2WW - for those TTC-ing

Jas, u can YouTube. I didn't know I was pregnant. You will will the series. Quite interesting de. U start to wonder what's wrong with these gals hehehe
It is very funny yet very interesting =)

And scary at the same time looking at what happened during birth. One mum was standing and her baby fell head first to the floor!
Hello ladies.. Can i
Check for folic acid tablet rite.. Is there a specific time
To eat? Like morn or night... One day jus 5mg can le rite? The very small yellow tablet
Think usually morn but if u have gastric, just make sure u take after meal cos according to my tcm, it is acidic lah
Hi mummyjay, happy weekend to u too

Gals, I'm having abit of crampy feeling n there was a sharp pokey feeling this evening for about less than a min, think menses might be coming
think I'm out this cycle.

Thiru, how's thing on your end? Bbs still sore?
Tell u girls something funny. Last nite my mum pulled me one side & told me if I knew to put a cushion under my hips after intercourse onot. I say, ya, read it Internet. She said I tot u might know but still wan to tell me. Keke. She knows I stress over ttc so wants to help me
Morning everyone..

Thiru: new cycle new hope..hugs..

Today is my dpo 11,tested hpt and -ve.. guess this cycle gone case already..do u all suggest I should go ahead and try iui? I been trying for 2.5yrs..I felt that to cont trying naturally every mth is like a waste of time..don't know when then I can succeed..
Thiru & faith, dun give up hope!
Have u all tried tcm? Though i am not preggie yet, but i believe tcm helps. Even korean & japanese couples look for the sinseh at marine parade.
Good morning ladies!

Today is DPO 13 after my SO IUI but this morning my bbt dropped from 36.88 to 36.65, so I think this cycle is out for me. Very disappointing, but at least now I can tell myself I have tried my best for all other means, n I'm now fully mentally prepared for IVF. I will do that in my Oct cycle since I have a holiday planned this Sat, will take this time to rest n recharge n get ready!

Jas: IUI is intra uterine insemination. They will wash your DH's troops n insert it directly into your uterus. It can be unmedicated, or with clomid, or with injections such as Puregon or Gonal F, so as to stimulate more than one egg to grow to up your chances. SA is semen analysis.
Mine was due yesterday. Till now nth, but dono why for this cycle, yesterday and today, got very crampy and today worse, woke up 5.30 am crampy, sneezing and whole body aching (as though intensive exercising) and thought menses arrived but nothing. =( im walking like a zombie now.
Thiru: dun give up! Jia you! Jia you!

Joce: I have slight cramps and body aches before menses. But last cycle I had intense cramps and v bad low back pain though. Doc says it's the hormones

I'm just ended my menses yesterday and I tested opk and it's faintly positive already. Gonna continue testing for the next few days.... And I have yet to get the longan red date...
Berries, thanks for your hardwork for updating the table so frequently. My af finally came last thursday. Goodness 66 long days. sigh.. PCOs..

So glad to see so many mummies graduating. Good luck to all!!^^
Jas: Yeah, ovulating liaos. My menses lasted for 8 days, immediately on 8th day i happen to try test then got faint line. Just now i test again CD9, oso faint line (but more obvious than yesterday).. time is nearing liaos... *gasp* *gasp*

Yes, we will all graduate one day soon! In God's will, we will!
Thiru & Maomi & the rest who are having their AF now: New cycle new hope . Hugz

Alice: Did u visit any gynae or specialist on ur PCOS?

Btw, I went to visit a new gynae today, had a v-scan and was told that my lining was too thick and even if got follicle also hard to implant properly. Was given some Norethisterone to take for the next 14 days to ''scrape off the excess lining'' and to induce the next AF. Any gals heard or experienced this b4?

I was also given clomid to take for the next cycle. Guess this 2 months will be a waiting game for me again....
Hey ttc-ing, I thought clomid will aldy thin the lining. Will taking the pills that the gyne prescribed overly thinned the lining?
Jas, when u are aroused, u will produce ewcm but that should not be taken as a gauge of the mucus during ovulation.

Btw, any of u experience this, I wiped this morning after pee, dark brown blood, then after that the next pee wiped was bright red, so i presumed it was CD1 so i put pad, then it was all dark brown blood, just now i went to bs, also dark brown blood flowing. Sorry TMI. You reckon its normal?
Thiru: my dh went for sa few months ago and the result is below normal..doc did suggest iui that time alr but I keep delaying, thinking that I will strike naturally soon..in the end,the hope is getting smaller and smaller..

Bbcrisps: how did u find iui? Do u think is helpful at all or I shd not waste my time and mental stress gg through knowing that it will fail.. I know the success rate is very little,just like natural conceive chances..

Maomi: jia you and gd luck for the next cycle!!!

Ttcing: I only heard lining thin,seldom will hear lining too thick..like that very stress ar, thin also cannot, thick also cannot..making baby is really tedious...haiz..
Thanks Faith. IUI is like a assisted sex, bringing the sperm into the cervix so that the spermies don't have to swim so far. n cos they 'wash' the sperm, so only the fast and good ones will go in. Success rate is very low, I've got a friend that did it 7 times, all failed but she managed to conceive naturally after one failed ivf.

You can try to buy the Surbex Zinc for your hubby, my gyne recommended although my hubby hasn't got much issue but it does help to strengthen.. You can get it at Watsons or Guardian.

Jas, I think I will monitor. Hope will turn red soon. Quite weird for me cos usually if its brown, it is usually very little then will turn red, then ending that time then will have dark brown discharge again but this round it is like full flow period except that it is dark brown.
Strawberries: To seek another gynae for fertility treatment as I have mild PCOS and the other gynaes I have seen dun seem to bother to explain to me in detail or tell me what to do. Heard from Shirley that her gynae is good so I went.

Maomi/faith: He said that I might not have ovulated for the past few months due to my PCOS, hence my lining is accumulated to abt 18mm which is considered not good for implanation. hence, he prescribed me with Norethisterone to take for the next 14 days to ''scrape off the excess lining'' and to induce the next AF. I will then take clomid when I have my next AF from CD2-6 to ripen my immature follicles.

Btw, what is the so-called ''optimum'' lining in mm? Sigh...I also very sian lor.

Alice: Have u given birth or still ttc-ing #1? For me, I m still ttc-ing #1 and have seeked a few opinions but all gynaes seem too busy to explain, asked me to try for at least 1 yr but I m still not preggie
I was only told that I have PCOS recently and just now
Had I known of this earlier, I would not have wasted 9 mths of my precious time and $.

I think I will need the help of clomid first and see how it goes.

Thiru: Did u take clomid last cycle? Cheer up ok, dear? At least u dun have PCOS like me, chances of u getting preggie is definitely higher than me...
Jas: yah I did
Ya lot I think v fast leh.. So unlike normal!

Ttcing: I've never heard before leh... I also went for a v-scan recently, ob did measurement too.. Now that u mentioned it must be the lining that ob is measuring....

Maomi: is ur AF due? Sounds like my case last week. Only when wipe got blood. No blood on pad.....
i tink my fertile period is this week. shld i see my gynae to check the egg? two months ago i went and she gave me a preg trigger shot. but its veri ex. Dun know this week should i go back to her?
maomi, 2 days after my af on 19th sep, we bd but i was abit dry and my dh say it was quite painful when he shot in.
Den we bd over the weekend (sat&sun), i was veri wet, and he was not as painful.. Hopefully its a sign tat ovulation is nearing..

Shery: Did ur OB tell u how thick ur lining is?

I just checked online - the optimum lining thickness during the fertile period should be ard 8mm only.
