2WW - for those TTC-ing

ya. kekeke... take gd care.
muz rest more.... remember to bring ur hb to go c gynae together. tink he will b very happy to hear fr gynae the confirmation. kekeke...

Stoney : hoohoo. even gg gynae i plan to go quietly worr. My hub out of town also.. I wanna to hear the h/b myself.. I tell myself liao.. whatever outcome i must be brave to take it.. Cos im alone.. only u all know my preggie news leh..actuali v xinku.. cos i have to act as per normal.. though im v tired n hungry at most times..
i understand. becoz no ppl support. tats y its tough on you.
but i tink still better to have a person go wif u. at least at the moment, u can hv a support.
juz my thoughts.

but u try to rest more. tink now u need is alot of rest......
Hey ladies!!! I finally got time to catch up on posts.. been very busy after coming back from Aussie and starting on my real estate career, it's killing me! Hubby n me decided to rest for a few months before trying again.. we'll be heading to Tokyo this November for company trip, so wudn't be gd to travel if I got lucky n conceive right.... so, blur02, congrats!!!! I tabao your bb dust keep first,later then use... lol...
Hi Keira,
Wow. travelling again. so nice.....
but it depends. if hit now, then by nov will be trim 2. so travel still ok.

wow. u doin real estate. next time wan to sell or buy flat can look for u le is it? hahahaha

mayb u can make 1 in Tokyo. hahahaha....
Stoney : yaya i know. i keep telling myself it wont!!! Is a gift to me..i still considering shld tell someone mah... I decided to book on ard 28/29 aug for my 1st appt... shld be in my 6 weeks liao le. can hear h/b de.. No worries!! :)

Chocopiggie : Thanks thanks!! :)
hi blur02,
dont worry too much, it is a god's gift and everything will be fine for you, okie !
u will have our full blessings for sure !
try to rest more, okie !

welcome back ! so shiok le, after aussie, next is tokyo !!
so envy !

hiyo true la, although i always said, as long as no RED means got chance, but hor, when i see my temp drop, i know no chancel iao, cos mine is also like yours, temperature is zhun one !
i booked the gynae appt 2 weeks ago one, cos i also didnt think much, just booked whether preggie or not .... cos i read the review of him and found quite good.
mayb u can tell ur gd fren or whoever u trust? at least someone wif u when u c gynae.
Dun worry, all will be well... cheers...

hahaha. ya lor. super zhun when AF reporting. sianz.
so this mth not charting BBT liao. juz take note of BD dates and also try using OPK. hahaha....
oic. ya. no matter preggie or nt also can go check. keke...
but urs will drop few days is it?
mine like drop 1-2days, evil witch will appear. lol....
Pooh232 : Thanks so muchy!! You gals are so sweet lorr.. :) I have you all support is enough liao. Many thanks! actuali i dont reli understand why say like temp drop means no chance?? why leh ah??
understanding is temp will drop when AF approaching. normally when preggie, temp will raise and maintain,
even drop also wun alot.
congrats blur blur! just said a prayer for you as I typed. look forward to your next updates!!!

My bbt chart is always accurate, temp rise after ovulation and stay elevated till my menses start. This is why I am so confused this round, coz my temp stays unchanged much after my IUI, and I am wondering if it is due to the medication I am on. I'm given both estrogen and progesterone to take after IUI. Temp rises after ovulation due to rise in progesterone. Temp is low during follicular phase, prior ovulation, due to estrogen hormonce dominance. So I'm just hoping it is the estrogen at play causing this weird bbt chart this round.

I do feel this is a busted cycle given my bbt, just hoping to find miracles. Due to do home pregnancy test and blood test this Saturday.

My main stress is prolly my age, i'm 37. Had two miscarriages one last yr at close to 5 weeks and one just two cycles ago at very very early pregnancy. If not for blood test, may not even detect and would have just assumed it was delayed menses.

Wishing all baby dust and eagerly awaiting good news from everyone!!!
Hi blur02~stoney~pooh~and all~i tested BFP on the wkend..
<<spreading baby dust to allllll.. .. .. ..>>
should be coming 6wk.. goin to have my first scan on this sat.. hopefully can c hb.. same as blur02..:)
Yup confirm positive blood test although nurse say waste time and money to do blood test since I showed Prof 4 positive sticks and he said sticks don't have false positive.

I guess I must thank my sinseh who insist that's there's nothing wrong with me despite having cervical and ovarian cancer. Just need to properly tiao my body after so many surgeries. Even with 1 Fallopian tube still got chance

What's this baby dust? Go where to buy and throw?
Congrats to all BFPers!!! Can tabao plentiful of bb dusts!!!!

Stoney: if you need advice or service in real estate, dun hesitate to reach me! Heehee.. bd for fun 2 times this month only, not thinking of strike or no strike...

Pooh232: u can go traveling if you want to... :)
Haha. OK. No Prob.. Lol... Thanks first...

U never knw. Blurblur also bd 2times tis cycle and hit jackpot. Hahaha.. sometimes it juz tat u hit the rite timing....
i did 3x during my ovulation. but had 24hr interval just to confirm don't shoot blanks. And 5days before i expect my period, i ask him to clear his sperm like IVF process to make sure there's fresh sperm during ovulation. i warm up the fertility lube with my palms (coz i kept it in the fridge), squirt into my cb 15min before i want to do, leave abit behind for him to play coz don't want to contaminate his dick using saliva or bj (imagine in the hospital ejaculation room). After he cum, i laid with my legs up but tilted ass more to the right (since i only got right fallopian tube) and fell asleep. Somehow ended up with UTI and GP said coz i didn't pee after i had sex to clear bacteria. But still made it

The fertility lube is call "Conceive Plus" about $5/tube can be found at Watsons but not at hospitals pharmacy. Basically just buffers with correct pH for conception
just a word of encouragement: ladies out there, jiayou! For those still trying, you will succeed 1 day. For those who succeeded, congrats.
I tried for more than a decade and finally had my son. I am very happy and hope everyone will have a chance to be a mother too. :)
Morning Ladies,
Hows everyone???? Its Monday again....

but i sooooo tired. lol...

hihi.. stoneystoney ..
OT again?? hehee.... When wil your 2ww start?? Actualli i have started chatting over at april14 thread.. Jus hope i can stay there... :) Cos im quite unsure of my no of weeks leh..
mayb after this few days.
ytd tested opk like positive. hahaha. cannot confirm. but the line looks dark as control line. but then like not so complete.
but who cares. juz bd. hahaha...
tonite will test again. lol. c whether is it real positive or nt. hehehe...

ya. guess so.... keke... tiring. lol... but ok lar. work towards our common goal.....
tink also becoz sat went to USS. oops. hahaha...
can i ask for advice, my cycle was short last cycle at 36 days, previously was ard 45-60 days.
which cd shd i bd til and when can consider 2ww ?

didnt bd much actually for me :(
u must jyjy, did u go for scanning this mth ?
wow. urs also long cycle. guess u need to start bd ard CD 14. best to start earlier. n end later.
mayb bd til CD50?? if AF no appear? hehehe. very difficult to say. unless u using OPK.
like me lor. irregular. so gynae advise is bd at least 3weeks lor.

this mth no scanning wor. as gynae say no need. wait til i fail 3 cycles then go bk to c him. or if i preg.
so i agar agar. start BD once AF cleared. then at the same time i use OPK to gauge. hahaha...
1st time use. so still learning to c the lines. hopefully i c correctly.
thanks for your advice. yah so long and unpredictable.
now at cd 20, only bd 4x
my hb not v proactive in bd and i asked him why since he is the one keen for more kids, he can answer me that he want things to happen naturally.........speechless !!
OPK i use before but couldnt detect +ve, find using it v stressful..sigh ..
how u find using OPK ?
keke... ur hb really nothing to say. naturally. hmm...
if give me i also speechless....

1st time using. trying out. actually i still BD alt days even if i use OPK.
i use it only to test when positive then when can stop BD. hahaha.
so far ok lar. it is juz a guide.
but ytd test like positive. color seems dark abt the control line.
but then will cont to test these few days....
oic. but then since i using it as guide, no need to use clearblue ba. hahaha. clearblue nt cheap. hehehe....
but tink will cont to bd for another wk. hahaha. even if positive. KS abit. lol.....
Hello to all, I have been ttc-ing for the past few mths but no gd news yet..like every month also hopeful coz dunno y menses have been coming late then in the end waster many test strips..ha, but I try to be +ve.. Been reading here..

Coz of the messed up menses dates, I might still hv about 6-10days before my menses for aug..

Just reading blur's story made me more hopeful too coz I have not been feeling well esp since last mon where I rejected the food I usually must have every monday, and always feeling tired and having a headache. Dunno y, last thurs I had this bad bad bodyache, and very nauseous! Can't eat anything and slept the whole time.. these few days feeling tired and ytd I had this pulled muscle feeling at the left of my uterus,, food wise, i only want to take tom yam soup.. ha, but I think it is too early to test..my 15mth son has been clinging on to me and asking me to bao bao every night these days..

It is making me excited and dun want to be too hopeful at the same time too!
Hi ladies, I have been ttc-ing for many many yrs and did a ivf last november but was a chem pregnancy.
I have a little problem here - after my failed IVF, my cycle is very long (e.g 50+ days) but my own af is also very irregular la.. today is CD36 and i have been spotting (got, pinkish discharge, light brownish discharge then got abit red then brownish again) for days (from last thurs)..:( anyone can advise me??
stoney: yar....clearblue not cheap but it's easier to use as no need to test eyesight....last time i used the cheap opk but never seem to catch the O timing...so i bought from amazon and worked out about $3 to $4 per stick....gynae told me start testing from day 10 and once catch the smiley no need to test le...so sometimes 1 box of 20 sticks can use about 2 to 3 months....

Jia you and this could ne your lucky month this time round =)
jia you. mayb really got liao. juz relax and wait ba....

hmm. not too sure. if persist, better c your gynae or call the clinic to check.

hahaha... true lar. but then ma, i use it as ref.
but my cycle is irregular, tink will use up faster ba. hahaha...
my gynae did not suggest me to use. juz ask me BD alt days.
now still BD alt days. trying to persist til end this mth.
hope for the best.
lol... hope tat day i c is really +ve. hahaha... then i can estimate easier this mth.
Helo everyone !!
It's coming to mid week !!

Don't forget us and remember to drop by here to see us.

See I told you, my temp is super zhun one, my AF reported on last Sat morning after temp dropped. And today is CD4 Liao, so no luck, got to try again ! Anyway gg for my gynae appt later and see what he says.

So sorry I have not experience tt as well, think best is to call your gynae and check, don't give up hor !

Yeah, hang on, we had a positive case here - blur02 so maybe u r the next lucky one. We are waiting for your good news !!
i knw. hahaha. nvm. go visit ur gynae and c wat he says....
Gd Luck.. Jia You...

yup. got few ladies here BFP. hahaha.. 1 of them is blurblur.
still jia youing at tis round.... hahaha...
Thanks thanks.. Seriously hate the waiting, n ma chiam too stressed also, keep looking out n feeling the symptoms fr head to toe... I will test next fri if af don't come!

I hv never charted temp, use opk or observe my cm before, tot first child so easy to conceive then second one no need worry.. Haiz..
at least u have 1 kid le. compare to those still trying for no.1. u are fortunate....
so dun stress urself too much.

I knw waiting game is not easy. but since urs is regular and knw when ur AF suppose to report, its more easier than us who are irregular. so juz relax.....

Any updates???

Adde : Hang on & test next week if AF nv come.. I get 3 BFNs before i get a faint positive. JIa you okie.. hmm.. my advise is dont read too much into symptoms.. :) You will b stressed sia... If your AF is regular, u will know when to test right.

Pooh, Stoneystoney : *waving* im here.. im here.. heheee.. Pooh u must work hard for this cycle ok..
Stoney.. u reaching your 2ww??
