2WW - for those TTC-ing

ha,i bought d soy protein u mention last year..drank 1pack Nia ,d rest expire n dump!
Dun anyhow drink nw yah.
My exco tryi g to promote a health pdt to me too..keep saying a few of her clients preg with it.it's a slimming program though.ask her can guarantee pregg boh,else dun mention to me.

Gers,I call up kkivf to push ivf to aug/sept le .but Duno if I wana start d clone cozif d side effectts n d wt gain.thot I'd delaying a mth thentake...

For iui,better minimal walkingduring 2ww.but I totally bochap this mth.mop floor,hang clothes,shift sofa,bed etc..all d heavy job..I seems to care less le..nno bbt Liam,with incresed cold drinks consumption....
Oh no ceraine you naught gal must beat backside liao.... hope work is ok for you.... still waiting for your job dust to work le...
i guess I not pinning much hope.even tcm say abit tough on us to get preg naturally.w tcm help,can improve dh condition but this mth we've stopped tcm...so....hopefulli d tribestan he's taking will help but it generally takes 3mths bah to c effect...

vivi...yah..hope u get ure ideal job soon too
hi calzz,
U feel better le ma? Hugzzzz....
We jia you together ok... U not alone...

Hi gals,
I gg for my nite appt now... Wish me luck close case... Heehee... Need all the luck....
Hey gals, meed to check if anyone bought the ovulation kit from babydust? I have being using and then have postive result for quite a no. of days. The only difference is the darkness of the test band. Is this normal? I heard that some better brand only shows one day of positive.

Any cheap and gd brand to reco?

By the way, does the size of the egg result in infertility?
greytatty, yes, i had bought from babydust before but i dun always get +ve results from the opks. only once got faint faint line. test until i give up.
hi ho lee lee, welcome.
I suppose the sperm friendly gel that your fren mentioned is "Preseed" that you can find in most phamarcy.
wish you gd luck!! hope u have good news for us =)

how many cycles did you take? did the hairloss issue persist for other cycles?


good luck!! hope its not too late.. got close case boh?

i have no patience to wait at all. but then again, i dunno if its just a one-off thing that happens or there really is fertility issues with me. i never paid much attention to my cycles de. its only until after mc then i start counting dates and stuff.

whats the normal dosage of clomid to start with? i read its 50mg. but hor my gynae straight away prescribe me 100mg wor. so i also abit scared.
hi macaroons,
though i O every month, 50mg dun work for me...i think most forum mates also need 100mg or 150mg... dun worry k... i took for 7 cycles liao...
and yes... finish my appt at 11pm lorz... so late... and yay yay yay... i close cases.... yay yay yay....

hi calzz,
really hope u will receive good news soon... not that af....
my gynae started me on 50mg. but nv scan for me. just ask me do progesterone blood test to check whether i got O.

gals, i am still puzzled with my cycle last month. gynae say progesterone level not high enough.. considered nv O. but i have opk positive followed by thermal shift. so confusing... any of you know why this is so?

calzz, spotting stop is good.. be positive =)
thanks claire & esnow.

Congrtas!! =) hope you have many more cases to sign!

i think my gynae is also planning to get me back for bloodtest without scanning also liao. he nv mentioned about scans at all. but i just feel if dont scan can tell accurately meh?

how high should the progesterone level be to be considered ovulation occured?
morn all!

congrats claire on closing more cases...

macaroons, how come ur gynae dun scan... y not u ask him to do it?

i wanted to take my temp this morn but hor my bbt thermometer died... took using normal thermometer and it was 36.6... not sure is it considered dropped or not coz can't see 36.6x...
morning ladies!

haa.. today drop abit thou.
yet update to FF.

trying not to update so as not to see any curves whether up n down?

though i suspect, yest peak so high was due to weather really hot, and crazy me still can slp under my quilt!

was looking @ ur chart, O-ing soon i guess.

closed another case.. good good..
the more the merrier! hee..
ya its so quiet here...

macaroons, ur next visit is wat cd? if not on clomid, my gynae scan on cd10, 12. if on clomid, my gynae scan on cd7, 10, 12.
dread coming back to work today... everytime after i come back from leave, my boss say got alot of things for me to do... sian loh...
I also dunno when to go back to him. he just told me to pop the pills when menses is here and to call clinic up, then schedule for blood test. and stupid me also never ask when he gonna scan for me on last visit.

I think u don't have to worry about the progesterone level since u o naturally and got a substantial temp rise.
Macaroons I also dont know leh... there are now too many tings for me to fret about..... job la, money and ttc .....

this is a bad year for me after all....
hi vivi,
things will be better de...

hi calzz,
tough life working.... haha... hang in there...

hi esnow,
there must be enough progesterone to support ur O and pregnancy, if too low like wat ur doc say is not good...
LH surge got certain level to hit then O can happen... some O strip too sensitive liao... detect abit of surge then will reflect the results, so can be misleading... ur surge and ur bbt should show the thermal shift... but if progestrone not enough, prob not a good O... or even, the egg was big enough but not enough hormones for it to be released thats y the progestrone level so low...
vivi, dun give up... sometimes can take months to find... i also just sent out resumes last nite...

macaroons, shd take clomid starting on cd2/3... just call the clinic if u wanna double check whether got scan anot lah... i always call my gynae clinic coz i forget the instructions sometimes...
hi gals,
before O happens hor... ur go exercise more... walk more, climb more stairs... got 2 benefits...
1. will raise ur body temp to create an incubation in ur womb so the egg can implant better
2. the release of ur eggs depends on 2 factors, ur high hormones level to release the egg and the movement of falliopian tubes
sometimes hormones may not be high enough to create the explosion of the release of the egg...

the falliopian tubes will brush against ur ovaries to sweep the egg into the tubes
this process is very impt, cos it makes sure ur egg gets into the tube to ready up for fertilisation...

by exercising, u increase the movement of the tubes... so the higher chance ur egg is been swept away...
if take months to find 1 job I think I will die of hunger liao or maybe my new profession will be begger liao..... lol

Claire how to know your thermal shift is good enoough as in sufficient progestrone?
claire, it has come to a point where i dread coming everyday... haha... i wonder how long more i can tahan...

oh, i can feel the af cramps liao... not a gd sign
hi vivi,
we dun really noe...
unless blood test is taken... most gals who mc, doc will require them to take the day 21 progestrone test.... so that immediately when they find out they P the next round, doc will stand by med to stabilise the P...

but thermal shift of 0.5degree and above is considered good... is jus a guage...
Hi good morning gals...

Claire, good good.. can close case every time u meet ur clients.. like tat saves ur time, can earn more $$.. =)

me oso silent reader cos dunnoe what u all talkin abt the progesterone and clomid stuff.. what is thermal shift?

haiz! i tink i m so unhealthy cos my af still taking her own sweet time, dunnoe when will come.. my gynae said haf to wait till next week then due to see him again if still not here yet.. u all have any idea what he will do to 'induce' menses? give me pills or what ah?? cos i m tinking if shld i go earlier anot.. had been 10th wks liao..

do u remember last wk i was saying my boss told me not to cut this and cut that cos he thot i preg? yesterday when we were having our meeting, he was delegating the work, then he asked me when i will be taking maternity leave.. so paisay lor! i told him not yet lah.. haha..
yep. gynae told me to take on cd2. I think I will call him up when menses is here and ask for scans. ask u ah, does clomid disrupt cycle after going off it?

I read abt all the hormones not being sufficient, then egg not released even though big enough. it's so confusing. i'm so afraid that it'll happen to me.

I understand your feeling loh, cause I'm just in the same boat as u. now is like my 人生的底漕. everyday I worry about my work, about money, about ttc. it's never ending. just cannot live the days I used to have.
usually prospective employers dun calls the moment they receive resume de, unless desperate to hire people.

they will usually wait till gather a considerable amt, then allocate one day for resume.

so, jus continue finding and send out resume ba.

by default has to wait between 2weeks to 1mth for people to call u up de.

June maybe your boss is so nice
but I think you may want to let him know personally about your MC.... since not so nice that he dont know about it yet.... then later when he get to know, dont want him to have a bad impression of you....

Yeah Macaroons I reached the deepest pit and dont know when will I be happy again....

Tigerbb hope the calls will come soon....
Hello gers......
sorry tdy super busy tat why nv come in chat......

hmm clazzz...gd luck to u okie...waiting for yr gd news....

Claire...is it true during the 2WW cannot strenuous things....like prolonged standing walking?? cos i durin my 2 WW..i also do hse work mop floor...and pack my office heavy stuffs.....

Vivi....jiayou okie...me also no one call me.....dun noe why....i tink myabe must wait a few more weeks ba....
Beary yeah jia you and wait and this is the only thing I can do now... except to wait and hope for good news.

Just wondering if there is something wrong with my resume only

hi beary,
during af when the lining is breaking down and after O 2ww... best not to do so much exercise
onli a few days before O do more walking onli....
like after dinner walk walk... not strenous type...
