2WW - for those TTC-ing

hahaha.... shld ok to use the same cup.
hope so. feeling super no mood to work. die liao. hw to survive in office for the whole mth???

hahaha.... dun tink so much. mayb symptons coming out. hahaha.
but then it really means tat no need alot of times to hit the jackpot. 1 time at rite timing can le.
but prob is when is the correct timing?? kekeke...

Stoney : Aiyoo poor gal.. drink chicken essence can mah?? Maybe BD every alt night very tired bah..
Ya lo.. true.. but is reali miracle leh if i cfm it. Actuali i BD 2x bah..one is mid jul, one is late jul leh. Mi guess is the late july de.. Somemore is not planned de.. my hub jus said he wanted.. ohhh.. this is the period when i jus started consuming CW, maybe CW helps also leh.. so i got to give u double bb dustsss cos u recommended CW to me.. heeheee.

But but.. everything got to wait until tml leh.. if i see BFN .. i think i will cry leh..
dun knw lei. hahaha.. no drink chicken essence. hahaha...
tink will have to slp earlier liao,..
hahaha... if hit then really is ur luck le...

but if no hit, also no need be sad. juz try harder tis round.
Stoney : Nope. i will be super super sad sia.. Cos i got so many promising symptoms after i got the faint positive. Haizz.. but ya.. life stil got to go on. so u all pray for me ok.. :):)
Thanks blur02 and Stoney Stoney ..thanks for all your encouragement :) I will just hope and pray that my hubby will agree to continue to try again. My 5 years old son even comforts me to have patience and keep praying and don't lose hope (yes, I always tell him how I feel and we are like good friends. He knows I also desire to have another sibling for him). He told me ,"mommy, if daddy still doesn't want to have another baby, it is okie.. Cos you still have me!" Hahahah .. I actually dropped my tears when I hear that!

Blur02: are u TTC your first child? Jia you okie!:) I hope to hear good news from you!:)
Stoney: you too, Jia you! :)

Lots of baby dusts to all of you here!:)
dont give up .. keep talking to your hb abt it !
hugz hugz and pat pat

wow all the preggie symptons, mai tu liao, go and get CB and test !
we are all excited for you :)
i am also waiting for your bb dust
Thanks ladies..
Yeah i tested with my cheapo test kit & CB..
Dunno why cheapo test kit maybe nv dip too long cant see the results at all..
CB shows me the results first loll.. and i think i shld be able to trust CB!!!!
And this is what i get lol.. Im really vvvvv happy..


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Angel mommy : Im ttc-ing for #3. heheee..
Thanks all .. come come & catch baby dusts!!!
Im spreading tons & tons & tons of baby dustssss!

But stil i got my concerns .. cos i got m/c in mar... haizzzz.
Kind of a bit worried sia.


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congrats..... *catching ur bb dust*

super envy now. really for u is hit the correct timing.... nice... :)
muz take care. try to c gynae soon to c whether u need any med to support your pregnancy.....
Stoney : Im keeping this pregnancy from my family first.. Once i hear bb h/b then i announce to them. hee.. So u all are the v first to know yaa.. And so coincidence my hub bday is in early sept, perfect for his bday pressie hee. I plan to see gynae probably in week 6+ , then can hear h/b mah.. Yaya i think im really lucky for this #3 too.. i jus hope bb grow up healithy..

Labbittree : Thanks thanks!!
really gd present for ur hb... hw i wish mine will come soon... lol...
hope in time for my wedding anniversary in oct. hahaha....

oic. 6+wk. for me is gynae told me i have to go bk once i knw preg, be it wk wat. haha.... becoz case different.
but then mah, still long to me. lol... jia you jia you.....
Stoney :: Yeah i got strong feeling.. will be more & more ppl joining me soon in MTB thread.. heehee. Jiayou ..
will will. will be your turn soon okie..

Pooh 232 : Are u due to test???
Labbittree : sure sure no prob.. hmm on CD13 & CD26.. Is it no matter when i ovulate my due date is still counted from day 1 of AF hor??? Cos my last mth cycle is ard 32 days. So i agar agar lah.. CD13 tat week i planned to BD more but hubby out of town, so only managed to BD once before he went out.. So i thought no chance liao... But cd26 is no plan de, hubby suddenly said he wanted to BD.. is the week i jus started to consume CW.. I think CW do helps.. I thinking if i ovulated after CD13 how come i only test faint positive on CD40 leh.. i also dunno . as per the CB im only ard 4-5weeks nia, which im supposed to be 5wks plus leh.. so i suspect is the later date which i ovulated.
woohoo .... 1st good news that i saw this morning !
congrats Blur2 ! so happy for you, see lah, its the timing that counts ! zhun zhun that you strike at the right time.

no hope for me, cos my temp is starting to drop drastically this morning, so anticipating that the witch should be reporting anytime ! super sad !
Pooh232 : Ya lo duno why this month got strong feeling, when i keep testing BFN for the 3days.. I v sad too. I on the verge of giving up.. then i tell myself, listen to u all gals, test few days later then i saw faint positive.. Then the rest of the story u all know liao horrr. heee..

jiayou pooh232 dont be sad... maybe this month .. u anyhow agar count & BD as and when u like..
think count ovulation as week 2 ? i also not too sure if is correct..
hoping i can also follow u, bd on the right day and strike cos really no stamina to bd so often even though want to have another bb... :p
u take care ok, really excited for you !!

jiayou !! hoping to hear gd news fr you too....
how can we reject you ? of course we welcome you to join us, and provide us moral support !
we love that !
must take care hor, and rest well

angel mommy,
thanks for the prayers !
not too sad over this mth, no choice ! this is fate, but since i missed this cycle, i will be visiting the gynae next week and see what can be done
Pooh 232 : Thanks thanks!! after i "shifted" i will come back also!!! Dont give up hopes first.. As long as AF not here.. u still hang on okie.. still got chance..
I also hope so. will try the best tis mth lor. but super tired. hahaha....

Lucky u strike on the correct date. lol... Stay ard here. then we also can chat n advise. hahaha...

Dun be sad. if evil witch appears, then work harder new round.
Jia you... I also working hard tis round. hahaha....
Anyone been given progynova and duphaston during 2ww? I'm taking these and still charting, but my BBT didnt seem to rise much after ovulation (based on +ve OPK). I'm wondering if it had to do with these medication since progynova is actually estrogen, while BBT rise with progesterone level after ovulation.

Any idea?
Stoney : Hmm.. actualli i suggest like every 3days, as sperm can stay inside for ard 72hrs right??
So agar agar guess the ovulation days, u got go see gynae de right?? Like for example for the middle 2weeks be more "hardworking" lo.. this is how i count. My own stupid methoddd.
Not sure. did not heard abt it b4. Mayb u can try to call ur clinic to check???

hahaha. ya. but alt days will increase the chances. lol.. Gynae advise. lol...
actually tis mth difficult to agar agar. becoz tis mth no c gynae. so can only trial n error.
so i very hard working. start on CD7. lol......
but i start to use OPK. so like wat sag mentioned, OPK serve as ref to know by when O is over. then can rest. hahaha....
hope for the best lor.....
hi guys, i have a brand new box of clearblue digital ovulation test kit to let go @ $65, as I am currently pregnant with my #1 and do not intend to plan for #2 until much later.

expiry date for the test kit is Oct 2014. i can throw in additional 2 sticks if you are keen.

interested parties, please reach me on my mobile at 98446512. tks.
Stoney : Ohh.. haaa. cos i always agar agar de.. Ya true lah alt days will increase the chances.. Which CD are u in now?? Still got how many days to go to 2ww??? Must gooo all the way ok.. hehee..
hahaha. i always try to agar agar. but not easy as mine is super haywired. hahaha...
so tis time i be gd gal. use OPK , BD alt at the sametime. hahahaha....
now only CD14. long way to go..... hahaha....
FIGHTING!!!!! hehe
Stoney : actualli mine too. My cycle sometimes super long,.. especially after my m/c, a bit haywired too...last mth my AF came on CD32. So i was surprised, like back to normal. so i try my own method.. and ya.. im really v lucky.. I do hope this is a gift!!!!!
stoneystoney, thanks for replying! I was waiting eagerly for a reply...
I texted my clinic but there was no reply. The nurse whom I have to go through for all enquiries did not reply me this round, simply say do a hpt 16 days past IUI. Today is 11days past IUI but all I need to know is why my BBT isnt rising like it should.

anyone charts BBT?
It's been 5days past my AF but it's not here yet. For my previous cycle, i used ovulation test kit and fertility lube. Should i do HPT today or wait it out till sunday?
So stress until i don't dare to shit, scared i giak sai too hard then period come.

Actually i'm supposed to report to NUH CHR this coming period for my FET, been doing TCM since May and sinseh ask me to try naturally instead of doing IVF/FET.
Forgot to add, i have only 1 fallopian tube left after a surgery 10yr ago to remove a 18cm ovarian cyst damaged my tube. So every month i only have 50% chance to conceive.

No signs of spotting or brown discharge which is good, but no sore breasts too (my breasts are always sore and heavy C/D cup) so i can't tell if my breasts are bigger. Weighed myself and not big change in weight, 53-55kg. What other signs to look out for?
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tis is a gift. so juz take care of urself. n relax. most impt...

did not help much becoz did not heard abt it b4.
some ppl BBT wun raise alot. I did chart my BBT for the past few mths.
sometimes did not really raise alot. but then ma, all is negative result. haha...
tis mth i dun chart le. dun let myself too stress out.

since already pass ur AF due date. then u can try to test tomolo.
actually everyone got different symptoms. heard some ppl do not have any symptoms at all.
guess is best do test ba.....
hi all,

I am selling one box and 3 slabs (minus 1 pair) of Conceive Well capsules (total 48 pairs of capsules) for sale at $30, Expiry date is June 2014. P&H $2.50
Sealed box of 3 Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test ($20) + 12 One Step Pregnancy Test Strip ($5) + 12 One Step Ovulation Test Strip selling for ($5) + P&H of $2.50 / $25 for the lot incl. P&H.

Selling for $50 incl. P&H if taking whole lot.
stoney / blur2,
i am at CD24, AF supposed to be report this weekend or coming Monday, so with the BBT drop, i guess no hope, should be landing soon.
anyway i made appt to see gynae next tue liao !

yes i agree, since your AF is past due, then you should test and see ... if not wait for another week, dont gv up hope !

so far i always do charting and quite accurate, as soon as after my AF, it will gradually increase, but not very high, then once AF reporting, it will start to drop
Don't know whether I woke up blur and test but says positive. I flush my pee no more to test. Tmw morning test 6 sticks at the same time, 3 different brands to be sure.
If I go nuh and its false positive very sia suay
Pantieileen : How how?? Have u tested ?? Excited for u..MI think cant be wrong.. hmm.. cos hor if hcg not there, it wont activate "positive" results..Update us okie??

Stoney : Maybe after that bad experience, i v scared liao.. *touch wood*.. THat why i keep my pregnancy from my family, anything i alone bear .. :( I have praying to goddess to bless me ... I wanna hear my bb heartbeat .. loud & clear when i go see gynae.. I think hor goddess will think im quite "lor soh" sometimes i go 2x per day. haha..

Pooh232 : Ohh.. Can it be wrong mah?? Your AF zhun de meh?? I still hope u hang on first ..
kekeke. oh, make appt liao ar. so fast....

hows the result? guess shld b positive since u c ytd is positive.

hahaha. our temp charting super zhun when annoucing AF reporting. hahaha...
but then mah, shld tell pooh tat so long no appear will have chance.....
Stoney : orhh.. okok. But can have mistake de mah .. I think as long as AF nv come, jus keep the hopes going on...
Mi too feeling excited for Pantieileen.. dunno where is she...

Im vvv tired.. wanna sleep... zzzzzzz
hahaha... true lar. so long AF no appear, there is still chance.

hahha. me also... lol... but u is becoz got another one inside. so u more tired. lol...
did u tell ur hb??

Stoney : yup yup. tired until like v weak & fragile. I can knock off immediately if im in bed now!! But i know all these symptoms are good signs. so im okie :) My breasts super sore n painful too. nope.. as i said earlier.. i wanna to cfm this pregnancy first as hearing his/her h/b..
