2WW - for those TTC-ing

hello gers,

can i check with u all....is it true...aft Bd the week cannot have any strenuous things to do...like prolong standing, walking too much??
hi yaataa, juz sharing my experience with u. initally my hubby's SA was really bad, my gynea even suggest going straight to IVF, but we want to give ourselves more time. So we turn to TCM, not much results. And he did another SA, his results did not improved after TCM, so we listen to my gynea's advice and he went to see an urologist under my gynea recommendation. this urologist say not much prob, just give my hubby a medicine to eat for 2 months medicine, say if still no news, go see him again. Guess what, i strike slightly before the medicine finish
so don't give up, miracles happen !
i tink claire mentioned that during 2ww cant do strenous things.. cant walk too much oso.. heard that if preg, 1st trimester oso cant walk too much..
Tat time i went to see my TCM, she oso told me dont do any exercise wor.. but then me oso not in 2ww and cant ttc yet leh. she said if wan get preg, then dun do any strenous exercise lor..
Eve, SA is sperm analysis.

Gals, I think no hope for me liao, went to toilet and saw af spotting liao. Looks like I really need to do ivf
Crown, june...haizz...i also not sure as my co...i need to like arranging, packing heavy thing also.....i BSBH ...tat why i am worry.
ya i tink to be cautious i bett try not to carry heavy thing...or prolong standing.
Evelyn I think you can stop liao in terms iof BD and you can start to test from DPO 10 if your test strips are the more sensitive ones
Naturally give me 2HPT test strips,dunno issit sensitive enuf & i still got 3 clearblue. DPO10 can detect already...isn't its too fast???
Yes those strips from Naturally are the sensitive test strips .... should be no problem since by then if egg is fertilized HCG would have been produced.

However there might be cases whereby BFP is detected at laster DPO more so if O may be miscalculated a few days later....
hi calzz, doc only give him tribestan .... he still have left over vitamin e, doc say got eat lor ... that's all ... he also exercised more regularly, wear boxes and avoid tight jeans ....
hi gals...
my egg size 6mm... i forgot ask how many liao...
but looks like a few on each side...
now do puregon jab will stimulate egg growth but might not be quality eggs...
so doc say wait and see... cos my cycle is over 40days...
so by right will O naturally on CD 20 over days...

hi evelyn,
abt dpo 10 can test hpt...
i think dpo 4 can stop bd liao....
What's your dosage on the Clomid? Mine that time I took is 3 tablets a day.. should be 150mg. 2 tablets does not have an effect on me..still O late.

Yaataa, sorry to hear that. But there is quite a few examples of ppl getting pregnant even there hubby count is extreme low. Got one I knew only 1% and yet managed to succeed afterall it is only that 1 sperm that require to make miracle happens. Be strong gal.
Vivi, be positive and patient. U see Ceraine as an example. Initially she worry like hell and panic esp the 1st offer company changed their mind. Now she got a good deal of offer even with pay increament. So no worries, your good offer will come.
4dpo think can stop bd le.
one week later can test Liao. good luck to u.

Claire, ohohjazz,
does clomid have any side effect on you girls? does it shorten your cycle? how do you know when will ovulate? I'm sorry for the endless qns cause I've just been prescribed clomid and don't know if I should take or wait one more cycle. I'm so troubled.

hugs hugs. you got continue to send resumes out ma?
I am worried and I have not been sleeping wel for the past week already. I have sent out a lot of resumes and none of them had called me yet. A week past and nothing happened...

Moreover no one for me to confide since I dont want to let my hubby know lest he gets worried and he dont really understand....
hi faithnhope , ohohjazz,
Sry my reply in bits and pieces... Was very busy working today...
I taking 100mg clomid. For the last 6cycles i take, first cycle is 50mg will o late... Then the rest of the cycle 100mg will o on time.... Day 14
This round is my 7th cycle liao... But last month got a break, o naturally on cd 37....

I noe i will o de, jus a matter of when... I dun really like clomid... 1st cycle after breaks will have long spotting instead of good flow of af... After 1st cycle then af is accurate de...
Vivi......tat time i seach job also like tat dunnoe why no 1 call me at all...but nv mind....maybe wait a few more days they will call u okie...

calzz....sayang sayang.....
hmm Evelyn....OPK test kits and clearblue testkit is the same they are quite accurate......hmmm no dark lines....but will have a blur line rite....if blur line also can be preg for Pregnancy test kit.
u got take bbt ma? bbt coupled together with opk should be quite accurate le. got thermal shift means o Liao. if haven see thermal shift, continue bd til thermal shift occured.

what kind of job u looking for?
hi gals,
Thanks for all ur wishes and support earlier le... Right now i never allocate budget for puregon, thats y never take earlier... Very exp lor, the jab... I rather wait when i do ivf then pay together... Sorry i didnt managed to catch all the qns and quite blur over who ask who qn liao... Hee hee...

Hi macaroons,
If u dun wan try clomid now, u got patience to wait and wait ma?
So far clomid work quite well for me, will o every cycle... but i find that i eat alot when i on clomid... So put on weight... Other side effects not significant so can dun care...
Macaroons me looking for admin jobs lor... Sigh... I can only sigh everyday now...

I send resumes everyday but just no response.

Evelyn Yeah agree if have thermal shift can say that you O ....

Beary you found a job already?
Claire, me got lazy eggs as the 1st gynae told me when I go for check up donkey years back. Will O like you just a matter of time lor.

Vivi, hugs. Can share with us here if your do not mind.

Ladies, me didn't really take bbt and OPK this cycle. Can't be bothered much as my hubby also busy no time to entertain me.
vivi, you have been sending resume to job agency only right? why dun you send directly thru the company's recruitment website?
Hi All,

Was bz over the wkends. Didn't log in n post.

Yaataa, I dun kn what's ur prob but i'm sure there will be way to solve it. Both u n DH must calm dw and have a discussion to see what is the next step. **HUGS**

Calzz, as long as is nt full flow still hv chance de. When is ur BT? Cos some experience spotting prior to that. Could be uterus expanding hence some might hv spotting.

Claire, did the gynae ask u to switch to puregon?
Maybe it helps. In the meantime take more protein rich food. For ppl like us who do IVF, we took Ensure or Immouncal. Ensure can be bought fr supermarket n is cheaper. Take some ok.

I went for scanning n blood test today, n proceeding to stimulation stage starting Wed. So nervous.
No la the quick apply is from the JObs Db website then auto it will send your resume and the cover letter liao....

did not go to the company's website and apply since some company did not have this feature
vivi.....for me not yet....but i have decided to quit first aft my holiday then find ba..i also looking for admin jobs...lesser stress...
I think the quick apply option is not effective lor. although it's very easy,jus click only but no result one. i have been doing that for the past 3 years and nothin come back. Perhaps when you are free at home, try login to the company you would like to join. Spend some time filling in the application. That stands a higher chance
ya, manually send ba. cos you click quick apply and duno where it goes to, it will only waste your effort you see. Jiayou. You will get a job soon
Thxs Calzz,
Think +ve k, and we await ur gd news too

Vivi, don't use the "Quick Apply" function, if email add is stated. Send directly via the email add.

Recently came across a posting: Office Administrator, stated salary: $3.5 - 4K, but must be available immed. So tempting!

hi all,

i've been ttc for almost a yr and still no gd news. i really wan to have a child of my own. getting more n more stressed up. i hope i nv have to go through ivf or the like. i heard frm a fren that some lubricants may help. any recommendations???? im lost and need some help here... thanks!
