2WW - for those TTC-ing

haha riku, yes u have MIA for days ..

mai sianz, for all you know, might be good news ! as long as no red means got hope ! if temp is still high, considered to test again this weekend ?

the symptons that u mentioned seem to be AF is reporting soon, i do have similar symptons, but meanwhile for u , just monitor first.
Thanks chocolat for sharing! Will go find out in detail how to do charting.

My AF reported on 11 may. Phew..new cycle new hope! Can some one update the table for me? Thanks thanks!

Btw, I did not detect any ovulation on my past cycle. But AF still comes now, is tis normal?
Pooh, will monitor n see how. Really haywire. Of all yrs everything is normal then when now ttc, all problems start to surface. Haha. Nvm la, if Af reporting early means new cycle..at least something to look forward.

Btw, for conceive well, any idea if it has to be taken during cd1 or can start on any day?
Hi Chloe, its normal that we dun o on every cycle n af still cont to arrive each month. It may be due to stress that it dun come or come late. But if u dun o regularly, u should visit ur gynae for further testing. When u start charting, u will see from ur temperature n it will tell u when u ovulated. For me, I tot I din o this cycle coz din hv much ewcm. But my chart showed a biphasic pattern which is a temp increased to 2nd phase after o. So then I realized i actually did o but symptoms was vague. Start to chart now n along the way you will understand how the whole thing works.
Shld b testing next Wk If temp still high. Becoz If still bfn, will make approach to c my Gynae liao. Hahaha...Wkend Nt free as going sightseeing wif my hk relative. Hahahaha...

Basically now is monitor only. Hope will keep staying Tat high.... recently So warm, will it affect the bbt?? Morning wake up feel So warm....
hello ladies.. busy lately..

hb seems v on on this #2 ttcing.. he suggested to consult the chinese physian @ jurong east. so yes, we will be going there after the vesak holiday. reason he cited was that he knows he leads an unhealthy lifestyle (smoking), so if can go tiao, at least the spermies and my eggies will be abit healthier. and he strongly believed that because for #1, we went to consult this tcm and had a rather well pregnancy and #1 body constitution also ok, the chinese medicines help. whoa sei..1st time he so onz. that time ask him go tcm, he said no time, then i also never bring it up for months liao. really surprised to hear it from his mouth. that to say, i am wondering if i should take a break again this month so that we can take the chinese med then start again.
after so warm, it finally rain. gd to me. at least in office the temp dropped... not that warm le.....

tats gd ar. most impt hb muz b onzz. if not, very tiring for the wife de. depends on urself. if u feel tired. u can take a short break n cont the next mth..... most impt is ur health n mentality...
allets, its gd that he onz mah..for mine, i told him prev mth hope dashed again, feel like giving up, duno wats wrong & stuff like tat, then he suggested maybe going for checkups..my ah lao also unhealthy lifestyle - smoking, slping late..
..i don even know wts wrong wif me...haiz..

if worried then go for a check. me also did tat. although i delay the check up for mths. end of the day i still go c gynae. so since now check no issue. then more 安心.. juz to have a peace mind. at the same time can get some advice fr gynae...
Everyone so quiet today.

I’m so sleeeeepy, and there’s a meeting from 2pm to prob day end… dunno how to survive through. It has been weeks I woke up on Tues or Wed morning and thought its Fridaaaaay or Saturdaaaay, and ended disappointed with the reality! Haiz… Guess I am really bored. Lol !
Ya, Jesslyn, if you have ttc for some time still no news, then no harm gg for check up. Most impt is to get peace of mind to ensure everything is okay.
ya been ard for 1yr plus lo..though not v actively bd like for alt days la..haha..

how much does it cost to start off the checks..? most prob will be doing more info research b4 goin..
Ya lor. so quiet. i super no mood to work.... lol....

depends on the checks u goin thru.
normal will have blood test, ultrascan, HSG for u.
ur HB shld b semen test only.
at least tats wat i have. based on the above plus consultation - i paid ard 8-900 like tat. as HSG is not cheap - 200plus. blood test is 130 like tat. so all the price is rough gauge as i dun hv the receipt now. so based on my memory.
ok..one time cost ar..? or in parts..?
where did you go to do yr tests? so all those u mentioned are compulsory? i tot of going to neighbourhood gynae to do..

in parts. becoz when my first visit. i cannot do blood test n HSG.
Blood test is to do on CD2 or 3. HSG is do between CD7 - 10.

HSG is go hospital do.

not compulsory. depends on wat your gynae recommend. i direct go to TFC c gynae as i believe they are the specialist in this.
U can try neighbourhood gynae if he/she is experience in this. I cannot recommend as I neber go c neighbourhood gynae.
Dun be scare. hahaha. me ar. hmm. married for 3yrs plus. not actively trying til recently. but last mth is super on to BD. hahaha. end up, still waiting as my AF is super irregular. so dun knw now is delay or wat. lol...
still waiting.... hahaha... so patiently waiting lor. wat to do?? haha. my body playing tricks with me.... hahaha....

but realise my temper getting bad. whahaha... something not so gd.....

Hi stoney ... yup , now in 2WW . will know the outcome next week .I totally forgotten how is it or rather the symptoms were like as my last girl is ald now 6 years old .
I have just went to see Dr Yu from SGH.
Hubby sperms test not good
I will be starting my IVF in July.

Doc says his army only 8% can swim...out of the 8% only 1% normal shape..out of this 1%..none can attach to the egg...so dun even need to bury in and fertilise.

Doc says no pt trying naturally...i will nvr get pregnant...dun waste time

But I will only do once...if fail den 认命.

Oic... so basically is ur hb issue. dun be sad becoz u can go for IVF. so u will make it.. ok??

nowadays not only prob lies wif woman. Guys also will have prob. but heard tat quite common that guys sperm test result not so gd. due to lifestyle and stress....

Since going for IVF, juz keep open minded. muz take good care. 调养 your body now. u will make it...
well if i wan more kids i must go thru ivf again..which is a no no for hubby and I.
I think the money i use on IVF i can go europe..haha
hahaha... mayb u IVF - 1 time twins or triplets. hahaa....

Yaya... IVF = Europe trip = very ex. i hope i no need go thru tat.
*Pray hard*
Riku, dun despair. My friend has 0 sperm count but now has 3 beautiful kids by gg natural. Their gynae also thought it was impossible but this is the fact. The couple went to a fengshui master n heeded his advice. Tried again n got bfp the next couple of months. I'm not sure if they went to the master for the first child n 2nd, but I know 3rd child was unplanned. So miracle does happened. =)
riku, can I know how much did you pay for the checks..? for both of you..?
im tinking of going to check too..see if the body is suitable or not..wat kinda test did they ask u to do?
riku, now govt subsidize ivf ... so not so ex ... but u shld go polyclinic get referral then cheaper ... think u might want to consider joining the ivf thread ... can learn a lot there ... all the best to you ..
I think the positive side is that if problem lies with the man so there r still chances to go for ivf. Lesser complications. If problems lies in women, so much procedures to go thru n if any productive organs are defected, dun think there's hope even for ivf.
Labbittree, it's advisable not to have intercourse for 48 hours before Pap smear. Other than that, it's safe to ttc and do Pap smear in the same month.
Hey ladies, I believe reducing on caffeine stuff really helps in reducing pms symptoms... this cycle I'm current at cd25, there's no severe boob pain or bloatedness like the previous cycles... I have cut down to near zero for caffeine stuff this month and I think it is really gd!!

I'm here. Haha. Tats Gd..Today my Fren say me only. Hahaha.say I better stop my cold drinks. Lol...

Ya. Today Super quiet. All busy ba. I also Buay whole day.. lol
