Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

May, the infantcare A&D with still have space now. We are happy with the teachers there and A&D enjoying going "school" everyday! I can give you the contact if u think infantcare is a good choice for Austin. Personally i prefer kids to be independent as early as possible.

Glad to hear that Ivec is better now. Hope he be as active as before soon.
I only did confinement for one month. Don't think i can stand doing confinement for 40days. I believe just eat healthily will be fine. There is a pcf at Blk 662 that side and also one pcf near my place which is blk665.
Hi mummies

MIA for a while...still very busy...dh has lots of people coming.

Thought about confinement, my mum was telling me for a boy, I need to have 40 days confinement, my mil did my confinement went off after 30 days so my mum cooked and brought over for me. And for girl, just 30 days.

Here's my contribution of what Kai has done for homeschooling. Our theme for homeschooling was Festivals and his preschool theme was Valentine and Festivals.

Craftwork - Kai made 20 CNY cards and wrote them that we have sent back to Singapore to relatives and close friends. Here's the process and a couple of the cards he made.






Here's what we did doing baking time for his teachers and friends for Valentine.







So tat means u resume to normal food n bathing directly after 30 days lor...O 662 n 665 have pcf ah, gd gd, near near only...

Prisc Neo
Wah, really impress on wat ur son has done, gd job...For confinement, so tat means u eat as per 40 days but how abt bathing? U resume to normal bathing on 30 days or 40 days?
May...I bathe daily during confinement with chinese herbs. And I wash my hair on alternate day but need to blow it dry before coming out of the bathroom until 40 days.

When mil leaves, my mum helped me with the boiling of herbs.
for me, my mum control what i eat till the 40th day. But i'm allowed to shower every day after 30 days. This includes washing of hair
For my case, i try to avoid seafood until 40days is over. I will eat mainly fish and vegetables. My mil will still boil soup and cook some food with more ginger. Before 30days, i bathe with herbs daily and washes hair 2 or 3 days. After that i just bath as usual before.
Pris neo,
Kai is so cute. He is so young and know how to bake cookies now.
Doggie....In fact, my mum allowed him to mess with her pineapple tart dough and cutters from 14-15months as he was sitting with us in his highchair while we were making pineapple tarts. And my mum was commenting that all of us was like my boy when we were young while the women in the family baked. So I started him from very young about 18months. Instead of playdough at home with me and him, we bake cookies and share with my neighbours when we were still in Singapore. My neighbours and their children adores him so it was fun for him. And we also did some cakes and then baked pasta and baked rice. But do prepare for the mess during the initial period, so with lots of paper covering the floor area, the table etc.

Now that his hand and eye coordination are better, instead of straight drop cookies, he decided he wanted to do like playdough when he cut with a cutter which he plays in preschool with friends. So I just let him experiment with the cutters that I bought basically for him. Now I only covered the table with paper so it is easy for me to clear away the flour and clean up faster.

Our next experiment will be either:
1) pizza with homemade pizza dough
2) making bread in the oven with his selection of filling good u can bath everyday ..i can only wipe my body..wash hair ..a no no for my mum...but hor after 12 days of nagging,i went to salon for hair wash lol
Venus77...yes I bathe daily as Singapore is so hot and those confinement for no bathing and basically the chinese are in cold country like China during winter. As long as you take your calcium daily should not have problem
i bathe almost everyday le and wash my hair also he bathe i use the herbs lor and wash hair just normal heaterwater le...cannot stand dun bathe le very hot hot hot...hee :p and i did confinement for about 30 days....
Re: Confinement
Tks all for sharing ur confinement tips...But most of u seems to have ur hair being washed up, I never leh, not even herbal bath...
But I shower myself a normal bath on my son full mth, which is oso the 24th day after birth...
Hi mummies,
been really busy w spring cleaning recently. Hope u gals still remembers me..

if u r into reading for ur boy can start buying books already. Cos babies actually likes repetitions.

I saw ur girls i think!! they r so friendly.. always near the door. I've sent Jem to the NTUC playgroup too starting from this month

Prisc Neo,
Hey!! u r truly inspirational... i'm thinking of getting Jem to do baking too.
How long u all resume to normal BD with ur hub ah? Or let say how long is the best period after delivery to continue BD ah?
Hi Brenda, is it? you saw A&D ar...very naughty gals right? keke....playgroup? everyday? then we have chance to meet...later will pick them up and walk walk around the graden behind...keke
Hiya ladies
Few days mia already..rushing my audit observations..:p

Yaloh, what's BD? So cheem..
wow..u can tahan so long never bath? Hee..mabbe u always switch on air con right? For me, i buay tahan, bath twice a day but with herbal bath & washed my hair twice a week! Hee..but everyday, use the powder for my hair..but really cannot tahan cos I will itch & scratch, then e stupid powder dropped all over :p another reason why i'm seriously considering whether to hv another one..heheehh

Pris Neo
Yeah. I'm impressed as well!! It really takes kids a lot of effort & concentration to do baking & crafts!! I love the CNY cards he made. So neat & nice! Wonder whether Ivec will be like that..sighh..somehow, i got this feeling that he wont be :p
Mmm...Or let say ML (make love), but my BD means bedding (Short cut from other thread)...

Haha, of course buai tahan la, but I switch on the air con ma, n for the first 2 wks is wet weather, so basically I dun suffer much...hehe...
Shylyn and Brenda...I am sure your children can also do it but it takes alot of patient initially and laying lots of paper on the table and floor for easy cleaning.

Kai loves to do crafts and bake. He just make 2 caterpillars using the egg casing. Will post to share once I have the time to show it.

May...think it should be safe after 3months, but initially would be painfully so use lubriate gel.
Oic..paisey lah..dunno BD means bedding. Think after 6 wks is alright & preferably u get e green light frm ur gyna..u went back 4 ur check up oredi? Can ask Dr Kee loh..think he definitely got future biz..hee
U lucky so gd, cooling..unlike tt time when i did my confinement, aiyoh..terribly hot!! I was perspiring even immediately after bath!

Pris Neo
Aiyoh..u dunno Ivec..he's a really hyperactive kid..i just hope he will tone down as he grow older..hee..anyway, i think whether children hv this sorta interest also depends on how u nuture & train think i hv a part 2 play as well..hahah..
Hi Shylyn....Kai is also hyperactive so must think of lots of activities to keep him occupied and made him using his hands, if not he can also tear down the whole house. Haahaaa....think that is boy, their nature...we started him running on the track to let him release his energy.

Just a sharing of what Kai made from the egg casing and using the caterpillars to play and retell the story of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and add on more of his own since he has two handmade caterpillars. And he is having lots of fun.





Long time never hear from you liao. Welcome back! NTUC has playgroup or is it the childcare service? Just asking coz my girl is also in the playgroup now but im looking at other options in case if the school is not good.
I think is after 6 weeks after your wound has healed for natural delivery if i did not remember wrongly. Haha your hubby getting impatient liao. Hahaha just joking.
Pris Neo
How old is kai? You really very good in creating alot of activities for him. I don't even know how to bake so don't think i can let my girl try baking.
BD means baby dance le...hee a term for intercourse during pregnant hee not bedding la haha :p well actually hor it depends on your comfort level le...for me i took some time cuz i got phobia the wound will tear or what hee :p

how can we forget got this thread revived one le..but u must have been super busy cuz seldom see u post...
Here's how my kueh bangkit look like...they melt in the mouth...we are having craving for Singapore CNY goodies.

It is just a pity that I could not get pandan leaves...

Before baking,

After baking,
u good man... i bake too before i got pregnant and now 2 are too much for me to handle... missed baking days

but although i bake, i still dont know how to use cookies cutter and get so nice and clear shape and pictures :$
hehe, but I just scare of the pain when intercourse...Austin ah, wan us to carry him into our arms n sleep ah, he just dun wan to lie on bed himself to sleep...
Etelle and doggies choice ley...they do not sell the same type of CNY goodies that we have in Singapore...even the BBQ pork tastes different...but the one cannot send in from Singapore, customs cannot pass.

The rest of CNY goodies, I am waiting for the parcels that my mum and bro sent me, should be here by Monday. can try after 6 weeks but it is very dry so need to use lubricate gel if you are normal delivery. After 3 months, no much pain since body has adjusted well and do not need any lubricate gel.
i was told ah for some woman after delivery their sex drive can become high for some become low and for some totally no le...haha so for u is high la...haha actually will feel pain le cuz dry mah...slowly lor...

when my son 2-3 mths also like that want to lie down on me or my hubby then he sleep
no la, I consider medium la, just thinking abt the issue...i very giasu one ma..hehe..Ur

Ur son is 2-3 mths then like tat, mine less than a mth already like tat leh, more worst...

Prisc Neo
Dry in the sense of internal dry issit? felt painful when you initially started to have ML again and it is because the body has not adjust back to prenatal stage yet and you will not have so much discharge to lubricate the vagina.

Did you all have the habit of carrying him to sleep from the beginning? That might be the cause, when my ils came to visit when ds was like 2 months old, they stayed for a couple of days and kept carrying ds to sleep and when they went off, I got that problem for a while so I reteach ds to sleep on his own so that I can do housework.
Pris Neo,
Is the playschool at vancover same as those nursery class in singapore? It's good for kai to mix with different cultures too.
There will be a fear initially that the wound may hurt so just overcome this fear and you be ok liao.
jenie...Kai is acting a montessori preschool and so far, I find that he is enjoying it as it is not so much as being structured like the nursery and kindergarten in Singapore. There are 1 main teacher in the class but with four assist teachers and after the greeting and singing and story telling, the children get to choose the different area they want to work and each of the teachers will watch over 5 students where they work on their own and provide help when the child needs it.

It is good for Kai as he gets to mix with peers and interact and enjoys each other in a safe environment for learning and playing. He also learnt about the different cultures.
Hi, Priscilla,

Are you in Vancouver? Migrated there? Can you share some experience?

I just got my approval for immigration to canada, but still struggling in making a decision whether to go or not, as I have two yong children, 2.5 years old and 10 months old, is it easy to find a job there? how is education systems there?

Would very much like to hear your advice. Thank you.
Hi Yaya

We are outstationed here. Will not migrated. Only good thing about this place is that air is fresh, no haze and life is a bit slower and lots of mountain and scenery.

It is hard to get a job here and even Degree Holders are doing Salesperson job in shops. Personally I do not like the Public Elementary School Systems here. And if we have to stay longer here before heading back to Singapore, my boy will go to private school and I will continue to homeschool him too. And over here, we have to watch the children very closely as children are being report missing very regularly.
Prisc Neo
So u r meaning tat scare we do not have enough discharge to lubricate v...icic...tks

The cuddling problem arise when we are back from the first visit to pd. As tat is the first outing after he is born, that's y we carry him in our arms, thereafter, he refuse to sleep on his own le...How u reteach ur bb to sleep back on his own???
Thanks for your advice, Priscilla.

The application was done before we had children. Now with my two children, it is unlikely we go there. But we just feel it is a waste, after we spent such much time, energy and money on the applicaton.

just want to know why you don't like the public school, it is ex in the privat school.
pris neo
can enlighten me more on home school? how do we equip ourself to be able to provide our kiddos a home school environ.?
Yaya...there are not textbook, no test to assess the child and my neighbour's child at Grade 4 still could not count 2 digits addition. And they just promote at the end of their school calendar year in public school and not much feedback.

Etelle...that depends on what you believe in and what you have in mind for your child. It is rather taxing too if you have to plan curriculum, activities and prepare materials to teach and to stay calm at all time even when the child drives you up the wall since they learn in a calm and safe environment.
