2WW - for those TTC-ing

Ya dun worry @yoshi_trying My husband only comes home twice a month and for 2 days each time. Can de! jiayou!

thanks darbi, actually your lifestyle somewhat like mine so holding you as hope to this dark tunnel :(

I was kind of convinced we made it , just missed that CD13 BD :( BD 9,11,15 and 17 also no use. Hubby postponed his long trip so we can fit in my O period then now messed up. think he also sianz

thanks darbi, actually your lifestyle somewhat like mine so holding you as hope to this dark tunnel :(

I was kind of convinced we made it , just missed that CD13 BD :( BD 9,11,15 and 17 also no use. Hubby postponed his long trip so we can fit in my O period then now messed up. think he also sianz
i know how u feel yoshi... sometimes i just wish that if hubby wanna work ot wanna go anywhere oso nvm... jus leave the sperms to us... oh i think shld leave the whole bird n balls to us... cos jus e sperms , e sperms oso cannot survive.
thanks darbi, actually your lifestyle somewhat like mine so holding you as hope to this dark tunnel :(

I was kind of convinced we made it , just missed that CD13 BD :( BD 9,11,15 and 17 also no use. Hubby postponed his long trip so we can fit in my O period then now messed up. think he also sianz

I see. Don't sian don't sian. Take it that you are adjusting your body for a best environment for the baby... =)
i know how u feel yoshi... sometimes i just wish that if hubby wanna work ot wanna go anywhere oso nvm... jus leave the sperms to us... oh i think shld leave the whole bird n balls to us... cos jus e sperms , e sperms oso cannot survive.
LOLOL!!! I agree with you LOLOL!!

ya sometimes I wonder, how to take the sperm and keep in a jar or something then ownself inject lol
truthfully, I have not figured my actual O period. I tested with CB OPK for last cycle and it showed smiley on CD9 so quickly BD. but that is LH surge right not actual O?
actually , from my experience, those kit cannot be 100% trusted... sometimes just have to trust ourselves. check with ur CM, check with ur temp. The kit is only a rough guide. it is often positive when u are going to O. but that doesnt mean u will O or u will be O-ing soon.... we cannot cfm O thru that. so i oso argar agar one. usu my cb digital kit will start the smiley face first, then my cheap opk sticks will slowly get darker, nevertheless, i start to work hard durin tat period. sometimes i got an almost gg to positive LH surge then e next 2 days neg LH surge, then becomes positive LH surge again.
LOLOL!!! I agree with you LOLOL!!

ya sometimes I wonder, how to take the sperm and keep in a jar or something then ownself inject lol
oh better not anyhow inject to ur body. u wouldn't know if there are germs in sperms or not. pls don!! ltr infection , more problem arise. don follow whatever u read or saw ppl injecting sperms. who knows u arent e lucky one and u ruin ur own womb... o_O:rolleyes::eek:
actually , with my experience, those kit cannot be 100% trusted... sometimes just have to trust ourselves. check with ur CM, check with ur temp. The kit is only a rough guide. it is often positive when u are going to O. but that doesnt mean u will O or u will be O-ing soon.... we cannot cfm O thru that. so i oso argar agar one. usu my cb digital kit will start the smiley face first, then my cheap opk sticks will slowly get darker, nevertheless, i start to work hard durin tat period. sometimes i got an almost gg to positive LH surge then e next 2 days neg LH surge, then becomes positive LH surge again.

my CM went dry by CD12... for last cycle (also unusual). cham man, I am useless with the temp. i tried for the past 3 days. keep forgetting!!
oh better not anyhow inject to ur body. u wouldn't know if there are germs in sperms or not. pls don!! ltr infection , more problem arise. don follow whatever u read or saw ppl injecting sperms. who knows u arent e lucky one and u ruin ur own womb... o_O:rolleyes::eek:
LOL! no lah, hubby will kill me first if i do such a thing LOL!
my CM went dry by CD12... for last cycle (also unusual). cham man, I am useless with the temp. i tried for the past 3 days. keep forgetting!!
yoshi, if u really cannot take e temp, i urge u shld put it aside. don take. cos forgetting can add stress to u. as time goes by, u will feel drained n stressed. so no point ya... jus do anything u r comfortable with. those tat cannot do, dump it! YES! dump it!! i mean *keep* it out of sight. i have also learnt to not put in too much effort n end up adding more stress to myself.

i admit i was so impatient during the 1st yr of ttc. afterwhich, i try to see wat i can do. don push urself too hard. last time i use to set alarm, wake up at e SAME time to temp bbt... then aft i work out on - don want to temp anymore - , i feel better. but i told myself, seeing e pattern can make me understand more on my system, so i decided to temp again but this time, i will only temp when i wake up... so, during weekends when i will wake up late, i will temp as per normal, since i oso slp late during weekends. but good thing is , my temp wont fluctuate too much even if i woke up diff timing... so still ok la.
yoshi, what do u work as? or are a homemaker? sometimes job too stress oso sian to BD. sometimes is my hubby wants but i m too tired! then missed e O period. but i tell myself, i slp better la. anw will be mine it will be.
yoshi, what do u work as? or are a homemaker? sometimes job too stress oso sian to BD. sometimes is my hubby wants but i m too tired! then missed e O period. but i tell myself, i slp better la. anw will be mine it will be.

not homemaker and ya... my work tends to overwhelm me. both hubby and I are workaholics.... which we like doing.

you ttc for a year? hugs hugs. I dunno how much I can tahan. my 35 mark approaching , feels like some deadline
Maybe she sees tsb to tiao her body? Because she also passed mid 30s liao so she probably abit worried and went to seek some advices. If not, I don't think she will invite TSB to her wedding? Wow.. TSB good leh, earn a lot of celebrities' money!
wont be surprised if she saw TSB!
wont be surprised if she saw TSB!

At first see that she conceived naturally, I was thinking wow so fertile even after passed 35 yrs old.
Now that see TSB on her wedding photo, at least more logical.. as in TCM helped her abit...
LOL... TSB big business!
At first see that she conceived naturally, I was thinking wow so fertile even after passed 35 yrs old.
Now that see TSB on her wedding photo, at least more logical.. as in TCM helped her abit...
LOL... TSB big business!

has anyone tried TSB, like is she that effective?
has anyone tried TSB, like is she that effective?

I hv seen her for 3times (3mths)..
So far like that..normally she will ask those very random questions.. hows ur af? Hv clots? Pain? Slp well? Can poo? Suck out ur tongue... Etc etc..
Den listen to ur pulse but for my case listen le but wun tell u wats the condition..

I feel tcm needs time to tiao ba.. is up to each individual preferences which tcm u r comfortable with...
Hihi ladies, I am back from taking 2 months of metformin. Previously I was very upset to find a growing cyst in me. Doc gave 2 months of pills and I went for TCM acupuncture concurrently. Just went for my review, it is all gone now :) So I am back to ttc-ing because I have wasted enough time. Told Hub, we gonna start full gear again le! :))
am going to go mental. my menses is dwiddling down. using panty liner now (sorry tmi) so worried that there will be stale blood behind.
@ Bubbleblue.. I m also 33days cycle, O abt the same as urs... Some ladies jus O later than normal ladies..

My cycle also getting longer 29-30. I suspect I also O beyond 14-16 day maybe around 20-21. Dr Zou said I can rely on opk so I guess I shall use that to monitor.
Iwanbaby, u used what to track your O?
@yoshi_trying today first day? sometimes mine also 2nd/3rd day than full blast flow...

no wor, yesterday was the first day with dark red blood. Usually I get the red flow on the first day and 2nd day. Then end of 2nd day will have red still until 3rd day will be dark brown. Mine now already dark brown... like less than 2 days type of menses... pondering if I should see a gynae to check what is going on :(
I am trying for my 3rd baby too.. have a 6yo dd and 4yo ds.. sometimes feel scared to go for 1 more..but see newborn, 又想要有! Contradicting
Hi ladies, I am back again... Did FET 1.5 weeks ago and waiting for BT this Thursday. As the day draws closer, I am getting more anxious.

Anyone can tell me if it will affect the chance of getting pregnant if I just go about my life as normal? What if I get very upset and cry a lot? Will that affect the growth of the embryos?

As long as the crying is not cause by depression I think it should b alright. I on my 2ww now did my fet last sat I'm on day 4 today bt will be next fri 19sept. I do cry when I watch videos mayb becoz It's a very touching video- must b the hormones. Haha.
@darbi @yoshi_trying, you ladies are SuPER WOMEN!! **hugs hugs** since your hbs are out of town most of the time.
@yoshi_trying, mayb you should try consult TCM & tell her about your short menses & see what they recommend.
@oceandeep78 you may try temping 1st thing in ever morn. I missed my O last month somehow. I didnt realise until early this year when Prof Wong was scanning me on alternate days, he told me & I monitored thru BBT & OPK.
@adriana24 jiayou! Have plenty of rest. Do you mind if I ask you some questions on IVF? I will be 1st novice soon and hope to find advise from sistas like yourself here. PM you later....
My menses come on 9th aug last month and end around 12th. 15th come again for 1 day.

errr....i should take 9th as my CD1 hoh
@yoshi_trying, mayb you should try consult TCM & tell her about your short menses & see what they recommend.

quite tough to fit TCM into my schedule... think i prefer gynae first since i have endo before :(
i thought this is not common.. the bleeding thing? I tested yesterday BPN....

ya thinking to have a check up on this.

If u hv normal af days which full blood flow n this cycle is unusual i encourage u to see gynae. At least u will hv an assurance on whats is happenin to ur body.
Im sure u hv ntg wrong but a check is better. :)
If u hv normal af days which full blood flow n this cycle is unusual i encourage u to see gynae. At least u will hv an assurance on whats is happenin to ur body.
Im sure u hv ntg wrong but a check is better. :)

true also, need to find a gynae now.. i have been lazy and haven't been to one for ages
true also, need to find a gynae now.. i have been lazy and haven't been to one for ages

Dun worry..all will b fine for u.. update us after ur visit..
Perhaps u can find one near u if u wan an immediate results..

*waiting patiently af to report by this week... * so that can cheong for new cycle..
Bbt on high side but im nt goin to think of anything cos i noe the results will b bfn.
Dun worry..all will b fine for u.. update us after ur visit..
Perhaps u can find one near u if u wan an immediate results..

*waiting patiently af to report by this week... * so that can cheong for new cycle..
Bbt on high side but im nt goin to think of anything cos i noe the results will b bfn.

Ooo how long is your cycle? heheh BBT on the high side means *hops hops* hehehe
Ooo how long is your cycle? heheh BBT on the high side means *hops hops* hehehe

30-33 but last cycle came on cd34 n i tot i hv a little hope but nah.. af report once bbt dropped.. but this cycle im nt having high hopes becos nt hardworkin enuff....

Perhaps u hv hope cos ur af seems to be not e usual af u normally hving rite.
i also waiting for my AF.......sianz..
hate this kind of feeling like every little bit of feeling, you feel pregnant.
30-33 but last cycle came on cd34 n i tot i hv a little hope but nah.. af report once bbt dropped.. but this cycle im nt having high hopes becos nt hardworkin enuff....

Perhaps u hv hope cos ur af seems to be not e usual af u normally hving rite.

dare not have hope LOL to me Af means af.. just worried it could be due to cyst or dunno what :(

i also waiting for my AF.......sianz..
hate this kind of feeling like every little bit of feeling, you feel pregnant.

try not to think abt it... do things that keep your mind off from all those suspected BFP symptoms..

dare not have hope LOL to me Af means af.. just worried it could be due to cyst or dunno what :(

if that's the case the more you need to see ur gynae... hv u managed to find one?
so ur af has completely cleared today?
