook leh...So far not much problem coping with him with my mother companion, but when my mum is not around, he seems to bully me leh, keep making alot of noise n as if he knows ah ma is not around, so he make use of the chance to bully me lor...haha...

U ganna summon ah, can write letter of appeal for waiver to the authority one leh. I use this method alot of times liao, n they waive off my summon leh...hehe...U try, very high chance it works...
Having w a little one means miss alot of sleepness oso, but is expected. First few days wakes up abt 2 hrs interval to feed him, now better, midnight feed can last btwn 3-4hrs now...My mum n me sleeps on bed lor, n he sleeps in btwn us, then my hub sleeps on the floor w mattress lor. We nv let him sleeps on the cot in the midnight so we dun need to walk here n there to cuddle him...But we let him sleeps on his cot during the day time.

Re: BF
Ya lor, just alone fm n diapers cost alot, not easy to have a kid in sin. I can't imagine how to survive if have 2 kids, maybe just stop at 1.
May, oh yes, I wrote in to appeal but thru my work related contacts, most likely should b ok as my colleague assured me. Do hope so cos $100 is a lot of $$..can buy so many fm & diapers for Ivec..heheh..yeah..raising a child in Sg is soo expensive & all these are only the basic necessities!! Heheh..Im going to enrol Ivec to enrichment course as u can imagine e add costs involved!!
Luckily for us, Ivec only wake up at a 4 hr interval ever since he was a small bb, can rem tt time I tried to latch him on but he will only cry & tried to suckle but failed..gave up, gave him the bottle mabbe at one shot he drink more so can tahan longer. At least Austin is sleeping in his cot, Ivec sleeps in sarong during the mornings. Seems like he can sleep better in there now :p
hi may and etelle,

another thing not to hold full month party is because the house (four-room flat) is pretty small. we are staying with our father in law. we think not enough space to hold the crowd leh. keke

regards/ little p (jurong west)
hi all mommies..

**yawning** really envy those babies who can sleep through. now, my baby boy wakes up 1.5-2 hours for breastfeed. and now guess what, he wants to be cradle to sleep. you cannot put him down, otherwise he will wake up.. imagine how we can 'find time' to sleep..
hi jenie,

i am toying for the vaccination cum devt assessment:

- alpha baby at jurong point (but i heard the pd there is impatient)

- jurong medical centre
(only selected weekdays for pd)

- or my family clinic at pioneer mall (GP)

regards/ little p
can tell me how to write in to appeal? email me the way to write le thanks hee so in case next time kena summon know what to do...thanks in advance...

raising kids
You can raise many kdis if you take all hand me downs clothes, books , toys and dun buy new ones for your kiddos and you dun bring them fo enrichment classes just attend basic schooling only then i think can be done...

but our generation seem to want the best for our kids and give them lotsa exposure in various activities as well as pampering them with clothes, toys, books haha so hor quite ex to raise kids le...for me think 2 is fine la...aything more than that a bit tough hor...i feel...
Actually even without those work relation, oso can appeal sucessfully one. Ya lor, I agree, $100 can spent alot on other things liao lor. What enrichment course u r going to enrol for Ivec? Where? How much? Wah Ivec gd boy hor, wake up oni 4hrs interval, mine sometimes 4hrs, sometimes more than that, sometimes 2 hrs or even less than that, no fixed time. Austine oso failed to latch on tat's y I turns to bottle feeding. At how many mths then u put Ivec into sarong?

Prisc (Little_P)
I have the same problem with u, just oni tis week, dunno wat happen, he keeps on making a fuss wanting ppl to carry him as long as he is awake. He dun wan to lie on bed himself. He also wans ppl to carry him to sleep, if not he refuse to sleep n makes alot of noise. It was so tired hor...
For vaccination and other related matters to baby, I chose "My Family Clinic" at Pioneer Mall leh. The package for vaccination is $457, installement pay $426, if pay full at one shot is $406. U have the price list for Alpha baby and Jurong Medical Ctr?

I left my format for waive of summon in office computer. When I go back to office I email to u.

Re: Raising Kid
Ya lor, I agree with u that if just go for basic schooling definately shldn't be any problem. Likewise u say, our generation, wan the best for our child. That's y for low income family like mine, can oni afford for just 1 kid.
Yeah..Ivec also at one stage, always want to b carried..i think all bbs will go thru this stage, now he not only want u to carry, want 2 b entertained as well!! Hmm..lucky thing is he all along can sleep at leasr 4 hrs at one shot, these days, he can sleep thruout e night provided he didn't take an ultra long nap in the early night.
I cant rem when we started leaving him in e sarong to sleep..think was around 2mths old..& he can only sleep in e morn/aftn w a sarong! Really hard for him to fall asleep w/o it..unless he's really tired!
I'm going to start Ivec on Shinchida when he is 1 yr old. Its really expensive (for a start already need to pay $1350!!) but i want e best 4 him loh..we did went for a baby gym trial last sun at Tumble tots but decided not to sign up though Ivec really enjoyed it..cos we felt tt sooner or later he will learn how to crawl & walk properly so no point in wasting e $$..rather spend it on developing his brain.

Etelle u know, my office has to help e grls write in to my format is something like that..u can amend to ur own remind me on mon..cos it's in my office pc as well..^_^

Just for May & Little P's info.
the package i took for my 5 in 1 jab at e polyclinic is only abt $200 much cheaper than clinic's..but then again, i'm not sure why e huge mabbe u gals can consider.
wow u putting so much money in to develop ur child ah...hee me not letting my son join schidia or glen doman or such le...hee prefer to let him enjoy and have fun...signed him up for a free trial gym lesson and think will try kindermusik as well...hee if he likes then will continue for that both..hee for fun fun play play and learn....

babies can go for these classes lor gym class, music class

thanks ah...shylyn think u will have to send me first cuz may will take long long time to go back office hee :p
Well...i think any course can b fun when e bb is keen in it..beside, heard tt it will b e parents who r doing homework cos beside attending the course, u hv to go thru whatever u learnt w ur bb so basically should b fun, depending on how u conduct ur 'lessons'..i'm only worried that it will clash w his sleeping/shitting/milk time..

but u r really "investing" in your baby hor....hmmm i am more keen in home teaching le...haha and think the ang mohs alot practise home schools think i have to find out more and administer that myself....hopefully i can do it...

All of us are great parents hor....seeking the BEST for our kids....applause for all of us here!!!
