2WW - for those TTC-ing

Calzz, some colleagues are just so nice right? During my hard times for the past few mths, one of my colleague lend me money to tide over first. I have finally return her, really very grateful

Haha..not sad lah...was looking forward to it coming actualli.

Gers..I m going town for seminar,back afternoon.so chat then.

Btw...I feel like signing up for aerobics/kickboxing/stretchfit by amoretti,free fitness program by company.but 2ww..suppose to oli do light exercise..hmmm....shd I??
Okie...ceraine...now u got new job, new environment....so sure have gd luck okie
hi calzz,
U got take hpt this morning ma? Cos if u not p and takes progestrone, ur af may be delayed de le.... Go test again ar... Maybe got good news le...

Hi ceraine,
Good le, ur company so much benefit de...

Hi beary,
Depends on how bad is the first O... If first O didnt really O as in surge and hormones enough to grow the egg but not big enough to release,there's a possibility that a few days or a week later ur hormones can reach peak then O will occur...
But technically if one egg is released, 2 O is impossible...
good morning girls.

okie, later I free go fb add u. =)

nvmind, if af come then got another new hope le.

when u going back see gynae? maybe can ask?
your colleague real nice wor. sweet!
Hmm Marcaroons never mind la this is the first cycle that I got everything right so more or less gotten the hang of it and understand my cycle liao....

Have to order 24 OPKs liao....
at least u know eberything's alright with u le.
so don't have much to worry. like what U said, got the hang of it, so jiayou ba! bfp is yours next month!! =)
I also have to order opk too. I wasted all strips this mth, I really bd every other day leh but my egg played me out. =(
Oh,they engage instructor in to teach during lunch time.
We hv our own badnmjntioncourt n gym area too...ha,hvnt try it out thou.
Ceraine, drooling lor... so tempted to join such a company. :p

Vivi, good that you know your cycle. My CD19 i think but no O yet i think as bbt this morn is 36.45. Anyway, not having much hope as mentioned someone no time to entertain me to cover all grounds.
Macaroons me know what you mean because that was what happen to me last cycle .....

Didnt hope much for BFP for next cycle dont want to be disappointed with all the hopes up....

Ohohjazz wow 36.4 is considered high liao leh for pre O for me usually 36.2 plus and then post O usually 36.6 plus....

you use OPK? maybe coming soon?
Claire...yesdae night my arrived..but after mid9 then consider heavier flow.means tmr I start my clomid right?

Ha gers..I waiting to be more senior there.tell u d engingeers very gd lifexone...4+pm start playing friso ball..u Noe those games Mimicking soccer one...with handles to manipulate d ball..duno is it called frisco ball boh.wah,really envy them!!!! I aimto reach that level...very soon..haha..

I think my hubb bei tahan me..I keep ask him wan to take clomid boh,haha.
K lah...I juz hope for gd boss n colleagues...the rest doesn't realli matters.after 1.5yrs of hell in past job...I m realli scared of the human factors,d uncontrollables 1.
still trying to keep a neutral stand on d ppl lor...ESP team members relationship w boss...
Hope thus is 1 I can settle down..n start family planning.
Boss keep saying d process etc shd be chicken feed fir ne n I shd hv no problem picking up fast coz I hv d backgds etc...stress lot but also scare wait ppl hear Liao not happy..coz a few tells me they never go thru such detail orientation like me.most was thrown to d job n struggle themself.but I very gd life...still at honeymoon period
wow! your company so good!! envy!
from now onwards everything will be 顺顺利利 for u Liao, even bfp! =D

ya lor. sometimes when too hopeful, disappointment very big de. but nvmind la, all this is fated. we just have to try our best and leave it to the heaven. just hope that we won't be kept waiting too long.
Hmm although all is fated we still must work hard la... just then sometimes work hard already may not bring any results because also fated....

Hmm being very emotional again....
ceraine, wah envy u leh... hope everything works out well for u and u can bfp soon!

vivi, mai emotional la... wait i also emotional... haha
Hmm AF come liao and it is a quite fair a bit..... lucky got at least pantyliner or else now in a deep fix....

all thanks to BBT that I can predict hee hee
Yeah true true ....

Hmm I am very bored leh in the office nothing to do liao.... moreover a lot of people maybe on leave liao to enjoy long weekends .....
Vivi, nope didn't use OPK. maybe tonight go back home and test it out. 36.4 high pre-O, i guess it is due to those junk foods that I am taking yesterday and today - fried banana and now those snacks fishballs. Throat starts to feel the pain already.

In office nothing to do can surf net? Nobody around good what, less stress.
I also very bored but rushing like mad. for the whole day I've been travelling to and fro. quite tired and haven taken lunch. I think can take dinner Liao.
vivi, so good got nothing to do... i very busy today and feeling tired...

macaroons, smack u ah... how can u skip meals... tsk tsk...

u all got "eat with your family day" tmr? we can leave half hr earlier but i doubt so for me coz got this stupid long meeting tmr afternoon...
very strange... i never eat spicy food tdy but my stomach got the feeling just like whenever i eat spicy food... make me feel like drinking cold drink....
I'm so mad hungry now. I was rushing here and there til got no time to eat. then on the train so bored but can't munch on anything. thank goodness I'm on my way home Liao.

maybe it's good news!! u going see gynae tmr right??
I hope gynae has good news for u. =)
Wow you all so good we dont have this kind of scheme. Here you leave earlier already kana scold.

Hmm Macaroons at least eat something like MARS bar first dont let your stomach be empty....

ohohjazz try use OPK and see how maybe it is coming liao...
ha..ceraine is now in office lor

senior juz now boh time teach me, also i went on seminar..so now aggressively training to cover the timeline she set.
waiting for transport at 8.15pm.....diaoz..headache liao..too much info infiltrated to my limited braincells...and no dinner somemore..will stock up tons of maggimee tmr..
hi ceraine,
u ttc-ing le... how can u eat maggi mee... so unhealthy....
must eat healthy stuffs la... like veg biscuits or pkt of milk in office, those without fridge de...
wah..tose cant contain my big big stomach.
oh, realli falling asleep liao!!
veg biscuit also not healthy one, due to all the spray dusts stuffs etcm, preservatives.
my senior keeps complaining she lots stuffs to do.hmm..i guess i will hv frequent OTs too.
saw a few enginneers and finance ppl still ard.

all the best to your gynae checkup and bloodtest tmr :)
so late u still in office ah??
only first week of work need ot liao.
later quick grab something to eat on way home.
i skipped lunch then just took dinner, now got gastric. serve me right!
i got buy veg biscuits without all those u mentioned le... is very healthy de... with no salt, sugar, preservatives...
aiyoz... u so busy lorz...
aiyah..coz she was busy with other stuffs nlearning up fr d girl who is leaving also.afternoon was so eng.oli started training ard 4pm.
Had wanabribg notes hm to rewrite..but bei tahan le..will go back rest.else if my bkach works up again..will bvery jialat.she. Stylo..had wana bring me go do sports juz nw ard 7+pm..faint.
Think this 1 not badle.was ever in a job ist week stag till 10.30pm n get to go hm coz told my mentor I backache.n she stayed till 12.30am!!!! Crazy!!!!
Ceraine, your office no pantry that got milo stuff and biscuit? If have grab some to eat next time lor else gastric very bad one.

I am those who hunt for food..else thick skin popby my colleague table and ask. But now throat abit pain due to those unhealthy snacks that i ate these 2 days.

Vivi, didn't test on OPK as i didn't see and CM.

calzz, all the best for ur checkup. bfp, bfp!
hi girls!!

for those approaching the end of their 2ww, may you all go on smoothly to the 12ww

for calzz, best of luck for your blood test today! do keep us updated!

dropping by to say hiiiiiiiiiiiii and to let u know that i've been reading reading your posts
today's my own gynae check up to scan my eggs. hopefully i'm ovulating properly and all, takes one factor out of the consideration :p but i have this suspicion i ovulated really early on CD10 already!
good morning gals.

hi yaataa, good to see you back here. what is 12ww? Good luck on ur visit to the gynae today. hope u see many eggs and big ones ah. since u so curious on whether have u ovulated, did u managed to use the opks that ur gynae had given? it just takes one good soldier to swim in. mayb can just try to bd today?

hi calzz, good luck on ur gynae visit too. hope u have good news to share wif us.

morning girls!!! yeah, last day of workweek and tmr is holiday!

have a question for u.
I forgot eat my clomid today.suppose to start CD2 lei.
if either i start tmr or to eat only tonite, maybe 10+...can meh?
or should i skip a cycle and start next mth
hmmm...my heart keeps telling me to start only next month, but logically brain tells me start this cycle coz not young le.
ha, have the vision it might help me to preg, so if take this cycle, i am oli like 1.5mths to company.
hiaz..realli tink too much, as if so easy strike hor.if can strike, long strike loh.

good u r still ard. thought u missing in action le?
hmmm..so this sat, u wana go bugis with me? pure shopping..no 2ww topics......
