2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hi ladies,
Hope everyone have a good day, almost to the end !!

I started my engine yesterday for
CD11 since my cycle is between 28-3 days, but not pining alot of hopes since always got disappointment. Not testing for O or even take temp. Let it be what it is! So just estimate and try.

Don't worry, you will be blessed and can hear the bb heartbeat Tmr !!

where have u been? hahaha...
tats gd. engine started.... so can cont to do for next 2 wks?
gagaga..... Jia You wor.....
I waiting to hear fr u....

My engine goin to stop liao..... whahahaha.......
Sunflower: I went buy coz want to be sure sure that it is positive.. kiasu hor.. I should be 6 weeks by next Fri, that's y make appt for fri so can see bb already, too early cant see anything very scary..

labbitree: digital bo sale leh..

blur: I heard for subsequent preg after the first, tummy will show faster, is it true? I feel my tummy quite there already, like bloated also...
geneagles. ... not cheap. hahahaha....

meaning u hide very well. no ppl suspect.
or got ppl suspect but no say???

I think must see gynae chrgs too.. If im not wrong ah.. think my hub paid $1k+++ cash after medisave claim??? If gynae chrgs v ex then will be ex.. i think mine still ok.. I duno whether now got increase a not.. Ya i try to wear those flair flair dress...
Sunflower: I went buy coz want to be sure sure that it is positive.. kiasu hor.. I should be 6 weeks by next Fri, that's y make appt for fri so can see bb already, too early cant see anything very scary..

labbitree: digital bo sale leh..

blur: I heard for subsequent preg after the first, tummy will show faster, is it true? I feel my tummy quite there already, like bloated also...

Yaya 6weeks plus then can hear h/b.. so is the right time to go gynae.. heheee..
I agree.. my this current #3 like show faster.... and also they say wil bcum bigger also.. my #2 tummy compared to #1 a big difference lor.. I hope this one okok can liao or else i will have more stretch marks loll.
I think must see gynae chrgs too.. If im not wrong ah.. think my hub paid $1k+++ cash after medisave claim??? If gynae chrgs v ex then will be ex.. i think mine still ok.. I duno whether now got increase a not.. Ya i try to wear those flair flair dress...

hahaha. ya but gleneagles de is suppose to b more ex. hahahaa....
i tink increase. my fren told me when she give birth no1 n no.2, the gynae increase 2-300 which is less than 2yrs apart.
keke. yaya. flair flair dress. less ppl will notice....
Stoney... im believe all good people wil be blessed.. maybe the next one is you leh???
I save my hubby money by not using epidural for my 2gals.. hahaaa... Think the epidural ard $400+..
Stoney... im believe all good people wil be blessed.. maybe the next one is you leh???
I save my hubby money by not using epidural for my 2gals.. hahaaa... Think the epidural ard $400+..

hahaha... how u knw tat i good ppl. whahahaha....
hope so lor...... thanks...

oic. tats brave of u. neber use epidural. hope for my turn i can. lol...
Me here la ! I am having my break before joining the new company, tt why everyday go out with friends and relax then read the postings only at night !
Don't worry, u will have your turn soon to hear the bb heartbeat !

I am starting my new job in 2 days time and flying off for biz trip this weekend , hopefully this round cycle can be zhun zhun so tt this week is the golden period and not working, then will be relax and spot on the right timing.
I am also trying to change abit my eating habits , listening to the TCM and cut down on cold drinks, then I switch to drinking ginger tea instead, hopefully it also helps.
wow. so nice. can relax...
hahaha... i waiting lor. lol...

oic. wow. start work n fly liao. tats fast.
gd luck. so after c TCM, any improvements???
oh ya. hw much u spend to c TCM??
So far only started last week, no feel got improvement.
I just started with this new TCM last week, in fact I want to go back today then realized that it is closed today, can only go back on sat.
This one is recommended by friends, consultation and 1 week powder medicine only $27, unless the previous one that I seem at Chinatown, usually cost me $90-$100.
oh.. like tat not ex. some TCM see very ex. making me dun knw want to go c or not.
c this time got kana or nt. if nt, mayb c TCM... ur TCM is at where?
blurblur: u hoping for a boy mah? hehe gd luck to u later wor... *pat pat*
wow 1k is good leh... too bad our co no subsidy, my #1 we paid about 5k after medisave =(
I went to the Fu Nan Traditional Chinese Medicine Centre at Bukit Batok, you go and google, seem quite famous !
So far I like it cos the medicine is powder type, me lazy to brew especially my job requires traveling.

Thanks ! My job no probation lor, anyway I didn't stop ttc even planning to change job, very garang hor, cos also don't know when will strike.
take care. will b alright. some ladies will encounter spotting at early stage. My sis also. but no issue.

oic. haha.. mayb i go check it out online.
might consider go c if no strike. hahahaha.....
Ladies.... i waited sooo long for my scan...
And ya i heard my bb h/b!!!!!!!!!!! At first gynae using u/s, he said like cant see the fetus but
Can see the sac... but he said shld be able to hear h/b. But i need to
Clear my bladder first. I was so nervous i said dont need i want now.. he asked me why i so kan
Geong.. then the nurse helped me say "she is v nervous" hahaaa so i quickly go urine and
They try transvaginal scan... and yess i heard it! Wen he said like cannot see
Fetus.. i was like "again?????" Pheww... everything was ok. My edd ard 22apr..
Sunflower : yaya... havent tell .. still planning hw to tell my hubby.. his bday coming soon heheee..
Is thru vaginal.. mayb u shld say is vaginal scan... instead of tummy ultrascan heehee...

Stoney : ya loh. Waited for this moment for 2week.. is quite torturing..
Today morning wake up merlion without eating anything.. i guess bb is hinting me he/she is doing well
Inside hahaaaa.. i hope u bfp too okie?? Im v tired.. go take short nap then go my mum
Hse to bring her this news... then she will know why i keep rejecting her certain things....
dun feel tat way. its juz not your time yet....
New cycle new hope. Jia You.....

i also did vaginal scan whenever i go c my gynae.
tis scan can see better wats happening inside the womb area..
thanks. i also hope.... lets wait n c....
faster tell ur mum. she sure very happy.....
if bb too small cannot b seen by normal ultrascan, will have to use v-scan.
but v-scan also can b used when checking for the eggs size, lining, etc....
its not tat painful lar.
Blur: good to know the scan went well! Congrats u don't hv to hide the news anymore!

I went to the clinic n she did a abdominal scan, can't see anything except for a thickened lining. So she say we assume the preg will be successful, give me the hormones med to stop the spotting n back to see her next week! I like her! Smiling n friendly! Hope bb is ok, she give me one week mc to just rest! But with my son how to rest n not carry him...
Stoney : ya cos by right this week i thought gynae can do normal u/s as
Im in my 6weeks liao. But he said to hear the h/b gt to use v-scan.
Yaya im jus on my way back hm later she sure surprised de ..
Cos i take leave nv tell her too

Labbittree : thanks thanks i hope u can bfp soon like me ok...
Havent break the news to my hub yet. Haa.. wanna draft a nice text for
Him followed by our baby photo lol
Adde : good good. She can see anything thru tummy scan, she nv proceed to
Do a v-scan for u? Think shld be able to see the sac if gynae use v-scan. Okie so u rest
Well ya.... then hw u gg to tell your colleagues?? I plan to tell them after 3mths if my tummy
Nv show and i nv have any obvious symptoms which made them suspect. Im more
Bandang now.... this morning i merlion without eating anything yt..
thanks !!
u can offically shower the thread with baby dust :)
feel v happy for you !!
let all hope the rest of the ladies here can graduate soon !!
oic. ok lar. becoz u wanted to hear the bb h/b..
ur mum sure happy.
ya. better to say after 3mths. 宁可信其有不可信其无
since not showing yet can wait.....
No leh she nv ask me to do v scan, I nevermind la..maybe coz first time I also like this, spotting n that time I very very anxious.. Took blood test to ensure hcg is rising.. I just wait for next fri..

Blur u heard the heartbeat at 6 weeks?

Sunflower: ya went to a different coz parkway east nearer to my place n my hb can't tahan parking at Thomson. I hv to tell my boss if next week I don't go work! I actually only intend to tell later when the bb more stable n can hear heartbeat.

Ladies I wish u all the best ok! Cannot give up!!!
Yeah u see how, so far I only went to see the TCM one time, so cannot tell good or bad yet. U google more and consider if u are keen.

Finally now U can 放心, bb is growing well and fine ! Everything is well and now you can migrate to the MTB thread :) now you can plan for surprise to break the news to your HB.

Try to see if you could get someone to help with your #1 and rest well, since now got spotting, take good care !

Many of us have experience disappointment , you are not alone, don't give up ! We are all here supporting one and other .
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Thanks all ladies!!!
I will shift to the MTB thread.. but i will come here occassionally also..
by the way, the May thread is up... hope u all can can shift that thread ya..
****baby dusts****
****baby dusts****
****baby dusts****
****baby dusts****
Catch it ladies!!!!!
i realise that once the 2ww coming to an end. sure get anxious.
how ar??? hw to keep my brain dun keep tinking???

Stoney : I thought u chasing show??? heheee.. Dont think too much.. i can understand... is so stressful sia.. You got any pregnant feeling???

estimated to end ard next thurs. but i still figuring out my med enough to cover til tat day or nt. or need to go instock first.
hmm.. cannot make decision. lol.... if tested positive, dun knw can cont wif the med or nt. tinking dun wan to waste. lol...

ya. chasing show. but show finishing tomorrow liao. hahaha....
trying not to tink. but not easy. especially this mth really very hardworking. whahaha...
no lei. no preg feeling. lol... did not see any symptons yet... quite normal.
but nw got craving to eat certain food. hahaha... mayb is juz my mental issue. lol....
colleagues giving in to my craving daily.... today still got 1 colleague buy kuah lapis for me as i ytd i wan to eat. hohoho...
so happy... cannot imagine when i reallly preg, what they will do for me. hahaha...
