2WW - for those TTC-ing


maybe the red eggs u collected brought u baby luck this time...
ya maybe. I'm going back to pray this weekend, to hope for better results next tues. anyhow i did promise to go back and pray once i get pregnant. though now not sure yet whether success or not, i think i shd just go :)

Pooh, great, get the surgery done next week and you'll on on your TTC journey again:) is it laparoscopy too? Or something even simpler than laparoscopy ? Day surgery?:)

just like to know do u feel any pain aft u wake up frm ur lap op? do u need to go back to remove stitches? I seem to think lap is painful n I m so scared if one day I need lap n I dare not do it coz it sound kindda invasive
sloshy, if need to do hor, all surgeries for uterus is quite invasive one. but lap is better as healing is faster and in a way less invasive. so better than those like c-sect cut of surgery. plus only experienced doctors will do lap. i did it twice liao not a good thing also, going into op room is not fun.

but u don't worry so much!! i hope u don't have to go through any of this. go see gynae first. don't worry. hugs!
Sloshy soupy, hahah.. Going into op room is no fun.. But for my case I don't have a choice since I have a clear cyst that is growing slowly.. And two blood cysts too. GA effect after you wake up will take about 24hours to wear off.. First few days have to take painkiller to cope with pain.. But as I delivered my boy through emergency c-sec , the pain for lap is definitely much more manageable than c-sec. Healing is faster and less invasive compared to c-sec.. Don't worry, if u need to see a gyne, do so. Gyne can advise u and see wat u need. Perhaps you don't even need any surgery.. That is the best:) don't worry:)
wat weird feeling? swollen breast? backache? late af? hopw its good news on ur side and hopeful_mom too...

pardon my kpo, but just very blur bou the blood test u doing... wat is that about? u did so-iui is it?

I doing blood test for pregnancy. this is so call accurate lar. yup. i did SO-IUI.

ya, so excited. tomolo like getting test result.
hahaha.... can't wait....
I doing blood test for pregnancy. this is so call accurate lar. yup. i did SO-IUI.

ya, so excited. tomolo like getting test result.
hahaha.... can't wait....

Good luck Stoney! Ya blood test is the most accurate Liao. Hope u get good results :) finally tww over for u liao. Lol if I waited with u I probably won't be so troubled. Last night I took another test and the line is faint but more obvious Liao. So at least don't need to keep guessing.

I'm at tcm now she says my pulse abit unstable and weak. Hoping for good news. Give me some meds and hope can help stabilise.

Fingers crossed!!!
Hi all...

did post in here sometime back but somehow forgot my nick and pw after changing..

saw a lot unfamiliar nicks..
been reading all the posts but am bz with work so didn't post any up..

still ttc-ing but recently a lot of problems happened.. so hv not been diligently ttc.. hopefully this mth will be a better mth..

Good luck Stoney.. u will get ur BFP tomorrow. in the meanwhile relax, rest more..
Hopeful mum: u too... rest as much s you can.. relax ur mind.. do something u like in order not to let u think too much..
angle: im sure you will hv ur rainbow bb in ur arms very soon! :)

btw, may I know where is the TPY temple located at? Am not very familiar with the place.
thanks. tis 2ww is really really long...hahaha.
finally over....
But on gd side is u tested early n doc can give u med to help on ur preg. also gd lar.
gd to knw its more obvious. meantime u juz rest well...

U also jia you ar....

thanks. now really need alot of lucks... kekeke...
juz hope tomolo can get a big big present tat i waiting for. hahaha...
you are most welcome..

forum is a platform to let us encourage each others! which we hardly will tell any close frens of us what are our problems!
so forum is the very good place for us to share, rant!!

hopefully to receive ur good news and bb dusts tmr wor!!! in less than 24hrs more for u!!
so exciting for u!!
but rem to hv a good slp tonite wor! :)
hahaha. dun knw tonite will be overexcited n not able to slp??
but then tink will be able to slp as i been tired.....

ya. hope i can share gd news. hahaha...
let wait.... hahaha... 24hrs to go.... woooooo....
u hv to slp... :)
now what u need is to rest more..

yeah yeah!!! woohooo...
I shall get few boxes to standby and collecting ur BB DUSTS!!!!

what time is ur BT tomorrow?
just heard that my cousin given birth last nite to her #3..

shall find an excuse to avoid bb shower next mth le.. those ppl mouth tot use mouth say easy.. but dunno the tough times we are gg through.. they always tot mking bb like changing clothes so that easy....
sure will a lot of relatives ask, askin and asking.. hate this gathering..

perhaps shall find another excuse to skip next yr CNY visiting again liao (Skipped this yr)
hahaha. i will slp lar. becoz by nite time i feel slpy n tired. hahaha.
been yawning for days. no matter i slp alot or nt. lol...

BT is early morning 8am. as they need to send to lab.
so tink result will be out only late morning....

hahahaha. guess we are both very excited. hahaha...
lets keep our fingers crossed....
some frens who knw also excited for me. machiam they getting preg also. lol.
so funny....
but gd to know that there is ppl who are very concern abt us....
2WW just started.. Hopefully will have good news. This time round my HB very enthu. hahaha.
wahaha that is the first step to good news for Hubby to be excited!
jia you and good luck! they say et brazilian nuts good for implantation. i didnt take lah, last time i believed in pineapple. this cycle i didnt take coz the tcm says dont take fruits.
kekeke..... thanks... lets hope for the best.

y cannot take fruits??

today super no mood to work. hw i wish can go hm slp thru the day....
Hopeful_mum : Thanks~ how abt durian?? is suppose to be heaty.

I think i will try stop black coffee totally and switch to green tea liao. 1 cup a day. Further reduce my caffeine intake. Read that caffeine reduce the chance of implantation.
Hopeful_mum : Thanks~ how abt durian?? is suppose to be heaty.

I think i will try stop black coffee totally and switch to green tea liao. 1 cup a day. Further reduce my caffeine intake. Read that caffeine reduce the chance of implantation.
i dont dare to tell tcm abt me drinking coffee. lol i only drink one cup a day with milk and honey. nespresso. i googled, one cup of nespresso max is 90mg (cant rem the unit, LOL) so we cant take more than i think 200 a day.

i hardly drink colas or eat chocs. so i assumed its okay to drink. its just one cup a day. if next week, my blood test progress well, and get to meet gynae, i will ask gynae. meanwhile, erm i just do it ;P
oh. is it? i dun knw fruits are cooling. lol
still tinking eat more fruits. hahaha...

ya. if c gynae check wat can eat wat cannot...
at meantime 1 cup per day shld b ok....
oh. is it? i dun knw fruits are cooling. lol
still tinking eat more fruits. hahaha...

ya. if c gynae check wat can eat wat cannot...
at meantime 1 cup per day shld b ok....
lol ya lah i will suffer a lot without coffee. of coz if gynae says NO i will stop. do anything for that little bud.
Good luck Stoney! Ya blood test is the most accurate Liao. Hope u get good results :) finally tww over for u liao. Lol if I waited with u I probably won't be so troubled. Last night I took another test and the line is faint but more obvious Liao. So at least don't need to keep guessing.

I'm at tcm now she says my pulse abit unstable and weak. Hoping for good news. Give me some meds and hope can help stabilise.

Fingers crossed!!!
Hopeful_mum, that's very good news - @ least the line is more obvious now!
ladies I'm back from shopping.
MIN81 - congrats on ur baby!!! i went to collect red eggs on 30th NOv in my two week there.
Thanks Jasumine for being so thoughtful.

rac - i want to catch some of the baby dust!!! hopefully next week is a good week for me :) my hopes are slightly getting higher which is scary. but what will be will be.

pooh, don't worry u will be fine. once recover can jia you already.
I'm sure it will be a good week for u!
oh. is it? i dun knw fruits are cooling. lol
still tinking eat more fruits. hahaha...

ya. if c gynae check wat can eat wat cannot...
at meantime 1 cup per day shld b ok....
I eat a lot of fruits especially after testing positive cos I'm always hungry. I think try to avoid fruits like watermelon & pineapple. But fruits like kiwi, apple & pear are fine.

As for coffee, my Gynae say one cup a day is fine but I'll just take 2-3 sips & pass the rest to my hubby. I still feel that better to avoid then to regret.
wow so many posts! I missu all! bz with work lately, but have been dilligently BD this week:)

hopeful mum, Congrats! baby bells ringing for u soon! so excited for u.

our dept just had an appreciation lunch and i won a prize. so Happy! I hope i can be lucky towards my 2WW!;)
oh yes, dr su(tcm) also told me dun take fruits, say its cooling...dunno why....thought fruits are healthy for us??
stoney, congrats to you too! December is indeed a good month for joy happiness and lotsa good news for all the ladies here;)
wow so many posts! I missu all! bz with work lately, but have been dilligently BD this week:)

hopeful mum, Congrats! baby bells ringing for u soon! so excited for u.

our dept just had an appreciation lunch and i won a prize. so Happy! I hope i can be lucky towards my 2WW!;)
Thanks wivi. Haven't confirm yet. I'm
Hoping it is baby bells ringing. Now I'm paranoid like some idiots and like a freak. Really scared. lol cox I want this so much yet must prepare for the worst.

Wah so lucky. Sounds like a lucky mth for u too!!! Jia you!
Too early to wish me liao.
hahaha. haven get the positive ans.... hahaha....
still need to wait til tomolo then knw the result....
just heard that my cousin given birth last nite to her #3..

shall find an excuse to avoid bb shower next mth le.. those ppl mouth tot use mouth say easy.. but dunno the tough times we are gg through.. they always tot mking bb like changing clothes so that easy....
sure will a lot of relatives ask, askin and asking.. hate this gathering..

perhaps shall find another excuse to skip next yr CNY visiting again liao (Skipped this yr)

Rainbowbb, if you think many kaypoh pp will ask and ask about getting preggie , then just get your mum to help give an angpow will do bah.. Heheh .. Sometimes I also just do that if i know relatives will ask.. Some of my aunties jus love to compare.. Dunno why it brings them joy to compare and ask and ask non-stop.. This year CNY I'm also quite sian just to think about those aunties again .. Sure will ask cos quite a few of my cousins have given birth this year.. Happy for their new bundle of ioy but ...Sigh.. :(
Hopeful mum, is the tcm referring to those cooling fruit like water melon? I avoid pineapple when I was preggie last time. But strangely during my first pregnancy I crave so much for fruit.. I ate a lot of fruit and gyne also told me good to eat more fruit but not durians cos of its high sugar and when women are preggie, some are prone to get pregnancy diabetes (something like that but only during pregnancy.. I forgot the actual term).. I think my appetite was very good starting 2nd trimester.. Eat a lot of food in general until gyne had to ask me to cut down on my diet else baby will be too big and can't come out by natural delivery.. So I cut down on my diet but still eat healthily and fruit too;) throughout my pregnancy I didn't fall sick at all (surprisingly but thankfully!) and my baby was 3.3 kg at birth which is good for natural delivery but too bad , cervix couldn't dilate to 10cm hence have to go for c-sec.

I have another fren who is the complete opposite.. By 33 weeks baby still too small.. Her mum asked her to eat durian ..I don't know if it is durians or wat, baby's weight was 2.6 kg at birth.. Before eating durians, was much lesser but it is not good to stuff ourselves with durians cos of high sugars.

Eat everything in moderation is the key :) but those food that are obviously not for pregnancy , cut down too:) I read that if can, cut away tea , coffee and chocolates.. I can do without coffee and tea but I love chocolates! :)
Rainbowbb, if you think many kaypoh pp will ask and ask about getting preggie , then just get your mum to help give an angpow will do bah.. Heheh .. Sometimes I also just do that if i know relatives will ask.. Some of my aunties jus love to compare.. Dunno why it brings them joy to compare and ask and ask non-stop.. This year CNY I'm also quite sian just to think about those aunties again .. Sure will ask cos quite a few of my cousins have given birth this year.. Happy for their new bundle of ioy but ...Sigh.. :(

yup.. that's wat im goin to do! keke.. my mum ide will not ask in front of me but perhaps behind my back which I dun like.. but hub side v straight forward esp to one unmarried aunt... super kaypo max!! if if if she reaches my max limit perhaps I will talk back u wan den y dun u go give birth? wahaha.. im sure she will faintz!
haix. imagine next cny is abt 1 mth+ away from now.. how I wish can go for a short getaway to avoid all these sensitive remarks. sigh :(
half of the black fri gone!
cant wait to knock off! shall start bd sessions soon! af clearing..

hopefully we will get hv a rainbow horse bb for all of us here!!
yup.. that's wat im goin to do! keke.. my mum ide will not ask in front of me but perhaps behind my back which I dun like.. but hub side v straight forward esp to one unmarried aunt... super kaypo max!! if if if she reaches my max limit perhaps I will talk back u wan den y dun u go give birth? wahaha.. im sure she will faintz!
haix. imagine next cny is abt 1 mth+ away from now.. how I wish can go for a short getaway to avoid all these sensitive remarks. sigh :(

Rainbowbb, hahah.. Ya, I think we ladies here all encountered those kaypoh aunties.. And their insensitive remarks. Sometimes I jus didnt reply them , jus gave a very forceful smile and hope they got the message! Heheh ..

Yep, plan a short getaway will be nice ! If your parents do not mind.. My fren's parents are very strict , don't allow anyone to skip visitation .. Very siong!! My parents will ask , so I know she hope i don't skip the visitation .. Sometimes really no bian .. Sigh..jus have to hang in there.. Unless I miraculously fall preggie this month which is like so difficult cos I jus had my laparoscopy .. Sian .. Must stay zen ..
I understand u. sometimes my relatives also will ask. but then most of the time under ignore mode.
anyway if tomolo is positive, I also dun intend to tell them yet as not yet 3 mths.
hahaha... but was tinking if tell my mum, she sure go spread. lol.... then shld i even tell my mum? lol...

m i tinking too much??? hahaha. haven even go confirm n i tinking til so much liao.....
Heheh.. Stoney, for those kaypoh aunties , confirm don't tell them before 3 months .. Next year CNY bring your bb to collect red packets from them will be very nice!:) burn a hole in their pockets to compensate for all those insensitive remarks given .. Heheh
angel_mommy: hehehe.. yeah.. we ladies here went through a lot of remarks... mayb ignore is the best option for all of us here.. or maybe I will go awhile den leave the place.. the impt factor to go just only show face to the elderly. abit hard to getaway cos I will be gg overseas this mth end.. cant wait for the day but it will be in my 2ww week le.. so everything hv to be careful esp in eating.. for ur case, I suggest u tiao your body for at least 3-6mths den u start to try, this is my own preference. :) dun tk it too heart if I said anything wrong here.. :)

stoney: if I were u, I wun tell anyone yet that's include my own family. only will let my hub know, that's it.. I dunno y just dun wan ppl to know cos I can be quite pantang but its still up to each individuals and preference.. just like one of my fren, she posted the moment she tested +ve.
hahaha. yaya... tat will be nice. lol. i like it.

hahaha. i still considering. but for sure i will tell my sis n SIL. they know i doing IUI.
but as for the parents, maybe wait for 2mths first ba.
But still tinking whether to tell my MIL. so she can cook nice food for me when i go bk. hahahaha....
i prefer more stable then i say. dun wan to let them have hopes then crush it....
stoney: oso can.. as long as u r comfortable... dun worry abt these.. im sure all will be well for u..
hehehe.. mayb ur MIL will cook for u daily when she heard abt ur BFP.. ya agree, stable stable le den let them know.

u noe hor I hv ever think of when I wan to deliver on that day den inform my in laws...
