2WW - for those TTC-ing

Morning gals,
I've a weird dream last nite, I dream of collecting blood test report. The doc ask me go test preg since blood test can show my womb is abit stretch...so weird lor. Anyway today is DPO7 so still early to do hpt

hi ceraine, clomid can eat either at morning or night. but i think must eat at the same time of the day for 5 consecutive days. so tonight start is still possible.
Yaataa, hi hi..it feel so good to see ur post.

Sleepygal 12w is the 1 trisemester if pregnant. I hope I am right.

Ceraine, if just into the company and got pregnant would if affect ur prohbation period?

Eve, relax. dun think too much...else would be too stress.
Morning everyone !!!!

Ohohjazz no test on OPK yet but normally when do you O for your past cycles?

Hello Yaataa

Hmmm yesterday was changing a new sheet of paper for my BBT.... hope my cycle remains accurate till I BFP...

seems like the first cycle after D&C I O on CD 19 and cycle ends at CD34

The last cycle that I had also O on CD 19 and end at CD 34... what a concidence !
morn gals, sorry no gd news tdy... the witch decided to come back from her leave... anyway, still seeing my gynae later to see what are my options...

yaataa, glad to see u posting again!
Calzz sayang .... maybe next cycle will be a better one? ....

I know how you feel.... Yesterday when I told my hubby that next new year no grand child to show for his ah gong, my hubby said never mind we try again surely next year we will have a baby for ah gong to see. Be it rabbit baby or toger baby also can....
Eve, next time got bad dreams then say out. Got good dreams, keep to yourself. Cos i always think that after saying out, it will not come true. But i still hope it's good news for you

ceraine, if you start tonight then you have to remember to eat for the next few nights.
hello morning gers.....

calzzz...huggs....hmmm u goin c the gynae tdy then c wat she will say okiee....

evelyn...maybe u have gd news

yataa...glad u are back here...hope u are all right...keep us posted okie....
vivi, beary, thanks... i'm ok already coz i kind of prepared myself... anyway hubby cheered me up... he bought me a katespade wallet that i always wanted... hehe

ok gtg for my appt liao... ttyl
i feel more stress for next new yr. My cousin who married last yr oct & got preg recently...i was asked by afew relatives when will be my turn during their wedding.

opps...didn't know gd dreams cannot say out. Just out of curiousity,tats y feel weird how come blood test can detect womb size.

my most stress is not preg, is how to make sure my cough recover fast
Eve, cos i believe in "tian ji" cannot be reveal.

that is a dream mah so dream is always very weird one, keke

ya, you have to tackle with your cough first cos you are coughin for too long le. my mil also pass me her cough before she leave for china. now i dun dare to take any medication
wwwo calzz...yr hubb so sweet to u

Evelyn....i understand how u feel....i also ask by relatives...when planning for bb until i dun noe how to ans them....so i rather dun face them now.my friend married in last Jan 09 alread have a bb liao....really stress c them have bb so fast....
I know what you mean lor especially my hubby's relatives.
They are Malaysians so they are kampong people. The ladies there who got married already, their occupation and KPIs will be giving birth and taking care of children and then in charge of having more children especiall must have sons la...

Unlike us la and they will never understand what kind of situation we are in here.... so I gave up and not talk to them.....
yah lor, moreover i didn't tell them we have precautions during 1st 1.5yr as we wanted to have honeymoon married life 1st.

better c doc to get some mild syrup cos sometimes cough can turn bad. My cough initially was very bad till i've headache, aft TCM is somehow alot better but the cough seems to stop recover at that stage lor. EVeryday is the same mild cough.
Yeah that is what my hubby's relatives failed to understand. They think life is a bed of roses here hee hee....

The gals there are also very different la....
Morning all..

Calzz.. *hugs* new cycle new hope!!

Crown.. go doctor lah.. they can prescribe you medicine that is safe for pregnant mothers.

Btw.. I also get irritated when ppl ask me whether I'm already pregnant. When my IUI failed, I cried in front of my parents and my father gave me the best thing (at least to me) to say to relatives or anybody who ask if I'm pregnant already and I think this applies to ppl of any religion. When they ask if you are pregnant, just say not yet and ask them to pray for you. When you see them again and ask the same question, you ask them back if they have prayed for you or not. Heheh. :p

Actually, I'm also a bit sad cos my hubby wants me to change job to something less stressful. He thinks my job may be a factor. :-s But I love my job.
hi gals... Morning..... Bil on mc... So i go work today....

Hi ceraine,
Can eat tonight... then continue eat everynite... Is not too late... Even start on day 5 also not late....
maybe ur new work not yet stabilise yet, thats y u tempted to start clomid next cycle... But u noe de ma... Ur body takes some time adjust to clomid, so next cycle u take again will increase ur chances...
Anyway u work everything so nice, i think if p liao, they'll still keep u....
y not u brew 1wk dosage of bird nest & keep it in the fridge, every night before slp drink 1 small cup. I used to drink it when i've dry cough but this time round it doesn't work for me.
hi spin...
Ur job very stressful ar? ur fb very active le... Dun look like u very stress up le... Maybe ur dh jus wanna spend time with u...

Hi calzz,
Hugz... Glad u got ur dh support... See la, he so sayang u...

Hi crown,
Get well soon...
Eve, i can drink cold bird nest meh? those bottle one can? my cough start yesterday afternoon, sudd cough non stop.

thanks to all your concern
dun drink straight from fridge, leave it out for awhile before u drink. Actually bird nest cannot drink too much if not the effect won't be there. Yeah concentrated bottle bird nest also can
Claire.. yah it is.. :-s that's why im at fb! Ahaha.. to relieve stress.. cos my job certain times of the day it may be quiet and then later super busy. :-s And I work on public holidays also. My hubby thinks I'm stressed and highly-strung and that affects my chance to conceive. Like every week he will hint at me. :-/
mine is not the concentrate one but those normal ones from New Moon. I bought alot at sales. but alot of ppl say drink bird nest, next time the kids will have alot of phelgm.
spinsterella, what are you working as? very hard to find a job one loves. you love your job which is good, at least no need to drag yourself to work
Hello Claire...morn....

Hi Spinstella....i agree our jon maybe is a big issue also....my hubb also ask me find another job dun wk in Accs.....very stress...infact i agree wking in acc is quite stressful....
Spinstrella what are you working as? I guess everyone of us has stress at work ba just a matter of fact more or less only....

Yeah I agree with Crown leh.... it is hard to find a job you love...
i'm not sure whether New Moon wor & whether kids next time will have phglem.

Mine job also very stress, now have to bao ka liao aft a colleague from another department resign.
Claire, Vivi, Beary.. im doing trade settlements in a bank. I love my job and I love&hate the stress. I don't think I can live without the stress though. My husband though thinks that I should just find another job with less stress so can focus on ttc. But i dont want and I think every job also will be stressful. There's no such thing as a job with no stress. I love what I do and I'm happy so I don't see why I should switch jobs. But *sigh* I want a baby desperately too.
spinsterella, i admire you. you actually love a bank job. my SIL jus quit her bank job, she is gg Bintan to enjoy herself today. Guess housework i need to do over the long weekend..
ya spinsterella.....i pei fu u...bank job worst stress...my cousin also quit the bank job to look after her baby.....
kekke for me i always liaise with UoB and SCb trade services....

evelyn u also wk in Acc line?
crown.. hehe.. yah that's why I'll never get out of this line. Not easy to find a job you are passionate about. Woah.. you SIL quit her job and go holiday? Hrmph.. don't do too much housework ok? Don't wash her clothes or clean her room for her. Your SIL should be more considerate!

Evelyn.. you know Euroclear? I'm with their rival! ;-p
beary.. ooh im not with either uob or scb.. hehe.. but yah, all jobs also got stress. woah your cousin quit the job to look after baby?

crown.. since ur mil away then your sil should do her part of the housework also!
today i throw her undies into a pail and put all the clothes into the washing machine, tomorrow then wash. i already ask my dh to help me to hang out cos too heavy for me
i dunno wor, me only liase iwth UOB/RZB/HSBC/BNP/Fortis Ned....i dunno much abt bank related news.

can test HPT on DPO9??? so far i've yet to have any symptoms...usually preg symptoms starts when?
evelyn...for my friend she use the cheap test stripes she detect her preg with fade line on DPO 6.

Crown: tat time u try use ovulation strip to c if there is 2 stripes cos u P...so u c is 2 dark stripes or 1 stripe is fader?

beary, i cant remember leh. i think one line is slightly fader, one is super dark but 2 lines considered dark compared to my previous test
