2WW - for those TTC-ing

Eve, preg symptom and pms are the same hence I never suspect. Somemore my mense irregular and i jus had operation 2mth ago before I got P

i've blood clot during 1st 2days AF but not every cycle la. And its really very irritating cos u'll feel that sth big is dropping out which makes u dun dare to continue working as it'll drop out from the pad anytime.
yeah I have that for the first 2 days and when you pee you can feel it coming out lor.... and so bloody....

I hope it is not because I eat too many colling food last 2 weeks... because I ate some coconuts and also sometimes drink 2 glasses of cold water instead of my usual 1
Hi Evelyn, then u test tmr morning ba.. relax.. dun be too stress.. good luck

Ceraine, got lots of sales this weekend.. but over at Expo.. Dun be sian lah.. go shopping therapy lor.. haha.. Got John Little Expo sale, Popular Fair, and Coach & KateSpade sale on 31/05.

Ladies, knocking off soon.. enjoy ur long weekends..
i guess its the cooling stuff, in fact if got blood clot...that cycle will be particulary more painful cramp. When bathing, the clots also can flow out lor. Nowadays i seldom have it although i do still take cooling stuff....blood clots = more dirty blood.

I got ask doc before, we have painful cramp due to our tubes is too narrow for the blood clot to flow out. Thus some ppl do not have stomach cramp aft birth when the tube has expanded.
Well Evelyn it is slightly painful 1 day before the AF and yesterday. Today better liao....

Opps should have curb the eating for cooling food.,....

counting down to off work.....
crown ar,
u use 2 nicks, later everyone confuse... haha...
wei, tot ur in laws went away... u must feel very stress free wor... where ur dh?
i m back home liao. just met my 2 ex-colleagues for dinner @ AMK Hub New York New York. So full and wonderful dinner. one of them had gotten preggy, nearly 6months liao. so envious. she ask me touch her stomach then touch mine, hopefully can spread the bbdust. so cute.

when she shared abt her experiences during her gynae checkups and preggy experiences, i thinking when is my turn. but she say me dun stress la, she almost gave up when this gift came along. good for her lor.

her ms was so serious lor, until she was hospitalised for 1day cos she was dehydrated from the vomitting. she say she lost 6kg during the 1st trimester, so siong.
Hello Claire ..... Me now with my in laws outside.
Ger u mean the opk stripe if got 2 visible line as in control lone dark the test line abit fade can be preg also?cos some opk say tat the test line fade mean no ovulation so quite confuse.
aiya, i always forgot to change nick. cos i am selling things at marketplace, can only use jes23. keke

stress free, nope. need to do housework
hi beary,
they say no O because not enough surge to O thats y fate... but hor, not free esp with the forum gals... most gals dun have very dark line le... then they still bd la, then got P...
tot i saw ewcm today, planned to bd... but dh till now having come home... my sleep time is midnight le... cannot tahan liao... so tired... wanna sleep liao...
Oic Claire thanks. Ya tat why crown test with o strip also 2 line and she is p
oki now I can tell my friend also o strip also can test for p. Thanks ger
i'm also alone at home too cos hubby go chill out with his colleagues since he promise to be at home to accompany me play mj with our frens.

Me also feel hungry now aft finish my economical rice aft 7+
i'm back... dh is back... he so tired... he lie on the floor refuse to bath or do anything... jus stare at the tv....
my supper... cereals with banana and milk...
not bad wor... i like...
Morning All..

Evelyn, don't be disheartened. DPO8 may be too early to detect. My friend only got a positive 2 weeks after her expected AF. :-D So must be positive, k.
Hmm Evelyn take it easy because the more you think of BFP when you have BFN you will be even more sad....

Maybe you test again on later DPO and who knows you will have BFP....

Hmm sian yesterday I also feel a tinge of sadness a girl from other thread who got a miscarriage almost same time as me is pregnant ....

sometimes feel myself useless and more over job now is not promising....

I am really very lost now
don't be disheartened.
Test when your af is overdue. It may be too early now cause implantation can only take place between 6 to 10 dpo.

I also feel the same way as u. You remember Angeline? We all had d&c done in Jan but she's p again. At least your cycle is regular, mine still cannot make it. Hai, sometimes I feel like I Suay til max. My career cannot make it, health also no good. Now want to have a baby also so difficult. So many issues to worry about. Really feel like a loser. It's such a depressing year for me!!
Thks for the concern,I didn't take it to heart as my piority is to recover from my dry cough. Furthermore I do not have any preg symptoms yet.

How to calculate AF due date based on O. My last cycle O was on DP15 n my AF came on DPO15. This cycle my O is on DP18.
Hmm Macaroons what to do we just have to wait and wait patiently lor.... we shouldnt be so suay forever surely 1 day will be our turn right?

Evelyn it depends how long usually is your luteal phase to predict your AF due date....
Vivi and macaroons, dun feel that way. You all remember a few mths back, I was very depressed too? I used up all my saving for my opn and insurance co reject my claim. I was feeling very down and I was thinking why I exist in this world. But all of you encourage me and indeed in the mid of depression, a miracle happen. I got BFP and somemore got 2 . Your turn will come, look forward ok?

Eve, since your AF hasn't come, still got chance. Test when your AF is due. Good luck

I jus done with the ironing, now body aching. Lying down and surfing net with iPhone. My dh watching Simpson! But luckily he help to mop the floor le.
aiya why are you still doing all these things? now still can do but later you should rest more liao .....

Hmmm yeah hopefully but dont know now lost of direction liao....
af is dependant on your luteal phase. Normally it's about 14 days after o will get af.

Thanks crown,
u need to rest more. And don't do anything for your sil. She should be helping u instead.

I definitely hope we won't suay forever. It's very sian now, like lost motivation in life.
She is now enjoying herself in bintan. I never clean her room. Her bed is untidy but I dun care too. But clothes have to wash together, I throw her undies aside. I don't like to see clothes hanging around to collect dust so might as well iron it lor. Wait for my dh do, duno when
My mil always wash for her. Pls lor, she can't expect me to wash for her and I dun like the idea of washing woman undies with the rest of the clothes.
Hmm even last time my mother also dont wash for me because this is supposed to be done by herself lor....

ask her to buy disposable ones if she lazy to wash la.... kekeke
just came back from expo. its a massive jam at the expo hall car park and the road outside the ITE(East). so if u plan to go there, either dun drive or drive but park at the nearby HDB carparks. Else wait few hours oso dunno got lot or not. Too many exhibitions are happenning at the same time. Popular bookfair, John Little Sale and Food Expo. super crowded lor.

Got some cheap recipes books for $1 per book but the queue is killing. Imagine the queue starts from the main door of the hall to the next end of the hall, somemore the queue is not straight one lor, its "snaking" in between the bookshelves lor.

Got some good deals for the food expo, like the herbs for the herbal soups. drinks like fruit juices are only 5cents cheaper than NTUC only. The rest din managed to see much cos its super crowded.
My 1st few cycles during TTC is all in a mess only starts to normalize since last cycle thus hard to calculate. My usual cycle is 28-33 days before TTC.

My sil also dun wash her undies lor n got few times I complain to my mil y she muz mix her undies inside the laundry basket which will stain our clothes especially very bad luck for guy lor.
My mum stop washing my undies when I start menstrating
I dun dare to complain to my mil. When she is not around, i will throw her undies aside lor. My mum also ask us to wash ourselves.
Buay tahan my fil. He went to throw all her undies into the laundry and wash together. For god sake lor. He is pampering his daughter overboard liao. He dun let her learn. In future, dun expect me to take care of her
hi crown,
aiyo... how can like that...
me lazy handwash my undies de... but i dun mix with dh clothes also lorz... common sense ma...
so my undies and my mil undies plus my clothes will wash together... i got so much laundry do... will not handwash....

hi gals,
tomolo dh say date me go out... finally he better liao... haha... hopefully all turned out well...
hi gals,
today and yst my niece was here... so very tiring for me, cos she stick to u like honey...
i came back late from work today so whole aft she pester my dh till my dh buay tahan sms me for help... cos sil cooking dinner, anyway my niece dun really stick to my sil in my house...
so i came back, my niece pester me... then my dh tell her, now got me dun stick to him liao... think he abit sad abt it... haha... how ironic...
Am I wrong to say that my fil spoilt his daughter until
rotten? I really dun like the idea of washing woman undies with the clothes. And I also dun like the idea why everything must do Sui Sui for her and she do nothing. Why my house have to leave her a room! Like that I get scolded. He ask me to go and think abt it myself. He dun wan
2 evil kids

He say I boliao, unreasonable. He then continue his game. Jus now after his bath, he ask me again why like that, why cannot let it down. Pls lor. If his parent continue like that, I bet that their last word will be take good care of meimei
