2WW - for those TTC-ing

Gs84 : welcome to this thread!! U have come to the right thread. all the people here are so sweet.. i feel so heartwarming here lo. lol..

Labbittree : Thanks Thanks.. but im not alone.. u are wrong.. i have u all!!!! ;)

Stoney : I reali no idea who shld i share this news with.. .. but i dont want other ppl to worry for me.. in case u knowww... So i think more or less i have decided to go ahead for this appt myself..to be frank, im quite optimistic for this pregnancy..hehee. i can feel is growing well. cos im feeling not well mah.. haha.. For the last m/c, cos i dont know got that type of m/c, and i nv expect it wil happen on me.. and ya.. actually that pregnancy for my 1st visit to gynae i feel not right liao. and i keep worrying abt it....Think my sixth sense quite accurate.. this time round.. i feel bb is telling me not to worry too much.. u will see me soon. wohooo..*positive thinking* hee

Hahaha think I really lost touch wif the thread here....kind of confuse on all the short form....eg. OPK, ww, AF....can someone enlighten me? Heehee...TIA
Welcome gs84! We r supporting each other, feel positive ya! I also in my 2ww and I told my hb hope get preg this time n he very funny told me we got bd during fertile time meh? I am 2-3 days away fr my next af..

Blur: I salute u can go gynae alone when preggie, like stoney mentioned, go with a best friend? Don't worry k, ur baby will be strong n healthy!
i a bit give up this cycle already hahaa
just bd as and when remember
hope to get more motivation fr u, cycle buddy, hoping for your BFP news !!
compare to last mth bd not as much and last mth v hardworking(for my standard) but AF arrived so early, so surprise dont even have chance to test BFN...
last mth super disappointed...
Gintonic : OPK = Ovulation predictor kit
AF = Auntie Flow
BD = Babydance
BFP = Big Fat Positive
BFN = Big Fat Negative

These are more common ones.
Adde : Ok thanks thanks.. Wahh then u feeling excited mah? heee.. actuali some kits can test days before menses is due ..Their sensitivity level v high... If u are sure your AF is due soon, can buy CB to check.. hehee. wahh im feeling kan geong for u liao..
somemore u got so many promising symptoms.

Stoney : Yes Madam!!!!
hahaha... get more motivation from me. tis mth mah. u can try BD afew more times. mayb can increase some chances.
Tis mth i super hardworking compare to last mth.
so juz hope for the best...
Thanks. i also wish. lol.....

jiayou.... keke.. now i keep chasing shows to let my brain dun tink abt when AF come when to test....
hahaha. so hope to relax abit. kekeke.. but then still will BD. lol.
Excited for you, hope u can BFP !!
I sometimes ask hb is this the mth :p

Yes just bd as and when...can get motivation fr u but definitely no stamina to follow haha !!
Thanks thanks! I hope so too :) just now I asked my boy if got baby inside my tummy, he nodded his head n I ask, how many? He came up with two fists!!! Ha, kids r really cute..

Let us work hard together n definitely all of u lovely gals will be blessed with little ones too...

I also very zen at times, if don't hv then try again lor..
Halo ladies,
Was out whole day, end up got no time to log in and read.

Hi Sunflower & Gintonic,
Welcome to the thread ! Feel free to come out and let's share our joy and sorrows !

Hi Stoney,
End up on tue I didn't go for the gynae check. Cos my hb feels tt he is not comfortable in changing gynae and also if we really want to test, should go back to my initial gynae. And we conclude that we should be seeing tcm first to tiao our body. I also told him tt I want to change TCM as my gal friend recently just got preggie through this TCM, plus the medicine is powder type, no need to brew. So end up I went yesterday morning, done the check with the TCM, nothing major with my body except abut liang, need to avoid cold stuff, then as for my hb, everything is ok for him, so by right, shdnt be big problem to conceive. Given 1 week medicine and see her again next week. Hopefully got miracle after seeing her.

Hi blur,
How are you ?? I agree with what you said, the worse MS means the more stable your pregnancy is. Jia you.

Hi Keira,
Hugs hugs, you are not alone, we are all here with you.

Hi labbitree,
Like blur case, 2 x bd can also strike so don't go up hope, who knows ..

HI adde,
We are waiting for your good news.
Must share your bn dusts with us
Hi all, been busy with my new career trying to adapt to the pace & different kind of client profile! I think I'm over stressed... been losing appetite for lunch for 2 days, diarrhea 2 times yesterday and having "眼针" which comes and go very fast! Face sebum secrete like nobody business... haiz... maybe I'm really too stressed out... and my sis-in-law shared with me her first scanning of her #2 today... feel so envious... haizzzz
Morning ladies..
Adde : Heard kids are quite "zhun" one.. how u feeling??

Pooh232 : Ya lo. that why i very willing to "endure" all the symptoms even if is v xinku.. If bb is growing well in my uterus. heheee.

Chocopiggie : Are u due to test too huh??? Dont envy lah.. perhaps your turn soon..

Tell u all.... okok cos my hubby still duno im preggie.. I said im gg out wit my frens, then he cont to say u dont drink horrr.. I was thinking i cant drink lorrrr. lol.. anyway, when he is back from his trip, im gg to give him a big advanced bday surprise..Stil planning how to tell him the news..
hahaha... ya, stamina is a big issue. hahaha.but then heng still can last. hahaha...

Oic. keke... so hw much u spend on TCM???

dun envy.. ur turn will come.... dun get too stresssed up. if can then take a break.

keke... he will have a big birthday present this yr.... no need to plan. juz tell him got something impt to say.
lol... then ask him sit down first. then tell him. lol.....
Stoney : maybe cos of my previous m/c, im taking note of all kinds of symptoms i encountered. and i even surf online for all kinds of threatened m/c symptoms. am i over paranoid?? Aiyoo cos i encountering some kind of back pain leh.. is moderate pain nia lah.. but i jus scared...
dun worry too much. juz relax. the more u tink, the more stress.. no gd for the bb...
dun scare dun scare ok?
all will be well....

me oso stress and worried too aft the 2 rd of M/C this yr....so now oso abit scared.

Btw anyone of you encounted cramps during O period and after O? Lately i have the cramps feelings (like those menses cramps feelings) but still got abit 1 week + before my AF comes.
I agree, blur u don't stress ok.. The first one I had I was enjoying my pregnancy n laughing everyday thou work was up n over my head then baby come out everyday also laughing n happy.. I always believe it matters.. Though it is inevitable to worry, just try to occupy w something happy and u will b ok.. The little one can feel u one..

I ok today, just crampy n hoping the dreaded af don't come! I ask my baby anything he always nod head one so I better not 'listen' to him la. This morning I took a test actually, should be abt 3-5 days before my menses, somehow strained my eyes see as if got something but I take it as bfn la..

Shall test again on sun or Monday.. Time to order more test kits!

Chocopiggie: u really sound quite stressed with all that!
Stoney : okok. mayb i too stressed liao.. so have all these pains lol.. I will try not to think too much ya hehee..

Adde : Actualli mi too enjoying my 1st & 2nd pregnancy too.. is after my m/c which i myself nv expect it to happen on me.. as i have 2 healthy pregnancies.. Then i start to bcum paranoid.. I cant forget the bad experience.. I think i have to hear bb h/b then i can 安心... im counting down actually... to see my lil oneee.. hee..
Yup... real estate is a career that needs alot of motivation and discipline.. but it can be pretty hectic with calls coming all over the place and running around.. think I'm just gg to rest & relax for today then "chiong" viewing tomorrow lo... estimated AF to arrive in a week's time!!!
keke.... Keira, nice. can rest at hm... keke..

hmm. so to u is counting dwn to AF arrival.

i feeling lower tummy pain today. dun knw y..... haiz.... but dun tink is cramp...... :(:(:oops::oops:....
Ya what kind of pain? Possibility of preggie? Hehe... I am feeling so thirsty, now eating cheng tng... Chocopiggie, hope ur af also don't come!
blurblur / adde,
i also dun knw... lol. hw i wish i knw...

i also thirsty. lol. keep drinking water. then need to keep go toilet.... lol...

no mood to work. lol...
Stoney: ya, I'm counting down to AF... so used to seeing that "bloody witch" liao, already numb! Hahaha!!

Added: that's so sweet of you! Thank u in advance lo! U make me feel like eating cheng tng too at this hot hot day now... lol...
Stoney & Adde : Do u know i had this thirsty symptom, keep visiting toilet before i tested for BFP?? hahaaa.. Soooo im awaiting for both of you... heeee...
hmm. nt too sure. based on FF, suppose to due ard 9/9 .. so still 2weeks to go. lol...
long time to go. so not pining hopes at the moment. lol...

hahha... same here. keep seeing the evil witch. so sianz.... hahaha...

is becoz i keep drinking water. becoz my lips seems so dry. sianz.....
hahaha... anyway not so fast due for AF. so still working hard. lol...
Stoney : yaya.. actuali for my 2nd pregnancy also, before i tested for BFP... i keep getting v thirsty.. and the GP made such a big mistake, he said i got diabetes ask me go for blood test the next day. I was so freaked out.. This symptom got reason de..
hahaha.... ic....

i dun wan to pin too high hopes. becoz after tat if AF appear, will be damn sianz n disappointed lor.
hahaha.... ic....

i dun wan to pin too high hopes. becoz after tat if AF appear, will be damn sianz n disappointed lor.

yaya true... So just stay neutral.. :) Meanwhile.... relaxx.. and enjoy your dramas first.. heee..
Ladies.. have a happy weekend..
No lah jus wanna share with u all.. TGIF is not thanks god is Friday..
it stands for Twitter.Google.Iphone.Facebook.
Chocopiggie: Haha, dunno lately is it weather hot or me, coz I seldom feel thirsty just lately crave for cold cold drinks.. I also try not to take too many, just drink water lo..

Blur: thank u ah for giving me positive vibes, I think this sun morning can test see how.. Quite exciting leh actually..

Enjoy the weekend everyone! BFP, BFP, BFP...
Hey gals. Im also in my 2ww.

Im already 5 days late and today is 6th day. Tested bfn yesterday.

My pms usually kick in right after O or 1 week before AF. However this time round, pms kick in on the same day af supposed to be in. Cramping lah, sore boobs since day 1 af supposed to start. I was so confident af is here but no show leh. N im feeling sleepy/tired and need to pee often. Miserable feeling leh. Bfn yet have all these symptoms

Actually this is the longest im late.
Adde congrats to u!! So happy u got ur bfp! I got another 3-4 days till supposed AF. I really hope the witch dun come... I've been feeling crampy since 1 week before AF. Sigh.. Dunno is pms cramp or implantation cramp.

Anyway Adde, which dpo did u test? And u use what brand of hpt to test? Those highly sensitive ones?
gs84, I hope u strike too!

My menses this time is 30 days I think, so supposed to come yest but don't hv so tested this morning. I used the cheap midstream kind bought from qoo10, bought quite a lot coz very cheap... Tested n seems to see a line n it got darker, couldn't believe it the whole morning.. Even my hb found it amazing! I went to use my last kit just now, this one is those dip stick kind from guardian, took a while longer to see the line but it is there!

Think I m going to buy a digital one later n test on tues...
Congrats !! Happy to see good news this morning on your BFP.

Must take care and see gynae soon !!

I also want to tabao your bb dust

How are you ? Today is my cd10, think gg to start engine soon but feeling tired and moodless. This mth also decided to take it easy, and drop the charting. Didn't do any charting , cos damn lazy

Welcome to join us here
me ar. ok lor. still the same old me. lol.. juz tat my appetite dropped. lol. eating less. so take it as dieting. lol... other than tat still ok. working hard at the moment.
me also no do charting. juz take note when O and doing alt days. hahaha...
but tink after this wk willl slow down. becoz shld b O liao. so now is waiting time le....
Adde : A Big Congrats!!!! Heheeee.. When is your last AF?? Will your EDD be in the same month as me??

Stoneystoney : the next tester is you??? heeee... Woohoo.. im feeling equally excited for u too leh..

My nauseous seems to be get more n more serious.. i duno if i can tahan until thurs.. as in "hide" from my family & friends.. Morning i wake up wanna puke luckily i nv eat anything yet.. the whole morning until now feel like something stuck in my throat.. then i start to reject certain food too. aiyooo..

u feel excited for me ar. lol... but i dun feel excited. as really no kick now. hahaha....
dun knw got the chance to test or nt. juz waiting time now......

oh. seems like u have serious MS. muz take care ar. try to find something u like to eat.
shld be better..... Take care ar....
