2WW - for those TTC-ing

Jas: it is opened till 2pm. Sat will be till 3pm. Only
Open on wed till sun. Mon n tue all
Not open de.

I thk pregnancy wil have in crease cm like those ewcm..
hi jas: I did have an increase of cm.. is those whitish creamy type of discharge.. I also experienced dry mouth and get tired easily.. no sore boobs.. but sore boobs will come after that..
Hi jas, my symptoms same as Shirley,
Increase cm with those white creamy type and dry mouth. I also no sore boobs.
Seem like you got high chance, when you due for testing?
Morning ladies!!! happy firday!! ^^

<font color="aa00aa">Updated on 14-Sep-2012!! ^^</font>

<table border=1><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nickname</TD><TD>last AF</TD><TD>O day</TD><TD>CD/DPO</TD><TD>Avg cycle length </TD></TR><TR><TD>2ww</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD3</TD><TD>29 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>alice</TD><TD>17-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD60</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babykk</TD><TD>8-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>30 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbcripps</TD><TD>30-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD16</TD><TD>30 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>beanie</TD><TD>28-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD18</TD><TD>29 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>berries</TD><TD>6-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD9</TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>blissfulsasa</TD><TD>22-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD24</TD><TD>31 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheeka</TD><TD>20-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD26</TD><TD>27 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>energeticsnake</TD><TD>27-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD19</TD><TD>26 to 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD>faith</TD><TD>28-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD18</TD><TD>26 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD>happy-mrs</TD><TD>24-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jasmine_chu</TD><TD>11-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD4</TD><TD>32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>jhw</TD><TD>1-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD14</TD><TD>35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>joce</TD><TD>16-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD30</TD><TD>33 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keira</TD><TD>4-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD42</TD><TD>31 to 32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>love16</TD><TD>18-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>31 to 33 </TD></TR><TR><TD>maomi</TD><TD>13-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD33</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>reikohopes</TD><TD>5-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD10</TD><TD>28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shan</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>27-Jun</TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>33 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shirley</TD><TD>3-Aug</TD><TD>15-Aug</TD><TD>*graduated* ^__^</TD><TD>24 to 29 </TD></TR><TR><TD>thiru</TD><TD>21-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD25</TD><TD>32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>TTCing</TD><TD>14-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD32</TD><TD>31 </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklelynne</TD><TD>2-Aug</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD44</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>xynn</TD><TD>28-Jul</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD49</TD><TD>27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>vymon</TD><TD>12-Sep</TD><TD></TD><TD>CD3</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Babykk: I feel my symptoms r v different from Shirley n u. I have v bad backache n initially the cramps also quite bad. I know everyone has different symptoms but I have no one to compare with.
Thiru, my suggestion is don't read into it too much. I know it's difficult. But I've been through the phase, I know how stressful it is. Not saying u won't strike this cycle but just don't read into the symptoms too much n add extra stress to yourself ok? Hugz
thiru : i feel u are stressing urself too much.. must relax and be happy during ur 2ww ok? some ppl dun experience alot of CM also strike.. dun be discourage by those symptoms tat u dun have or symptoms tat u have.. have faith!! *hugs*
Maomi/ berries: thanks for your support ladies. Ya this 2ww period is really v difficult. I will try to relax n not thing about it. On half day leave today n meeting my dh for lunch and a movie so will be distracted.
Thiru.. don stress yourself too much.. My expected menses is on the 22nd.. some how i "O-ed" late. I also does not have any variable symptoms.. Haha..
Good morning ladies it's Fri, yippee!

Today is DPO3, was feeling super bloated n crampy for the past few days, but now better. But then, this morning I woke up n peed n felt the familiar early symptoms of UTI. So I tested on the home test kit (I have a problem w recurrent UTI so I'm well prepared), n true enough, SIGH! Sian to the max. So now I'm trying to self medicate with cranberry pills n Vit C pills n barrels of water. So sickening, last few months we BD more 5-8 times consecutively also never kana this month we only BD twice, then kana. Crap. Anyway, hope it clears up by itself soon.

Thiru: cheer up, relax, some ladies said they have zero symptoms before testing positive. U still have a good chance! Good luck!
Joce/Bbcripps: feeling better now. I will not think too much into it. Thanks ladies. When r u ladies testing?

Bbcripps: wow u v prepared with home test kits n medications!
Thiru : i Don't think I'll be testing.. haha just wait for Menses to come naturally. haha. =) (33-34 days) some more this month i ovulate late, dr estimate next menses is around 22nd. hahaha
Thiru: haha ya I had at least 12 episodes of UTI in the last 10 yrs, so I'm very experienced (unfortunately!). I will test around DPO 13, cos I had a trigger shot, so I cannot test earlier. Should be around 24 Sep I guess. I'm scheduled to fly to US on 29 Sep, so I tell myself on the bright side, I have something to look forward to either way. Hope this stupid UTI won't hurt my chances.
Reporting from msia.. Hhehe.. I'm on leave too thiru, hubby's birthday so took leave. Okok I'm just lazy!

TGIF gals, let's not stress ourselves too much
Bbcripps: I know someone who had UTI thru out her pregnancy for her 2 children! Drink a lot water n rest well. All the best for your testing
Maomi: thru this TTCing process the hubbies are the most left out I feel haha. So it is good to send sometime with them to show that we ladies r still sane and not crazy all the time haha
Babykk: haha ya n when I tell him about my symptoms he says that I am thinking too much. My dh says he v stressed starting from O thru the 2ww haha
Lol... U tested? My hubby will keep asking, need to 'deposit' this week.. Faint
My dh always get stressed once ovulation period is here. Before tat, when my Af is here, he will count in his mind agar agar when is ovulation. Haha. But there is one mth after I went gynae for preggnl injection, he got stressed den we onli BD once.

So now I better dun stress him &amp; ask him not to stress himself. He say will go eat more oysters to boost himself up!
I went to see mr chan of ban Choon chan ytd. Overall, I m weaker than dh. Den he going to change my medicine that will increase follicles, estrogen, lining, hsg, etc. He oso ask me to cook chicken breast &amp; drink the essence for alt days ard 5 days before next expected Af.
Hi, I've just started trying during the last cycle after a long 'break' after conceiving #1..

i'm 3 days late from AF (17 Sep). My 27-day cycle is very regular, and I would usually have tender breasts and cramping before AF.

However, for this cycle, I am completely not feeling much of myself. Since a week ago, I have a series of symptoms (though not all at the same time): cramping with bad constipation, lots of gas, sore breasts, frequent urination, increased body temperature, pangs of dizziness, lethargy, loss of appetite.

There's a time where I felt sick, suddenly break out into sniffles as if flu-like symptoms but yet it didn't develop into one. A few days of dizziness that occurs in the evening. Lethargy for a few days. Noticeable frequent urination. I also feel like flutters in the tummy at some point of time this mid week.

What's more apparent is the sore breasts. Breast tenderness for this cycle started around midweek, it is noticeably swollen, with soreness especially at the sides of both breasts. Yesterday I noticed blue veins on one side side of my breast, and today, the other side is now noticeable with veins as well.

I have tested a couple of times and all are negative.

On the overall, I feel like I'm in a limbo - feeling lousy (and sick!) but yet, I'm not! *confused*

Anyone experiencing this too?
Hi Erlisa!

I have flutters too! It's like baby movement with my number #1, but of course it's far too early for movement. I am currently in my 2ww and the flutters are in my lower tummy. I usually tell myself it's my imagination, glad I'm not the only one with flutters!
Mummy jay,
U still feel flutters? I remembered only feeling it over 2 days...

Where to go for blood test? Apparently I had gone to the polyclinic and requested for blood test o test for preg HCG. But the doc mentioned no such blood test. Lab also confirmed, but added on that I need to go hospital to get it done ... Got such thing meh?
But anyway my blood test results are tommorrow and I've booked an appt with my gynae after that as well ...

Yesterday, I wiped myself and found a streak of tissue-like blood. My heart sank thinking AF is around the corner. But none till now. Though I noticed stomach tightening yesterday, a little bit of cramping today. Some sort of diarrhoea yesterday and this morning, but not sure it has any relations at all!

Keeping my fingers crossed though!
I think all gynaes will do it, if not kkh, there's where Shirley went. Don't worry too much, could be hormonal. Sometimes UTI also will have the symptoms

Hi Erlisa,

My flutters come and go almost every other day I get them.

Good luck with the blood test!
I've got to wait until the end of the week to test. That's if i can stop myself from testing until then, yikes!
