2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hi! Happy new year to everyone! :)

For those who got the royal jelly from iherb, did you get the softgels or capsules? Got difference?

Having O these couple of days and BD-ed... starting the wait again!

ya. Everywhere is reminding me. Trying hard not to think of it. Pour my woes to my hb just now too.

A reminder to myself, that i need to leave it to fate. Not going to do any more checks, just take TCM as supplements. Be mentally prepared if really no children it is not end of the world. Life goes on. Be truly happy for those that have successful pregnancy and ignore those who constantly tell me to get bb. Love myself and people who i love.
i understand ur feeling. when ur close fren get preg but nt u. I also go thru the same.
but have to kan kai. recently they keep wan to have gathering, bring kids along. then i also give it a miss.
dun knw wat to say when c them. haiz. but without kids i still ok. becoz sometimes when u c ppl with kids n keep toking abt kids tings will sure b sad. but look at the bright side. u will have ur kid eventually.

my ex boss also keep telling me to do watever i can to have baby. even ask me go do IVF. n my ex boss is a guy hor. he told me some of our big boss also go thru IVF then have kids. all are ang mo. Give me a shock...

ya. tats y alot ppl buy fr there. but best is u have tings to buy fr there. so the shipping cost will be low. if nt too ex then not worth it. especially now RMB is quite strong.

Me too my friends only want to meet when bring kids.
Stoney, Emily and Booy, thanks for sharing. Everybody faces different challenges in life. Agreed that we shld count our blessings and be positive.
Morning Ladies. Happy CNY.

No mood to work today. I think i have been rather stress over this after taking TCM and my father and mil asking for bb during CNY. Got another setback after hearing a close friend got pregnant. I feel like i am faking my smile and happiness when she told me. Feel so bad but i cant help it. Finally, this morning my fil told me dont be too stress abt it. I almost break down in front of him. I cannot continue this way. :(
I know how you feel... *hugs*

A good friend was also preg recently and I cried after she shared her good news thru Whatsapp... I was only able to say Congrats and nothing more. Feel happy for her but can't stop the sour sour bitter bitter feeling in my heart.
Hi every body I'm new here
Currently on 4th day if Puregon jab; doing IUI this month
Glad to join this forum !
I hv a bb gurl 2.5 yrs conceived through IUI after several failed ivf and iui and a miscarriage
I am now trying for second child
its nice to see and hear the little heartbeat of the beanie !

haha u mean i appear liao !
hiyah but busy in and out for the past few days, so no time to really login and read !
dont like tt la, miss me huh ?
started work officially today, still in holiday mood lor !
how abt yourself ?
this mth didnt manage to track O period, so just do and whack, dont think got chance la !

Re : Royal jelly
the one that i have showed u girls are the softgel type ! so quite easy to take, i am taking 2 pills per day in the morning.

hugz hugz to all TTC mates here !
well .. we know that we have try and done our best, what we could do is to believe that one day it will happen to us, with positive BFP, so dont feel despair or sad. and in lives, there are many other priorities that we could also look forward to, although we do feel sad at times, there are other things tt make us happy too ........ like eating our fav food, shopping, or meetin up with friends !
try to divert our attention, and we will be feeling much better.
me ar. ytd start work lo.... but no mood. til now. lol....
shld b Oing soon. ytd start engine le. hahaha.... muz jia you abit... but this mth so many events...
wif my co. d&d ard the corner. abit sianz if cannot drink tat day. whahaha....

oh. urs is soft gel. i saw jumbo girl recommend tat one. also can b found in iherb. tat one look like capsules type.
still tinking which to get. hahahaa. i goin to c my hb Q10 finishing or nt. then mayb can buy fr herb. tat time buy fr my sinseh there is $60. iherb looks cheaper. not sure got the same brand or nt....
me ar. ytd start work lo.... but no mood. til now. lol....
shld b Oing soon. ytd start engine le. hahaha.... muz jia you abit... but this mth so many events...
wif my co. d&d ard the corner. abit sianz if cannot drink tat day. whahaha....

oh. urs is soft gel. i saw jumbo girl recommend tat one. also can b found in iherb. tat one look like capsules type.
still tinking which to get. hahahaa. i goin to c my hb Q10 finishing or nt. then mayb can buy fr herb. tat time buy fr my sinseh there is $60. iherb looks cheaper. not sure got the same brand or nt....

ditto on DnD!! I recently went for one... and i didn't drink (just didn't feel like it that day)... and someone came along and said "hey! rumors are going around that you're not drinking because you're preggie!" whoaaaa if only tt was true :p
ditto on DnD!! I recently went for one... and i didn't drink (just didn't feel like it that day)... and someone came along and said "hey! rumors are going around that you're not drinking because you're preggie!" whoaaaa if only tt was true :p

hahaha.... but true lar. if i dun drink sure alot ppl will start asking whether is it i preg...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
so most likely i will still drink lor. wif all my drinking colleagues ard, super difficult tat i dun drink. lol...
unless is really preg.....
Hahaha I always face that problem during such events. Cox in such a drinker. So no matter what just act act a bit. Or say taking antibiotics cannot drink.

Jia you ladies. Today not feeling well told me dad not going back to office. Been having short of breath for 1week plus. Today see dr. She says maybe I was rushing to cleaR work before cny. So the anxiety has caused me to be short of breath.

I no mood to work becox my hubby is on. One weeks leave. Hahah when he is on leave I also feel like going on leave. So just lazy. Keke
u better take care ar. with gd health then can have healthy bb. keke...
wow. ur hb so nice. take 1 wk leave.
anyway this wk work is so boring. office so quiet. lucky can listen to music. if nt i sure bored to death....
I'm also feeling very sleepy.. Don't have much productivity these 2 days.. I wish I'm on leave..

Hi every body I'm new here
Currently on 4th day if Puregon jab; doing IUI this month
Glad to join this forum !
I hv a bb gurl 2.5 yrs conceived through IUI after several failed ivf and iui and a miscarriage
I am now trying for second child
Hi Sonia.. Hopefully your second child will be a smooth one..
Hahaha I always face that problem during such events. Cox in such a drinker. So no matter what just act act a bit. Or say taking antibiotics cannot drink.

Jia you ladies. Today not feeling well told me dad not going back to office. Been having short of breath for 1week plus. Today see dr. She says maybe I was rushing to cleaR work before cny. So the anxiety has caused me to be short of breath.

I no mood to work becox my hubby is on. One weeks leave. Hahah when he is on leave I also feel like going on leave. So just lazy. Keke

haha just take a glass and sip sip lor... little bit no harm... and as long as you're holding onto a glass of alcohol in your hands, noone will really care if you're really drinking it or not lor... :)

hopeful-mum, take care of your body!! good to take leave together... keep each other company :)
u better take care ar. with gd health then can have healthy bb. keke...
wow. ur hb so nice. take 1 wk leave.
anyway this wk work is so boring. office so quiet. lucky can listen to music. if nt i sure bored to death....

yar! so many pple take leave. yesterday even more. but i happy coz i take train... whoa... noone to fight with me to get on to the train!! :D if only singapore trains everyday also liddat....
I'm also feeling very sleepy.. Don't have much productivity these 2 days.. I wish I'm on leave..

isn't it good? go to work but no need to work? paid to do nothing during holiday period... :p
i'm here drowning in work... :( but at least feeling productive :)
isn't it good? go to work but no need to work? paid to do nothing during holiday period... :p
i'm here drowning in work... :( but at least feeling productive :)
My work is seasonal.. When its busy, it's real busy.. Now quite slack.. But hard to pass time..
yar! so many pple take leave. yesterday even more. but i happy coz i take train... whoa... noone to fight with me to get on to the train!! :D if only singapore trains everyday also liddat....
hahaha... i dun take train to work. so not much issue. but ytd the traffic is indeed better alot. can reach my destination earlier.
but guess today no chance liao. sch starts.....
Because last year tried iui ( was on clomid and Puregon )wif frozen sperm did nt work
Now trying again but only on Puregon higher dose option to use fresh or frozen sperm whichever better
oic. use frozen sperm... gd ma? or choose the better ones to be freeze?
wat is the difference better using frozen n fresh?
oic. use frozen sperm... gd ma? or choose the better ones to be freeze?
wat is the difference better using frozen n fresh?
My hb has psoriatic arthritis and he is on meds tat reduce sperm count doc asked to stop this med which is sulphazalamine and after 6 months the sperm count increased we conceived our bb gurl wif fresh sperms thru iui and froze some ; now he is back on the meds so in my case frozen sperm is better
My hb has psoriatic arthritis and he is on meds tat reduce sperm count doc asked to stop this med which is sulphazalamine and after 6 months the sperm count increased we conceived our bb gurl wif fresh sperms thru iui and froze some ; now he is back on the meds so in my case frozen sperm is better
oic... so unless he temporary stop the med. if not will have to use frozen sperms. ic ic
no wonder u say hope not so high. but look at brighter side. mayb his frozen sperms is gd...
u never knws....
I am 7 years away. Hahahaha. My fren could be right, she encouraged me to try and dun give up try till menopause. Faints
Ya I wanted to post and share this too!! Hahaha all of us got hope!! Think she try very long also. I rem she said she wanna try baby once married.

yar i also remember she declared when she got married that they definitely want to have kids immed... but wait until now then tio... not easy lah... but at least finally successful!!! :D must be a very pretty baby... :D
yar i also remember she declared when she got married that they definitely want to have kids immed... but wait until now then tio... not easy lah... but at least finally successful!!! :D must be a very pretty baby... :D
Yeah. So keep moving and I believed we will get there one day. Such a morals booster. I guessed she probably tried all methods. Natural IUI and maybe ivf. Which method doesn't matter. End result is the more impt one having a BFP and a baby!
Ya I wanted to post and share this too!! Hahaha all of us got hope!! Think she try very long also. I rem she said she wanna try baby once married.

Wow! Hearing this gives me a ray of hope and the courage and perseverance to keep trying :) ya, we should all continue to keep trying and one day, we will get our precious BFP ! :) keep believing and keep trying :)
Yeah. So keep moving and I believed we will get there one day. Such a morals booster. I guessed she probably tried all methods. Natural IUI and maybe ivf. Which method doesn't matter. End result is the more impt one having a BFP and a baby!
yar i wonder if she'll reveal if it was naturally conceived or what....
hahaha... tis one will have to wait for her to tell the media. hahaha...
also gd to hear she preg. telling us we all have hope!!!!

hehe.. juz place order on iherb for Q10 n royal jelly. paid $4 for shipment by singpost.
but overall still find it cheap. lol... let me try out gd or nt. gd then will buy somemore. hahahaha....
Do you all think will she be seeing the same gyne as zoe?
Wah which Gynae are they seeing? Hahaha but a feeling tells me she also probably tried tcm like many of us. And prob ivf? Cox she got married many years back Liao. I was just telling my hub that day during cny I wonder when fann will get preggie.
Yeah last night mid night u tested was negative but abt to o. I just tested again and it's positive opk. Keke

Last night I seduced him but want to time alternate day so nvr bd. Tonight I shall try to bd.
If tonight is successful I will have bd cd 13, cd 16 and cd 18. Hopefully cd 19 and 20 too. Hahaha but a bit tough.
angel mommy,
i can feel what u went through, when ur boy asked for a sibling, i faced the same situation before.

maybe i am a notti girl, i dont obey or care one, i just eat and drink whatever i want, when TTC, its only if i am found preggie, then i will control, if not i will always feel like so sad, control but didnt strike, so angry .... hahaha

sonia 78,
jia you ! and indeed frozen sperms are also good ones !
hope to hear good news from u soon !

haha yeah, news abt Fann Wong is all over the place, and think she just passed her 1st trim tt why making official announcement.
yay, we still have chance and hope
hahaha... tis one will have to wait for her to tell the media. hahaha...
also gd to hear she preg. telling us we all have hope!!!!

hehe.. juz place order on iherb for Q10 n royal jelly. paid $4 for shipment by singpost.
but overall still find it cheap. lol... let me try out gd or nt. gd then will buy somemore. hahahaha....
Hi stoneystoney q10 and royal jelly for wat?
hahaha... tis one will have to wait for her to tell the media. hahaha...
also gd to hear she preg. telling us we all have hope!!!!

hehe.. juz place order on iherb for Q10 n royal jelly. paid $4 for shipment by singpost.
but overall still find it cheap. lol... let me try out gd or nt. gd then will buy somemore. hahahaha....
Great!:) u bought the soft gel type or the capsule type?:) I am still stuck with the one I bought at nature farm.. Gotta finish that first but I already decided that I'll buy from iherb once I finish that bottle... Heheh..
Yeah last night mid night u tested was negative but abt to o. I just tested again and it's positive opk. Keke

Last night I seduced him but want to time alternate day so nvr bd. Tonight I shall try to bd.
If tonight is successful I will have bd cd 13, cd 16 and cd 18. Hopefully cd 19 and 20 too. Hahaha but a bit tough.

Wow! Great! So you didn't miss your O after all!:) work hard and hope you strike!! :)
angel mommy,
i can feel what u went through, when ur boy asked for a sibling, i faced the same situation before.

maybe i am a notti girl, i dont obey or care one, i just eat and drink whatever i want, when TTC, its only if i am found preggie, then i will control, if not i will always feel like so sad, control but didnt strike, so angry .... hahaha

sonia 78,
jia you ! and indeed frozen sperms are also good ones !
hope to hear good news from u soon !

haha yeah, news abt Fann Wong is all over the place, and think she just passed her 1st trim tt why making official announcement.
yay, we still have chance and hope
Pooh I also feel the same. I don't dare to make travel plans last time don't dare to continue yoga don't dare to drink etc. then disappointment. So now I also like u eat, but drink less. Restarted my work out regime. And I feel better now. Of cox I will stop cycling once BFP. A bit dangerous mah. Haha
Wow! Great! So you didn't miss your O after all!:) work hard and hope you strike!! :)
Thanks. Working hard tonight to deduce him after he comes back from mj.


Emily - one was taken yesterday when abt to O. Then the darker one was taken just now. Honestly this is one if few rare times I got such dark coloured test line vs the control line. It has to be like this to be positive. Or at least same colour

Just sample to show u so that won't be confused when u all test. Hope u don't mind I so kpo
Thanks. Working hard tonight to deduce him after he comes back from mj.

View attachment 200787

Emily - one was taken yesterday when abt to O. Then the darker one was taken just now. Honestly this is one if few rare times I got such dark coloured test line vs the control line. It has to be like this to be positive. Or at least same colour

Just sample to show u so that won't be confused when u all test. Hope u don't mind I so kpo

Thanks for sharing with us:) it looks very positive!:) Jia you!!! :) :)
Pooh I also feel the same. I don't dare to make travel plans last time don't dare to continue yoga don't dare to drink etc. then disappointment. So now I also like u eat, but drink less. Restarted my work out regime. And I feel better now. Of cox I will stop cycling once BFP. A bit dangerous mah. Haha

Pooh and hopeful mom, me too.. When I start to TTC, always don't dare to eat those food that preggie ladies are not supposed to eat, don't dare to make travel plans etc etc... But this time, I also more relaxed liao but still careful... Cos I rem the last few times I avoid eating my spicy clams, sashimi etc.. Then AF came!! Sian to the max! This march and June my hubby suggests to make another two more travel plans... I also agree to go ahead liao.. Can't postpone and postpone and yet every month AF keep knocking at my door uninvitingly mah.. Like that I don't need to go for holiday liao .. Heheheh..
Thanks. Working hard tonight to deduce him after he comes back from mj.

View attachment 200787

Emily - one was taken yesterday when abt to O. Then the darker one was taken just now. Honestly this is one if few rare times I got such dark coloured test line vs the control line. It has to be like this to be positive. Or at least same colour

Just sample to show u so that won't be confused when u all test. Hope u don't mind I so kpo
Hopeful mom, so does your fertility monitor also shows peak fertility today?:)
Hopeful mom, so does your fertility monitor also shows peak fertility today?:)
Hahaha I haven't tested on that yet. Cox will only start using it again if af knocks on my door this cycle and next cycle. Taking a chance to save on the monitor sticks since supposed not to try but I noti mah. Ahhaha
Pooh and hopeful mom, me too.. When I start to TTC, always don't dare to eat those food that preggie ladies are not supposed to eat, don't dare to make travel plans etc etc... But this time, I also more relaxed liao but still careful... Cos I rem the last few times I avoid eating my spicy clams, sashimi etc.. Then AF came!! Sian to the max! This march and June my hubby suggests to make another two more travel plans... I also agree to go ahead liao.. Can't postpone and postpone and yet every month AF keep knocking at my door uninvitingly mah.. Like that I don't need to go for holiday liao .. Heheheh..
Ya Loh I really very long nvr go for holiday. Except to go to my FIL hometown in msia and KL for wedding dinner. And 2 weeks later to attend my bro in law china wedding celebration.

Maybe I shd plan for a short bbk trip soon in June during my bday.
Hahaha I haven't tested on that yet. Cox will only start using it again if af knocks on my door this cycle and next cycle. Taking a chance to save on the monitor sticks since supposed not to try but I noti mah. Ahhaha
Hahah.. I see:) but I think the OPK also very accurate :) so make sure you take a nice shower and make yourself smell nice nice and wait for your hubby's return tonight;) Heheheh ... good luck !! :)

Ya Loh I really very long nvr go for holiday. Except to go to my FIL hometown in msia and KL for wedding dinner. And 2 weeks later to attend my bro in law china wedding celebration.

Maybe I shd plan for a short bbk trip soon in June during my bday.
Yes you should:) till we all BFP, life should still jus go on:) :)
