2WW - for those TTC-ing

Berries,hugs! Jiayou k

Cathkidston: hello & welcome!

Joce: I usually test from cd11 onwards leh..

Jas: during my #1, my dh didn't get morning sickness but he got cravings..quite weird..

reiko: its sounds so weird rite? mayb some men are helping to relieve some of the pregnancy symptoms from their wives??
My hubby told me last nite tat his nipples abit sensitive. hopefully its a gd sign for the both of us!
Twinklelynn: I am at my 9 weeks now.. Tmr will be going to see gyne.. Praying hard everything will fine.. When is your next appt?? Have you gone for your second hcg blood test?

Shery: usually opk test line is as dark as control.. Probably you can try using clearblue ovulation test strip? Its easier to see if its positive or not..

Cheryl: I think I saw good news? Correct me if I am wrong..
Jas: I dun wan test early to avoid disappointment.. Already a yr of it.. Everytime test liao, next day af visit.. My cycle sometimes go haywire oso.. Anyway, totally no symptons during the 2ww.. Only today getting my usual af arrival headache.. So prob .. Highly probably out this cycle.. So tired of this waiting.. Sometimes wonder wat God has in store for me.. Is that it?
Cheryl: what good news? u got BFP ah?

mummyjay: I dunno leh if need to BD after no more +ve OPK, other than out of pleasure.. LOL!

jas: yeah, some husbands may kanna preg symptoms... but my husband did not for our #1.

twinklelynne: I remember my preg symp for #1 is that my boobs was swollen like rock hard, and increased 1 cup size even before i tested +ve. After that, I dun remember any other symptoms until i tested +ve...
haha.. cheryl.. u rem i tested 3 times a day.. ur memory so good! anyway i really work so so so hard tis cycle..but still.. nvm.. i will do tat again this cycle.. and hope God hear my prayers!

jas : as long as u see two dark lines.. dun care is darker than contorl line or not.. just BD!! two dark lines still consider +ve...
Nvm, at least u gt bd.. Got chance

Ya.. Just tested +ve. Praying hard for a sticky bean..

Yes I rem.. Nvm. I am sure u will get it this cycle.. Jia you. Baby dust to u.. Hee
Since last thu or fri, I try test on sat nite which is dpo 10. Got very very faint +ve and sun my son did something which puzzle me, he touches my tummy and say 'mummy meimei or didi inside ur stomach . It seem he detect it

Actually this mth I oso not really ttc. COs after m/c and my menses haven't come. But on one day I saw ewcm, so I test Opk come up with 2 lines but still faint, but bd on tat day. Den 2 days later my Opk is positive, I bd tat nite too.. Tat all..
but one thing funny hor, my OPK may be positive for 4 days, but how, i got no ewcm leh.... very very dry it seems this cycle...
Cheryl: Pray for a sticky bean for you. More bedrest please... we want to see more and more good news from you and everyone else!!!!
Cheryl, ur boobs start to hurt when? Mine starts to hurt like 3 days ago (DPO 6), but the pain is getting more each day leh.. and i'm getting insomnia for past 2 nights.. really cannot sleep... As much as I don't want to think too much, but got symptoms here and there.. i don't want to start hallucinating leh....
Shirley: my next appt is next sat. Alr went for a 2nd hcg alr. Worried now is becos im having fever for 2 days alr!! And a very bad sore throat..

Shery: congrats!!
Cheryl: hehe!!!! This thread is getting lucky. Two bpf. Jia you to the rest ok? I saw it on the other thread.. Have you seem gyne yet? Ask for progestron med to support.. Play safe abit.. Anyway, congrats!!!

Twinklelynn: pls don't take any herbal tea.. Drink more water and eat more fruits!!! Orange juice or any other juices.. Why don't you call up your gyne and check if can bring forward the appt? How's your second reading? Gt doubled??
Shirley: the gynae nt ard.. Too small also cannot see anything rite.. Ya im abstaining from herbal tea.. But took panadol alr cos the fever was 38! Somemore i feel so sick when its so early into preg stage.. Very worrying for the lil lil one
Twinklynne: should be ok lah, as long no acute pain or cramping, spotting.. should be ok.. as what i remember someone said, ur body is adjusting to new "being" in your body...
Twinklelynn: you're so cute.. Nvm.. Preggy tend to be blur at times..
how's your reading for the second one? I think you should see gyne for the correct med. Cos not sure if its suitable for your body.. Just call up and request to see sooner.. Play safe..
Twinklelynn: you're so cute.. Nvm.. Preggy tend to be blur at times..
how's your reading for the second one? I think you should see gyne for the correct med. Cos not sure if its suitable for your body.. Just call up and request to see sooner.. Play safe..

Dear twinklelynn and Cheryl,Congrats to ur bfp.. grabbing lots of bbdust.. don't know when will be my turn sharing this good news,hope is THIS cycle!! Haa.. rest well and stop carrying heavy things..
