2WW - for those TTC-ing

Queenie, maybe can try asking Dr Kowa, what supplements or measures to take this coming Sat. I read at another forum that this lady bought a supplement call tribestan to let her dh try, apparently it helps. She got pregnant after her dh was on the supplement for 3 months and her dh SA results are better too. Can try asking the doctor. .

queenie, 4% is the acceptable range where most SG men fall into la. SG is so stresful it little wonder that most men cant produce suffient good troops.

As for the vits, u go n buy those tablets container then separate for him on each day consumption then remind him to take. else, u can bring to him a few times then he should obediently take it. i do that too. now my dh takes his vits obediently.
Hi Rainie,
yah i'll see what Dr. Kowa going to advice me.

your DH also got prob with his morph? But worst is that my DH got Teratozoospermia lor.
hi ladies!

finally has chance to pop in!
busy day today..

you want change your nick to energeticdragon instead? hee.

one thing good for guys is .. their soldiers can be replenished, as long as take proper supplement, healthy diet and exercises...

so all is not lost!

and yes, all it take just one soldier to have a rendezvous with the egg!

same for you ... guys prob.. unless genetic, can be treated de.
just that might take abit of times (3month or so as soldiers replenish every 90days de)

let's all jiayou !!!
queenie, nope, mine have no issue with morphology. i just let him take the vits to further improve.

bunny, y must change to energeticdragon ah? wait change liao u all dunno who m i wor. lol.

my af is coming again
. starting spotting le. sianz to the max. jiayou to berries and bunny , my cycle buddies.
Haa. Somehow feel energetic dragon sounds better than sleepy wor.

Coz energetic bb better than sleepy bb! Haa..

Can't recall what cd I am Le.
Me today is CD5!!!

Should be ending soon Liao.. Now is those brown brown de bleeding.. Haa.. Should be ending in 1-2 days.. Haa

So excited.. But dunno will O anot.. Cuz my menses before I take clomid is super irregular de.. Like 1 yr can come only twice. So I scare I wun O den I'll waste another month lo..
Vanilla: take blackmore's conceive well should be able to assist in ovulation and proper conception? Maybe bai fong wan and green tea as well? And red raspberry leaf tea and full cream milk? Haha... I just bought the conceive well last nite and shall start this morning or afternoon. Will take it as a supplement to build up my body well first

Good to see some cycle buddies here,Peggy and vanilla! We shall all work together to achieve our new "target"! We can do it! ;)
So active thread.. Will tk my time to read up ltr on..

I'm feeling so fan.. In a dilemma..

Gt job offer.. Concern is location.. Abit far frm my place, hv to tk train, transfer to circle line which s like 12 stops away.. Short run still acceptable, but long run (if hv bb, I hv to send child care, I can't fetch on time s hub will ot most of the time)
So stress
Hv to get bk by today le..
morning ladies.

bunny, if i m not wrong u r cd28 le. jiayou.

haha, i changed my nick as per your suggestions. lol, energeticdragon.

my af came last nite. was light flow last nite but this morning was medium flow le. so consider today is the 1st day or last nite? so confused.

sasa, u consider lor. but 1st ting is that do u like the job that is offered? pay and environment, up to ur expectations? colleagues cant guage now cos haven start work. else, you can accept first then see how. if really cannot, then look for another one.
morning ladies!

hmm.. go for it first?

maybe there's childcare near ur workplace, so no need worry cant rush back in time.

then perhaps there's some ways of getting there faster like via bus then mrt de.

most impt, is the job what you looking for ?
if better than current, go and have a try.

no harm, since currently you not happy in current job hor.
Good morning everyone!

Sasa, you have to ask yourself why you want to change job? If the reason is still the same, and it is compelling enough for you to change job, just do it. Baby issue is an unknown. You can always make changes later on when baby comes.

Sleepygal, cycle buddy! I read somewhere that: It is CD1 if AF comes before 5 pm. After 5 pm, the next day is considered as CD1.
peggy, so precise ah? not based on the flow rate ah? haha. ytd before 5pm was only drops of less than a fifty cent coin, after that was in stripes. then this morning, was more than last nite. sorry, too much info.
Hi morning everyone..

Is a great day and mid week to start.

For those who waiting for O, jiayou!!
Today DPO 7.... Everyday countdown... Hahaha
thanks ladies.

is at carrefor there, which means i hv to walk all the way from city hall to the office building.
the benefits wise is attrative.. i can claim for everything even my spouse, parents n children..
is the location wise..
if the working hrs is til 530pm i dun mind bt is till 6 and i hv to travel like 1.5hrs to reach home is somethng i dun really like to.. job wise is good s i m able to learn something new, interact with local n international group..
Hi Sleepygal, so graphic leh...he..he... In this case, you decide lho... what do you normally do? I think can consider as CD1 bah....

Sasa, btw, there is circle line right below carrefour, so u dont have to walk so far. That is of course if your route uses circle line.
sasa, sounds like a good deal. probably u can give it a try then see how. mayb u can find a good colleague staying ard ur area then can hitch a ride from him or her to back.

peggy, normally i guage from the flow rate. i tink i was ever in this situation before, the doc says its consider as day 1 the next day when the flow increased. before that, was considered as spotting only.
xie xie da jia! =)

i dun think i stay at jurong west, pioneer stn is the nearest stn.. thats y i m so fan
the co dun practice flexi hrs.. if they hv i dun hv to worry much

yeah indeed a good deal but the main concern is the travelling part.. i dun wan to reach hme like 7+ to 8 everyday.. i wan to spend more time with my husband s working time already taken up 8hrs per day n weekend always nt enuff
Queenie, our TCM has 2 successful cases with their hubby low sperm count, only 2% but successfully conceive also, please do not give up.

if your current TCM has no confident, seek another one!

Hope is not lost!
Ladies. Morphology is one thing. Another problem is sperm fragmentation.. This is worse. D&A issue. Even implanted, embryo can't develop into 100 cells or into a blastocyst ,no pregnancy occurs. This is cause by sperm fragmention.

I suspect this is why all my grade 8 eggs fail in IVF.

Test can be done in SGH to confirm this.
Hi Jass, this is the first time i heard about sperm fragmentation. Does it mean that men with normal sperm count may have sperm fragmentation?
Under what circumstances should couple go for this test?
Btw, how much does the fragmentation test cost?
<font color="0000ff">Morning ladies...

its good to have an offer right? try to work things out see how lor..

ya I have concerned over a male gynae.. just don't feel that comfy.. kekeke..

Haiz.. anyways.. I missed my O last mth.. now have to wait for this coming AF see how.. </font>
Hi Queenie,
Teratospermia or teratozoospermia is a condition characterized by the presence of sperm with abnormal morphology that affects fertility in males.
Teratozoospermia (including the globozoospermia[5] type), may be treated by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), injecting sperm directly into the egg.[6] Once the egg is fertilized, abnormal sperm morphology does not appear to influence blastocyst development or blastocyst morphology.[6] Even with severe teratozoospermia, microscopy can still detect the few sperm cells that have a "normal" morphology, allowing for optimal success rate.
Hi gals,
last nite my DH came back from his biz trip &amp; i release this bad news to him. I even act sad &amp; angry abt him since he always think i'm the one who has prob, in the end he feels so panaroid that he dun wan to eat the dinner. In fact he straight away surf internet to check for cure, he even say that no worry cos still got other alternatives to help....feel like giving him a punch.

I've a fren whose DH has only 1% morphology &amp; Teratospermia,she fed him with alot of vits everyday. In the end she manage to conceive naturally twice &amp; the SA test also turns out well.
queenie, at least he took the initiatives to surf net to check whether got alternatives or not. like u say, ur friend fed the dh with vits n managed to conceived naturally, so dun give up lor.
hi energeticdragon!!

seeing your nick makes me feel energetic too!

its @ suntec?
actually you can take MRT down to cityhall, then cross over to raffles hotel to take bus to tower 4.

else, actually, walk via raffles city (b2) esplanade mrt to suntec is very fast!

much faster as compared to through citylink.

as you said, benefit is good, so there's added bonus..
berries: sigh
bunny: its at millenia walk area.. tried the raffles city but i think i took 20mins to reach..

read up previous post,
vanilla, dun be sad.. i teared when i read ur post, s what u said May is our Month! dun be discourage..
for queenie: dun give up.. at least a hope u can try to conceive!

for others of us here! we have to work extra hard!!! snake year approaching!
Yesterday was 13 DPO for me and when I reach home I see some brown stain and suspect AF reporting soon. I ask hubby help me check he said yes there is some bleeding. After that is fresh red color blood discharge *heart sank*. But before I sleep I realize there is no more bleeding on the pad! But i read online implantation bleeding is light spotting in pink or brown stain not like mine fresh red and heavy flow!Hmm was crying badly before that as I'm ttc for 6 months. Hubby fren wife who got married after us also got pregnant and there are few frens they got shotgun and now prepare for their wedding. But for us still no news until now. My mum even ask me whether my period is regular or did I take bai fong wan. I been taking folic acid supplement from 2nd month of ttc. Stop drinking tea coffee and soft drink and cold drinks. Still no news until now. Last month I start taking Blackmore conceive well gold and Haiz the smell of the pill is horrible!!
Can't sleep well last night. Wake up at 2 plus and check whether any bleeding and there is really NO blood! Doubts so drink plenty of water so that this morning I can test with pregnancy kit. Hmm got a dark control line and a light test line! Im very doubt whether I'm pregnant now??? Today is 14 DPO! Hmm if I'm really preggy now why I go fresh red bleeding last night that don't look like implantation spotting! But if really preggy will spread baby dust to all in this thread! Jiayou!! ;)
think there's express bus that you can take from jurong?

just did a check online, can take bus 97..
direct from jurong east mrt?

estimated duration, ard 1hr though.
but at least no need to change mrt or bus.

just saw your house is nearer to pioneer mrt, so can take mrt to jurong east mrt.
then take bus 502 (express bus)
<font color="0000ff">Queenie,

wahh.. good leh.. at least ur DH is proactive in this.. he is willing to look for alternatives like what Sleepygal said.. rather than he not doing anything at all.. </font>
Jellow, congrats

Yes it think better take blood test and confirm on ur hcg so that anything can be prevented.
Could you share how you did differently this cycle.
curious to know.. Hehe
i reject the job offer and got being blame..
y agency ppl are like that
location wise is really out of the way, imagine i hv to travel n walk all the way to the other end..
and only given half a day to consider.. always use the benefits to pressure me! i dun care on the benefits
even pay high also cannot cover back those transport expenses
Sasa, it's alright to reject if it just doesnt suit you. Just wondering though, did you consider the office location before you apply for the position?

I have colleagues who shared with me that they personally have been 'played out' by candidates. They come for two interviews, got shortlisted, but then reject the offer at the last minute. One even didnt show up on first day of work. I am not saying that you are 'playing'. But from the other side of the coin, I could empathise with my colleagues who had spent considerable amount of time in the admin work.
they send the application for me w/o askin me n only inform me after that send..

i did mention raffles, tg pagar but i dunno y they find suntec for me.. ya is centralised but working from mrt is more than 10mins! morn i can leave hse early but evening rush is madness!

thankfully i dun play.. i accept n i will turn up..
Hi Jellow,
Go and see a gp and have urine test down or go see a gynae soon and have a blood test done.
Don't take risks. Hope to hear good news from you..
Thanks all! But not yet confirm so just wait and see. Blood test can do at GP or have to go see gynae?

I started to use clear blue opk when ttc at 2nd month. But the bad thing of digital opk is that when you see empty O at the device everyday you will feel dishearted and down. I spotted smiley face on the opk at CD 16 (when refer to the instruction they say to start testing from Day 10) so many days of disspointment until day 16. But we din strike that month even we bd after seeing the smiley face. I stop using opk the following months. As we decide to try another method of bd on alternate days after period ended. But this method is tiring as its become routine. And I think I thought I had ovulated and stop bd during the 2WW. But feeling is never accurate I think that month I ovulated late and my af report on CD 35! For your information, a lot of website mentioned we will ovulate 14 days after menses. This is not truth! Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before your menses. For example, if you got longer CD such as 35 days - 14 days = day 21 might be your ovulation day. But this is just for your info to know your actual ovulation day we still need the help of opk!
Last month I start to use Watson house brand opk. I find it good as compare to clear blue cos very soon you will see the line at control and test zone. Not like clear blue digital you have to wait for few minutes see it blinking non stop!!
In additions I started to track my bbt! I find this is good method of knowing your body! Before ovulation my temperature every morning is 35.2 to 35.4 degree and the lowest temp is 35.0. But opk is not positive but it's opk turn positive on second day! Althought opk is positive I din see any cervical mucus present and was wondering why. I research online realise the opk able to detect our LH surge even the mimimum amount present in our urine hence it means we will ovulate 24 hours to 48 hours LATER. My advice don't stop testing after opk turn positive. Continue to test on the next day ( finally I got egg white like cervical mucus!!). Cos you will see a positive result also. And my advice Is bd everyday after tested positive.
Meanwhile after tested positive on opk my bbt is increasing everyday. Meaning the 2WW my temp is above 35.5 degree. Accordingly to online info if your temp continue high for 18 days you are very likely to be pregnant!!

So ladies reading this post do track your temperature everyday. And do use opk to found out when u r ovulating. And also need to have a supportive hubby! Cos without his effort the egg cannot be fertilized!!
