2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hey Stoney, that's a good sign if ur bbt remains high n cont to increase. It will still fluctuate but its normal. Usually it will dip few days b4 af arrives or on the day it arrives. But there's cases where it dips few days after af arrives. So it depends on individual as well as each cycle.

OIC. So far I see it increase. No drop at the moment. Hahaha.. will keep monitoring...Lol..

Wat type of check up u wan to go??
Stoney, have faith n dun stress ya. Physical n mental stress will also affect bbt reading. Hope it remain constant since it already hit 36.8, as long no dip its good news.

Jeslyn, depends what type of body checkup u looking at. If its for fertility, I recommend Thompson fertility centre as they r also fertility specialist so quite good. My gynae is Dr Loh SF who was very famous and best gynae when he was at kkh. Known as magic hand n expertise in ivf.
I was actually quite skeptical when my gynae told me he wants to perform laparoscopy surgery on me. But when i started to Google about him, I learnt that he has actually very good reviews n highly recommended too. I wanted to seek for 2nd opinion at first but now grew to have faith in him. So when all fails n if need to go thru ivf, at least I know I will be in good hands.
For fertility check up, make appt when af comes coz blood test to be taken on cd 2 or 3. Hb can hv his spermies test there also. Normally will go back 1 or 2 weeks later for results but they nv charge us for reviews. Usually my previous gynae will charge consultation as long u went in to the room n talk to them. We spent like 20mins with him n he also dun charge.
We have the same Gynae. Hahaha. I also seeing him now. But Tat time I go Bk review He got charge me lei. Hahaha. But No charge me for ultrascan. Lol... Ya. Keep my spirits up at the moment....

If u wan to check on this, Shld b fertility le. Go check out those Gynae specialise in these areas. Although I share the same Gynae as chocolat, I agree He is gd. But depends u feel comfortable wif male Gynae Or Nt.If not, u can look for female de. But fyi, theae checks are Nt cheap If added together. Hahaha....
Ok...bt usually hw much does it cost? Iasked at a p
Polyclinic b4 lik wher cn do tis kinda tests..they
Told mi to go kkh n it cost lik 400buc
Stoney, he charged you ah? Then think depends on his mood coz he charged me $100 for scanning lo. Haha. Ya, not cheap and they have facility charges also. But nice environment there, u will feel atas coz of the ambience n many ah mohs. Waiting time ave bout 1 hr. you can ask if they have female gynae if u not comfy with male.
Hahaha. Tink So ba. Agree it's nice environment. Nw chn 8 9pm drama got film there. Hahaha. Saw the place appear few time.

Sperm test ard 60. Blood test ard 130. Hsg ard 240.these are excluding consultation. Mayb kkh will b cheaper.But the 1st consultation is ard 150. 2Nd consultation onwards is ard 80. Rough charges. The first visit there I spend 330. Haha. Juz consultation n ultrascan wif photos. happen tat time i ovulate. So can c all the eggs... lol..Almost scare die me when see bill...Lol..
Hi ladies,

It has been qt sometime that I'm away. Got something bad happened at work. I hope things will come to an end and start a new fresh!

Tis month my AF seow seow one, haven't arrive yet n I din O. Have tested many times but din see myself O..so disappointed. Not sure it is due to stress tats why everything delay? Is it normal tat we ladies on certain cycle mite not O but wil stil come AF? I tested pregnancy test also negative. So I am very lost now. Can someone advise me?
Keira, I n hb will take a break for few weeks as of now. We will ttc again when everything is much more firm, when I settle down in my work.

Really don know wat happen to me, gg to see my doc and ask how should we plan, count n ttcing if I continue having tis O-ing n mensus late problem.
Chloe, its normal if we din o in certain months n health n stress usually the main factors. U prob too stress up that why no o. Late af usually do cause by same reason. Ur af usually late or only recently? If its usually late then seek for professional advice ba. If its only recent cycle, cont to monitor if its due to stress. Think basic is charting bbt, n bd alt days after af is the safest. N bd daily during the 3 or 4 crucial dates ard o days. You may want to do body check up if u have tried ttc for more than 6 mths if u above 30 or 1 yr below 30.

There are some that is not bad neighbourbood area gynaes.

u can check with them whether they can do all these test for you or nt... normally, is can. but more impt is still whether u comfortable wif the gynae or nt...

Any limit to the temp can raise? lol.... mine keep raising til 36.9 liao. wan to faintz. tink go up somemore will be fever le....
Morning ladies, long time no post but have been catching up on your posts on and on.. TGIF!!!

Blessed, thanks for refreshing the table.

Anyone expecting O these few days? I'm still waiting and hope to see positive OPK soon.
Stoney, rising temp is a good sign although I'm not sure where is the max. So long as not feverish kind (like 37.5 onwards?), it should be good news. Good luck!!!
hello ladies..

finally it's friday.. still praying for AF not to arrive. but when i touch boobies, they no longer hurt that much and also not so hard like before so maybe she reaching soon ? still pinning on to the hope of no see red still got chance.. heehee..
morning ladies,

i am selling off my Clearblue Digital Ovulation kit. 20 sticks for $70 plus 9 cheapo opks and 1 guardian pregnancy kit. postage free. box is abit big, if u wan to meet me and collect oso can. first who pm me will get it.
MiloQueen: I'm expecting my O to arrive anytime soon since I got my first pos opk this month yesterday.. bd last night and should try to bd tomorrow morning.. scared daily bd daily my hubby will die... lol....
allet my cycle buddy, no red means HOPE...haa...stay positive & all shall be well! today is e 1st day of AF..feels like (*$($*#*($.. T_T

Bout the fertility test, anybd got neighbourhood gynae to intro..? i think hosp shd charge much more higher than neighbourhood ones ba..
oh ya, so wat kind of tests am i expecting? which are the ones required to do & which are optional?

still a bit lost here & there..
Yeah Jo78, Min is right, the first 2 cycles might not be accurate. The more you test, the more the machine knows your cycle,the more accurate it will be. However, there are gals that bfp in the first cycle.

Jeslyn, which part of Singapore are you in? I haven't been following the thread, how long have you been ttc-ing? Based on my experience, I would suggest that you look for a proper fertility gyne, reason being, they know of the tests to prescribe and they can also do the SA at the same time. If you worry about the cost, you can get a referral letter from Polyclinics and see a govt hosp instead of pte. I've seen a neighborhood gyne before but eventually its just a waste of time as they don't exactly know what to do as their experience is more on pregnancy.
maomi, i can get referral from polyclinic mah..? didnt know that..bt will they do so, i mean as in refer me to hosp to do the checkups, so what am i supposed to tell e polyclinic..? im at northeast side..been ttc about 1yr plus..as in more enthu trying for it..

i heard theres one gynae at houg st 21, reviews not bad..bt stil duno where to start off 1st
Chocolat, my last AF was abit haywire too, late abt 5 days n it is not so bad, abt 40-42days. Cos the past few cycles was abt 32-38days.Tis round more haywire, over 40 days Liao still no signs. I guess was due to unnecessary stress at work fm crazy boss. Thank God everything is over, new phrase of challenges is coming!

Chocolat, can I know wat test or procedure u are gg to do? I din manage to read n catch up all the postings. Mind to share? If not n if u do not wan to repeat again it is ok. I read u mentioned ivf.

U can get referral from polyclinic. but the bad point is they dun have fixed gynae to see you. normally, if i not wrong, is which gynae on duty will see u. becoz if polyclinic refer is under subsidized patients.
Jeslyn, yes you can. But Stoney is right, you only get to see whoever is on duty.

I think the Hougang one is Henry Cheng or something. Look for TTC-ing in this thread, she saw him and got preg.
Chloe, I think its due to stress ba. I’m glad to hear that you are starting new phase soon, so hope everything goes well for you. Just relax and prob monitor another 2 cycles see if it returns back to normal.

For my case, I experienced all pregnancy symptoms during last cycle and felt quite sick tho, esp the faint spell, giddiness, nausea etc etc. It was a BFN so gynae suspect its endometriosis which he suggested to perform a laparoscopy surgery to confirm. He also said it’s optional and I can choose to do ivf for higher chance, or proceed with the surgery and go natural. Me and hb chose the surgery coz at least we look into source of problems and we can at same time clear off the cysts and blockage. If we do ivf now but not cure the problem, there will be a tendency to repeat ivf for future ttc which can cost a bomb. And ivf is not guaranteed also, he has patients where tried ivf but failed, but got BFP a mth after the surgery, so still depends on individual.

Tho endometriosis is awful but we still stand a chance to conceive, just that chances are slightly lower. The good side about having endometriosis is that, you know at least your body is ovulating normally. Haha. Just that during the process of ovulating, it got stuck inside, somewhere and formulate group gathering, watching the spermies swimming here and there and refuse to let them in. Sound so much like gate crash, the spermies nv bring angbao along. hahaha
Jeslyn, you have to keep fingers crossed if you visit KKH under referral by polyclinics. I visited kkh once under referral too but I swear I will nv head back to visit the same gynae again. Haha

Choose one that you are comfortable with and stick to him / her so your records will not be all over the places.
hi kitkat,

i am keen in your O kit, can you please PM me ?
as you do not accept PM.

i think as long as not hit fever high temp shd be ok !

i am starting to get rise in BBT from yesterday, hopefully, this mth will have some chance.
Hi ladies,

I have some OPK to let go.

1) First Response Ovulation Kits (20pcs) 1 month supply
- Brand New, Packing not open but Box is cause open as curious to see how is the packing like.
- Expiry Date: 04/2014

2) Clearblue Digital Smiley Ovulation Kit (13pcs)
- Expiry Date: 01/2014

Letting go in a package price @ $88 plus a Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Kit for FREE!!

Inclusive of normal postage, if you want registered mail need to pay the registered mail price.

Following are the photos for references. =)

Do PM me if you are keen. Thanks.. =)


Ya, I agree, I had bad experience with KKH too! Hated the gyne so much after first visit and I wasn't even a subsidised patient!.

Jeslyn, the good thing about going to a fertility gyne in govt hosp is that if *touchwood* need ivf, there is govt co fund.

My hubby just did SA at NUH, 90+ only without subsidy. But when we did it in GlenE and Raffles, the cost is almost double.
bit strange tis AF cycle, experience some clot blood bt i don recall i drink cold stuff lehz..or izit due to the CW pills i took..?
Jeslyn - we are almost cycle buddies again!

can anyone help me to update.. AF arrived today and super cramp! worst then other cycle. i wonder is it because of the CW / longan tea / Chicken essence. cos this cycle also no cold drinks leh. boo..!
allet, Hi 5..mine yester arrived le..bt today like super cramp too..not v worse though la..i drank longan red dates, took the CW pills as usual, then also no cold drinks..still e same lo
Jeslyn, yes you can. KitKat, Min and I went to Prof Wong of NUH, but he is exp lah. I am still seeing Prof Wong. Kitkat and Min graduated liaoz.

I have also seen Dr Seng of Raffles Hosp. But because of $$, I can't continue with him as I'm proceeding to IVF next.
Any one knows why BBT temp fluctuates? I know one of the reasons is due to temp taken wrongly but I have been taking it same time, same method so I’m not sure why my BBT looks like roller coaster. haha

Ya, whats conceive well?

Stoney - buy from pharmacy. Now guardian promotion 2pack $52. I should b buying another 2.

Told hb menses came, no bb this month. His reply "McMahon, we try again next month". Seems a normal msg, But coming from hb it seems comforting. Heehee..
