2WW - for those TTC-ing

Crown....icic.....thanks ger

Hello June

Evelyn maybe you want to wait till tomorrow then test... even if you BFP but there might be a chance that sometimes you may not detect yet....
ya evelyn...i tink tmr can test liao.....u have preg test stripe??or if no maybe can try test with ovulation stripe sld have 2 lines if p...
Vivi & crown,
i bo liao go n use the OPK to test. I saw super fading test line under the light & my control line is lighter during my Ovulation period.
that's a nice dream.hope it comes true.
Symptom varies for individual.some feel it earlier,some later.
For me,I hv d symtom a weekbefore I test +ve,lots gas n very tired.

I ever keep having repeated dream of a bb smiling at me,trapped in a confined area..or similar sorts.
Once of a girl turning bk at me.n it's mostly nearing end of 2ww.
a great master say I can't let go of my last mc... That's y keep dreaming of a bb traped in d dream.advise me to let go else I can't move on.true enff,as I slowly let Hp...I dun dream of ot le.

hard to say hor,non confirm staff might b ask to go,ESP if I can't perform lor.that's y thinking shd I.
Oh I called up kkivf they say start tmr.got drop Gynae an email,duno he reply boh.
heee...going copthorne king for lunch nw.oh,hope later I dun hv to stay back ot to makeup for it.

aiyoh..those hsewk u can wait...juz wait lah...u takecare k.
last cycle i did use OPK to check few days before my AF is due, there is no test line at all. Haha...maybe i'm jus trying to convince myself tat i might P
Hi Ceraine.....glad tat u are happy with yr new job...a new environment maybe be good for u to Ttc also

Evelyn...there maybe chance.....cos usually if no O there be control line but the test line will either dun have at all or super super fade...so now u have 2 visible line there maybe chance....gd luck k
Yesdae I hint hint trying to get info fr senior hw supportive is co on preggy stuff...she ask me wat I mean.. N say here lots ppl also preggy lei...
I duno...mayb I shdn't worry so much hor.like who take over my job,if spotting/unstable needs mc/hl then I be no pay leave ist 3mths......
Let's c 天意,see I remember eat tmr boh lah...
Vivi.. nolah.. i guess different job different stress mah. I wouldn't be able to handle sales with targets and all. The stress would be too much for me.

beary.. wah your cousin so good.. sacrifice everything. But again, as much as I love my job, if I'm blessed with children, I may consider quitting if need be.

Evelyn.. ooh, im not of the above.. but not many ppl know this bank anyway. And ooh.. if use OPK got line could mean BFP. :-D

Princess_June.. yah.. when I heard that from my father, I stopped crying and smiled. I can't wait to use it!!
evelyn...may be a gd chance for u.....finger cross...tonite test with HPT okie

ya spinsterella....she really make great sacrifice for her baby.
hi all, finished seeing my gynae... she said to try iui 1 more time... coz my lining all the while very gd... she said maybe just not lucky yet... this time she increase my clomid to 100mg and gave me cardiprin to increase blood flow to the uterus... well, hope i'm luckier this time...

going for my long dreadful meeting now... hope it ends by 6pm...

eve, gd luck! bfp!
thanks for ur blessing although its still too early to confirm BFP.

i left with 2 HPT strips from Naturally so i plan to test on Sun since the test line on my OPK is really very super faint. If use clearblue very siong.
this cycle will be ur cycle!
ya, guess with increase of clomid will generate more eggs, so chances are higher too!


will be watching out here for ur good news over the long weekend k!
okie...evelyn....gd luck okie.....
cos i tink mostly if no O is just only have the control line or super fade line ...but u can c 2 visible lines...high chance.

Calzz...jiayou okie.....
really no mood to work, later 3pm still got meeting, waste of time.... hopefully dun drag too long, i want to go and see tcm today
vivi, if not necessary, jus leave on the dot. No need to care what other ppl say ok? you stay back also no one appreciate
Halo Beary

Ya Spinsterella, i guess that answer will shut them up and stop asking.. haha.. =P

Calzz, good luck for ur next cycle

hope ur meeting can end early, since u can knock off early for ur 'eat with your family day'.. my company doesnt practise this.. so ours not entitled..

Evelyn, HPT is preg test kit? then no need to test in morning rite? good luck
think not all companies will participate one.
our dept juz back from buffet lunch at Copthorne king.ha, their servings very cute one..miniatures size.
falling asleep too...2more hours to go.
anyone going for short trip over the weekends?
Ceraine, so good.. can have lunch so far.. haha..
Yaataa going for her Fullerton weekend tmr lor.. =)
For me, my long weekend comes next week.. Goin to Bali next thurs-sun.. Looking forward to it
oowo ceraine....wow buffet lunch yum yum...nice ah the buffet next time maybe go there try i nv eat their buffet before...is it exp?
ya my co also dun have eraly knock off sianxxx...
Crown me already plan to leave on the dot me going to see my TCM anyway my evil boss is also not around...

Hmm but come back sian we have a new GM and you can see that everyone going to be mediacopr artistes trying to act and score points again,....
vivi, see who is the best actor and best actress

i am feeling so sleepy. finally get out of the meeting, it was a waste of time. my boss who is new, came for more than 6mths liao, still look blur. then another manager also dont want to teach him. he is doing his own work in the meeting and leave everythin to my boss. i think my boss is stress out and cant give me any instruction. in the end, i need to crack my brain and tell him how i will do it. oh pls, i can be his boss liao la
Yah la see who is the best actress and actor lor.... also see how my evil boss will act lor... he is those kind who dont know anything also like to BS....

No wonder they say empty vessel makes the most noise....
but will it be too early to burp not long after O cos today my burping is too much tat i feel bloated n naseous n my lunch n breakfast is quite light today

Btw when did u tested for ur P?
we farewell a coleague who is leaving, so paying %50/pax..else i guess probably ard 40bucks bah.
me sianz, hubb hv to work next few days
before that u dun have any symptoms or suspect P?

today Isetan Member sale,anyone going down?

u can go n buy the Tiger vacumn bottle for ur baby since Taka got Tiger Fair but some of the items r exp than Isetan
