2WW - for those TTC-ing


muz take good care of urself k. think better check with ur gynae was wrong ah. hhmm... isit full bleeding le? or juz abit nia? mayb ur body trying to flush out. Some more ur lining very thick rite..

but still.. i think ur gynae would be in a better position to advice how now.

pink piglet

yup yup, cos lining not use to support pregnancy will collapse and break down.

gals do you know if the EYS promo of the BFY is only at rp? if yes i have to make a trip there liao.
where do you stay? One of the physicians at Thong Chai operates in Hougang during weekday nights. You want the contact?
yeah... they open mon to fri only at specific timings.

Thong Chai address is :

No 50 Chin Swee Rd S'pore 169874
Tel : 67335579

The consultation hr for infertility group is

- Tan Siew Lan
- Tan Siew Buoy
liz, i want too. can give me?

just in case TLK doesn't work for me.


and me got UTI today.

doc say maybe cos i've been holding urine cos i want to test the OPK. sad man...
Here are the details. you got to check out which nights she operates. I can't remember liao. She operates on Sat afternoon also. Please go early and get number. If not, also long wait. her meds need to boil one. She will recommend that you get the electric pot. must take BBT also.

Teck Chua Medical Hall
322 Hougang Ave 5 #01-84 Singapore 530322

t: 62810373

Btw, I think it is one of the sinseh you listed. I can't remember the name either. oops!!!

erm... jia lat leh. I very slack. this cycle. I never take TCM and I drink coffee, etc etc... very slack hor...

anyway, I don't think I O yet. don't have the usual symptoms. now wondering when will I O or should go see Dr Cheng? haiz... sianz... I'm also don't feel have much confidence in the SO-IUI leh. how???
thanks, Liz!!!

nvm, wan to go then can call up and check which is the sinseh.

tot is predicted during Feb u will O is it? if not, can induce O with doc's medicine right?

sorry, me not too sure about all this. :p

if so, then don worry too much. i believe doc will do the best for you one. meanwhile, just relax and enjoy BD... hee...

consider a break for now lor. new goal next year then work hard. =)

now holiday mood so everything also in holiday mood. hee...
ha ha.. not really worried lah. impatient. nope. Dr will induce menses so that I can start the jabs. Predict that my AF should report in late Jan or early Feb. :p

Me not enjoying BD leh.. no mood.. oops!!! haven't been doing my "homework"
just back from TMC.
HCG level dropped to 90+, still some cells left.
as such, body is trying to struggle between repelling out, as well as growing cells.
Gynae advised pain is possible, but if i do encounter it again, shd A&E immediately and be treated with stronger medication to ease the pain rather than enduring it.
expecting another flush out next week coz will be full clear to zero hcg

gynae is quite optimistic as i worry of a future possible miscarriage. was told wall lining will be thin right after bleeding unless i do ovulute two weeks later and manage to conceive. else it normally takes two months to regulate menstral and ovulution cycle.

Dec, Liz, gillian,
yah heard TC is good, but they dun operate after work and weekends. abit inconvenient . i guess i will stick on to my current TCM at bukit batok.

don't give up hope.
flipping some mag at TMC and came acroos this article whereby a couple tried for 10years IVF couple times. didnt manage to conceive. they decided to rest and who knows, they are bestowed with a miracle. they conceive naturally right after.
probably subconsciously we are inducing too much stress. everyone (incl me) should relax more ">)

u take care....

yup, i agree. but sometimes we cannot be not doing anything also hor. so it's like in a dilemna hor... hee...

i've actually heard of a lot of cases like this one. strike when they had given up.

my mum was one of them too...
to digress abit... i just going to vent my frustration, digustiness or whatever you call it.

We had our xmas lunch on Monday and there was a gift exchange. Me and a few other gals were the organisers for this. We have stated clearly in the email that the gift will be MIN $10. Well well, during the gift exchange, i said we need to announce who is receiving whose gift cos we know past years they didnt. D started to object violently saying that we should not say and shouldnt know who is the person who gave his/her prezzie. well well, there is a reason for her to do this.

It happened that one of our closer colleague was so 'lucky' to receive D's pressie. Guess what, it's a set of completely ugly looking and cheapo glasses with cartoon character on them.

Who knows D wasnt that clever to have gotten the gift from somewhere sooo near our office. We happened to lunch there today and my 2 coll went to check out the price. OMG!!!! it's only $7.90!!!!!!! Walau eh!

Cant she understand English?????? MIN $10!!! wasnt my email clear enough???

Sibei cheapo..... i really have to take a big big discount off my impression about D despite the fact that it's already way discounted!!! I felt so disgusted to have such pple in the office. Only wan to benefit from others and dont even wan to spend another $2 to meet the MIN $10?
Hi guys,

this morning I went to buy a few things from GNC, I bought Megaman and Zine formula for DH and the sales girl said actually i can start taking Prenatal formula since i'm TTC, so at the end bought 2 for each of them...aiyo hahaha

and then I saw the Evening Primrose Oil, I ask them, izzit really so that we should take it when we TTC, she said yes. and she said thats becos EPO helps regulate our hormones, so shouldnt take.
Pink Piglet,

Oic... Now i finally understand why shouldn't take EPO.

maybe my hormone imbalance due to i take EPO. haa... maybe now since stop should go for another round of test to see if it has dropped back to normal. keke... :p

prenatal forumla i think quite heaty one. remember to drink lots of water.

piangz but i think she should be smarter to buy something far far away from the office instead if she wants to do this!!!

my coll thinks it's old cos the box looks old... haiz haiz... why pple can spend $200 on clothes and cant even spend another $2 to buy something better for a coll? dont understand. it shows so much of a person's character.
hey hippo,

I understand how u feel, actually i'm heading the welfare team in my co, which we also practising telling the name of the person who bought the gift.. i think its better.

However, we used to have a combine celebration with our department last year, guess what i got, the person gave me a shower gel for "MEN" and can tell that its old already!! I think that fellow dint even pay to get the gift for me!! worst right.. and colleague also another "sway" one, got a mug, but a corporate mug from dont know what company some more, wah lao!! worst than for colleague..they also said Min $10, but i think they just grab anything from home to give away..They didnt announce who gave the gift also! I'm glad that this yr we are not sharing our christmas with them!
thanks! Take good care of yourself.

lol.. it's like that one. is it the irritating lady ttc-ing also? The one who blab abt other coll IVF and your hair?

feeling better?

*yawn* me feeling super sleepy today.
Hi Hoppi, my DH office x'mas party also get the ulgy glasses with carton character wan...but don't care lar.....just a present from some one not close...

Tan Siew Lan yishi at Teck Chua Medical Hall, tues and Thu 6-9pm, sat 2-5pm.

Oh, so u took EPO also izzit, I suspect my irregular menses also cos by it, but i tot its suppose to be good for hormone de leh... funni right...but i stop cos my friend told me will make us put on weight... which i did so i dont know whether thats the cos? or becos taking it, make me fat then make my menses irregula...alemak...
lol... aiyo. your coll quite suay leh. aiya. but never mind lah. it takes all kind. btw, managed to get your birdnest?

got another thread mention that it is no good to take the GNC pre-natal pills leh.. you check out the ttc for 2008 baby thread. dunno how true it is.
Hi Liz,

really appreciate your sharing on just, I read on that thread already.

they said overdosage of vitamin A is not good, should not take more than 10000IU of Vit A each day... but i have a ques, cos they sales ask whether i got take folic acid, i told her i do, then she advice me to take just 1 tablet per day instead of 2 indicated in the serving instruction.

so consider if i take just 1 will cosider half the normal intake so Vit A should be 5000IU instead of 10000IU right? so u think its ok to take anot?
Gillian, I tink the right person to see is Dr Tan Siew Buoy as she is the head of the fertility dept...

Ceraine... Dr Cheng is right.. mc once does not mean will mc again. Recently my cousin then shared with me that she mc for her #2, but went on to conceive a very pretty ger ger, she has 2 kids liao and her #1 already sec 3. So it seems that actually mc, sad to say, is very common but alof of people continue to have safe healthy pregnancies! But of course having gone thr a mc, we cun help but be very stressed and gan chiong over our 2nd pregnancy.
Most important now is to build up your body and womb and take more bu...to strengthen it for next pregnancy, which will be very soon de

Pink piglet, sad that your AF came but glad to hear that it is more regular now. Yes, bai feng wan regulates AF. I took it after mc and it kinda help to regulate my AF abit then too..
I took the GNC prenatal pills before too... when hubby was taking Megaman. But I only took for about 2 weeks I gave up liao coz take already my urine became bright yellow... though take vitamins is supposed to be like that but I got uncomfortable so never take liao...

How about taking Obimin mulit-vits instead? It's for pre and postnatal care. Dr Cheng prescribe this to me and read from other threads that other gynaes also prescribe this to their patients. Not too expensive too, 100 tablets only $15.
Pink Piglet,

So far i take EPO previously, it was quite good for me as my headaches went away. usually before and after menses i will have headaches one. after taking it, the symptoms were not that often anymore.

i did hear before that EPO is good for cholesterol.

but since it is not advisable for those in TTCing, then we will just stop it.

I have stopped it for quite awhile now and only eating folic acid at the moment.

Btw, gals, how much folic acid is the ideal intake? i'm taking one tablet every night. one tablet is 400mcg. is it sufficient?
Rata..dun worry so much k? Me worrying alot now too, especially everytime I go into mc thread, read abt new case of waterbag burst at week 20, membrane rupture at week 20 plus etc etc... and I always thought pass the first trimester is safe liao... seems like everyday is a new worry throughout. To prevent hu si ran xiang, I prob will not go into mc thread anymore
Let's just pray and continue to stay positive and leave everything in the hands of God.

Dec, I take those Guardian/Watsons generic brand folic acid... 1 day 1 tablet is enough liao for ttc
To all the gals,
May all of you have a BLESSED CHRISTMAS.

Sorry long time didn't post though I on and off did read some of the posts.
Well for me no strike yet..still working hard in TTC as well as building up my health. Menses just ended so would be working hard next weekend. hehe.. Also hoping that my cycle would be more regular then STIKE rate higher.

Hoppi & Pink Piglet,
Well it's like that one. My collegues some even practise "recycling" presents for the next year.

Take good care of yourself.
Roxy, rata
don't worry too much! your babies will be fine.

*tsk tsk* stop visiting the MC thread lah. worry yourself sick only

think you better check with gynae.

1 tablet is enough because we do get folic acid from our daily intake. Dr cheng asked me to take 1 tab per day also. I get from guardian and unity
hi gals, todae me on leave. wanted to go see gynae todae instead of tomolo appt but realise gynae on leave so got to wait for tomolo. Hai.........

Liz, thanks. But i juz cant b happy & worry free lei
if not worried, not natural liao. But try not to think too much. on leave today should try and relax.

got a question to ask. I don't think I O yet. Is it ok to start taking BFW? my dh colleague suggested that to me. Just toying with the idea.
hi gals... need some advice...

today is my CD40, my cycle is normally 40-45 days.

on CD39, i felt very bloated and vomitted on that night
on CD40, bbt rised to 37.13, so hand itchy go n test OPK, and it's turns out to be positive, line is darker than the test line. then i went to test with pregnancy kit but it was negative. but i super hand itchy, went to test OPK again in the afternoon and same, it's positive and line is still darker than the test line.

does it mean that i 'O' now? very confused.
Liz, for me bfw is to b taken after af cleared lei. I take once a week & i take those 1 big pills rather than those many small ones
Yes mama Liz!! I posted in MC thread Im not going in there anymore liao... No more negative thots.. must read more bible and let faith be stronger

I took BFW 3 days after AF clear, after that never take anymore coz Im scared will clash with O... I take those Eu Yan Seng small ones...

Sharon, seems lke you going to O soon. Can BD tonite or tmr liao... happy woo-hooing and good luck!

Rata, dun worry... ur little one will be fine de. Once heartbeat is seen/heard, chances of mc drops significantly already. First trimester see gynae perhaps once every 2/3 weeks. But from 2nd trimester onwards, see once a mth and this 1 mth waiting time is torturous! My next gyane visit is in 2.5 wks time, detailed scan and hopefully can see gender then..
hi, for those who had succeeded in TTC,

do you all experience the slightest early pregnancy symptoms during the 2WW?

I am currently in the 2WW, however, I do not have any symptoms, no sore boobs, no cramps, no CM.. but yesterday (DPO14) when I do the test, it shows a very very very faint vertical line on the test strip.

anyone has that experience?

Congrats precious! Yes long as got line, no matter how faint, means strike liao. Perhaps now too early so hcg level not very high... test again few days later will be darker de...
I also had no symptoms, only lotsa creamy discharge and some brownish discharge when AF due..

Liz... yes, better dun anyhow take ah...
