2WW - for those TTC-ing

i also waiting for my AF.......sianz..
hate this kind of feeling like every little bit of feeling, you feel pregnant.

when is your AF due? i try to see if my AF symptoms are around so my mind won't get too carried away with preggie symptoms
@Starwish, think this is really beyond our control and can only stay positive & relaxed.... hopefully O will just come naturally. You are going for alternate days scan? keep us updated, k?

Mooncake festival coming soon. May all ladies here reunion with own babies and upgrade to mothers-to-be hopefully next year!!! ;)

@rainbowbb, new cycle new hope!! Let's jiayou this cycle tog!! Anyone knows how is @Starwish ? I wonder how is she doing....

@bubbleblue1 it was supposed to b alternate days scan but bcoz my 1st scan on CD8 (Mon) alrdy had a follicle @ 15.5, I was asked to go back e next day CD9 (Tue) which bcame 18 which was considered ready.. so following day CD10 (Wed) also went back n showed 19.. However lining was not ready frm 5 to 5.4 to 5.5.. CD11 (Thu) nvr go down coz O kit nvr show +ve.. Then CD12 (Fri) scan showed follicle @ 23 & lining 6.2.. (all e while my O kit showed faint line despite testing once in e morn w clearblue & nite w guardian).. So tat day I had a jab to suppress e follicle, given patches hopefully can help thicken lining.. CD13 (Sat) morn 2nd jab on my own & nite went down to O&G for HCG jab.. CD14 (Sun) rest.. CD15 (Mon) IUI procedure.. What a mooncake festival day for me..! So today CD16 (Tue) me 1dpiui.. I dun hold much hope coz many uncertainties like readiness of lining.. And guess what? I had to pee like 15mins aft e procedure.. :( :( :( I can't find any crying emoticon.. sob sob..

Don't worry too much about the line on the OPK not as dark as control line etc. Mine was not as dark as well. Just BD and who knows! Jiayou to all!

@darbi for this cycle I really can't seem to hav OPK as dark as ctrl line.. In fact v faint lines for many days.. Only aft HCG shot which I guess is e reason for a slightly darker line..

Actually since u are only cd12 that's very early right? No need to be too anxious.. most pple only o cd 14 or after unless u have short cycles.

@chloe_ng I shared w Dr oso tat e last time I tried to check O w clomid I tink I O on CD15 or 16 or 17 - can't recall well.. So hopefully w wat we've done in e end & assumption wil wrk..

Hope evry1 is doing well & may we bfp soon!! **pray hard hard**
when is your AF due? i try to see if my AF symptoms are around so my mind won't get too carried away with preggie symptoms

due anytime..now is CD32 liao
but past few months keep delay a few days..last one by 1 week so i not too hopeful. just hoping that it wont drag too long.

going for oversea trip in oct n dec...i dun like AF to come during the trip
decided to come here cos I was feeling so so so emotional. can even cry with such minor little tiny micro thing! whatever u name it. was feeling very very tired, moody n unwell ever since last whole week of flu n cough. today, was even worse!!! a friend of mine has given birth!! within 3 weeks 3 friends!!!! what made me more emo is that, they even ttc aft me!!! one with 2nd kid. another 2 friends with 1st kid! my hubby n my relationship is longer than them yet thy progressed ahead of me!!! I also don't intend to go to any of their bb shower. I thought I m very strong n cheerful. I thought I was able to face it. although i congratulated them n truly feel happy for them, the thing is I felt so broken inside, especially whenever thy sent pics , videos n chat abt babies, sharing their joy on e same whatsapp chat with me!!! and these ppl always tell me try harder, wait will have, don stress, don think, don see doctors since see liao oso no use etc... even when I try not to talk abt this topic!!

every time I see my FB, it is all abt their bb pics! though I seldom see my FB. my FB looks empty n loney
decided to come here cos I was feeling so so so emotional. can even cry with such minor little tiny micro thing! whatever u name it. was feeling very very tired, moody n unwell ever since last whole week of flu n cough. today, was even worse!!! a friend of mine has given birth!! within 3 weeks 3 friends!!!! what made me more emo is that, they even ttc aft me!!! one with 2nd kid. another 2 friends with 1st kid! my hubby n my relationship is longer than them yet thy progressed ahead of me!!! I also don't intend to go to any of their bb shower. I thought I m very strong n cheerful. I thought I was able to face it. although i congratulated them n truly feel happy for them, the thing is I felt so broken inside, especially whenever thy sent pics , videos n chat abt babies, sharing their joy on e same whatsapp chat with me!!! and these ppl always tell me try harder, wait will have, don stress, don think, don see doctors since see liao oso no use etc... even when I try not to talk abt this topic!!

every time I see my FB, it is all abt their bb pics! though I seldom see my FB. my FB looks empty n loney

Awww major hugs to you emily :( are you feeling better now and recovering from your flu and cough?

the main thing is you and your hubby are in love and has a strong relationship and both of you will pull through this oke. if you don't feel like going, don't go if you feel worse. have you thought about taking a short break with your hubby?

post you and what your hubby do on facebook :) ! that's also your joy in life hehehe
decided to come here cos I was feeling so so so emotional. can even cry with such minor little tiny micro thing! whatever u name it. was feeling very very tired, moody n unwell ever since last whole week of flu n cough. today, was even worse!!! a friend of mine has given birth!! within 3 weeks 3 friends!!!! what made me more emo is that, they even ttc aft me!!! one with 2nd kid. another 2 friends with 1st kid! my hubby n my relationship is longer than them yet thy progressed ahead of me!!! I also don't intend to go to any of their bb shower. I thought I m very strong n cheerful. I thought I was able to face it. although i congratulated them n truly feel happy for them, the thing is I felt so broken inside, especially whenever thy sent pics , videos n chat abt babies, sharing their joy on e same whatsapp chat with me!!! and these ppl always tell me try harder, wait will have, don stress, don think, don see doctors since see liao oso no use etc... even when I try not to talk abt this topic!!

every time I see my FB, it is all abt their bb pics! though I seldom see my FB. my FB looks empty n loney

Pat pat emily..
Understand how u feel..
I hv a fren too who is preg but the most funny part is when she is preg she choose nt to tell me n still can chatted with me n ask how m i doin? Like when settin up family.. n jus few weeks ago she posted she is preg n i think due soon..
I didnt even congats her la.. i noe im bad but i jus follow wat my heart tells me..
I agreed by seein our fb we tend to see alot of ppl around us postin up bb photos, etc... u can so called 'blocked' them in ur news feed if u dun feel like viewing...
Dun take ur fren words too heart..some ppl can conceive easily while some r not.. n u r not alone babe..
Relax n do wat is happy..

I hope ut flu n cough r recovering..
Focus on ur happy times with ur hub..

Hope u r feelin better after a good slp..
is common de. tat time i do my so-iui. after finish procedure, i also need to pee liao. bladder is full.
i tink is ok. those strong ones will be in le. dun worry... tat time i go pee, the nurse only tell me dun force. gentle pee.

all will b well... dun tink so much...
Pat pat Emily. Hope you feel better after pouring out your sorrows here. Maybe like what others always say, perhaps we take a step back and focus on other things? I know it's always at the back of our mind and we can't help to monitor our o, take bbt etc. I think u believe that the more we try to get something the more we don't get it. I am turning to my faith more and engaging in the activities. Immerse myself in the activities as I ttc hopefully will take some stress off! My two cents worth :)
decided to come here cos I was feeling so so so emotional. can even cry with such minor little tiny micro thing! whatever u name it. was feeling very very tired, moody n unwell ever since last whole week of flu n cough. today, was even worse!!! a friend of mine has given birth!! within 3 weeks 3 friends!!!! what made me more emo is that, they even ttc aft me!!! one with 2nd kid. another 2 friends with 1st kid! my hubby n my relationship is longer than them yet thy progressed ahead of me!!! I also don't intend to go to any of their bb shower. I thought I m very strong n cheerful. I thought I was able to face it. although i congratulated them n truly feel happy for them, the thing is I felt so broken inside, especially whenever thy sent pics , videos n chat abt babies, sharing their joy on e same whatsapp chat with me!!! and these ppl always tell me try harder, wait will have, don stress, don think, don see doctors since see liao oso no use etc... ev when I try not to talk abt this topic!!

every time I see my FB, it is all abt their bb pics! though I seldom see my FB. my FB looks empty n loney

Emily....it;s okie to feel emotional. Most of us here been through that.
Why not take the time off and focus on other things instead? who know, bb will come when you least happen.
Actually sometimes if you think about it, some people might have children but their relationship with the hubby sux!

FB can be quite bad.....when i don't have children, i also feel upset when i see my friends pop and etc.
Now i have 1, i feel bad when i see people's kids achieving milestones earlier than mine.....
I know not easy but don't let what people post onlne affect you.....people only post good things online u know
thanks yoshi , rainbowbb, oceandeep and csy1 and other readers... it is really very comforting to have ladies here... i guessed this is e only place that we ladies can comfort one another and to share someone's shoes... only we know how one's feel... not even our hubby, let alone some outsiders. sometimes when i was too emo, my hub oso dono how to comfort me, i think he is lost too.

yoshi, u woke up so early???

rainbowbb, ya ignore her. since u two are close friends, preg shld tell u b4 posting on fb. or perhaps she doesnt want u to feel sad tat's y she dare not tell u? if so, i think no point congrats her too... i have a friend who invites ppl to her bb shower or wedding through fb??!! i know many ppl do that nowadays but i think this kinida big thing , invitation shld be sincere and not like mass send e msg and tag friends. shld at least PM the person via TEXT messages!!! what if ppl don surf fb? thy might have missed e invitation. ppl like me :eek:. i have got a friend who fb invite everyone (including me) for her wedding... i didn't even reply her as i got to know later. i didnt even know she invites me. my fb didnt prompt me. or maybe i nv go n see...

csy1 , i seldom post on fb nowadays. i keep my personal pics private unless tagged by friends. i only surf facebook for those "Like" page / fanspage to read news and things i like. perhaps only food pics haha. i have been keeping myself away from thinking , and doing some stuffs that i like to keep me occupied. but i think i felt emo bcos i was sick, more tired n moody. plus my friend jus gave birth this week, all the things knock me dwn at once... hope will be better this week end! not counting today, 2 more working days!
starwish, hope u are doing good during your dpiui.
do things to occupy yourself, go for a movie or date or anywhere to relax, breathe in nice air.

twinkletot, how's ur thinking for iui / ivf? i am actually also thinking of iui since i cannot afford ivf even thou i know there are subsidies. iui procedure oso safer than ivf, at least that is what i thought. :)
is common de. tat time i do my so-iui. after finish procedure, i also need to pee liao. bladder is full.
i tink is ok. those strong ones will be in le. dun worry... tat time i go pee, the nurse only tell me dun force. gentle pee.

all will b well... dun tink so much...

@stoneystoney ya, was supposed to hav full bladder for e procedure.. by e time it's done, I alrdy started to feel like gg to e toilet & 15mins was all tat I culd hold b4 I lost ctrl.. :( thanks for ur consolation.. when i told hubby he juz said wat's done is alrdy done - made me felt worst.. My man is really not gd w words.. I find better comfort here..

can't help tinkin.. wonder how's e lining.. follicle 23 like too matured.. dunno if e jabs managed to suppress it or it'd continue to grow or even rupture over e wkend.. whether HCG managed to make me O successfully or nt.. is e timing ok?.. wat abt hubby's sperms quality etc etc etc.. success rate higher for multiple follicles while I only had 1.. sighzzz.. :(

@stoneystoney & @bubbleblue1 both of u hav gone thru iui.. wat do u do durin 2ww? do u eat e progesterone pills Dr prescribed & continue w e patches - any idea if they really help..?

@Emily_Emily **pat pat** u r nt alone.. I'm oso seein frenz breakin news on fb tat they r expectin #2.. it juz made mi feel like there muz b sumtin wrong w mi takin so long.. :(

jiayou jiayou jiayou !!!
nothing much. actually i only need to insert the pills at nite for 2 weeks. forget wat it call liao.
other than tat nothing le.
curious, when you took RJ, did any of your cycle or things changed? I noticed I had milder AF symptoms also.

To be honest I can't really tell much of a diff cos my every cycle like got own pattern one.. but generally my cycles are only 3 days. but sometimes heavy sometimes light.. siao siao one.
My menses come on 9th aug last month and end around 12th. 15th come again for 1 day.

errr....i should take 9th as my CD1 hoh

It shouldn't happen. If you really wan to track this cycle I think everyday you may have to pee on OPK to test liao... cos quite confusing.
decided to come here cos I was feeling so so so emotional. can even cry with such minor little tiny micro thing! whatever u name it. was feeling very very tired, moody n unwell ever since last whole week of flu n cough. today, was even worse!!! a friend of mine has given birth!! within 3 weeks 3 friends!!!! what made me more emo is that, they even ttc aft me!!! one with 2nd kid. another 2 friends with 1st kid! my hubby n my relationship is longer than them yet thy progressed ahead of me!!! I also don't intend to go to any of their bb shower. I thought I m very strong n cheerful. I thought I was able to face it. although i congratulated them n truly feel happy for them, the thing is I felt so broken inside, especially whenever thy sent pics , videos n chat abt babies, sharing their joy on e same whatsapp chat with me!!! and these ppl always tell me try harder, wait will have, don stress, don think, don see doctors since see liao oso no use etc... even when I try not to talk abt this topic!!

every time I see my FB, it is all abt their bb pics! though I seldom see my FB. my FB looks empty n loney

Hugs emily,
It's ok to be heartbroken. I feel you. The impt thing is your r/s with hubby is strong ya? I'm sure you guys can ride thru this together. Rmbr we don't wan to be childless by choice, we are jus waiting!
@Starwish attached was my last set of OPK before I got my BPF. You see even up to O, I also don't get the line as close as the control line for all the days that I supposedly O and then no more O. The top ones are cheap ones.. the bottom ones are Clearblue. The faint line also gave me smiley face on clearblue advance digital. So don't think so much, see line, jus BD, then lift your buttocks up and let gravity help you! Jiayou!

9-4-2014 10-29-13 AM.png
can i ask when should we consume RJ?

Actually its a supplement you can take anytime. You can take the RJ from CD1 leading to Ovulation, it supposedly helps to have bigger better quality eggs. After you O you can also continue to take, I've not read any article that says can't take after O actually. Start off with 1 capsule, when you body is adjusted and u feel ready then u take 2 cap. Cos after all its honey (make sure you have no allergies to pollen stuff!)
Pat pat emily..
Understand how u feel..
I hv a fren too who is preg but the most funny part is when she is preg she choose nt to tell me n still can chatted with me n ask how m i doin? Like when settin up family.. n jus few weeks ago she posted she is preg n i think due soon..
I didnt even congats her la.. i noe im bad but i jus follow wat my heart tells me..
I agreed by seein our fb we tend to see alot of ppl around us postin up bb photos, etc... u can so called 'blocked' them in ur news feed if u dun feel like viewing...
Dun take ur fren words too heart..some ppl can conceive easily while some r not.. n u r not alone babe..
Relax n do wat is happy..

I hope ut flu n cough r recovering..
Focus on ur happy times with ur hub..

Hope u r feelin better after a good slp..

actually im not sure what ur fren kept chatting with you about but i was in a similar yet different situation...

i stayed away chatting from frens after i managed to conceive... even now into 2nd trimester alot didnt know and i feel there isnt any need to broadcast unless ppl initiate a meet up and they wld have known by then when they see me with a bump...

so there was a fren who kept asking and end up after probing she knew the answer and i think she might have felt hurtful instead to know it... so to me.. either u tell ppl or u dont abt the so called gd news... not everyone will share ur happiness and if u cannot handle the truth then dont ask ...

wasnt easy for me either on days i cried over ttc in vain and nobody knows except DH... but the same fren managed to have it easy but unfortunately miss it later kept telling me to relax way before and saying things like now that they are back to 2 (husband n wife) they have more time together... in fact this irks me and i tot it was irresponsible ... like u mean u try for fun only? but of cos i understood that theres nothing much she cld say as well...

so dont compare... fb is just a social media for sharing...
starwish, hope u are doing good during your dpiui.
do things to occupy yourself, go for a movie or date or anywhere to relax, breathe in nice air.

twinkletot, how's ur thinking for iui / ivf? i am actually also thinking of iui since i cannot afford ivf even thou i know there are subsidies. iui procedure oso safer than ivf, at least that is what i thought. :)
Haiz...I am oso unwell for the past one week. oso cough, flu, fever and sore throat. Till now, have not recover.

I will try 3 X iui. if still no BFP, then see how ba. But haven't decide when to do. Feel even more stressful doing all these...:(
thanks yoshi , rainbowbb, oceandeep and csy1 and other readers... it is really very comforting to have ladies here... i guessed this is e only place that we ladies can comfort one another and to share someone's shoes... only we know how one's feel... not even our hubby, let alone some outsiders. sometimes when i was too emo, my hub oso dono how to comfort me, i think he is lost too.

yoshi, u woke up so early???

I crashed out early at 10 plus and K.O till this morning. then surf the net before K.O again until 9+ :oops:
Thanks @stoneystoney & @bubbleblue1 hmm.. I dun feel much which is y keep tinkin if e jabs/med din wrk on mi..

Thanks @darbi for sharing.. Based on ur OPKs, which day/s did u bd to get ur bfp?

I'm actually afraid I'll O aft my iui.. Read tat washed sperms can only live for 24hrs.. Dunno if I shld continue bd or nt since it's like stil early in e cycle..

Nxt time I'll mark on e OPKs as well.. Really nice & easier to see e results w dates/times.. :)
Thanks @stoneystoney & @bubbleblue1 hmm.. I dun feel much which is y keep tinkin if e jabs/med din wrk on mi..

Thanks @darbi for sharing.. Based on ur OPKs, which day/s did u bd to get ur bfp?

I'm actually afraid I'll O aft my iui.. Read tat washed sperms can only live for 24hrs.. Dunno if I shld continue bd or nt since it's like stil early in e cycle..

Nxt time I'll mark on e OPKs as well.. Really nice & easier to see e results w dates/times.. :)
hmm. shld cont bd. even tat time i do my iui, my gynae also ask me to cont bd the nite n next day. hahaha...
but then i insert pill below. so did not really BD lar. wondering hw to BD when the med is there. hahaha.....
Thanks @stoneystoney & @bubbleblue1 hmm.. I dun feel much which is y keep tinkin if e jabs/med din wrk on mi..

Thanks @darbi for sharing.. Based on ur OPKs, which day/s did u bd to get ur bfp?

I'm actually afraid I'll O aft my iui.. Read tat washed sperms can only live for 24hrs.. Dunno if I shld continue bd or nt since it's like stil early in e cycle..

Nxt time I'll mark on e OPKs as well.. Really nice & easier to see e results w dates/times.. :)

Yea if u mark it, its kinda easier to see.

I BD on 19 to 21 everyday. 19th morning I went to gynae for pap smear, so I say I am expecting to ovulate that wk (as per the fertility app) and so gynae check for me and managed to find 1 egg on my right ovary. So go home faster chiong! Then I made DH also chiong with me cos he was leaving the country on 22 morning.

Many say to BD on alternate day but I felt that I didn't have time la, so jus chiong everyday. The gynae was expecting that I O on like 24-25th, so he was surprised when I went to his clinic the following time pregnant. He disturb me say wad we do.. email the sperm ah? hahaha... very cheeky gynae!
Emily, come let me hug u. even I can't help but feel green w envy when I see my friends and ex colls popping like no one's business the past few days. and I too was ... so envious and ... jealous when I saw that some ladies here graduated tho I was also happy for them.
actually im not sure what ur fren kept chatting with you about but i was in a similar yet different situation...

i stayed away chatting from frens after i managed to conceive... even now into 2nd trimester alot didnt know and i feel there isnt any need to broadcast unless ppl initiate a meet up and they wld have known by then when they see me with a bump...

so there was a fren who kept asking and end up after probing she knew the answer and i think she might have felt hurtful instead to know it... so to me.. either u tell ppl or u dont abt the so called gd news... not everyone will share ur happiness and if u cannot handle the truth then dont ask ...

wasnt easy for me either on days i cried over ttc in vain and nobody knows except DH... but the same fren managed to have it easy but unfortunately miss it later kept telling me to relax way before and saying things like now that they are back to 2 (husband n wife) they have more time together... in fact this irks me and i tot it was irresponsible ... like u mean u try for fun only? but of cos i understood that theres nothing much she cld say as well...

so dont compare... fb is just a social media for sharing...

hmm.. I get ur point.. this fren seldom talk n out of sudden start a conversation with me.. perhaps she wans to tell me but end up didn't..
but on the other hand also happy for her as I noe they are trying for yrs and managed to conceive..

I dun intend to broadcast in social media either.. perhaps with bb is born den just post 1 photo.. haha.. I can be more bad, I somehow dun wish to inform in-laws till delivery day...

now I hv kan kai le.. perhaps if it's mine it will be.. if not I will cont to try till I noe 1 lucky cycle I will be able to hit the jackpot and able to see POSITIVE on my CB Digital Kit..

let's jia you together and continue to stay stress-free (if possible).. :)
Haiz...I am oso unwell for the past one week. oso cough, flu, fever and sore throat. Till now, have not recover.

I will try 3 X iui. if still no BFP, then see how ba. But haven't decide when to do. Feel even more stressful doing all these...:(

speedy recovery!!!
I will consider IUI next yr if im able to do it.. otherwise just leave it to fate le..
Yes @Faith-bb I read abt it & will try to take more.. :)

I'd ask Dr if there's any food that I can eat or anything that I can do to improve e lining.. She said no as it's all from e hormones.. She said as e follicle grows, it shld release hormones to thicken e lining.. I felt like nothing I can do but to wait & c.. She said stay +ve.. So I guess shld try to relax & let e hormones do their jobs.. But I'll juz a few more things like do some walking to improve blood circulation, eat red bean soup, drink more water etc.. ;)

@bubbleblue1 I actually guess that since my follicle size is gd mayb my body wanna O but lining is nt ready yet so end up nvr O..? I'm curious to c how things will turn out.. Today rest, tmr CD12 scan again.. I wonder if egg has been released or follicle is still there.. :confused:
starwish, try raspberry leaf tea for lining too
hmm.. I get ur point.. this fren seldom talk n out of sudden start a conversation with me.. perhaps she wans to tell me but end up didn't..
but on the other hand also happy for her as I noe they are trying for yrs and managed to conceive..

I dun intend to broadcast in social media either.. perhaps with bb is born den just post 1 photo.. haha.. I can be more bad, I somehow dun wish to inform in-laws till delivery day...

now I hv kan kai le.. perhaps if it's mine it will be.. if not I will cont to try till I noe 1 lucky cycle I will be able to hit the jackpot and able to see POSITIVE on my CB Digital Kit..

let's jia you together and continue to stay stress-free (if possible).. :)
heh i havent "broadcast" it on my fb acc either... and i'd probably do what u are thinking of, that is to post 1 photo when i pop :) i see no pt in announcing it on fb. for relatives...if there happens to be a gatheriing b4 i pop my swollen belly will tell the story. as for hi-bye friends... i figure it doesnt rly matter either :)
heh i havent "broadcast" it on my fb acc either... and i'd probably do what u are thinking of, that is to post 1 photo when i pop :) i see no pt in announcing it on fb. for relatives...if there happens to be a gatheriing b4 i pop my swollen belly will tell the story. as for hi-bye friends... i figure it doesnt rly matter either :)

yup.. perhaps I will rather meet up with those grp of mummies and gather I feel that is the way to exchange pointers with each other..
posting up on fb nowadays isn't that 'fun' in early days when fb just launch..
n mayb will be hurting those ppl who are TTC...
heh i havent "broadcast" it on my fb acc either... and i'd probably do what u are thinking of, that is to post 1 photo when i pop :) i see no pt in announcing it on fb. for relatives...if there happens to be a gatheriing b4 i pop my swollen belly will tell the story. as for hi-bye friends... i figure it doesnt rly matter either :)
haha. i also no announce in FB in the beginning. only when recently then i post afew pics of my maternity shots on my FB. hahaha. more towards ending stage. then my frens knw i preg. but since towards the end liao then i feel ok lar. share abit.
guess the next post i put on FB will be i give birth liao. hahahaha....
As in, how do you all find her?
I have seen her for 3 times and during the 3rd visit, she told me that my bbt chart was wrong (cos I didn't take under tongue). Also asked her if my body is better etc and she said it depends on my feedback.

She adjusted the prescription during the 3rd visit and both HB and myself are taking turns to fall sick. Not sure if its too heaty or what.

Start to feel quite disheartened. I have been seeing a TCM for more than 6months and he always only say 'drink the medi till you are preg'. So I moved on to another one. But it seems like nothing so far.

I start to wonder what's really wrong...
starwish, try raspberry leaf tea for lining too

@doodoo123 *nod nod* I read abt tat too & bought a box.. any idea if I can drink it now during 2ww..? Coz I tink I read sumwhere it's gd to take CD1 or aft menses till O to tone uterus / build lining.. But if aft O or preg may cause uterine contraction..?

Meanwhile I'm eating mooncake w red bean paste.. *desperate*.. Hehe.. :p
As in, how do you all find her?
I have seen her for 3 times and during the 3rd visit, she told me that my bbt chart was wrong (cos I didn't take under tongue). Also asked her if my body is better etc and she said it depends on my feedback.

She adjusted the prescription during the 3rd visit and both HB and myself are taking turns to fall sick. Not sure if its too heaty or what.

Start to feel quite disheartened. I have been seeing a TCM for more than 6months and he always only say 'drink the medi till you are preg'. So I moved on to another one. But it seems like nothing so far.

I start to wonder what's really wrong...

Hi rach.. same s u.. i seen her for 3times...
The very 1 visit i find her quite ok as in 1st visit mayb will hv good impression so i will go bk again? Haha.
N right after takin her med i fall sick (fever, flu, cough) n i seen doc for 3times.. stopped her medications for few weeks..

2nd visits was rather quiet cos some students were under internship n inside there were 7 students.. asked her y i felt very sng of my back she dun wan to ans me.. den nvm. Den all her students took turn to listen to my pulse.. den after that prescribe me new med..

3rd visit was quite ok.. showed her my bbt charts s usual den she marked dwn when to bd on new graph for the next few cycles for me.. fyi all in e same cd to bd..

4th visit.. i didnt go le.. cos i dun think i improve.. she dun tell me how my body is reactin to the med den ask her questions like hv to see her mood...
Rainbow bb: exact same situation as u leh! I have stopped her medi for many weeks as I haven't recover fully (sore throat, fever, cough)
First 2 visits were with the interns n probably that's y she didn't realise the bb charts were wrong?

So what are you planning to do next?
@doodoo123 *nod nod* I read abt tat too & bought a box.. any idea if I can drink it now during 2ww..? Coz I tink I read sumwhere it's gd to take CD1 or aft menses till O to tone uterus / build lining.. But if aft O or preg may cause uterine contraction..?
Meanwhile I'm eating mooncake w red bean paste.. *desperate*.. Hehe.. :p
Hi, suggest you don't take raspberry tea after you O. After O, you need to increase your progesterone, not estrogen which is what raspberry tea is helping you. After O, should try to take body-warming things instead. Jia you!

As in, how do you all find her?
I have seen her for 3 times and during the 3rd visit, she told me that my bbt chart was wrong (cos I didn't take under tongue). Also asked her if my body is better etc and she said it depends on my feedback.

She adjusted the prescription during the 3rd visit and both HB and myself are taking turns to fall sick. Not sure if its too heaty or what.

Start to feel quite disheartened. I have been seeing a TCM for more than 6months and he always only say 'drink the medi till you are preg'. So I moved on to another one. But it seems like nothing so far.

I start to wonder what's really wrong...

I seen her once. I think her medicine makes my bowel smoother, maybe that will be my reason for continuing to visit her? LOL.
Sometimes even have diarrhoea. Don't know is it her med or is me?

I feel that she cannot help me much because she asked for gynae reports and I have not been to one. So I asked her how is it (after taking my pulse, etc) and she said as I have not been to gynae, cant really tell. She tell me to take the medicine and see if can pregnant or not. Just before I see her, I had a perfect cycle as in ovulation was clear, luteal phase was about 14 days and my BD timing was close to ovulation but I did not strike so she also seems puzzled.

Actually I used to believe firmly in TCM because I believe that it really tiao your body but now that I experienced it myself, it seems that it is more like supplementary. And I feel that the dates that she asked me to BD is not that useful, basically it is just alternate days and these kind of advice is something you can read off the net anyway. I think because I have been doing so much reading so already know more things thus don't feel that impressed with her lack of advices ba. Just my very very 2cents worth (No offence to anyone who has received great help from TSB :)).
haha. i also no announce in FB in the beginning. only when recently then i post afew pics of my maternity shots on my FB. hahaha. more towards ending stage. then my frens knw i preg. but since towards the end liao then i feel ok lar. share abit.
guess the next post i put on FB will be i give birth liao. hahahaha....
since fri my timeline is full of "fresh from the oven" photos. probably many ppl strike during the dec hols ^^;
since fri my timeline is full of "fresh from the oven" photos. probably many ppl strike during the dec hols ^^;

I strongly believe that sometimes pregnancy occurs in batches de. There are really certain months in one year where there will be more births! Maybe because the storks are working extra hard in certain months? LOL.
I know of quite a number of people who are due this Sep/Oct. ;)

Rainbow bb: exact same situation as u leh! I have stopped her medi for many weeks as I haven't recover fully (sore throat, fever, cough)
First 2 visits were with the interns n probably that's y she didn't realise the bb charts were wrong?

So what are you planning to do next?

for my 3rd visits I stopped her med completely.. I didn't take after 1 packet.. n its still lying around.. time to throw it away.. thou abit waste of money but then... did she prescribed you 2types of med..

I think u shd continue ur med after u r fully recover..
