Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

<font color="0000ff">CONGRATZ MAY!!</font>

mummies... contnue to keep the thread running yah.. comes in once i'm free. Tomm dh's bdae so lots to prep

Pris Neo, r u working there? I find u so dedicated lei of bringing up so much joyous moments, simple but unique lifestyle lei! I am sure u must be a loving mother and a caring wife! How is the different lifestyle there as compared in Singapore?

Jac, I agreed she is experienced and sometime i do follow and listen to her ways but if things really cannot be acceptable huh, i will not follow lor! ( very harsh hor!)
Yalor, I do partime facial for people, it also being part of my interest! haha
Karen...I am not working now as I do not have a working visa here so my job is a f/t homemaker here. I am still learning to be a loving mother and a caring wife. Not much different to us as we have been living a very simple lifestyle even in Singapore.

I used to work in Singapore and after ds was borned I was working p/t and spent most of my time nurturing him and teaching him.

The only different here is the weather - four seasons, don't have the luxury of having facilities near my place.
I do not know how to cook. No chance to learn to cook too. Last time i can still cook abit whenever my hubby(when pak tok) come to my house but now staying with mil, she don't really like us to cook because she is scared that we messed up the kitchen. I think canada is not as convenient as in singapore but it is good to stay at other counties so as to experience different cultures too. I will also go if i have the chance to live other places.
I am like you too. I dun really like to listen to my mil. We have different way of doing things and sometimes i really hate her traditional way of doing things like the woman's pant cannot be wash together with the rest of the laundry and the way she wash her clothes under the running water is so wasteful(she did not wash her clothes in a pail but one by one under running water). Even my mum is not so traditional as her. Hahaha if talk about mil, it is a long long story again.
hi may may and rest,

another prisc
sorry for disappearing for one week.
i am back. i just gve birth to a baby boy, hao'en on last tuesday 9th jan.

my water bag burst on monday evening.

how's may may?

Congrats, Priscilla. Here's another Priscilla and my boy is called Kai'En.

I am trying for #2 as ds is eager to have a younger sibling.
Congrat to you priscilla! Take good rest and care ya!

Jenie, of cos la, mil and daughter in law are two person from different background, so really take time and lot of compromise to be staying together harmony lor! Mayb i m that type of person who "wen rou" and "ting hua" kua hahaha
Congrats as well! Do share ur birth story hor? I always like reading birth stories..heee...also, post ur bb's photos as well

Gee..didn't know tt u r staying w ur mil as well..same goes for me, but i guess my situation is slightly least my mil dun care what i do..but like urs, she also commented that tt underwear cannot be wash together w guys..heee...i know cannot..but last time, we always dump into washing machine to wash one..heheheh
Hi JE Mummies

Recommened to try

I had a nice place to recommened to u 4 facial.

The atmosphere there is nice, MY facial beauticial had woRk with SKII &amp; Leonard Drake b4 .

NOW they are having promotion....

BTW its at Jurong East Central..

BTW, I had already go &amp; try, the atmosphere is nice &amp; comfortable, just like in spa very relaxing.
She did shoulder massage, eye massage for me &amp; after my facial, my face got aroma smell also.

If I did not go &amp; try I also don't know Jurong East also got this kind of nice place for facial. (Juz feel like Bali style)

Shiok man, after massage. (Normal facial only ard $28)

They got provide massage &amp; whole body massage. (Shld be ard $25)

No pain for pimples

Anyone interested can call Jennifer @ HP:98773396 FOR more detail.

Juzzzzzz Sharing for the "BEST"

SO Any JE mummies if u all still know any great place at JE pls share!!!

hahaha.It really difficult to stay together but bobian. We have different personalities and living habits. Im not those sort who really can get "angry" easily so really have to endure alot when staying with inlaw.
Been staying with my mil becos my hubby is the only son. Mine is not underwear only but those pant and shorts that we woman wear. Mil said becos we have menses so to the eldery it mean dirty. For my mother, as long as the underwear don't mix is ok liao.
priscillaneo &amp; little_p,
what a coincidence! both priscilla.. den both son's name ends with En!

my house rules all along is women and men clothes cannot mix.. so im used to it alr.. hehe.. in fact, my mil don't care 1.. just dump everything inside and wash..

sometimes i was thinking.. our mil also other ppl's dil mahs.. why they wun stand in our position and think one? if they feel they very ke lian.. den why want to make us 'suffer' lehs.. haha..
hi all mommies,

wow, so many priscilla's around.
you can call me little p. easier.

my water bag broke 7 pm on last monday, i only gave birth on tuesday 847pm. haha.
monday-tuesday morning, only dilate 1 cm. then ask for epidural arond 1030 am on tue. but anaestheist refuse to give cos baby heartbeat drop every time when induce contraction comes.
only when gynae say oka, then epidural only adminstered around 12pm. around 1 hour wait. sigh sigh.

i had vacumm assisted delivery cos bb position not right.

all in all, i'am grateful to god for the fact that the delivery is safe and i don need to go for emergency c-sectin

regards/ little p (jurong west)
hi Priscilla, congratulations! Gald that u have a safe delivery to you little Hao'en! Do rest well and enjoy the time with your lovely baby! Looking forward to your photos!
Hahha unlike you, im not used to this culture. Anyway no choice 2 different people living together is like that one. Since we are not that their own flesh and blood, they can get angry with us easily unlike their own son or daughter.
Little P,
Glad that everything is ok for you. Hopefully you have a good rest during your confinement.
Jenie, my mil also have the same style like yours lor! those women clothes, inner wears, pants all must wash separately one! Fainted. Of cos i love to stay in a small family, only with my HB and JiaEnn, but no choice as my HB being the only son here ( all of his brothers staying in other country or other parts of malaysia). Mayb god wants me to exercise my "tahan" level! hahaha

Little Pris, me too, using vacumm to take out the baby becos i have no more enery to push liao! Now quite regreat as using that becos JiaEnn's head shape a bit longer ( like oval size). Lucky i got a good CL, she "massage" JiaEnn's head every day ( during bath time) in order to round the shape! JiaEnn's head shape getting perfect when she was 2 monts old
Dear All
I miss all mummies here sia...Ya I have delivered on 12.01.07.
I had a normal delivery without epidural. I visit gynae on 11.01.07, he ask me to admit at 12am, and I did so. At 4.00am, I was on drip. At 5.14am, my water bag burst itself (my gynae actually wanted to burst my water bag on 7am), and labour pain starts hereon...
I didn't notice the timing, I oni know I was so much in pain that I keep on breathing through the laughing gas. Guess wat, I was too high that I even vomited...N when comes to pushing time, it was so much difficult to pass it through, I almost give up pushing as I have no more strength for it. My gynae insist on letting me to push myself n not to use vacuum. I'm glad he made this decision...n Austin was safely delivered on 1159am with the help everyone in the labour ward...

Prisc (Little_P)
Haha, Can't imagine that I actually deliver on ur edd think that u actually deliver earlier than me leh...U seems to have a difficult delivery, but lucky u n bb is safe and sound...I also thought of giving up at some moment, n if give up, will have to go for c-sction liao...Even my gynae oso say I seems to have no strength to push...but lucky, tks god!!! I did it!!!
finally u posted! Got to show us how Austin looks like ah!!! Take care and nurse back your health! U did it!!! heroine!
here's some sharing of what we have for breakfast, lunch and dinner yesterday....

Breakfast - Roast Beef Sandwich


Lunch - Macaroni soup


Dinner - Fried Crispy Sesame Prawns, Vietnamese Rice Wrap Spring Roll, Herbal Chicken Soup and a Simple Fried Rice and a simple salad with Vinegarette.





Salad just tomato, selection of vegetables and add home-made vinegarette dressing
may congrats!
Without epi, i salute u!
Now u gota take care during confinement ok.. dun sit up to much.. try to rest more often
btw, just celebrated Caleb's 1st year old birthday on Sat. Some pics to share
birthday boi
birthday cake
family shot
hi May! wow! well done! I haven't got the chance to go throught the labour pain (mine two gals are c-section babies) but i believe all the mummies gone throught the delivery are super WEI DA! Take good care of yourself during and after confinement, rest well and think positively! Looking forward to your pix!

Setp03bride, nice photos, i love the colorful balloons! Your boyboy must be blur blur when saw so many guests...haha...was it his first time to eat cake?
Hahha same too. Guess god want us to learn to be tolerance.
Congrat on your safe delivery of baby Austin. Really peifu you for not using epidural. So who is helping you to do confinement.
Really must learn from you how to cook.
Happy belated birthday to caleb!
woo priscilla,

U reali good cook leh make my mouth water...

Happy belated 1st b'day caleb

My son's 1st b'day not much pic cos son always MIA wif MIL dun knw y... Sad....
Happy birthday Caleb....

Remind me of ds's first birthday haahaa....

Jenie....everyone can work lah... is nothing haaha....
hi may may,

glad u posted. yes yes, my labour lasted for 25 hours, i went through 3 shifts of mid wives and nurses at the delivery suite of kkh. becos the position of the baby is not right. his head is 'sort of' stuck high up.

glad that both of us make it. my little boy is now taking his afternoon nap. he has been sleeping for past 3 hours. so i take the chance to do some posting here.

regards/ little p (jurong west)
Pris Neo, I love your cooking lei! Just by putting time and effort and can create such loving and joyous moment! Your really make me feel good and I am learning from u lei!

Little Pris, 25 hours ! damn long ya! U are strong ! Do take more rest during confinement lei!
Little's very long labour. My labour while delivering ds was 3 hours and it was pretty fast and just 3 pushes and ds was out.

You do take good rest during this period of time. are brave to go w/o epidural...I insisted I need epidural in Mt E and they gave me even when I am 7cm dilated but at least I do not feel the pain.

Jenie...oops type error, I mean all of us can cook.

Angela...I am sure you are a good cook too. is always a joy to cook for all at home and to see all the food finished up in one go since we do not keep left-over. Just a little effort and time and everyone is happy with the food, why not.

And it is also good since my dh does not entertain his counterpart outside but invite them home for dinner whenever he has counterpart from overseas and everyone loves a home-cooked meal after a long plane ride.
Yes Chris,
he was very lost haha.. so many ppl. That was the 1st time he tried a cake! He loved it!Heehee... we loved the balloons as well. Lukily we made a good choice to rent the helium tank man. Hahaha
you are a good cook le...your food looks so standard one...mine is typically home cooking doesn't look anything like yours hee must learn from you le hee :p u steady la

u invited alot of people??? renting a helium tank wow big scale hee :p but nice le ith all the balloons floating...
hmm abt 50+ adults+about 20 toddlers/Babies.
Renting the helium tank works out to be cheaper than buying leh. So go for the economical way
Little P,
Do take opportunity to rest now. When baby is older, he need more attention and we have less time for ourselves liao.
Guess the chinese food there is not as good as our home cooked food and more expensive. It's so fun to have everyone cook together and enjoy the food.
alot of people le haha must be very re nao hor for me celebrating within my immediate family only so dun need helium tank will go party city and get them to pump up for me hee :p

i so agree with u haha when they young can rest more or sleep or do own things quickly do as thry grow bigger ah haha no time for ourself liaoz heee :p

u all buy clothes le? got the habit to wear all new on CNY?
Jenie &amp; Etelle, i agreed with you, I now really feel tired of changing JiaEnn. She seem like not tired, keep active here and there non-stop. However, it is fun when seeing her too! hehe

Etelle, I able to buy some clothes during the last xmas sale, think might need to buy some for JiaEnn liao! Really time flies, CNY is around the corner soon! And also is the time to give "ang Pao"! hahaha
Hey all
Hehe, tks for all the well wishes...I oso feel surprise and proud of myself to be able to tolerate w/o epi oso...hehe...

Prisc Neo
Wah, u seems to be excellent in cooking sia...For me, my hub cooking is definately better than mine.

Prisc (little_P)
How many ml of milk does ur boy drinks now? U breastfeed?

Re: Breastfeed
Mummies, how was it like when u all wan to stop breastfeeding? How long does it takes to cure to stop breastfeeding?

Very fast cny soon, like karen said, is the time to give ang bao again...hehe...but lucky this yr I will have some returns, but all returns is to goes to his account, not mine...
hahahaha I don't think I will have the opportunity to buy clothes ba, Austin so small, how to bring him out to buy shop, maybe will only buy his CNY clothes ba...
you want to stop breastfeeding le ah?? they always say demand equals supply. So if you stopped breastfeeding or pumping milk then gradually the milk flow will stop just like that....

yeah lor time to give ang bao but this year also got some returns and also into kiddo's own account...hee :p
Havent bought any new clothes yet coz not sure whether will be celebrating as my fil just passed away last year. Bought alot of clothes for Fionne though but don't know whether she like to wear or not coz she now only like to wear the clothes she likes only.
it good to breastfeed as long as you can. For my case, i breastfeed my girl until 16mth and after i stopped breastfeeding my breast started to engorge for 2 weeks. After that the milk supply just decrease and stop. You must prepare alot of cold cabbage and cold towel coz the engorgement is really painful.
hi may may,

yes, i breastfed.
first few days, he kept on crying, so i cup fed him with formulae milk for a few times. now, after ten days, got enought breastmilk, i latch him directly. no need for formulae now.
how r u?
I'm impressed! U bf until 16th mth?? Heheh..for me, I stopped bf..or rather expressing at 8th mth..cos think my health isn;t tt good &amp; also w e encouragement of my family doc, stopped cos he said there's not much benefits to b gained after bb's 6th mth..i know it's gd to go on as long as one can, but guess decided to give up becos of health as well as time.

Little P &amp; May
Congrats again. Must post the photos on this thread ok?? Heheh..though i hv actually seen bb Austin oredi..somemore half naked..hee...^_^

Little P
Yup..but cant rem the name of the clinic now..the lady doc's pretty gd but find the consultation rather expensive..for now, has been bringing Ivec to Apex at JW St 91. Heard the doc is pretty gd w coughs..

Crowded when is Caleb's exact b/d?? I'm still thinking of how to celebrate Ivec's b/d, which is in April..heheh..still got time to think..any suggestions?

Ur bb turning one soon right?? How u intend to celebrate??

aiyo..seeing ur delicious dishes makes my mouth water..&amp; i'm supposed to b on a diet where did u learn to cook? trial an error or from cookbooks? I'll prefer to trial an error, any o how cook..hee..
celebrating with immediate family only hee :p so hor small scale one be catering mini buffet though...hee :p u le? how u intend to celebrate?

so fast hor our babies becoming toddler liaoz hee :p
Dear Mummies
Haha, my son give me luck, yesterday open 2nd prize of his birthday date leh...1201(12 Jan)...

After I go back to work I have to stop ah, if not how to pump out breast milk while at work...hehe...paisei leh...I will breastfeed for these period at home, but when it's time to go back to work, I will have to stop in advance le...
Very fast hor, next mth ethan will be 1 yrs old liao...

So roughly is about 2 weeks to recover lor? Ok, I be back to work at end March, think end Feb of begining mth of March I must stop breast feed le...

Haha, ya lor, seen Austin half naked...Yesterday n this morning no sun leh, sky dark, can't bring Austin to receive sun leh...

Prisc (little_p)
U got latch on ah, from begining I try to latch on, but failed to produce milk, then I change to pump out n kept in the fridge le...So now actually day time I feed him breast milk from bottle, then midnight I feed him with formula....

Hmm..most likely hv a gathering at home loh..still thinking whether to invite all e relatives &amp; friends..heheh..we experienced the impact at Ivec's one mth old celebration..all come at one time..luckily my corridor still big enuff to cater to the crowd..cos my home small..heheh..

Wow..lucky u got strike a not? Ivec's also a lucky boy..cos Ivan's aunt bought his b/d no &amp; it came out ..think 2nd prize as well..pity both my hub &amp; I don't gamble or buy 4D/Toto no such luck :p
So how's his jaundice level? When is the next check up for him?
Btw, would encourage u to go on bfing as long as u can..i also express at work, somemore got to hide in the pantry cos all other areas got camera..somemore u drive right? easier to transport the equip..unlike me :p ..heheh..always got to carry one big bag to put all the equip in it &amp; carry 2 &amp; fro work..sometimes on course lagi troublesome, got to trouble the pple there to borrow a room to pump somemore.
