2WW - for those TTC-ing

Ttcing: Yup,all of my colleagues know I trying but they didn't stress me..is just me thinking too much and can't accept pple getting preggy easily..

Jas: Yup,jia you together..

Berries went to Hong Kong alr beginning of this wk,shd be back end of the wk.. hope she comes back with gd news..haa..

faith: thats good. u have to be positive (though I know it is hard) but try to think a bit on the brighter side. maybe ur colls or frds have also been ttcing for a while b4 they conceived? Sometimes, people, even close frds will not tell u in detail, whether or not they r ttcing. even if they r ttcing, they might not tell anyone too, for fear of getting more stressed or for face.

Hopefully, positive thinking will be transformed into positive results

Oh ya, forgot that Berries is on vacation in HK. Good luck for her!

thiru: Maybe u can visit another TCM? How did the previous TCM cheat u and ur DH? I think TCM has slower effects/results but it is to slowly build up the body. maybe u need to continously take the TCM med for a few mths b4 u see results?
I think what my hubby, or at least the men says it's true. we need to learn to be happy for those who have conceived/giving birth in order to feel happy and positive about yourself.

To cut long story short, my bil/sil had some pre-arrangements about their overseas study stint and decided to bring my in-laws' to stay with them. My inlaw's visa did not work out and ended up with my in-laws' staying at my small little home with not enough rooms for them. With my mil's nosy/controlling/mouthy behaviour, that situation drove me to depression for the period they stayed with us for 2.5 years. During dat time, I just moved in to my new house, and started planning for #2. Hence that is why OB mentioned there was no way I could conceive successfully until I get stress out of the way. And when sil got pregnant with the first child during that time, I was so not happy at the whole situation coz I felt then that I couldn't get preggie partly because of them that they had caused this unfortunate housing arrangement with my in-laws which led me to my depression.

As stress is out of the way (at least for now by them staying away from me for the past 2 months), I began to feel healed from dperession and avoided contact with sil/bil (they were still overseas btw). But seeing the baby being delivered yesterday, I cannot deny I felt jealousy. However, I decided to move on and take more courage in looking at their photos, I truly feel happy for them. It wasn't easy, but I'm glad I did it. And I felt that it was a rehabilitation and therapy for me, to move on with me to conceive +vely. I did not plan this out anyway, it just happened... and I still have a long road to recovery...
Thiru: How did you get conned? What happened?

Ttcing and the rest: Just to update, I went to scan the follicles. I have 3 follicles today on CD13 at 14mm, 12mm and 7mm. Hopefully they continue to grow for my SO-IUI either this weekend or early next week. I was also given flu-micil to increase cervical mucus.
Question for those who have done IUI, were you given trigger shot? Is it important to have trigger shot? Cos my gynae prefers my own natural LH, but usually a bit late.

Regarding friends and colleagues,I only told a few colleagues that we are ttcing and they are very supportive. I only told best friends too that we are ttcing. The rest not so important people, we prefer to keep it from them as it is none of their business
Afternoon ladies,

Haiz.. i felt so down today not sure if i'm tired or what..

Then see my ILs i even more sian.. See my mil keep siding her another dil which did wrong things i felt even HOT! When i did e same wrong thing she will attitude me. She really side her till machiam she is her own daughter lo. I'm just a stone or shit. I really feel very tired over all these things le lo.

They can let e other sil do whatever she wants but when it comes to me its like everything also my fault...

How i wish i can disappear when i wish to.

I am really so sick and tired of quarreling with my hubby over their stuffs le. I also dont wan to make my hubby trap in e middle between me n his parents, its so stressful for him and so unhealthy for our relationship.

Sometimes, i really wished i can delete them away. Select and delete or drag them to the recycle bin!! Out of my life. =
Thiru,wat u mean con har? How they con? I am curious cos I oso went to a Tcm @ jurong.

Ttcing, I wun really tell my coll that I am ttc cos seems like everyone else is getting preggie except me .. Damm sian
I agree with cheeka. i oso onli told two of my colleagues and they are veri supportive & they understand. My colleague just had a baby son at the age of 53! My mum does not stress me too.

Strawberries: dun b angry. must hav +ve thoughts. Just ignore them can liao. if really cannot ignore, avoid them!

Shery: now u can relax & ttc le.
Btw, i heard from my fren that she bought this magnetic underwear for his hubby and it has got many health benefits. one of it is increase sperm count. Dun know how true izzit. Can try to buy from qoo (gmarket). kekeke..
cheeka.. i did my iui, was not given the trigger shot. My gyne also want us to try natural.

But for the next cycle, i will be on clomid next cycle and will be trying for trigger shot. =.="
Cheeka: Gd to hear from u! I m not too sure abt the SO-IUI process but maybe u can try the trigger shot if it helps?

Shery and Strawberries: Understand u gals coz I also have a bit of problems staying with my ILs for the past 2 yrs. Like shery, I believe they have caused me a certain amt of stress though I have PCOS. Glad that they r not staying with me now.

jas: ur coll is a female or male, to give birth at 53??? Amazing !

My mum does not stress me too but tries to help me constructively. My mgr though, tried to help me but at times, said out too loud, loud enough for some people in the office to hear. Quite embarrased for me.
just like to share...

i have been reading this thread for quite sometimes and tips on conceiving from other thread..

i dont know whether it is coincidental for both pregnancies.. i got pregnant after i consume blackmore folate for a mth..

no harm trying as folic acid is essential during conception..

i tried putting up my leg high and doing kegal exercise after bd for an hour...did that for 2 pregnancies as well...

i believe baby making... must relax..dun stress..

i have nvr use opk.. JUST DO IT after ur menses to e day u ovulate...

exercise seems to work for mi too...went jogging and cycling..got good news on the next mth

spreading bb dust to u all...
Jas: never heard before this type of underwear..so cute,if it works,I will make sure my hubby wear 7 days a wk 24 hrs per day.. haha..

Strawberries:try to ignore them.. since they dote on the other dil more, let them be..next time if they need help, at least u can ciam..

At first I tot only me facing all these suay thing,never expect everyone life here faces prob as well..share with u gals a phrase that I saw online,'do not need to be envious of others as the other person may have what you want but what you have,the other person may not have'.. I really felt very meaningful..
Thanks for listening to me.. haiz.. guess i'm really too stress up over this ttcing issue....

faith: e sil is not staying with them but heng neither am i... if not i'll go into depression de lo...
ttcing, my coll is a male at 53. his wife is 41. Its their first child. They oso conceived naturally. my coll (mgr) told me that initially they tried counting the days to ovulation for few months but did not work. So they just dun bother about the days and they managed to conceived. My coll even went for SA and it was normal. They visited western doctors (gynae) and did not even try tcm .

If they can, we can too!
Strawberries: best if you don't think about it. and count your lucky stars u are not staying with them!
Not too sure what works best for u. For all the S*** I've been through, I stay away with least contact possible with those -ve around me. Block them from facebook/meeting people associated with them. Till I'm 'recovered' those ties can be renewed again. And just remember, you need to feel happy, and be happy, in order to have +ve results lo...

faith: yes yes, that's a meaningful phrase. my hubby always says, learn to appreciate what you have in front of you, and you'll enjoy the finer things in life... so philosophical... hee hee
Same as Serene's method, for #1 i conceived with my back raised up on a pillow after BD for 15 minutes therabouts... I just remembered during this cycle, and doing so.... but no kegel exercise immediate after that lah.. kegel exercises some other times yes...
Jas: men can take folic acid too?

Me taking Blackmore's Conceive Gold / Folate & Royal Jelly & Centrum MultiVits
Hubby taking Vigor Ace & Centrum MultiVits
Serene:Congrats to u..grabbing bbdusts from u..btw, what is kegel exercise? How to go abt it with legs high up? The pillow is put directly below buttock or hip?

Sheryl: guys also can eat folic acid, it said to improve the quality..
Initially when i told my hubby to take folic acid, den he ask after eating will he become ah kua onot cos onli women eat it, not guys. But he still eat. Everything gotta try.

Btw, he went to see gp and bought some viagra in case he needs it during ovulation period. Haha.. But not cheap leh. 4 tablets for $80.
Was recommended to go this famous tcm near imm. So hubby n I went and waiting for about 1 hour then our turn. Go in she held my wrist first said I got pcos then my hubby got headless sperm. Then asked me if I have seen a fertility doc before. I was seeing a gynea but didn't tell her n told her no. She kept pushing this particular fertility doc eventhough I said I don't want to see. This made me feel v uncomfortable.

My gynea never said I got any problem. Anyway found my own fertility doc n checked both of us. No problem.

Few weeks down the line I was mentioning this to another colleague n she said she also went to her! Went to see the recommended fertility doc n spend thousands. In the end due to cost she changed to kk doc n was told she was conned into doing unnecessary tests!

I can recommend u my tcm. Fu nan at bt batok dr su. She is not pushy, dun recommend any Gynae. Rather affordable. 22 per week med, no need say for consultation. Guys med are 44 per mth... She quite gd in touching our wrist. Knw my problem b4 I say I got Any problem or pain.. I oso heard a lot couple strike after seeing her
Thiru, u can consider my tcm Mr. Chan from Ban Choon Chan. My med costs $150. Me (4 packets, 2 before o & 2 after o). His is 3 packets during my o period. But u gotta go early like 8+am in the morning to queue.
Thiru, think i went same one as urs. She didn't recommend me any doc. Maybe cos I told her I am seeing one. Instead she told me to stop clomid & tiao my body first. Try it naturally for a few mths then see how.. But the wait was horrendous!
Strawberries: Take it easy okay? 相见容易相处难. Are you staying with in laws? If that is the case, must learn to close one eye.

Joce: I’m also not sure whether to use trigger or not. The last time I use trigger, my follicle was 20mm. Then two days later, follicle grew to 25mm and had not burst. That was CD22/23 already (late ovulation on clomid). It failed. I also tried once without trigger, also failed. Confused on what to do this cycle.

Thiru: I heard the IMM TCM quite famous. Anyway, Im not eating any tcm now, but im doing acupuncture after menses and before ovulation twice a week. It cost about $33 per session. My sinseh also didnt push me or sell me any medicine. In fact, Im thinking of asking her to give me medicine..ha..ha... kiasuism.

i only do kegel for the first 2-3 mins... tiring..then i read fr forum got to spread ur leg open n close...


kegel exercise is using ur vagina muscle to perform "suck in and out"... i used a bolster under my buttock...
Good morning ladies..today is Thur,another day to go before wkend..

Serene:thanks..a bit understand..but won't the suck in and out cause the sperm to leak out also? So after bd, leave ur legs high and do the kegel method for few mins?

I have always been a silent reader of this thread. Recently, I just tested positive and just passed my 1st tri. Hence, decided to pop by to share some tips with all.

1. I went to TCM at Jurong (not that one near IMM!) to tiao my body. This TCM is not very well known on forums but I was recommended to her by a fren who had many frens succeed in TTC after seeing her. she has 2 clinics, one at Jurong East St 24 and another at AMK. Her name is Wu Li Ping. I find that her fees are much more reasonable as compared to Dr Zou, Dr Tan Kian Seng, etc. 1 week medication including consultation is $55 only.

2. My hubby and I also took some supplements to enhance our chances. Both of us took royal jelly in liquid form, CoQ10 with Selenium and Vit E and also CoQ10 with Fish oil. I read that many IVF ladies who did with CARE were advised to take CoQ10 to increase their chances so we just tried even though we were not embarking on IVF yet. I bought them from babydustshop online. One of the reasons why I buy from them is due to the owners of the blogshop both took all these supplements and it did helped them to conceive hence i felt more 'safe'!

3. Kegel exercises are good! I did that right after my hubby ejaculate and it really did help to reduce the amount of sperms leaked out.

Hope everyone can benefit from my tips! Good luck.
jas: Me too. But I'm just BD-ing. hee

Those who use OPK, how many days usually the test will appear positive? Mine has been staying positive for 4 days liao leh, though some are faintly positive than others. Is this normal? Mine has been positive from CD 8 to CD 11. Today's CD 12 for me, I have yet to test.

Btw, since yesterday CD 11, I start experiencing tiredness, low appetite and bloating liaos. Today, I can feel all the PMS symptoms already, moody, etc...

And I got no idea when I O...
Mummyjay: So it's normal lah... U use CB ah? I use those cheapo OPK, sometimes difficult to see the faint line.. I had always ask hubby for a second opinion. Scared scali I start imagining faint line appear on the kit.. lol!

Still waiting for my CB fertility monitor to arrive...
Shery: at first i use the normal cb ones. Until one day i sort of saw a line and wasn't too sure so i went to buy the digital one to confirm. Didn't want to miss o!!

At least with a smiley face I can see a clear yes/no
Strawberries: My menses came quite regular every month. I think my follicle did burst but it's just a small follicle.
Thx jas. I stopped for this cycle liao. Hopefully my weight gain will turn into weight loss.. I dun mind weight gain if no af for next 9 mths tho :p
Guess the weight gain shud not b from the Tcm meds.

afternoon ladies!!! im back from my holiday le!!
how u ladies doing?? so miss u all!! many laundry to do..

thiru : new cycle new hope!! *hughug*

need some time to catch up with the posts... just so miss u all!!!
