Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

Wah, I definately cannot afford for wat shylyn has provide for Ivec...
Wat's Shinchida or schidia or glen doman or gym class? So chim, I nv heard b4 leh. Not dodo class like tat one meh? For dodo class is start at wat age? Any idea our hse here where have dodo class?

By then, at when u all start to buy insurance for ur child? wait till full mth or when? Wat kind of insurance u all buy? Paisei ah, I seems to have so many qns hor...hehe...

Temporary I haven't make any sarong for Austin leh. For now just let him sleeps on bed, if really cannot liao, then I will make sarong. Cos like u said, very hard to make bb sleep w/o sarong after they get used to it, hence, I try not to use sarong lor.

Wah, polyclinic 5 in 1 so cheap ah. Any idea abt 6 in 1? But definately cheaper than outside one lor, pte always is more ex than polyclinic.

Etelle parents were questioning whether there's a need for it..hmm..of cos results cannot b assured but like what u said, all of us want e best for our i'm giving my best..of cos must b within limits lah..heheh..just tt i dun buy things for myself can liao loh..hmm..anyway, nowadays, think i'm more keen at buying things for Ivec rather than myself..

RE: Enrichment classes
U can read up on e website. Glenn Doman, I read his books but I tried to do the flash cards as taught by him, Ivec is not interested leh..he prefers those with pictures..mabbe he found my handwriting ugly..heheheh./.
RE:DoDo Class
Dodo class..u r referring to playgroup? My niece, who's 3 yrs old, started her class when she's 2.5yrs old. Good in a way cos teaches them how to interact w o children as well as music & play session. Indeed better than staying at home & doing nothing. the house is so much quieter when she's at clas..hee...
RE: Insurance
I also not sure what type of hub already bought one for Ivec thru his poly friend cum insurance agent. Even got a free MP3 player in return.
RE: Sarong
Yup, better not to use sarong..i was initially against it..but i guess gd in a way cos Ivec's head did become rounder after sleeping in it for so long plus can sleep better as well..beside, i'm not the one taking care of him thruout e day, so better let it be..:p
RE: Immunisation jabs
Not too sure..u can try calling e polyclinic to enquire abt 6 in 1.
u sending ivec to shicida class.. wow!
My HB's customer also encourage us to send him there for class but now we cannot afford wor. Must save up 1st. Apart from the initial $1350, any other hidden charges? And do they provide any materials?
But 1yr old will it really be too early for Ivec?

Re: Enrichment Classes / Playgroup
Mmm...I think I can't afford anything else other than playgroup, even playgroup oso not cheap. For flash card, around at how many mths I can start showing to him? Ya lor, at least min must put child in playgroup to learn how to interact with others...

Re: Insurance
Wah still got free MP3 player one ah, so good sia. Can help me ask ur hub wat kind of insurance he brought? Issit those savings type where at age 18 or 21 yrs can withdraw money out one?

Re: Sarong
Ya lor, nomatter wat is still ur mil taking care of him during the day time, dun use sarong wait ur mil will have difficulties in making him to sleep. For Austin, his head is consider round n long...he always like to sleep sideway one leh, that makes his head more longer...

Re: Immunisation Jabs
I think I will still preferred going to the "My Family Clinic", cos I heard going to polyclinic can wait very long n very rough to bb...
sept bride
the materials (flashcards) need to self pay...

btw i have free flashcard links anyone interested? and source for blank flash card
my friends were saying 1 year old too early to start on shicida le....she said maybe 3-4 still alright...haha huge investments...but same as me now everytime buy things is for ethan about him

i bought hospitalisation insurance for ethan only. and for myself first 3 mths when my mother take care for me ethan sleeps in sarong but hor when i took over i completely stopped sarong but ethan okie le..he can sleep in sarong can do without. so okie for me..but like what shylyn says it depends on the caregiver..for older generation they prefer sarong easier to make baby sleep u may want to open up the options for ur caregiver...

my son goes to his pd at Mt Alvernia for it. costly definitely but the service rendered from the pd is excellent dun itnend to change...

i agree le haha jurong west playgroup dun have to go join dou dou class hee save money somemore anyway joining playgroup classes its more for the interaction between children not much on learning...
can i have the link pls

<table border=1><tr><td>No</TD><TD>Nick</TD><TD>Age (as of 07)</TD><TD>No. of chn</TD><TD>1st child (MM/YY)</TD><TD>2nd Child(MM/YY)</TD><TD>Add</TD><TD>Occp. </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>AngelaO</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Jerald 12/05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Brendali</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Jerome 07/04</TD><TD>Jayden 07/06 </TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>dal</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Jezoir 4.5mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 24</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Etelle</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ethan 02/06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Jo (Bliss)</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Walt 22 mths </TD><TD>Xander 6 mths</TD><TD>JW St 61</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Karen </TD><TD>27</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Jiaenn7 Months+</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Toh Guan </TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>Little_Nana </TD><TD>29</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Kaelyn 5mths+</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>BL</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Prisc</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>01/07</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 61</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Aspialle </TD><TD>29</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ted 22 days</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>BL Dr</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>May</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Austin 01/07</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65, 658B</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>Carole</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Clarissa 13 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>West Wood Cres</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Shylyn</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ivec 04/06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65, 658B</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>jenie_1979</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Fionne 06/05</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>sept03bride</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Caleb 10 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>happychris</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Amber 11/05</TD><TD>Dora 11/05</TD><TD>JW St 24</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>venus_77</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Justin 13 mths</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JW St 65</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>doggies_mummy</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Jun Heng 09/06</TD><TD>Jun Wei 09/06</TD><TD>JW St 93</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>Priscilia</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Kai En 3 years old</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Toh Guan </TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>vodkager</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Jabez 08/06</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>JE St 21</TD><TD>SAHM </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Some mummies still haven't given me their darlings birth date pls let me have it asap okie
are u gals interested in sharing the blank flash card?
the price is $43 for 1800 pieces (A5 size)
there will be delivery only if order $200
will MIA....very busy as another of dh's Japanese counterpart is coming this Saturday and also Kai wants to bake mickey mouse, minnie mouse and pooh cookies for his teachers, classmates and neighbours' children for Valentine's Day after seeing all the Valentine's gift on display at the mall. many posts..

May, polyclinic don't have 6-in-1, A&amp;D had their 5-in -1 there, each baby cost S$293.50 if i rem correctly. for other jabs, i will go to my family. So far very happy with Dr Hau and Dr Gwee there as well as the staff.
When we go polyclinic for the jab, we always book the first appointment so no need to wait. A&amp;D wake up very early everyday.,

About playgroup.. A&amp;D are with infantcare now and will upgrade to Childcare this May, so no need to go for those class. They have learned a lot of things from the teachers there and the most important point is to be a happy and kind child.

About Insurance. We bought A&amp;D prulink when they were about 2mths and enjoy 15% discount (coz i have prulady) for the first premium ( i paid one year straight away to save more) . hb don't want to buy those traditional saving plan. So now four of us all have prulink liao..for hospitalization plan, i bought income shield and shiled plus to cover all.
Ted looks so neat...

Oh each bb already cost abt $300 liao, then "my family" is $400, then might as well go to "my family". I meet Dr Hau b4, very gentle towards Austin, like his service. As for Dr Gwee, haven't meet her b4, but spoken to her on phone b4. But actually for "my family" oso need to wait quite long hrs b4 u can c dr lor...

Doggies Mummies
Wat is blank flashcard? A card that is blank with nothing on it?

Oh so both u actually brought hospitalisation insurance for ur child. But wat is prulink, nv heard b4.

For sarong, I think I wait for another 2 more mths n c how first lor, if really have the need, then i put sarong.

Re: Enrichment class
Ya lor, interact with jurong west playgroup can liao hor...hehe, but too bad I FTWM, won't have much time for that...
Think will just enrol him into nursery.
venus/prisc neo
really ah...sorrie sorrie i must have been old and forgetful...paiseh..thanks for giving me again....sorrie sorrie...
May, prulink is kind of investment link insurance...i also don't know the details...just pay and pay loh...haha....

My family clinic is the one after we went to three PDs and now become our family doctors. the first one is with TMC, it's too far for us (his clinic at TMC and Bishan..and he suggested us to go polyclinic to cut cost...nice doctor). The other one is the kidslink used to be at JE, went there twice and felt soso...same med as those GP and keep saying my gers very likely to have ashma...lucky they are healthy now! Went to the PD at JP once when Amber was only 1 wk old...don't like the doc at all, so unfriendly and no loving heart! (no wonder her clinic so empty that day..keke)

Usually we went to my family early in the morning, so no need to wait so long...keke...but u better call and check who's the doc on duty...they have other docs as "DAI BAN"

Another good thing about my family is the review within 72 hours is free (actually sometimes more than 5 days oso free) last time we went after 1 wk plus, Dr Hau charged us half consultation fee. how nice!
Wat does it mean by review within 72 hours? U mean u visit my family liao, then wihtin 72 hours go visit again issit?

Doggies Mummies
Ic, then any idea where to buy cheap flash card with icons?
review means should u see doctor le then u go back again within the 72 hours...then free ...haha depending on the doctor one...

can buy from jurong point. Big cards with pictures heee no ex maybe one pack 7.90 one topic..can check out forum see for BP or not
Wow the shichida lesson is really very expensive.
I bought blank flashcard but didnt really have time to do it yet.
Hubby bought an aia investment link insurance and prudential life insurance for fionne. He bought for her when she's few month old.
My family clinic
I think the doctors there are quite friendly and patient. I have took fionne there. Just that fionne has sensitive nose and therefore the medicine is not really useful for her so have to see a pd instead. it's important to check the doctor on duty coz that time i went on sat night and the doctor is a relief doctor and he is so ma hu.
Little p,
Have you choose your vacinnation package yet?
Oh so i guess correctly le. So gd hor, within 72 hrs either is free or half consultation charges only...
Jurong Point which store? U mean popular?
May, Etelle is correct! but must be the same problem and go back for review, usually within 6 days also free...

Jenie, you are right? i happened to see once the relief doctor, nice doc but the med not effective, wait for Dr Hau come back and review (free), the med he gave works.

About flashcard. long time ago i joined the BP bought few sets (can't rem the price, around S$5.90), A&amp;D love the animal flash cards.
May/ Jenie
jurong point popular have....but hor have to slowly comb the area to find one...that time i found it at those bargain corners not on the shelf...will take picture of the cards to let you all have a better idea.

i went to my family before but i don't really like the doctors there. Bad experience though...
so now me see Dr Adrian Tan from healthmark i prefer him.
RE: Shichida
I hv committed..heheh, yup, made payment for the April fact, was really excited for him instead. Honestly, the best learning period for children is between 0 to 6 yrs in fact, the younger they r, the better &amp; faster they learn. Initially wanted to sign him up at an even younger age but it will be us doing all the homework but now, he can concentrate better and his understanding has improved so i felt that this is the right age. We r only worried that it will clash w his sleeping time cos Ivec will want to sleep every 2 hrs!

RE:Sarong let it be loh, she's e one taking care of him &amp; she has her own mtd, so better dun poke into it too much..hee

I started showing Ivec flashcards when he was 3mths (i think) &amp; he's really keen &amp; will concentrate till he's sian..heheh..I also tried 'testing' to see whether he really understand by giving him 2 flashcards of 2 diff items &amp; asked him to choose the correct one, he managed to get correct several times. I also bought the flashcards from Popular! He prefers those with attractive pictures.

RE: Immunisation jabs
May, u need not wait long cos bbs are given priority!! I usually wait for around an hr for the whole thing!
really? Didn't know can go back to My Family for assessment at no cost! Hmm..if we know earlier, would hv gone there rather than Apex..Ivec didn't recover until at least 1.5 wks! In fact, he's down with cough &amp; flu again!! Think the weather is really cold these days!

Any way, for all the ladies info
Upcoming Activities at Nanyang CC

1. Children's On the spot art competition
11/3/07, 9am to 12noon.
Check out PA's website &amp; look for CC online then activities then Nanyang CC

2. There'll be a Baby Show held in June at Nanyang CC. Heheh..i'll post the updated info once confirmed..for the benefit of those who r keen
Since relief is so bad, I think next time if I wan to visit my family, I better call n check which doc is on duty first.

At those bargins area ah, then not confirm they have stock at all times one lor...

I understand u want the best to ur child, but provided is within budget, I believe u all can, but me definately cannot..hehe..So now ivec sleeps every 2 hrs ah? Then how long is his awake time? So flashcard show around 3 mths time ah, least i have a rough idea when to do wat etc...My mum oso told me polyclinic bb have pirority, but from here to polyclinic, the nearest is jurong east that one right? Wat kind of baby show? Got those competition one?
May, jurong polyclinic is under renovation now...A&amp;D's appointment postpone to 3 march from 24 Feb. U need to call and make appointment first. got priority...but that section is only for kids and babies' jab, so go by appointment slot.
Oh go by appointment slot. But polyclinic oni have 5-in-1 jab n dun have 6-in-1 jab hor...i still dunno leh, to go polyclinic or my family. I dunno how to travel to the polyclinic at je.

Can I apply johnson baby lotion to bb face? His face appears those red dots leh...
May, u mean my family 6-in one only S$406? then the difference for polyclinic 5-in-1 is S$110. Where did u deliver your boy? if private hospital, HepB jab at polyclinic is S$20 per jab. so in total, difference is S$70. and u need to go polyclinic 6 times for 2 hep B jab and four 5-in-1 jab...somemore, compare both, your baby have less poke (less 2 jabs, less two chances to have fever), u consider loh...keke

A&amp;D had their 2nd HepB jab at PD's clinic (we were at very messy stage then and not prepared for all the we have no choice, go for 5-in-1. also save a bit cost...coz everything double mah..
Hmm..still within budget..provided I like his daddy, dun even spend a single cent on myself..sure can..heheh..but of cos, where got women can tahan the excitment of shopping..hee..

Yup, Baby Show, competition style..but the bbs will b accessef not only based on appearance but development etc.

Yaloh..dun understand why need to sleep every 2 hrs..he can go for a stretch of max 4 hrs but after which need to ZZZ..normally he will sleep between 20min to 1 not a lot's Austin's sleeping habits like?

Now Jurong west polyclinic undergoing reno..not too sure when ready but my next immunisation jab will b in the newly renovated JW.
Hmm..still within budget..provided I like his daddy, dun even spend a single cent on myself..sure can..heheh..but of cos, where got women can tahan the excitment of shopping..hee..

Yup, Baby Show, competition style..but the bbs will b accessef not only based on appearance but development etc.

Yaloh..dun understand why need to sleep every 2 hrs..he can go for a stretch of max 4 hrs but after which need to ZZZ..normally he will sleep between 20min to 1 not a lot's Austin's sleeping habits like?

Now Jurong west polyclinic undergoing reno..not too sure when ready but my next immunisation jab will b in the newly renovated JW.
Actual to think of it, the difference oso not so big hor, with the distance travelled n how gentle will the nurse at polyclinic behave....mmm...I think I will chose My family lor...

Oh ya, I wan to look out for those competition n join leh...

So Ivec's sleeping time is btwn 20mins to 1hr ah. Austin has no fixed time, sometimes can sleep whole stretch for 3-4hrs, sometimes, less than an hr then he wake up already, I oso dunno y like tat leh...Generally during midnight, he only wakes up for milk, after that he continue to sleep till morning..
wow..u heng sia..Austin is such a nice bb..hee..didn't torture his mummy &amp; niece, when she was a baby needs to get up every 2 hrs to drink milk. So my mil, who's taking care of her then, really lost weight! I think even till now, 3 yrs old, she still need to wake up at least twice for milk! Bad habit eh?

Yup, u also keen in joining competition?? i'm keen, but dunno allowed a not..heheh...

Btw, how's ur preparations for Austin's one mth coming along?? prepare for a huge crowdthronging ur home tomo? Ivec wont b coming though as he's sick now..rather worried for him...

RE: Baby sick
ivec's down w flu, blocked nose, running nose, cough &amp; worst of all, wheezing!! I brought him to a Alpha Baby this morn &amp; was shocked to realise tt he might b suffering from asmtha! Though both my hub &amp; I had childhood asthma, didn't really think that Ivec will b so suay to kena :p So he had to inhale ventolin via a neubeliser (did i get e spelling correct). Ivec cried so terribly that i also cried as well cos i had to hold him tight else he will sqium around. Sighh..was thinking why he need to undergo so much for such a young age ...anyway, we rented e machine back &amp; will b giving him his medication via the machine for the next 2 days..I'm keeping my fingers crossed tt he'll recover by then..really worried for him, cos he lost his hyperactive nature today..
oooh hope he recovers by then ah...if kena asthma problem le....sigh...

i only start flashing cards when my kiddo is 6 mths le..haha but he seems to respond well also le..and also i willwa tch vcds with him...and he also know what i am talking about...would be good if u can read to him every day a story...actually alot of ways to gudie a child but hor...never ending one haha :p
Actually for reading story, I have started since begining of pregnancy until the last few days where edd is near then stop. Will read to him again after coming sun go back to library to borrow books...hehe...For flashcard, I still wondering wan to DIY or to buy those ready made...

So sorry din manage to come n read ur posting earlier on...For full mth, very successful except too busy with too many guest...Ai yo, I where got heng for Austin not torturing me...he always wan to cuddly to sleep, otherwise, he makes alot of noise n refuse to sleep one lor, tat's torturing me n my mum liao...hehe...

I guess hor, maybe u cannot join leh, unless from other area not jurong west one lor...

Re: Baby Sick
Yesterday heard u telling me Ivec maybe down with asmtha, I hear liao heart oso pain...try to aviod too much liang foods for ivec...U rented the machine, then oso must have cost a bomb really take care of urself n ivec....
hi jenie,

sorry, did not login for long. i have not decided yet.
maybe i will try dr heng (kids link at jurong east) or my family clinic for the vacination.

my baby now 3 weeks plus, wakes up almost every hour for breastmilk. he just could not sleep long, despite being tired.
sometimes, he wheezes.
hi may,

on your question. i have not chosen alpha due to bad feedback. also jurong medical centre, i will give it a miss cos the doctors are seconded from NUH, so their appointment hours are only during weekdays and selected hours. very restricted.
haha ready made ones very colourful and comes in a box easy to keep le DIY also can lah
if you have the u good ah keep reading to no leh haha on and off hee lazy mummy...
Hope ivec will be alright and recover soon.
Little P,
Just choose the one you are comfortable with.
I think it always easy to buy ready made one.I also bought 2 boxes of those colourful flashcard but now my girl just threw it around.
Etelle/Jenie/Doggies Mummies
I think I will go buy those ready made one first lor...more easier n convenient ma...

Me oso same problem as u lor, he just could not sleep long enough...
Glad 2 hear tt ur one mth celebration for Austin was a success, pity I couldnt stay long. It would be great if ivec can see how his little neigh looks like ^_^ Heheh..though I doubt he knows. But when we brought him to c Alpha Baby, he was looking at the bbs who were crying then. Must b thinking who e hell were tt, making so much noise..heheh
Hmm..for once I tot Austin was such a nice bb..hee..didnt know he has to wake up every 2 hrs, hmm..but given tt, u still look v fresh eye bagsor I didnt c clearly..hee

Thks 4 ur concern. Ivec is so much better now. We were initially worried that he would b uncooperative when we gave him the neubilser to inhale e ventolin as he was literally screaming the clinic down when he was 1st given e dosage! I managed to distract him by showing him Baby Signing Times & his eyes was glued to the TV throughout e period so at least he managed to breadth the dosage. Went for a follow up yest morn & he was given a few more medicine to take. Will b going back again this Sat to confirm everything is ok. Really very expensive cos each time, at least $50! Was thinking to follow thru 1st, next time then swap to My Family since follow ups r free :p
Hehe, no eyes bag meh, maybe u din c clearly ba...Though u din stay long, but appreciated that u came down to c Austin n the present for him

U mention where is Alpha baby? Hope Ivec next visit n confirm everything is ok by then...I personally fell that My Family charges is reasonable, u can try there...

Re: Nursery
Mummies, any recommended nursery near our home area?
