2WW - for those TTC-ing

Dear girls, any remedies to relieve constipation? I got constipation, bloating, heaviness in lower abdomen & phelgm in throat for the past 4 days.
I have taken bananas, Ginger water, prunes, chilli. If it still continues, tmr gotta c doctor for laxatives le.
By the way, it's going to rain soon at Seng Kang. Hopefully it rains all over singapore. Sleep tight & snug & cover with blanket! Gd nite!!
Morning all...

May I check with you, what is your heart beat/pulse per minute now? Let's say when you are relaxing in office? Try by taking ur pulse on wrist/neck for 30 secs and times two.

Mine is about 100. I wonder if it's too fast or whether I have thyroid problem (fast metabolism).
morning ladies!!

cheeka : sometimes wen i just walk slowly.. my heartbeat will pound damn fast!! i went to see doc.. but was mentioned that maybe i have iron deficency tats y will like tis sometimes.. sometimes wen my heartbeat pund abit faster i will get freak out lor..

<font color="aa00aa">Updated on 5-Oct-2012!! ^^</font>

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>last AF</TD><TD>O day</TD><TD>CD/DPO</TD><TD>Avg cycle length </TD></TR><TR><TD>2ww</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD24</TD><TD>29 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>alice</TD><TD>20-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD16</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babykk</TD><TD>8-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>30 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbcripps</TD><TD>30-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD37</TD><TD>30 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>beanie</TD><TD>28-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD39</TD><TD>29 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>berries</TD><TD>2-Oct</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD4</TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>blissfulsasa</TD><TD>22-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD45</TD><TD>31 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheeka</TD><TD>16-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD20</TD><TD>27 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>energeticsnake</TD><TD>21-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD15</TD><TD>26 to 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>faith</TD><TD>26-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD10</TD><TD>26 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD>happy-mrs</TD><TD>24-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jasmine_chu</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD25</TD><TD>32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jhw</TD><TD>1-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD35</TD><TD>35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>joce</TD><TD>25-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD11</TD><TD>33 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keira</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD63</TD><TD>31 to 32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>love16</TD><TD>18-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>31 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>maomi</TD><TD>24-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD12</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>reikohopes</TD><TD>5-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD31</TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shan</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>27-Jun</TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>33 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shery</TD><TD>16-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD20</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>shirley</TD><TD>3-Aug</TD><TD>15-Aug</TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>24 to 29 </TD></TR><TR><TD>thiru</TD><TD>21-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD15</TD><TD>32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>TTCing</TD><TD>14-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD53</TD><TD>31 </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklelynne</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>xynn</TD><TD>28-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD70</TD><TD>27 to 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>vymon</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD24</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
<font color="aa00aa">Revised!!</font>

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>last AF</TD><TD>O day</TD><TD>CD/DPO</TD><TD>Avg cycle length </TD></TR><TR><TD>2ww</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD24</TD><TD>29 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>alice</TD><TD>20-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD16</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babykk</TD><TD>8-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>30 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbcripps</TD><TD>30-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD37</TD><TD>30 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>beanie</TD><TD>28-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD39</TD><TD>29 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>berries</TD><TD>2-Oct</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD4</TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>blissfulsasa</TD><TD>22-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD45</TD><TD>31 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheeka</TD><TD>16-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD20</TD><TD>27 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>energeticsnake</TD><TD>21-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD15</TD><TD>26 to 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>faith</TD><TD>26-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD10</TD><TD>26 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD>happy-mrs</TD><TD>24-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jasmine_chu</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD25</TD><TD>32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jhw</TD><TD>1-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD35</TD><TD>35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>joce</TD><TD>25-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD11</TD><TD>33 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keira</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD63</TD><TD>31 to 32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>love16</TD><TD>18-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>31 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>maomi</TD><TD>24-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD12</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>reikohopes</TD><TD>4-Oct</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD2</TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shan</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>27-Jun</TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>33 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shery</TD><TD>16-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD20</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>shirley</TD><TD>3-Aug</TD><TD>15-Aug</TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>24 to 29 </TD></TR><TR><TD>thiru</TD><TD>21-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD15</TD><TD>32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>TTCing</TD><TD>14-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD53</TD><TD>31 </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklelynne</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>xynn</TD><TD>28-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD70</TD><TD>27 to 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>vymon</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD24</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Berries: ME TOO! Then I would perspire like crazy plus high heart beat. I can even feel it when Im sleeping... dont know if something is wrong with me.

Anyone have plans for the weekend??

Remember to eat fatty fish at least once a week! I remember the gynae told me last time when I was ttcing for my #1
cheeka : im not sure y im like tat too.. but then i went to chk with doc.. he say tat i got iron deficency.. tat might be a cause of my fast heartbeat at times.. and is nothing serious.. then im more relief..
Hi joce, during 2ww better not donate blood. Cos u need blood circulation to your womb. I was a regular donor until I did my IVF n my IVF doctor told me not to donate blood when I'm ttc
Joce: Agree with GBOB, better be safe than sorry.

I read news article today, and tot of sharing with all of u about pregnancy strips. Not sure if it's fake or what.

HSA seizes $18,000 of illegal medicines
Straits Times
(c) 2012 Singapore Press Holdings Limited

ABOUT $18,000 worth of illegal medicines have been seized by local health authorities taking part in a global operation aimed at online peddlers. The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) seized close to 13,000 units of products such as tablets, capsules and strips.

Ten people are being investigated for selling the unregistered, counterfeit and adulterated items. HSA's clampdown is part of Operation Pangea, involving 99 countries and 190 agencies. It is coordinated by global entities such as Interpol and the World Customs Organisation as well as the pharmaceutical and electronic-payment industries. This is the fifth year HSA is taking part. Between Sept 25 and Oct 2, it intensified the monitoring of discussion forums, blogs, auction sites, online classified advertisements and company portals offering medicines and health goods.

It also screened 38 websites to check for contraventions under the Medicines Act, Poisons Act and Health Products Act. Of these, 15 sites were found to be selling illegal health products such as oral contraceptives, weight-loss items and medical devices from contact lenses and condoms to <u> pregnancy test strips.</u>

Action was taken against the offenders. Dr Raymond Chua, group director of HSA's health products regulation group, urged the public not to buy from unreliable sources. "There is no guarantee that products purchased online are genuine or safe as it is difficult to verify the authenticity of any website, supplier or health product," he said.

Dr Chua added that consumers should be discerning as illegal or counterfeit products could cause greater harm to their health. When in doubt, they should always consult a doctor or pharmacist for medical advice. In a recent case, a 22-year-old woman was fined $19,000, the most severe penalty handed to date to an individual for selling illegal health products online. About 3,000 units of an assortment of oral contraceptives, condoms and <u> pregnancy test kits </u> , with a street value of about $6,000, were seized from her. This was the first case involving the illegal sale of medicinal products and medical devices online.
Good afternoon ladies!

Greetings from windy San Francisco! Super cold here, brrrrr..

Congrats Cheryl n Twinklelynne!! I wish you both a healthy and happy nine months ahead.

I have one last chance to try naturally this month before I embark on my IVF journey. I'm meeting Prof Wong in NUH when I'm back on the 17th. Today is CD11, I see some EWCM, but not sure if I'm really ovulating soon, cos I'm still jet lagged so my cycle is probably out of wack! But I will just BD anyway!

Good luck to all the ladies testing soon! Jia you everyone!
Haha thanks ladies, its still abit early in my cycle, n I'm going back to Las Vegas tomorrow where my in laws r, so I will be trying for a "Made in Vegas" I guess, hehe. Its abt 40 degrees there now though, not the most conducive environment to make a baby! Haaa. How I wish I can be on holiday indefinitely... think I need to go downstairs n buy myself a lottery ticket now *daydream* >_<
bbcrips, enjoy ur hols. New environment, new meaning, new life to be made... hee hee Good Luck! Hope you strike "jackpot", if not in SF, at least in Vegas! (pun intended)
Hi, I have 2 new boxes of pre-seed lubricant, 40g tubes with applicators (expiry 12/12) to let go for $15. Interested, pls PM me. Thks!
Haha mummyjay, think I m pinning too high hopes this month... This happens to me all the time... I shd have learned my lesson after countless disappointments but every month the history just repeats itself again... Kekeke.. Must psycho myself b zen
Hi guys, I'm brand new here, but recently interested in TTC-ing so coming here to get to know more mummies who are in the same boat. My AF is due next weekend but i pray she doesn't come. I wish us all good luck!
Gbob; hahaha it's human to feel this way. If only ttcing was so simple!

Chloe: hi! What's your story? The thread is usually rather quiet on wkends
My story? Actually I've been married a year, trying for about 6 months or so... I know that is not long, but I just like reading and being on forums to see how I can improve my chances! Let's just say i am a bit impatient! I have so many friends recently on facebook who just got married maybe 2 years before me, already have 2 kids... and more than 1 good friend got pregnant right away on honeymoon. Seems like everyone around me is getting knocked up so easily that even 6 months seems rather long for me to be trying.
Hi jas, My cycle abit haywire after the mc. Last month was a 27days cycle n the one before last (which was the first after mc) was 30days cycle. I Dnt know this month my cycle will b how many days. I have a hunch that evil witch has probably board her flight n on her way here Geez
Thanks for the warm welcome babes. Yes i do test for ovulation... using the opk. Thankfully I do get positive results (there was a period of time i would never see any line at all) so at least it's useful for me. I attempted to test my BT with a thermometer but I don't have to discipline to keep it up, so I don't chart that. And besides, i spoilt my thermometer lol.
Mummy jay: Actually I don't have ewcm at all ever since I was on the bcp and subsequently came off it. So i use preseed. Does anyone else experience no ewcm at all? My cm, if any, is milky and sticky.
bbcrips : enjoy ur holiday!! rem to BD BD and BD hard!! ^^

GBOB : u r not alone.. every cycle i have been pinning high hopes.. dun get affected by the temp reading.. sometimes things just happen wen u least expected.. ^^ must be positive!

chloe : hihi!! welcome!!

shery : morning!!! monday blue! haha.. hate to come to work... opps!

<font color="aa00aa">Updated on 8-Oct-2012!! ^^</font>

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>last AF</TD><TD>O day</TD><TD>CD/DPO</TD><TD>Avg cycle length </TD></TR><TR><TD>2ww</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD27</TD><TD>29 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>alice</TD><TD>20-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD19</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babykk</TD><TD>8-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>30 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbcripps</TD><TD>30-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD40</TD><TD>30 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>beanie</TD><TD>28-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD42</TD><TD>29 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>berries</TD><TD>2-Oct</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD7 </TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>blissfulsasa</TD><TD>22-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD48</TD><TD>31 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheeka</TD><TD>16-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD23</TD><TD>27 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>energeticsnake</TD><TD>21-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD18</TD><TD>26 to 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>faith</TD><TD>26-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD13</TD><TD>26 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD>GBOB</TD><TD>14-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD25</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>happy-mrs</TD><TD>24-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jasmine_chu</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD28</TD><TD>32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jhw</TD><TD>1-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD38</TD><TD>35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>joce</TD><TD>25-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD14</TD><TD>33 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keira</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD66</TD><TD>31 to 32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>love16</TD><TD>18-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>31 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>maomi</TD><TD>24-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>reikohopes</TD><TD>4-Oct</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD5</TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shan</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>27-Jun</TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>33 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shery</TD><TD>16-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD23</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>shirley</TD><TD>3-Aug</TD><TD>15-Aug</TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>24 to 29 </TD></TR><TR><TD>thiru</TD><TD>21-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD18</TD><TD>32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>TTCing</TD><TD>14-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD56</TD><TD>31 </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklelynne</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>xynn</TD><TD>28-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD73</TD><TD>27 to 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>vymon</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD27</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi morning ladies!

Shery: today not much symptoms. cramps subsiding. there is a dip in bbt this morning. nipples on &amp; off pain. always feeling wet between thighs. haha. probably wear skirt, so got lotsa friction &amp; perspire.
What bout?
Morning Berries.....

I am new and would like you to add me to the table. I am on CD 23 .... normal between 28 to 30 days!!

Thanks alot.

Welcome Annie!

Shery and Annie, we are cycle buddies!!!! Hopefully witch doesnt come this cycle? Jia you!

got it chloe and annie!!!
Welcome to the thread!!

<font color="aa00aa">*Add in* Updated on 8-Oct-2012!! ^^ </font>

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>last AF</TD><TD>O day</TD><TD>CD/DPO</TD><TD>Avg cycle length </TD></TR><TR><TD>2ww</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD27</TD><TD>29 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>alice</TD><TD>20-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD19</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annie Chan</TD><TD>16-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD23</TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>babykk</TD><TD>8-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>30 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbcripps</TD><TD>30-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD40</TD><TD>30 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>beanie</TD><TD>28-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD42</TD><TD>29 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>berries</TD><TD>2-Oct</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD7 </TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>blissfulsasa</TD><TD>22-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD48</TD><TD>31 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheeka</TD><TD>16-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD23</TD><TD>27 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloe</TD><TD>14-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD25</TD><TD>29 to 31 </TD></TR><TR><TD>energeticsnake</TD><TD>21-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD18</TD><TD>26 to 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>faith</TD><TD>26-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD13</TD><TD>26 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD>GBOB</TD><TD>14-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD25</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>happy-mrs</TD><TD>24-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jas</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD28</TD><TD>32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jhw</TD><TD>1-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD38</TD><TD>35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>joce</TD><TD>25-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD14</TD><TD>33 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keira</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD66</TD><TD>31 to 32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>love16</TD><TD>18-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>31 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>maomi</TD><TD>24-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD15</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>reikohopes</TD><TD>4-Oct</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD5</TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shan</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>27-Jun</TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>33 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shery</TD><TD>16-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD23</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>shirley</TD><TD>3-Aug</TD><TD>15-Aug</TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>24 to 29 </TD></TR><TR><TD>thiru</TD><TD>21-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD18</TD><TD>32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>TTCing</TD><TD>14-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD56</TD><TD>31 </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklelynne</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>xynn</TD><TD>28-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD73</TD><TD>27 to 28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>vymon</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD27</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
