2WW - for those TTC-ing

Stoney : ya lor.. cos after Adde tested BFP.. i reli feel kan geong for u too. I think Labbittree also same same as u right?? i hope both of u can move to the MTB thread, BFP BFP BFP!!!!!!

thanks. hahaha... but i dun pin very high hopes although is i wish. haha..
dun feel anything different at the moment. so can only wait for the tine to come.
So excited for those who are going to test! It is a very amazing feeling to want to test and yet afraid to...i wish u all the best ya stoney!! BFP BFP... Two lines, two lines....

I am still going to buy my digital test kit and test again tomorrow morning.. expensive!! but must buy to convince myself n my hb..

Blur04, my last af is 24 July leh..
Adde : Ya lo.. the excitement i can understand... like in a rollercoaster.. aiyooo.. yeah... buy those that willl show u the no of weeks de. heheeee.. since u are aready buying ex one, so buy the one showing the no of weeks de.. more shiok feeling..
oh i see i see.. but my edd shld be near u too, though my last AF is 3jul. cos i guess i got late ovulation.. or else by right using online calculator my 6weeks shld be last week de..
Stoney: yea.. hate the 2ww feeling.

My AF is suppose to come on 29th. I’ve been feeling crampy since 5 days ago. Which is unusual cos my cramps usually come on AF day or 1 day earlier. But then again, ever since I’m ttc, I’ve been experiencing different symptoms which I usually dun have before. Each time I tot this cycle might get BFP but I always get disappointed. Sigh why must the pregnancy symptoms and pms symptoms be so similar… make me so confuse.
Stoney: yea.. hate the 2ww feeling.

My AF is suppose to come on 29th. I’ve been feeling crampy since 5 days ago. Which is unusual cos my cramps usually come on AF day or 1 day earlier. But then again, ever since I’m ttc, I’ve been experiencing different symptoms which I usually dun have before. Each time I tot this cycle might get BFP but I always get disappointed. Sigh why must the pregnancy symptoms and pms symptoms be so similar… make me so confuse.

I can understand how u feel. Cos i "kanna" a few times liao.. My PMS also vv similar to preggie symptoms, like super hungry, high sensitivity to smell n even nauseous lo, i find it amazing too. and many times im tricked by it.. so i decide not to look too much into symptoms.. I think is our mindset power which "created" all these symptoms... cos wanna to get preggie mah..
jiayou ok.. im spreading bb dusts again!!!!!!
*baby dustssssss*
*baby dustsssssss*
yes yes very similar but I felt something different this month which is the intense bodyache I suddenly had two weeks ago..I had to lie in bed and zz..second thing is I used to eat sardine from the veg stall for lunch every Monday (coz the auntie wil specially cook) but two weeks ago, I see sardine I want to vomit... and the only food I can eat is tom yam soup.. been thirsty also..

I have no sore boobs, no implantation bleeding..maybe mine is implantation bodyache...haa...
hhahaha. common lar. everyone dun like 2ww....
waiting is torturing. anyway juz tink less of it. now i juz try to catch my shows. so will not tink so much.
GS84 : Hmm... eh... i got white discharge lorrr. think is quite common during pregnancy.. nowadays i seem to have more.. so i wear pantyliner..

Stoney : yaya is good to have something to distract you..so u wont think too much.. But u dont catch show until u forget to test worrrr.. heheee..
hahaha.... u went to buy le ar.
i still no need to buy. hm got cheapo de. then still got 1 more CB. but not digital type lar.

so wait til the time i need ba......
you know ladies, i also very gan chiong coz I went to buy these guardian in-house brand ones and took a test this morning (just to make sure the beannie is fine and hcg is not dropping), then came back negative leh! I panicked the whole morning til just now I go buy another Watsons' brand n test and it is positive...wa piang...

stoney: actually I tested positive on a cheapo from qoo10 lo..cheap doesnt mean no good..it is really abt the hcg they can pick up...
adde, meanwhile u got eat folic acid?

Maybe the guardian in-house brand not very sensitive. Need higher hcg to detect.
you know ladies, i also very gan chiong coz I went to buy these guardian in-house brand ones and took a test this morning (just to make sure the beannie is fine and hcg is not dropping), then came back negative leh! I panicked the whole morning til just now I go buy another Watsons' brand n test and it is positive...wa piang...

stoney: actually I tested positive on a cheapo from qoo10 lo..cheap doesnt mean no good..it is really abt the hcg they can pick up...

Aiyoo.. scary siaaa.. luckily u use another test kit to ensure urself.. quick go buy CB digital one.. that one seldom discount one.. but is real shiok to see the word lorrr... heheee..
Hi, I have a brand new box of Clearblue Digitial Ovulation Prediction Test Kit (Exp: Oct 2014) and am willing to let go at $68 (retail price: $73). If interested, I can throw in 2 additional test sticks.
Please contact me at 98446512 if keen.
yup. still depends on hw sensitive the HPT is.
anyway not my turn to tink yet. wait til tat time then kan cheong for me.

now tink so much no use. lol... later no chance to test then i b damn sad.....
Ladies.. i a bit wanna cry.. a bit EMO.. cos horr.. i feeling quite xinku for today.. the whole day the nauseous feeling is there.. even drinking water also doesnt help.. cos water now taste so weird to me.. anyway my mouth taste differently now... i keep craving for soupy soupy stuffs.. now i cant wait to go home to drink my mum soup..
Hi ladies,

I am new to this thread, I am a 2013 Jan mummy. TTC my no #2 now, however I am still breastfeeding and my menses is not back yet, hence I have no idea when I am ovulating. As I know that chances of getting pregnant during breastfeeding is lower, any ladies or mummies here have the same experience? Pls advice, thank you :)
dun cry dun cry.... goin to off work le. u can go hm drink ur mum's soup le....

i tink u have big changes on taste tis time. so muz take care.....juz try to eat wat u wan....
Stoney : thanks thanks.. is jus that moment.. luckily got u all i know im not alone.. cos i feel v lonely when im not in this thread.. i shall bear until thurs then i can announce to my family.. at least they know!!! ..
Ya lo i guess so.. seems like not every food can go into my mouth.... bb more choosy..
Ladies.. i a bit wanna cry.. a bit EMO.. cos horr.. i feeling quite xinku for today.. the whole day the nauseous feeling is there.. even drinking water also doesnt help.. cos water now taste so weird to me.. anyway my mouth taste differently now... i keep craving for soupy soupy stuffs.. now i cant wait to go home to drink my mum soup..

jia you jia you blur 02. Going to end work le. Tahan abit more.
Last time when i having my #1, i also like that. I rem instead of gaining weight, i lost 4kg in my 1st tri due to all the vomitting.
U try to eat or drink your soup in small mouthful. Dont one shot eat or drink all. In case u really vomit. Gambate!!! the MS usually by end 1st tri will be over.
gs84 : thanks thanks. heee.. feel so "loved" here.. but i nv vomit out de.. i jus had that nauseous feeling thru out the day.. previously only in the evening time, nw seems to be longer liao.. but ya im happy on the other hand cos this way i know bb is growing well.. Okie.. now my mind is all soup soup soup.. ..
morning ladies...

so u manage to drink ur soup soup??? keke

Stoney : yeah .... hahaa.. my mum everyday cook soup de..On the way home my whole mind was thinking abt soup soup soup.. i was too hungry, so i bought chicken wing n eat first then drink soup.. hahaaa.. i think i cannot be too hungry or else i wil feel nauseous.. but i cant be constantly eating, somemore now my eating habits change le, some i used to like now cannot take it liao..Im counting down to see my lil one.. 2 more daysss.. i hope i can officially shift to the MTB thread.. Still a bit worried though..
two more days very fast de blur blur! dont get too worried ya..just eat what u can and take good care of yourself...

I also try to keep my food down and not go vomit.. but not much appetite lately, if got mummy's soup will be best..hehe
i'm already 7 days late. 8th day waiting for AF. Yesterday i tested BFN on FMU. Period still no show.

However, since yesterday night i feel my appetite is not that great. I dun feel hungry. and this morning i just don't feel hungry either. stomach feels tightening. my boobs no longer feel as painful as yesterday though but i just don't feel myself :(

But I've been feeling crampy around the lower abdomen on one side and it got worse on Sunday till i felt very faint while shopping. I've made an appointment to see gynae on next week Monday to see how it goes after i spoke to her on the phone. but if the pain is unbearable then i have to go see her immediately.

Tian ah~
Stoney & adde : Yaya i keep saying to myself.. dont worry dont worry.. but cant help lo.. heee.. very fast de horrr.. 2 more days!!! To think i have hidden this "big secret" from my family for almost 2weeks.. i think i quite power.. haaa..

Adde : ya lo those food that u cant swallow, dont ever force yourself.. Im forcing myself actually cos i cant be always having soupy food leh.. those dried food after eating i have to drink lots of water....

Erlisa: Is your cycle regular?? Maybe u test next week.. I tested 3x BFN, before i get my BFP... Ohh think i shld be ard 6weeks+ liao..
yeah, my cycle very regular. the most it has delayed was 3 days. Not until 7 days... this is the first time... i've been testing every 2 days... so i intend to test tomorrow ...

did u test using FMU? and how late were u when u tested?

For my #1, i tested +ve after 5 days past AF.
erlisa: all the best to ur test tomorrow! is your no 1 also very clingy suddenly? before i tested +ve, my son got very fussy and clingy especially at night..kept ask me to bao bao and slept on my body like a koala bear...

blur: u seriously power.. the day i tested +ve, i called my mummy immediately....haa..
Erlisa : My cycle are irregular.. So i wont know when to test actuali, i jus agar agar only. cos before i wanted to test, i have some symptoms... so i decided to test, but i only able to see faint line on my CD40 lor.. few days later i use CB digital n get a 2-3weeks preggie.

Stoney & adde : haahaa.. ya lo... to think no one suspect me loll..
aiyo, i was just thinking of testing tomorrow and i just went to toilet and see light brown spotting :( :(
no hope oredi right?

but i could feel my tummy still feel like tigtening and discomfort and no appetite leh. just ate only a stick of fishballs for lunch. so many symptoms yet so confusing.

adde: my son clingy? hmm... he's 8 liaos... diff to recognize if he's really clingy...
hahahaha. ya lor. no ppl suspect u. power lor.

shld b ard CD46. but then mah. is juz rough guide lor.

hmm... mayb ba. need to c later the day whether AF appear or nt ba. becoz some ppl will have spotting even preg.
guess u only can wait n c.

hmm. i hungry liao. hahaha.. but then my breakfast taste still in my mouth. siaoz... hahaha... like did not fully digest.... hahahaha...
hmm. shld b til end tis wk. CD30? hahaha...
tink will slow dwn on BD liao. since O is over. I tink tis cycle n last cycle is abt the same. 35days.
so guess do til CD30 is the last of last. shld not have anymore hope after tat le ba. keke...
icic..headache dont know when can stop and 2WW, no idea when was O..haha
not sure this cycle will be short or long.....
u be next to test, ard mid sep ? heheeeee
lol. like me last time lor. tis time i try opk. but still do alt days. so can at least have a gauge.
mayb also becoz i under medication. so cycle become abit more regular.
like tat u have to do longer time.... Jia You.....

yup. ard mid sep. if AF dun appear next wk. hahaha....
Erlisa : Hang on okiee... until AF reports, or else u still have hopes de.. :D

Labbittree : Ya..we wont know when is 2ww.. I always gauge myself de.. hahaa.. agar agar.. Cos cycle irregular so got to estimate everything ourselves.. just BD as n when u like..

yup haha, dont know anything. i guess i will hang on til ard cd 60 which is longest cycle.
hopefully if AF suppose to come will come if not then hope for a BFP ...
