2WW - for those TTC-ing

haha... ya. cutting dwn... but these few days too hot. cannot b save. lol... my fren ask me to drink more milk. powder de. lol... i ask her. nice ma?? hahaha... she say ok lei. hahaha. then i was like, hmmm..... shld i try or nt.... hahaha...
hello ladies..

busy too for me! for past few days, now still in office. haiz. never ending de tasks on hand.

even forgot all about my longan red date tea. no time sia. going easy this month. see tcm liao then cheong..so maybe that's why abit lay back.
Stoney: Ya, weather very hot... now n then I got sneakily sip 1 or 2 sips of refrigerated apple juice or ribena.. hee hee.. but mostly I just take it out of the fridge n wait till they "sweat" finish then drink...

Allets: I chanced upon a Taiwan forum, and read that 桂圆 (longan component in our lrd tea) will increase chance of miscarriage.. I dunno true or not so during 2ww I am not drinking... I'm still a week away from the moment of truth!! Excited!!
hahaha... u muz take care ar. dun work too late... gd to take a break at a moment...

hahaha... ok lar. only 1 to 2 sip. lol... i also try to cut dwn my cold drinks. gd for u. 1 more wk of waiting.... me still in my waiting zone. hahaha... wondering hw come i can b so patient waiting....
hahaha.. ya. the nurse will remind u. dun wan u to waste a trip dwn. keke...

today super quiet here. no ppl got tings to share ar. keke...
Me just back home. Shag n feel like killing my manager. Entire ofc cannot stand her. Even our director also regret hiring her.First time working with incompetent superior n she made me doing extra work.

Even since working at China town now I've been drinking several bubble tea. Alternate days or at least once a week. Jialat. Need to stop but felt tempted whenever I saw my colleagues having it.

4 more days to cd28 or new cycle. Not pinning any hope but seeing my bbt increasing steadily daily at its triphasic section makes me bit excited. Gonna see when it will dip back to its lowest...my heart will follows its momentum.
Poor u.. muz take Gd care. Try to cut dwn ba. Bubble tea also not that healthy. Kekeke..

Wow. Tats Gd. Tink my temp hit the max le. Now is maintaining..
Dun knw will drop Or Nt...Hahaha...
Stoney, I know bubble tea is bad but I totally lost to temptation. Hahaha. Will try hard to quit!!

Me temp now at 36.74. Dunno if will cont to rise now. But no matter how high it goes sure will drop in next few days. I doubt any chance since we nv try much this time. Bought conceive well so gonna take it once af comes.
Yours really marathon leh. Go see gynae to check soon ba n if really need force af to come. At least get urself to new cycle. Or perhaps it gonna be a good news when u r there. =)
Hahaha. Me also cannot stand temptation. Lol... Tink once a blue mood drink OK. Cannot drink Too often.
OIC. Sometimes tings will happen when u least expect it. Hahaha...

Ya lor.Super long Marathon. Will test again next Wk If AF Dun appear. So If still bfn, will c Gynae. Hb going reservist. So AF come when He go reservist is better. Hahaha..
Yahor, u mentioned ur hb gg reservist. Good la, by time he return can do lots of exercise. Hehehe.

I've been putting on weight. Wanna exercise but afraid will affect ttc. Wanna do jogging but scared will shake all spermies out. Lol

The rest been so quiet lately.
Yup.. Haha. Dun knw He go in r&r Or train. Lol... So need to c timing liao... me also putting on weight. Hb keep complaining. Lol...

Ya lor. Other ladies So quiet recently....
hi hi,
me here, just home and now still needs to continue to do work.

no red and put on weight, good sign !
keep us posted, okie !

been busy these few days, no time to post much, just a silent reader.
Morning Ladies!

Damn sleepy. Dun seem to be getting enough sleep lately even no. of sleeping hours the same. Perhaps AF is near, that’s why ba. Weekend finally here... can zzzz till gao gao.
me ar. ard 40days. but when go haywired can go up to 60days.
but then very seldom hit til 70days. haha...
will test again next wk if AF no appear.

ur AF here then u feel more slpy?? keke.. me everyday also tired. hahaha. seems more jia lat than u. hahaha...
Hope u can get a BFP !
Did u manage to detect ur ovulation this cycle ?
Due to my long cycle, I used ovulation strips before but no positives and can get very stressful.
Thanks. I also hope so. but then mah when the longer i wait, i keep feeling no hope liao. hahaha..
based on the FF app, got detect. but then keep changing the O date as n when i input new BBT. hahaha. tink becoz i did not give more info. but then mah. i already did wat i can this round. so wait n c. if AF come, next cycle have to take clomid le.

yup. can be stressful. but then if u find stressful then try not to use OPK. juz bd alt days. haha... i did that for 3wks. but its tiring lar. hahaha....
morning ladies!

will start testing for O this week. however will be taking it easy le, will be starting studies soon, so was thinking if haf at least these 1 or 2 mths know then can withdraw from course, if not juz c how 1st + too many false hopes too..

last time was thinking to have bb b4 30...now don know gt hope or not lo... :p
hahaha.. ya. tats wat all ppl telling me. lol...
today BBT drop abit. so wait n c these few days got keep dropping or nt. if cont to drop then no chance liao. hahaha...

alt is every other day eg, mon / wed/ fri/sun/tues/thurs etc....

haha.. depends on u ba. becoz for mine, my gynae confirm i late O and happen i visit him is on CD 14. so for this cycle we started ard CD 18 onwards for 3 wks. and after tat is on n off. hahaha. tink i surrendered first. lol. becoz i always dozed off early once i hit the bed... lol...
Every other day is quite siong, not young already.
Same like you, I will KO first every night!
Wondering when to start as cycle long.
O is 2 wks before AF, is it right ?
Stoney, I’m also not sure leh. I always feel sleepy but lately lagi feeling more tired. Usually will feel energetic after shower and I dun like to sleep early type, so usually will play with my hp while my HB snoring away. But lately, I really CMI. After shower, can’t wait to zzZZzz after drying up my hair. So think it’s probably due to AF coming ba since other routines remains. HB complaining I look haggard. hahaha
yup. O is 2wks before AF.

Jia you. dun give up hope.
U can de....

hahaha.... same here. normally sat i dun slp early. will watch tv til wee hrs as chasing korean variety show. end up last sat i watch less than 15mins i fall aslp liao. hahaha....
yes, 1983 labbitree? how bout u?

thanks stoney, most prob will zen-ing..will go research & find out more b4 going for the checks..
my hope nt tat high. worried higher hopes. bigger disappointment. keke...

nope. becoz i dun really like KKH. hahaha. heard too many bad stories abt there. lol....
Have some hope

KKH Private Suite also got bad reviews ?
Labbittree: me turning 30 in July! Heehee..

With regards to which hospital is better, I think it's really up to individual and luck lo... be it whichever hospital oso got gd n bad reviews.. so it's really up to individual preference ba... that's wat I think la...
last time lar. but then mah. for me is i dun really like there. hahaha. so will not check up abt the gynae there.. keke..

hahaha... i agree lor. too many reviews on different hospital. still up to individual.
i juz called up poon clinc at houg..the receptionist was saying if duno preg or not, better not to massage..& i was tinking to go today.. i bd on the last day of menses, not o day..so also duno will affect or not..
Just went construction site visit.super shag n smelly now. Haha. Hb dunwan to get close to me. All of u so young!! envy! ! I'm turning 34 this year leow. Fengshui master told me I will have bb after 4yrs of marriage n now only gg into 3rd yr this yr end. Lagi sianz... gotta wait long long. Hahaha
Morning Stoney! I'm here... sick and back to work. Argh... My temp is gradually dropping like 0.02 to 0.03 daily also. Gotta say hello to Ms AF soon. haha

Does yours dropped alot? Yours seem to be fluctuating still. Just wait and see how. Hope you have a closure soon.
0.1 still okay. Not a drastic dip. Ya.. so tired. Yday i knock out at 10+. Abnormally early for me. Now whole body aching. Must be the site visit that dried me out. zzZZzzz... meeting meetings.. now gotta come back work. SBSzzzz.
