2WW - for those TTC-ing

Hi ladies,

Just found out i failed my 3rd IUI attempt, haiz. Had a good cry just now to get the disappointment out of my system, wanna move on n look forward to trying again this month. Am probably going to give SO-IUI a shot this time.

Came across this beautiful poem on somebody's blog, made me cry (again), thought i will share it here:

There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss and though they are good mothers and loved their children, I know I will be better.

I will be better not because of genetics or money or that I have read more books, but because I have struggled and toiled for this child. I have longed and waited. I have cried and I prayed. I have endured and planned over and over again.

Like most things in life, the people who truly have appreciation are those who have struggled to attain their dreams. I will notice everything about my child. I will take time to watch my child sleep, explore and discover, I will marvel at this miracle everyday for the rest of my life.

I will be happy when I wake in the middle of the night to the sound of my child, knowing that I can comfort, hold, and feed him and that I am not waking to take another tempuerature, pop another pill, take another shot, or cry tears of a broken dream. My dream will be crying for me!

I count myself lucky in a sense; that God has given me this insight, this special vision with which I will look upon my child that my friends will not see.

Whether I parent a child I actually give birth to or a child God leads me to, I will not be careless with my love.

I will be a better mother for all that I have endured. I am a better wife, a better aunt, a better daughter, neighbor, a friends and a sister because I have known pain.

And when others hurt around me I do not run from their pain in order to save myself ddiscomfort. I see it, mourn it, and join them in theirs. I listen. And even though I cannot make it better, I can make it less lonely.

Yes, we are wonderful people…but we will be even better mothers!
bbcripps, I'm sorry to hear tat u fail ur 3rd cycle of IUI.. Cry and move on.. Me too thats wat i always tell myself... =)

whats the diff between IUI and SO-IUI?
Castiel's Mummy: For my 1st 3 cycles of IUI, its unmedicated, meaning the doc monitors my follicle growth, n when i test +ve on the OPK, i will go in next day for the IUI. To increase my chances this month, I'm going to try SO IUI, which stands for super ovulation IUI, so i have to inject myself for the 1st 2 weeks to try to stimulate more than one follicle to grow, preferably we get 2-3 follicles, then do the IUI, so hopefully the chance for successful fertilization n implantation is higher.

Took me a good many months to come to this point, i'm super chicken when it comes to needles, but haiz, not getting any younger, just have to take a deep breath n try...
Berries: Yes! u know, i have been stalking out the "2012 Mums" thread for the past few months, thought i can join the aug 2012 thread, then no success, so thought i can join the sept 2012 thread, nope, then the oct 2012 thread n so on... now, new goal - i want to be the pioneer of the "2013 Mums" thread! Hope we can all be the pioneers of that thread together!
Hi Bbcripps, so sorry for your failed IUI. Actually, SO-IUI is of higher chance than normal IUI. Don't worry, there's still hope!
I am also doing SO-IUI this cycle. First time injecting myself was scary, but a mother's love conquers everything!
Btw, did the gynae tell you why it fails? Is it male factor infertility?
Thanks Peggy for your words of encouragement!
For us, we have a few infertility factors - i have PCOS on my right tube, n partial blockage on my left tube (the HSG doc had to apply ALOT of pressure on my tummy n turn me this way that way before the dye slowly spilled out from the left tube - I almost fainted from the pain!), HB has good sperm count, average motility, but bad morphology at 2%. Doc also says becos my grandma n dad had diabetics, i'm prone to insulin-resistance (??) which might affect the quality of my eggs. She was more inclined for me to go to IVF actually, but i very stubborn, i don't want such drastic actions immediately, so i'm kinda working my way through the options - 3 cycles of unmedicated IUI, maybe a couple of SO IUI, n then if still nothing, maybe i will be ready for IVF.

Is this your first SO IUI? Is it painful? Hehe, im very scared of needles... Good luck for your cycle!
Dear all..

Now at this hour im still working in bkk.. boring...

I have start spotting from sat until now still not in full flow... sian... now dun knw whether to take doc med to purge the af out..

Ladies, be patient and do whtever we can and the rest is up to god... as for jass, my advice the more fustrated u are your hormones are going to do u harm than good.. be postive or rather look thru.. life will be better *hugs*
<font color="0000ff">good morning everyone...

It's only Tues.. sian.. omg!!!
wonder when AF will come..
my breasts felt super sore &amp; painful..
don't know y is it only like that now when last time its ok....</font>
hi ladies. good tuesday morning!! i got to share this yummilicious item i ate yesterday. KFC has this double down thing. SOOO GOOD!! two pieces of juicy fried chicken and bacon and cheese and mayo!! i'm trying to convince myself it is 'healthy' because it is carbo-free.. wahahha fat hope!!

i am going to eat it every week because i want to collect all the marvel heroes toys they have.. yeah!

today dpo2. can't wait to see red witch show her face at the correct time!!
morning ladies!

low morale.. time flies superb slow esp on weekdays! i hate it!

bursted out into big tears last fri when i got home immediately.. control my tears in office during the day time..

well, i shall focus on having a bb.. i wan to push my work aside n not think of it..

tell myself, work, jus come in on the dot n leave on the dot. i just do what i supposed to do.. pin notice board pin lo.. i will heck everything.. i will be a loner in office from now on.. i shall not talk to anyone at all..

now i praying hard i m not called back to work on 1st may 2012!!!

the time i feel happy is only after 6 till the next morn i wake up.. sigh
how i wish ppl can dun work but will hv income flowin in to account..

ladies, lets jiayou together and hv a healthy bb in the year of snake!!

yaataa: seeing your post on food makes me drool! i not yet to try the kfc latest meal.. perhaps will try it coming fri.. hehehehe
just something interesting to share: one of my friends who is trying for bb posted that for ladies missing the dragon boat (wahahaha pun leh!!), not to worry cos the snake year is also very good. something about it being a water snake year, and how water snake babies will have gui ren (patrons) helping them all their lives.. sounds good eh??

just over the weekend, my parents were discussing how dragon bbs have it very tough, and my dad accidentally said actually at least my lost bb won't have it so hard. i was very sad... to me any zodiac any horoscope i also want!!
Yaataa: oh my.. That's so hurtful... I can feel ur pain... My parents n relatives I guess all wun dare to speak of my bb in front of me.. My frens can ask la.. I'll tell them but families, I can't.. I dunno y...

I thk in my family only if my sis ask I'll tell her.. Other den her.. I dun thk I'll tell em.. Anyway they also fun dare talk n ask me abt my boy..
Yaataa, ya, I hack zodiac sign coz I always think that all zodiac sign has good and bad pple successful and unsucessful pple! It's really how want to educate and care for our children that mattes.
My hb was more particular though until he saw how much pain and emotional roller coaster i went thru.

Berries, u sound like u have high hopes this cycle! Eggcited for u!

Ecups, maybe u want to try raspberry tea? Works for me everything i spot. Af normally comes full force next day or the day after next.

Blissfulsasa, ah nah, that's the spirit! Work throw aside after 6! Focus on family on loved ones after work!

Babycripps, thank you for sharing that touching poem. Keep pressing forward ok, we r rooting for each other here!

DPO 2 for me!!
happy tuesday morning ladies!

so heartwarming to hear that we are all in this together, and supporting each other...

vanilla, yaataa.. i feel your pain..
but it's okie, our water snake baby will be here soon, yahz? ^^

many hugs to all!

P.S. the 2013 mommies thread is out, LOL!
Hi BBCRipps, personally, I dont have any problem except for late ovulation and mild PCO. DH, however, has low sperm c o u n t and z e r o mor pho lo gy.
This is my first SO-IUI. First time injecting needle is always scary, but it's similar to acupuncture. In fact, I find that acupuncture is more painful. IF this cycle fails, we want to take a break from TTC.
Morning ladies,
Yay! I am sensing the positive vibes again.

Yaataa, Vanilla,
I think family sometimes they will forget and make insensitive remarks, thinking that they are consoling us. My grandma had made a similar remark too. Don't worry, our snake coming soon. Hahaha.

Thank you for such a beautiful poem . Yes, we will all be better mothers. ;p

Indeed your symptoms sounds positive. Fingers crossed.
yooo i am back from canteen break. ahem... ate so much!! i had a bowl of fried fish noodles, then shared minced beef spaghetti with my friend. topped it all off with a mug of hot milo.. no more food for today please!

beanbean, let's count down together! we are DPO buddies this cycle! hoping for a BFP for you

yup, this group is a great place. i made many many friends here
Hi Peggy, actually I have one experience of self injection - last cycle becoz doc thinks I will ovulate naturally on a Sunday, she told me to give myself a ovidrel trigger shot on Thurs night to trigger ovulation 36 hrs later on Sat morning for the IUI. So on Thurs night at 2 am (after my mahjong session, where I lost $200, basket), I sat on the bed, unwrapped the needle, grabbed my tummy fats, n then..... nothing. As in I froze. Absolutely cannot move. Even though the needle is tiny. My DH offered to help, but I told him I will kick him if he moves any closer. Cos guys r so rough, I was convinced he will injure me. So I literally sat there for 35 mins looking at the needle, then my fats, then the needle, n so on, until finally I took a deep breath, reminded my DH (who is 3/4 asleep at this point) to drive me to the hospital if I pass out ah, n then i just injected myself. Damn drama. N like u said, it's really not that bad at all. Just the idea of it is so super gross to me.

I wish u all the best this cycle! Hope we all graduate to the Jan 2013 thread together. Which part of the cycle r u at now?
Peggy: My AF just started yesterday, so today is CD2 I think. Will start my jabs on Thurs (CD4). Nervous. But looking forward at the same time -> new cycle = new hope!
<font color="0000ff">yaataa,
ohh KFC have new items eh? looks like must go try .. sounds yummy..
we all dun care abt zodiac anymore lah.. so long as give us..we all also take!

u cried coz of work or what? whatever happened?
have to be a loner meh.. just mix with the rest who are ok lah..

Beanbean &amp; Raine..
huh? high hopes?? I also wish lor.. but nv BD on the O period leh..
I think I like totally missed it by much, so seriously no high hopes though..

eh any of u gals here go for TCM med? like those have to brew kind?
I saw from the other thread.. got pple pray for kids etc.. then say no good.. then nv pray &amp; ask for kid then kena..
or those whom go to those traditional TCM shop to buy those pkt herbs for fertility.. got such thing ah.. how come those TCM shop I go nv tell me??? lol...

u very funny leh.. pass out after injecting urself! whahahhaa..
but I have seen those on TV before.. really not easy at all..
<font color="0000ff">Went to the nearby watsons ard my work place.. nothing at all for Conceive Well.. zzzz.. no stk in at all.. wahh lau..

eh.. btw.. I saw those Vit C drinks.. like Redoxan or Berocca etc &amp; some Watsons house brand.. all quantity the same at 1000mg Vit C &amp; 10mg Zinc but the price btw them is soo much difference.. hmm.. wondering if I shd just buy their hse brand since quantity is the same??

any idea?</font>
berries: work issue.. feel xinku inside.. needs to burst out to feel better.. if not i really can turn crazy! dunno how many times i have cried for this job liao!

u can go buy from guardian, i bot 3 boxes of Redoxan at $36++ or $39++.. Watsons think they free a lunch box, guardian is FOC one box!
) but not sure now the promotion still on anot..

in ur prev post, u noe which temple they usually go n pray?
raine: okok.. i accept le..

beaniez: haa.. i check out the 2013 thread liao lo... oso posted there too.. keke.. =D

Mrs R: good!! wah.. u gonna whack every alertnate day ar? not tired? I only BD alternate day during this week. As this is the week that i might O... Still testing for O.. dunno will O anot.. Trying to drink more water and grapfruit juice to make more CM..

bbcrips: good luck to ur new cycle!! lol.. pass out ar... wun la...

Anyway, I'm CD12 today, who are near me?? cycle buddies!! were are you???

Lets all GRADUATE together this month and all join JAN 2013 THREAD!!!! kekeke... muahahahhaahhahahaa... =D

Com'on baby, com'on let's go!!! =D
berries: i see here de watson, left 2 boxes only.. i dunno if i should grap 2 boxes anot.. Cuz i only take it before i O, during my 2 weeks wait, i''ll switch it back to the Pre-natal pills that is left over from my previous pregnancy.

Like tat can save quite a bit cuz i calculate if from CD01-CD19. I O on CD19, 2 boxes can tahan me for 3 cycles. I have another 1 box at home. So total got 56 pills.

if i calculate CD19 x3 = 57 pills.. haa... ok leh... Save quite a lot... haa...

So i only buy 1 box.. hee.. Cuz i'm sure i'm gonna strike within these 3 cycles. I SURE WILL!! I'M POSITIVE WITH THAT!!!! muahahahHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA!!! =D
vanilla, im CD14 today, so can be cycle buddies too! :p Planning to BD every alternate day this week too, but DH seems to be very tired last few days, so.... *prays he will be in mood* Water and grapefruit will make more CM? Wooooo then I must drink more water liaoz.. :p
Hi Vanilla,
The gynae I went to does not want us to do timed BD, he says to do as often as 2-3 times a week and not to stop after ovulation week but to continue until ur next AF...That was how I got preggy the last time... Have to antice my DH...
<font color="0000ff">sasa..
wahh.. u cried many times liao for this job ah.. then u still stay on?
go look for another better one lah..
oh.. now Redoxan got offer of 3 boxes ah? I saw from Unity is only 2 boxes.
and regarding the temple ah.. I dunno where coz i nv ask..

ur side Watson still got 2 boxes left ah? Then u better grab man! kekeke..
btw.. u say can only take before u O? u mean there is a certain period to take this Concieve Plus? Its to take before u O then when u O dun need to take?
Pls teach me!!!!
sure strike.. I like ur positivity!! </font>
berries: i also dunno y i still stay on? mayb i always tell myself i will strike thats y i still hanging on here sadly, lonely.. but there are a few concerns about work if i really pregnant? can a pregnant lady use thumbtucks cos my work requires to put up those notice boards, stationery wise perhaps hv to use trolley to push but is it okay to push a trolley esp during 1st trimster? there are so many dont's flowin in my mind.. hope i can hv an answer from the ppl here.. sigh! really hope to strike, den can find a better job n leave after that!

im not sure the offer is it still on for guardian.. i bot it at Tampines Retail Park...

Vanilla, faster go grab the last 2! so long can keep y not.. kekekeke
beaniez: Oh... CB(cycle Buddy) Lets, graduate and join the Jan 2013 thread.. keke... =D

cuz before i got back my AF(aft birth) i O le, but i was quite dry very little or no CM. So i scare for this cycle also dun have. So i google how to make more CM. Grapfruit juice is from e previous TTC thread i was in, some ttc-ing mate told me de. Water is i google de. Ur body need more water to make more mucus ma... haa...

Anyway, i heard drinking more coffee will help the sperm be strong and swim faster leh.. So this week, i start to feed dh COFFEE!! muaahahaha... And need to start clearing the old troops before my big O arrives.. hee... Give me TWO BIG EGGS!!!!!! muahahahaha... jus kidding, i'll be very content le.. keke.. =P

I usually buy those from NTUC, grapfruit with orange. Cuz i tried soely grapfruit only too sour liao. I dun like.. So i buy mix de. hee..
berries, even though the price is so much difference and the packaging is indicates the contents is the same, i believe the content is different. i bought the watsons brand ones becos of the price difference, then i tried one dosage of the Redoxan from my colleague, taste different and colour look differnt lor. Original tastes more 'condense' and colour is darker than the house brands. haiz, i have to finished up my housebrands before i can swop to the original brand.
good noon ladies!

for those doing jabs, rem to hold your breath, and breath as per normal the moment jab in k?

and pls pinch the "fattest" part of the tummy.
best is two fingers down from the belly hole.

coz if jab at certain, higher chance you hit muscle and that means.. pain and blue-black de...

jia you!!!

guess your dad trying to console you thou ya, listen le feel suan suan hor.
berries: lol... I thk i confused u!! haaa...

I mean i wanna save my own cost. The main purpose why i wanna take Concevie Well(not Concevie Plus - This is lubricant, like CM, sperm friendly kind, help the sperm to move and swim inside our us) is becuz, it says it can help to ovulate. As we know the most impt thing during ttc-ing is to O ma. So i need to take that.

I choose to take Concevie Well from CD01-CD19, my O will probably be on CD17-CD19. After which i'll switch to my pre-natal pills which is left over from my previous pregnancy.

2 boxes = 56 pills, i only use 19 pill per cycle.
So 56/19=3, So 2 boxes will last me for 3 cycles!! muahahahhaa.. I WILL SWTICH TO PREGNANCY GOLD WITHIN THESE 3 CYCLES!!! muahahahaha... =D

Like that 1 box i can tahan for 1 1/2 cycle. 2 boxes can last abt 3 cycles for me.

Anyway, i tot the Concevie Well, the pills u r taking already have Vit C???

blissful: i only buy 1 box. I have another box at home le. So total is 2 boxes. Which will last me for 3 cycles. I'm sure i can strike within these 3 cycles, so i dun wanna buy more. I WILL be ABLE to SWITCH to PREGNANCY GOLD!!! muahahahah!!

Anyway, whether anot can use thumb tuck, i thk ok la. Cuz at office so long not at ur room can le. Imagine, pple say cannot use scissors, u 9 months dun use meh? Only cannot use it while sitting ON ur bed and inside ur room. Work place ok de la. Like tat all pregnant woman no need to work liao lo.. lol.. Trolley, can la, but i thk dun be too heavy lo. Cuz when we push we r using our abs ma.. Den is somewhere near or womb so i thk if heavy things not advisable..

If strike liao den u Quit very jialat.. Cuz seldom pple will hire u leh.. Unless very lucky lo..

Mrs R: Wwah.... Like tat relly tired leh.. hope everything goes well for u.. haa.. Hope everything goes well for me too!! Ya... It works for me during my previous pregnancy. On the very cycle that i concevie Castiel. Alot of CM and stretchy one.. haa..

Hope everything goes well for EVERYBODY!!!! =D
I was also confused with this conceive well and plus, When i google, plus is a lubricant...hahahhaha. Imagine eating the lubricant.

Not tired la, I read on an article that making love everyday s actually good for the body....
So, my hubby on his own will BD one...

We are here trying to get pregnant, wonder if our hubbies feel us....No point with us wanting to get pregnant, hubby not interested, tired blah blah blah...then how?
Mrs R: haaa.. hubby noes i wanted a bb very badly cuz we jus lost our boy and the only way that can make me feel better is to have another one asap.. So he is very cooperative.. haa. Even if he is tired..
vanilla: hee.. my hubby is a coffee lover.. he needs a cup / packet )for takeaway) daily! but not to me, i dun drink coffee at all! hehe
yeah! u will striek V V V SOON! u are the role model to the forum here! we must stirke n grad from here!!

no la.. i mean i will quit after i give birth! heheehe.. now tryin still cannot quit cos too risky le.. so now my main focus is BB BB BB n BB!! =)

ya lo.. i noe cannot do alot of things at room esp on bed! thank god the painting at my office area are done! no more painting smell! hehehehe

really hope to strike!! else gonna nag by hubby's aunt le.. sigh
<font color="0000ff">Vanilla..
drink kopi also helps?
Well a pc of good news to me at least coz my DH drinks a lot of kopi.. kekeke..

oh is it? I have not tried those housebrand kinds but I have bought Redoxan.. so I still thought all the same coz dosage same leh.. hmmmm...

wahh lau.. u really confused me.. lol..
now still got Conceive Plus?? lubricant.. can eat? ffwahhahhaahah..
Damn.. then I also better go stock up.. eh.. u need to go stock up your PREGNANCY GOLD a not? kekeke...

eh.. so last qns is .. if I buy Conceive Well ah.. so I just take daily like a multi Vit is it? of have to count O dates like how u do ah? keke.. seriously if u ask me ah.. I also dunno when is my O leh.. somewhere I read.. O usually happens on CD11.. but mine I seriously dont know man..

The Vit C drink is for my DH lah.. to boost him up..

Mrs R...
u say everyday?!?!?!
think I will age like a witch man.. fwhahahahah...
u say ur hb on his own will BD? as in self?
Well if hb is not cooperative then it is really tough I think.. </font>
Ovulation, if by textbook cycle, will be cd14-15.

cd11, usually for those whose cycle quite short, like 3 weeks cycle?

for others, like me, the ovulation usually between cd18-cd21 ...

to know, use opk else bbt to know when ovulate ba.

or if want agaration, based on your average cycle days, count back 14 days.
<font color="0000ff">Bunny,

I tried charting but totally give up...

an ex of my period.. so roughly, mine is how many days?

16 - 20 Jan
20 - 25 Feb
24 - 29 Mar

this mth haben come yet.. haiz.. </font>
vanilla: I tried to take the Conceive Well pills but quite bitter. I did not take the fish oil capsules as it is too big. Did u swallow both every day?

BTW, what is the brand of the grapefruit juice with orange? I tried to look out for this in NTUC and Cold Storage but cannot find. Is the grapefruit juice dark purple in colour? I find that for my previous few cycles, I dun have much CM...maybe thats why cannot strike
Blissful: now better dun drink coffee.. Cuz u dunno when u will be preggy.. So better to avoid lo..

HUH??!! Jana. AF by hubby aunt? Jus dun bother abt her lo.. Really leh.. These pple thk they themselves can give birth den can keep stressing others..

Berries: ya.. Conceive PLUS is a lubricant.. To help sperm move easier towards e egg.. I mean from virginal into cervix.. It will naturalizate our acidic virgina and create an environment tat is suitable for sperms. I use tat too and successfully concevied Castiel.

As for concevie WELL, it is to be taken everyday de..one a day.. A tablet and a capsule..

Hmm.. Ur cycle

16jan - 20feb is 36 days
20feb - 24mar is 34 days
24 mar - 26-28 apr?( I dun really noe how to calculate la but arga maybe ur AF is expected on 26-28 apr? I based on ur previous cycle to calculate lo.. Haven come means still got chance..
Ttc: the grapefruit juice is sunkist brand. Not those pure grapefruit kind. Is mix de, grapefruit n orange.

U dun have much CM? Did u try concevie plus? The lubricant? Quite good.. Make the process smoother..

Yes.. I swallow both the pill n capsule.. Everyday.. I dun find it hard to swallow leh.. Jus like a routine lo.. For e sake of bb..

All is worth it..
as what castiel's mummy calculated, but more info will be good.

means your average is around 34-36days (based on two months)

counting backwards (usually lutuel phase is between 12-16days)

means ovulation might have fall on ...
10mar - 16 mar

your current cycle, as AF yet here, not known, but rough estimated, presume (of coz i hope ur AF dont come) AF on 27 Apr,

ovulation will be .. between 11 Apr and 18 apr?

but its only an estimation as human body are quite unique de...
vanilla: Oic, think grapefruit juice is not easy to find. All I can see are those purple grape juice...

I used Pre-Seed as it is more easily available. Will be the same as Conceive Plus right?

I have difficulty swallowing the pills and capsule leh (*embrassed*).... sometimes I pass to DH the capsule ...

Ttc: u pass e pills to hb for wat? He eat ar? Lol..

I use concevie plus.. Cuz tat time I online gt pple buy extra n sell off at cheap price den I get lo.

Anyway got pple use Pre seed say it is very sticky but concevie plus is not sticky at all de.. Haa.. I like.. Jus like water but a bit thicker de water..
